A Staredit Network Community Project
- Total Hero hitpoints and shielding should be between 500 and 800.
- Try to balance damage and defensive (i.e. healing or shielding) abilities to numbers respective of these limits.
- Each Hero must have at least 1 missile ability or use a missile-based attack.
- Abilities must be scaled in terms of cooldown or energy/shields/life cost with relation to their effect, damage, and viability for use.
- Each Hero must have 4 abilities, including 1 "ultimate" ability. You are allowed 1 passive ability (this excludes abilities which are activated and then give a duration buff or bonus).
- Movement speed should be between 2 and 3. Scale this in relation to your Hero's total health points and shields.
- Invisibility is allowed as long as the Hero cannot attack or use abilities during the duration of the effect.
- Heroes may have attributes, which are listed in a separate section of this post.
- Spawning abilities should create units which complement your Hero and should not simply create swarms and swarms of units. This is supposed to be a simple arena map, not an epic war.
Quote from GAME MODES
In the game's lobby, players will be able to choose their player layout prior to the game starting:
Once in game, the players will be able to choose the types of games they would like to play, based on their player layout:
In the game's lobby, players will be able to choose their player layout prior to the game starting:
- Free For All
- 2 v 2 v 2 v 2
- 4 v 4
- 1 v 7
Once in game, the players will be able to choose the types of games they would like to play, based on their player layout:
- Deathmatch (or Team Deathmatch)
- Capture the Flag
- King of the Hill
- To be determined.
Quote from POWERUPS
- +Health: Regenerates the hero's health.
- +Shield: Regenerates the hero's shield.
- +Energy: Regenerates the hero's energy.
- +Speed: Increases the hero's speed for a short amount of time.
- Wormhole: The hero is teleported to a random point on the arena.
Quote from HEROES
The following is a list of heroes that will be playable in the map. Heroes are named after their creators.
// DEO
The following is a list of heroes that will be playable in the map. Heroes are named after their creators.
- Model(s) Used: Archon, Fire and Psi Storm, and another, so far unknown.
- Health: 50
- Shields: 580
- Damage: TBC: The normal archons attack but with 33/33/33 to cause an elemental effect.
- Armor: TBC
- Niche/Playstyle: Spellcaster/fighter. Elementalist. Earth, Wind (storm) and Fire.
- Abilities: 4 Active (subject to change)
[Q] Gale Force: An AoE Spell which effects a Cone shaped area. Units movement speed is slowed to 0 over 2 seconds, and then they are 'pushed' or 'blown' away from the Caster Point. Alternatively, this will spawn a Totem like unit, which attacks but has a similar knockback effect to above. This ability might cause damage through randomly generating a storm (lightning strikes). That is undecided however.
[W] Earth Spell (unnamed): Got a few options here. Either something which creates a 'Wall'. This wall collapse after a few seconds and deals x damage to anyone near to it. Alternatively, a Stone Prison, which traps a target unit for a few seconds. Final idea, would be a defensive buff which slows the Archon down, but increases shield armor by a ridiculous amount.
[E] Conflagrate: The Fire Spell. It will be an effect - target point. And will launch a yamato missile which explodes at the target area knocking back and dealing damage to anyone hit by it. It will also have a chance (or definitely) leave behind some burning flames which deal damage over time to people caught in the region. Alternative idea is to recreate the mission in which the Protoss are flaming that planet. Only make the effect 2 grid squares wide and have it slowly move away from the Archon to the direction it was cast, doing severe damage over time.
[R] Final ability (unnamed): Either a way for the Archon to change into a permanent element... For example every time you cast this ability he cycles through Fire > Storm > Earth > Fire. When in a particular mode, some element spells become stronger and others become weaker.
// DEO
- Model(s) Used: Zeratul + Zeratul's blink, Feedback Launch and Impact, Artifact Shockwave
- Health: 350
- Shields: 200
- Damage: 50 (+20 Psionic)
- Armor: 0
- Movement Speed: 2.90
- Abilities: 3 Active, 1 Passive
[Q] Blink: Instantly teleports in the direction specified, up to a maximum distance of 6. No cooldown, but each cast consumes a charge that takes 30 seconds to recharge. Max 3 charges.
[W] Khala Strike: Calls down a beam of light that inflicts damage on the targeted opponent. Also has a blinding effect, reducing sight range to 2 for 15 seconds. 10 second cooldown. Blindness cannot be refreshed. Once Blindness ends, foes gain immunity to Blindness for 15 seconds.
[E] Void Strike: Blasts the targeted area with raw power from the Void, creating a persistent effect that deals 100 (+50 Psionic) damage over 15 seconds and slows foes caught in it. 30 second cooldown.
[Passive] Twilight Power: Energizes nearby allies, granting them an additional 50 shields and increasing their shield regeneration by 1.0 per second. If no allies are in range, this passive instead increases Deo's shields by 100 and shield regen by 2.0 per second.
- Model(s) Used: Ursadak and Vulture
- Health: 000
- Shields: 000
- Damage: 0
- Armor: 0
- Abilities: 3 active, 1 passive
[Q] Restrict Access: Slows enemies in the target area by 50%. Adds a combo point to the Hero (maximum 10).
[W] DELETED!!!: Fires missiles in a line at the target. Damage is increased by 10% per combo point on the Hero.
[E] Add Severity: Passively gives a 12.5% chance to critically strike enemies. Each critical hit adds a combo point to the Hero (maximum 10).
[R] Banhammer: Slams the target enemy with an administrative banhammer, dealing large amounts of damage initially. A damage over time debuff is placed on the enemy for each combo point on the Hero.
- Model(s) Used: Spectre
- Health: 650
- Shields: 10
- Damage: 0
- Armor: 0
- Abilities: 3 active, 1 passive
[Q] Reverberate: Creates a faint mirror image which deals 1/4th damage with half the amount of life
[W] Audacity Charge: Quickly teleports to a location and does damage to all units in that small radius
[E] Resonate: Creates a shockwave that will stun and gradually deal less damage to units that are further away from Echo.
[R] Unknown: Every 3rd spell will be cast again doing x2 the amount.
- Model(s) Used: Spider Mine
- Health: 500 or preferably less.
- Shields: 000
- Damage: X (regenerates energy for half of X)
- Armor: 0
- Abilities: 1 offensive, 2 defensive, 1 ultimate
[Q] Freeze: Freeze: Slows down the target by X% for X seconds. Missile of any sort will do for this one.
[W] Burrow: Burrows the hero.
[E] Duplicate: Makes a clone that will run in a random direction shooting blanks.
[R] Explode: Explodes itself in a spider mine fashion, the target becomes immobile for X seconds the and does X damage. Leaves the Spider Mine at 10% of it's current health.
- Model(s) Used: Zergling
- Health: 450
- Shields: 0
- Damage: A reasonable number for a fast attack speed.
- Armor: 0
- Speed: 3
- Abilities: 1 offensive, 2 defensive, 1 ultimate
[Q] Lunge: A simple lunge towards his target. When reaching the target, Lingie's evasion is increased by about 10~20%, but only lasts about four seconds. Deals moderate single-target damage. Medium/Low cooldown.
[W] Creeping Death: Lingie launches a bomb like device that spawns an area of creep at the target area. Deals damage to anything it hits, while also reducing enemy movespeeds in the area of the creep. Lingie's speed is also minorly increased on the area of the creep. The creep dissapates after five seconds. Deals moderate AoE damage to the area of the explosion. The slows shouldn't be life threatening, about 15~20%. Lingie's speed boost should be about 5~10% of his flat movespeed. Medium cooldown.
[E] Metabolic Boost (Passive): Lingie's evasion is increased by 10~20%.
[R] Fury of the Swarm: Same effect as Creeping Death, except a revolver of Zerg Drop Pods are launched at Lingie's general position, and randomly strike around him, giving the same creep buffs and debuffs also as Creeping Death. The pods deal significantly more damage however. There should be about either 15 or 20 pods dropped, with an interval of about a second between each pod dropped. These pods SHOULD NOT isolate enemy heroes and drop on them. The area around Lingie should be about a screen tall, max. Large cooldown.
- Model(s) Used: Dark Templar
- Health: 20
- Shields: 400
- Damage: X (increases per times hit on an enemy)
- Armor: 0
- Abilities: 3 offensive, 1 passive
[Q] Substitution: If attacked within a 0.5 sec interval, teleport to attacker and strike them with double the damage you were dealt.
[W] Lightning Slash/Dash: Charges toward the near enemy hero and does a quick regular attack. If facing away from an enemy, you just move in that direction.
[E] Reaper's Charm: For any enemy killed, increase base attack by 3%. Remove boost if killed.
[R] Unlimited Blade: Teleport enemy and self into an alternate dimension. New attacks are available during this time.
- Model(s) Used: Ghost and Zergling, but both use lavender smoke actors on them, then tinted lavender themselves.
- Health: Little.
- Shields: None.
- Damage: Medium, very short attack range, nearly melee.
- Armor: Little.
- Abilities: 4 Active
[Q] Dance!: Summons a dancing Zergling and at the moment he finishes his dance, explodes and poisons nearby enemies for high damage + stun.
[W] Vaporstrike: Puffs into a cloud of smoke and teleports to a selected location. The two nearest targets to each point are struck as if they were attacked by Loveless.
[E] Ham?: Slows the attack speed and movement speed of Loveless for three seconds, but stuns the target upon landing the strike. His rifle erupts into a glowing light while the effect is active.
[R] Vaporware: Loveless bursts into a large smoke cloud and slows all targets within a large range, the smoke cloud can attack up to 5 random targets with Loveless' normal attack each second.
- Model(s) Used: Zealot
- Health: 550
- Shields: 50
- Damage: To be determined, Melee
- Armor: 5-10, To be determined
- Abilities: 4 Active
[Q] Riftwalk: Teleports to target nearby enemy (Blink range) in an Ęther-like style, dealing 30-50 damage and "silencing" (Silenced cannot use any abilities) the target for 2.5 seconds.
[W] Blades of the Void: Gains +50% attack speed and ignores enemy armor for 5 seconds, each ability cast near OlimarandLouie (Sight range) will increase that time by one second.
[E] Ęther Strike: Next attack deals triple damage.
[R] Terror of the Abyss: Gains 30% of max health, takes double damage, deals double damage, and move speed increased by 2 for 8 seconds. Turns cloaked but still visible. (Just for looks, isn't actually cloaked, but it looks like it)
- Model(s) Used: Zealot Prisoner
- Health: 60
- Shields: 450
- Damage: X [Melee] (steals one shield and one energy per melee damage inflicted)
- Armor: 0
- Abilities: 2 offensive, 2 defensive
[Q] Graviton: Incapacitate the target and slowly moves it toward caster with Graviton Beam's animation.
[W] Pierce: Shoots a quick bullet toward the selected unit/point target. Has a fixed range (this means even thought you aim at range 1 from your unit, it'd continue further, until it reaches it's set range). Bullets deal damage to anything it encounters, including allies. Deals great amount of damage.
[E] Distortion: Casts a Force Field model around the caster. Any missile inside it is slowed down significantly.
[R] Adrenaline: Surrounds the caster with an aura that boosts its speed, attack rate, armor and damage.
- Model(s) Used: Super Crane Advanced
- Health: 600
- Shields: 0
- Damage: 40 (+15 Light)
- Armor: 4
- Movement Speed: 2.5
- Abilities: 2 Active so far
[Q] Drill: Does damage to target unit and stuns the unit for 0.75 seconds.
[W] Taunt: The unit enters a defensive state and taunts all units around itself for 4 seconds. During this time the unit cannot attack or move.
[E] N/A: TBD
[Passive] N/A: TBD
- Model(s) Used: High Templar or Sentry
- Health: 175
- Shields: 300
- Damage: Unknown
- Armor: Unknown
- Niche/Playstyle: Spellcaster/Annoyer
- Abilities: 2 Attack, 1 Defensive, 1 Booster
[Q] Shield: Defensive spell which will drain enemies mana if inside active area, lowers damage of enemies damage; Follows player.
[W] Storm: "Psi Storm Attack" (Splash Attack)
[E] Tornado: Player becomes "Spinning Vortex" for short amount of time dealing damage to units inside tornado.
[R] Electrify: All players near Tempz will gain an active electrical damage boost/ Enemies will take a slight electrical debuff to them when near any player with electricity buff.
- Model(s) Used: Hydralisk with Infestor's leaving a trail of gunk effect preferably. Second choice Infestor.
- Health: 650
- Shields: 0 (completely biological?)
- Damage: ugh you guys made it so weird.. i have no way of guessing an average attack.. so right now.. i don't know..but an above medium ranged attack that looks like roach's attack.
- Armor: read above
- Niche/Playstyle: Ranged annoyance/killer with somewhat balanced stats/attributes/abilities (but a bit on the quick killer side)
- Abilities: 3 active, 1 passive
[Q] Corrosive Urine: Ranged AoE that Covers an Area that slows units/heroes down and deals DoT for 5-10 seconds? (more focused on slowing people down).. Either that or: an AoE attack that, once infected, slow units down and DoT/removes all armor effects for the duration. Use bane's explosion effects or something like that. Cooldown/Energy requirements = okay
[W] (Spawn) Urine Bomb: Think Infestor's Spawn Infested terran, where they can be spit a fair distance away as an egg. After 1 second, banelings with centrifugal hooks should spawn and attack closest unit(s). Make it so that the bombs are fast, but still fairly outrun-able. Also, make them fragile so that fast players can take them out. Damage should be fairly good. Banes, once spawned, should last 15-30 seconds so they can be set up earlier if needed (but can't spawn a mass of them). Works well in tandem with the first spell. Final note is that there shouldn't be any cooldown for them. They should be entirely energy dependent so that a player can wait and store energy to spam them.
[E] Unknown: Unknown.
[R] Unknown: Unknown.
Post has been edited 13 time(s), last time on Dec 12 2010, 8:24 pm by DevliN.
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My Overwatch addiction.
My Overwatch addiction.