Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Showcase > Topic: 7vs1 RANDOM DEFS
Sep 23 2010, 1:34 am
By: SHANE-009  

Sep 23 2010, 1:34 am SHANE-009 Post #1

1st: u do is make ur def's 1st then add men new u do is builld up to like 100! men..! next if ur ally get a atk.. help him if he die's u all die in the map.. 2nd: max's ur ups.. then send ur men to kill comper... 3rd: do not die HAVE FUN.. .. is all i give to u 4: new map for sc or sc2 there going to be call 7VS1 ALL RANDOM DEF'S the new's 1 i well make but well not be made to i want to sc or sc2 okay well GL HF = GOOD LUCK & HAVE FUN!!! ps's On top left of the map there is A stack & messager and bottom there a Hero maker 2 for 1 'make hero's + there a information well, pop up and tell u got too do, game/map tell u what u need to do, 'okay' k GL HF, Download it now!, 'This map have been reload/fix some bug's on, the map, Please! redownload!! it Now! the map, thanks! "fix's on july-1st-thu,"

well there u go, Btw; "u can only psot here for help/fix/crash/bug/or not working and i get back too you and tell me what" is? okay

sry for my spelling i am met and my Type suck's! / if u cant unders me sry!/but here u go and have fun and other BTW; "i can't host soo some of my map well be comeing a long let u no well here u goo! have fun Take down the comptur! XD " if u cant find the dl the dl is here! 7 VS 1 RANDOM CPU GOOD LUCK.scx here u go..

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Sep 23 2010, 1:49 am by SHANE-009. Reason: fix the mess up and the dl?

New Username: Cool-Knight !
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Sep 23 2010, 1:50 am Aristocrat Post #2

This should be in Map Showcase.

Do you think you could elaborate a bit more on what the map is actually about?


Sep 23 2010, 1:53 am SHANE-009 Post #3

Map Showcase? i am new too is,
the info in the game when u play it,

New Username: Cool-Knight !
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Sep 23 2010, 1:55 am LoTu)S Post #4

I'm trying so hard to make sense of this. This beats my Tempz tolerance.

-Make defense
-Help your allies. If they die, you die too.
-Max upgrades and kill the computer.
-He will make an sc1 and sc2 map called 7VS1 ALL RANDOM DEF'S.
-I'm not so great a mapmaker(?)
-You can stack and make heroes.
-If you find bugs, report.

Download here


Sep 23 2010, 1:58 am SHANE-009 Post #5

thxs :bye1:
and i soo sry u can't read what i say.. but i hope u like it,?

New Username: Cool-Knight !
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Sep 23 2010, 2:04 am Aristocrat Post #6

I'll translate the OP:

This is a 7vs1 Random Defense map for StarCraft. The gameplay flow is simple to understand:
  1. You should first and foremost establish your defense against the incoming enemies. As the game progresses, you will be able to add new men to your arsenal. You could even build up to 100 men, maybe even more! An important thing to note is that if your ally is under attack and in distress, you should help him; if even one player dies, every person on the map will lose, so cooperation is important.
  2. Secondly, you should max all of your unit upgrades, and build a strong army. You will eventually accumulate an army that's strong enough for you to take the offensive; send your men to kill the computer once you are confident in your military strength!
  3. Last but not least, don't die, and HAVE FUN!

* I want to make a new map of similar genre for either SC or SC2, and I think I'll call it "7VS1 ALL RANDOM DEF'S". I will make the new one eventually, but I'm not sure if I should make it for SCBW or SC2. Well, that's all for now, so GL HF (GOOD LUCK & HAVE FUN!!!)

P.S. At the top left of the map there is a stack & messenger; at the bottom there is a Hero maker (2 for 1 'make hero's; all necessary information will pop up in-game and tell you everything you need to do; the game/map will also be able to provide a built-in walkthrough. I've fixed a lot of bugs in this version of the map on July 1, so please redownload if you can!

Download it now!


Sep 23 2010, 2:05 am SHANE-009 Post #7

Thanks man is well people too understand batter, Thanks!!

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Sep 24 2010, 6:22 pm by SHANE-009.

New Username: Cool-Knight !
Please follow me on my site:

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