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Temple Siege 2
Sep 21 2010, 12:59 am
By: UnholyUrine
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Feb 11 2011, 2:12 am Darius. Post #121

•Gameplay Mechanics -

Sup Unholy, long time no see. I'm happy to know your takin' steps towards makin' a new and improved Temple Siege for SC2. I have an idea for the gameplay mechanics as the title suggest. Remember my game? One of the most unique things about my game was that you were able to fly around in a ship, or get out and walk around. You said that it'd be too confusing because of a hot key issue but you liked the idea. In SC2 there are more ships to chose from, and more characters. Why not develop a system simular to the one I created, only don't give the ships so many specials, just give the ships 1 ability each. Don't make the abilities too powerful and let there be a draw back for using the ability.

The one thing I did learn how to do since I've been back with the editor is how to control the camera. I dove into that because I thought it'd be cool to see from a tanks prospective. How cool would it be to see Temple Siege in a new light? That for the first time ever you can see not only from ground level (hero's prosepctive) but also (if you incorporate the ship idea) from a ships point of view. Like playing Starfox 64, flyin' in a ship. It wouldn't be too hard to do, you'd have to have a lot of cameras though, 1 for each hero and 1 for each ship.


Feb 11 2011, 2:24 am Darius. Post #122

I know I just replied so don't hate me for dub postin'. Shit I'm back be thankful! Anyway, I sent the above post without first reading the prev post (who the hell has that kinda time :ermm: ?) but I went back a page and found that Unholy, (how dare you!) can't figure out the editor. Such a let down, because I've only been back a little while and I've already figured out some stuff. Also I have a friend who does this shit for a living at his job and he's more into SC2 than I am. He says the editor is a sench to pick up. He's plannin' on teachin' me some stuff about it too and has been wanting to make a game with me for a while now. Back when SC2 first came out I told him to get on SC1 so that he could play Temple Siege. He loved it. Who better to help with TS2 than me and my friend? You saw my game I know you liked it, don't lie. And his skills as a programer will totally be helpful to the cause. Shit I wanna play some TS2!

I'm gonna call him one of these days and see how he's doing. If okay then we're going to start on it, with or without you.


Feb 11 2011, 3:17 am ClansAreForGays Post #123

What map are you talking about?

Feb 11 2011, 3:26 am Jack Post #124

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Darius, just so you know, even though UU won't be actually mapping much, he's still working with 3-5 other people on TS2. However, thanks for the offer, and we may take you up on it if the project stalls again.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Feb 11 2011, 8:51 pm UnholyUrine Post #125

Hi Darius,

Yes, I remember that map now... It's an interesting idea, but with SC1's limitation, and the poor implementation (but mostly b/c of the limitations).. the map isn't good..
Unfortunately, the consensus is that Temple Siege 2 should be as simple as TS1, except w/ SC2's more powerful editor. Not that there isn't room for evolving, it's just that every step must be taken to make the game appear simple, as it will be its selling point... (whether or not this is the best strategy is arguable...)

So, in that case, your ship idea will probly not be implemented :C

Also, I won't be "taking the reigns" this time. I hate 2, I hate the editor, and I wish the map market will die... I'll only be a secondary part of the project... That being said, you can still help a lot, and any ideas are greatly appreciated.

No to Ship Idea cause it's too complicated
But still give us ur ideas cause we're greedy.


Feb 11 2011, 11:22 pm Darius. Post #126

I had a feeling you'd say that about the idea, even though the ship idea was sexy. but making it was kinda hard though I got it to work sex-a-ly. Anyway Italked to my friend, he wont be workin on anything just yet because he's writting screenplays. He entered into some contest or whatever...

ClansAreForGays the game is called Domination, it was "confusing" due to the hot keys but it was awesome, I made it look like the spawn came outta the caves and each hero had a ship they were able to fly around. 2 hero's had "beast", one of them transformed and the other one was a kamikazi style queen. The other hero's had normal terran/protoss ships and when they got out of them the ship wouldn't move nor shot not be active in anyway. You captured N.O.D.E's in one of two game modes and in each game mode something different happend when you caped a N.O.D.E.

I'm actually thinking about remaking for the SC2 but without all the confusion. Ships wont have all the specials and only 4 hot keys will be needed. ...But I also wanna play some TS. Hum... Okay so UnholyPeePee what's needed to be done in TS? I'm sure I can work on something, no UI though, that shit's hard.


Feb 12 2011, 1:09 am Jack Post #127

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Okay so UnholyPeePee what's needed to be done in TS? I'm sure I can work on something, no UI though, that shit's hard.
If you want you can come up with item ideas (not too many, no consumables (e.g. hp pots)), and maybe come up with a cool way to show when outposts are being captured, other than a big timer above the outpost counting down to capture. That's probably the only thing we haven't got someone doing at the moment.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Feb 13 2011, 6:58 am NinjaOtis Post #128


If the outposts had the similar structure next to the capture beacon, the "warp gate" thing in TS1, then you could probably do something cool with different flashing/glowing colors, like 30 seconds would be a green flashing beacon, 20 seconds left would be yellow, 10 seconds would be red, and even if you wanted another color at 5 seconds, say for example a brighter red.. Just throwing random thoughts out. Alternatively if you wanted to keep enemies guessing at what percent close to capping you are you could, as in TS1, just have a timer that only the person capping can see, with the same color scheme or w/e. These ideas are just to get your thoughts joggin' eh.. so don't be too critical of them :P

As for capturing beacons at night, I think it would be best if you left it the way it was in TS1. You can't see them capping it but if you look at your base and you see your white/yellow beacon turn tan on the minimap/screen you say "Oh SHIT they're capping mid(or w/e gate)" etc... If what I said in the first paragraph is used then I would COMPLETELY leave out having the beacons next to your temple flash colors(keep a constant color, also a color that changes subtly so that only a sharp eye will notice it), that way you have no clue what percent it is at to complete the cap. Leaving some things to mystery would be decent as to preserve the strategy aspect... Thx


Feb 13 2011, 7:16 pm Jack Post #129

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

As for capturing beacons at night, I think it would be best if you left it the way it was in TS1. You can't see them capping it but if you look at your base and you see your white/yellow beacon turn tan on the minimap/screen you say "Oh SHIT they're capping mid(or w/e gate)" etc... If what I said in the first paragraph is used then I would COMPLETELY leave out having the beacons next to your temple flash colors(keep a constant color, also a color that changes subtly so that only a sharp eye will notice it), that way you have no clue what percent it is at to complete the cap. Leaving some things to mystery would be decent as to preserve the strategy aspect... Thx
We've been considering having top and bottom outposts cappable without being hit by cannons (like top outpost currently is). If we had that, it's possible we'd have some sort of warning saying OHSNAP BOTTOM IS BEING CAPPED BY SOMEONE. However, if we keep it similar to TS1 and have it so you get hit by cannons if you sit on the beacon, we'd have no warning.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Feb 13 2011, 11:46 pm NinjaOtis Post #130

Quote from Jack
As for capturing beacons at night, I think it would be best if you left it the way it was in TS1. You can't see them capping it but if you look at your base and you see your white/yellow beacon turn tan on the minimap/screen you say "Oh SHIT they're capping mid(or w/e gate)" etc... If what I said in the first paragraph is used then I would COMPLETELY leave out having the beacons next to your temple flash colors(keep a constant color, also a color that changes subtly so that only a sharp eye will notice it), that way you have no clue what percent it is at to complete the cap. Leaving some things to mystery would be decent as to preserve the strategy aspect... Thx
We've been considering having top and bottom outposts cappable without being hit by cannons (like top outpost currently is). If we had that, it's possible we'd have some sort of warning saying OHSNAP BOTTOM IS BEING CAPPED BY SOMEONE. However, if we keep it similar to TS1 and have it so you get hit by cannons if you sit on the beacon, we'd have no warning.

I think keeping each outpust with a different capping "drawback" (so to speak) is a good thing, because it will force different characters to be the prime choice for capping that certain outpost.. I mean it really depends on which risk you want to take, getting stuck in the choke at bot and being forced to run through cannons, or sprint past cannons at top taking minimally 2-3 hits(1 if you know how to time spawn coming and AI targetting it instead of you) and having the risk of being ganked at top from both sides and almost always dying. Ya know I'm just saying that having keeping capping fresh, not just one style of play. Yeh

Also wanted to ask about AI priority... would Archer L1 still target spawn before heros if hero is not attacking it first or as I said above would cannons target hero over spawn.. or Rine's mines over the rine..? Yea just curious..


Feb 14 2011, 12:34 am Jack Post #131

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Also wanted to ask about AI priority... would Archer L1 still target spawn before heros if hero is not attacking it first or as I said above would cannons target hero over spawn.. or Rine's mines over the rine..? Yea just curious..
I'd say cannons would target spawn over heroes; Don't know about archer l1 (which would be best? I was never much of an archer player; also keep in mind it won't just spawn mutas like it used to, so perhaps it'll be targetable instead. We haven't started archer yet) I'd say yes to rine's mines over the rine.

As for the outposts, the current TS has them all different. The problem with this was that bottom was always valued over top when capping, because top was fairly easy to cap at night, especially if players didn't leave mines/probe/something up there to monitor it. If we make both top and bottom have the same drawback/advantage in capping, this would balance it better. Middle will still be more valuable (2 sim points, central position making pushing easier and feeding easier) and still be harder to cap.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Feb 15 2011, 3:21 am NinjaOtis Post #132

I used archer as just an example of a spell's priority


Feb 15 2011, 3:28 am Jack Post #133

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

I'd say spells in general would target heroes over spawn. At the same time, a lot of spells won't have the problem of having to decide about that. For example, Mutant L2 will probably be targetable on one unit only. So you'd choose to attack a hero with it, or a cannon, and it wouldn't affect spawn at all.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Feb 15 2011, 3:41 am NinjaOtis Post #134

What about the targetting say for example when you get maeled by dm, ling l2 targets highest priority threat


Feb 15 2011, 9:12 am Jack Post #135

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Quote from name:Vortex-
What about the targetting say for example when you get maeled by dm, ling l2 targets highest priority threat
Mebbe I didn't explain properly. Look at it this way: it's like a science vessel's shield, but it hurts instead of defends, and you have to be very close for it to go off. e.g you hit W on your keyboard, and click a unit. When it's within range, the l2 fires and deals heaps of damage, without using lings. There may be an effect similar to lings but we probably won't keep it oldskool SCBW style.

In the case of you being maeled, let's say DM maels you and warrior runs up to kill you. You hit W on your keyboard, click the warrior, and he gets hit heaps unless he runs back and then runs back in after the spell completes. So the highest priority target is what you choose.

One thing I've been thinking about is that mutant's L2 could, when aimed at a spawn, hit multiple spawn in the locality. This would only be for spawn. For buildings and heroes, you'd still only hit one character.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 15 2011, 9:18 am by Jack.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Feb 15 2011, 8:23 pm NinjaOtis Post #136

How is that even temple siege then? Requires so much less skill than actually having to time it. Spell range should only be taken into consideration for units that have spells dependent on range, like volt for example, his l2 or l3 would fit into what you're saying or what I'm interpreting you saying but for a unit like ling.. no

And just ignore my last post before this one, I was pretty high

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 15 2011, 8:32 pm by Vortex-.


Feb 15 2011, 10:09 pm UnholyUrine Post #137

Going into SC2, I'm sure a lot of things have to evolve in order for the game to be appreciated by the new audience.
The bar has been set by SmashCraft and SOTIS, and will later be risen by Blizzard Dota.

But we're trying to focus everything on Gameplay first. If a certain spell's mechanic isn't right for the hero, we'll probably change it.


Feb 15 2011, 11:19 pm NinjaOtis Post #138

SOTIS is such a terrible game..


Feb 16 2011, 2:27 am ClansAreForGays Post #139

Quote from name:Vortex-
SOTIS is such a terrible game..
I can see why dota players like it though.

Feb 16 2011, 6:13 am UnholyUrine Post #140

Yeah, it's quite a faithful replica :P

and honestly, it isn't without its own unique heroes.


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