A few notes:
- Stun means immobilize, but doesn't mean cannot attack or cast abilities.
- Progression from sc1 and sc2 complicates a lot of things.. I will describe them with *
- I'm assuming that almost all damaging spells that used units for damage (aka spawn units, then remove them) will be replaced by spell effects in sc2.
- This is all assuming that we're still using the same mana costs as sc1 (25 for 1st spell, 50 for 2nd spell, 80 for 3rd, and 120 for 4th).
* - Not sure what to do with units' innate abilities, such as plague, psionic storm, and consume... Right now, I am assuming that we're leaving them out.
Again, from what I think would be easiest to reproduce in SC2....

- Zealot
- High HP with High Melee damage, above average speed
1. Defensive Stance - +12 defense for 20 secs
* in SC1, this was done with shields. IIRC, there're easier ways to make the same effect in SC2.
* Should this spell be stackable? If so, how will this interfere with the fourth spell? Maybe max 3 stacks?
2. Heroic Strike
* in SC1, this was done with spawning DT's, which traps people in if close enough. It acted like an AoE effect
* in SC2, the effect will probably need to be AoE. A sword swinging around or some sort of Sword outbursts effect probably... An important thing to note is that the damage of this spell should be high, but
over time, allowing players being hit by the warrior to escape or retaliate during this spell.
Therefore, if you make the damage happen all at once, this spell will need a charge time, where the warrior is either immobilized or slowed down (probably the latter).
If you make the damage happen over time, then the question goes to how the effects will look like, which I have no idea...

3. Charge of Courage
* In keeping with the effects if the Charge for Zealots, in SC2, this spell should probably be an Actual Charge attack
* In SC1, this is the warrior's way of killing spawns
- The Player clicks a target area, and the Warrior Charges towards it, doing More damage to spawns, and less damage to heroes, and stunning everything in its path.
- The zealot should charge directly to the target and knockback anything in its path, including allied units (but probably not hurting/stunning them).
- Pathfinding problems can be mitigated by this: The Charge, after an initial mana cost, will drain mana as the Warrior's charging. So if the player clicks somewhere across a cliff, the zealot will start charging and pathfind towards the closest ramp, while draining mana. This way, the player cannot abuse this pathfinding issue to have a huge charge time, but also allows smart players to take advantage of this mechanic, as the initial charge does take mana (i.e. continuously using the charge spell is more costly than using one effective charge to move across the same distance).
4. Immortal Shield
- + a lot of defense... for 20 secs
* In SC1, I believe I made it so that Mana gain is slowed or completely stopped when immortal shields are up
* Should this stack with the first?
Dark Mage

- Infested Kerrigan
- Average speed, above average melee dmg (OR average ranged damage), below average HP
1. Essence of Shadow (in light of Essence of Light, if that gets made)
- Summons a Dark Orb (flying, mini-sized dark archon?

) that has it's own energy count, which is separate from the hero's mana level
Dark orb can have these. All of these spells will sacrifice the orb
- - Shadow Lash - pretty much an AoE maelstrom at where the orb is - Stun + cannot use normal attack (but can use spells) for 3-5 seconds.
- - Shadow Swarm - summons 3 broodlings
- - Shadow Break - drains target unit 50 mana and deals 50 damage to the unit.
Effects can range from purplish to black mist.. w/e you choose, just make sure it's congruent with the rest.
2. Curse of Weakness
- AoE around the dark mage
* in SC1, this is Constant Ally forces, causing most attacking spells to not work as well.
* In order to transpose the same effect to SC2, the easiest way would probably be to take a huge chunk of % damage from all attacks and spells from cursed foes (including spawns).. probably for 12-20 seconds, highly depending on the overall gameplay mechanics.
3. Curse of Death's Hold
* in SC1, this was curse of Agony.. I'd've given up the slowing and mana drain effect in a heartbeat if it was possible to make a person take more % damage or take curse damage whenever he/she uses a spell... which brings me to this.
- AoE around Dark mage - Cursed foes will take 100% more damage from any source, and will be dealt 50-100 damage when using any spells. Curse lasts for 12-20 seconds.
4. Curse of the Swarm
- AoE - Spawn 5-10 broodlings (to kill off swarm). Cursed foes will continually spawn and swarm broodlings you control.
*Broodlings are meant to be weak, even with a lot of defense upgrades. Any AoE spells should easily kill the broodlings, allowing the foe to run away. As to how the broodlings should stack and be spawned on the hero, that's up to you. I would suggest an unburrowing effect.
* Make sure that heroes who are cursed are somehow initially trapped by broodlings, and must do something to get away.
Special Ops

- Marine or Ghost. Whichever floats your Boat
- Depends on what you think is more Defensive. Probably ghost? Rememeber there's still Assault and Engineer to think about.
- Average damage, Average speed, Above average HP
1. Defensive Traps
yeah.... ok....
2. Null Blast (for lack of better name)
- Very similar to EMP shock
- Ranged AoE, causes 2 of the following (you can pick

) for 4-6 seconds
- Slow units down
- Stun units
- Drains mana
- Causes units to deal 50% of normal damage
Probably Slowing and 50% dmg, because the other effects have been used in other heroes.
3. ???
4. ???
Okay, I've done a lot of thinking.. and I've come up with several spell ideas, but I'm not sure which hero between Spec Ops, Engineer, and Assault (If there're three) these spells should go to, so I'll just throw it out here for you to decide
1. Timely Reinforcements
- Call down 4-6 marines at target area of hero.
2. Mana Pod
- Call down a small building at target area that increases mana regeneration for any heroes/units with energy near it
including enemy heroes. Self destructs in 15-20 seconds.
3. Aerial Assault (probably for assault's ultimate)
- Call down a dropship with below average air speed that can only be controlled when the hero is loaded into it (Otherwise, it will just set there, without giving vision, doing nothing).
the dropship will have one spell, and a separate energy from the hero. The spell will be Aerial Bomb.. bomb the area below it. Mana will not regenerate for the hero when he/she is in the dropship. The dropship energy will not regenerate when the hero is out of the dropship.
4. Defensive Turret
so.. yeah.. okay?
5. Myriads of Possible buildings that gives effects.. like slowing, turrets, i don't know...
6. Sniper Round/Penetration Round
- This is probably better reserved for the Phantom, altho the phantom's sniper shot can differ in effect from this one (maybe drain mana and stun while this is more pure damage)
Will continue editing
Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jan 26 2012, 10:31 pm by UnholyUrine.