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Map Nights' Official Thread
Sep 20 2010, 5:50 am
By: payne
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Jan 8 2011, 8:58 pm payne Post #181


I might be slightly late, depending on how fast I can go on my bike, and how good the customer service is at the place I am going.


Jan 8 2011, 9:04 pm OlimarandLouie Post #182

Quote from payne
I might be slightly late, depending on how fast I can go on my bike, and how good the customer service is at the place I am going.
I'm coming this time :O


Jan 8 2011, 9:10 pm payne Post #183


Nvm, I'll be back around 6h30 PM. :/

EDIT: Again, nevermind... I'll be there at 6 PM. I just called the place and they are closed since 4 PM so... :awesome:


Jan 9 2011, 6:03 am UnholyUrine Post #184

Yo payne, go do your report, slave.


Jan 9 2011, 8:21 am payne Post #185


Started at 4h40 PM. Ended at 3h19 AM. Yup, I consider it started because I played a few games with quite a lot of people before 6 PM, else, you can say it started at 6h14 PM.

People that participated:

  • payne
  • Lial
  • aalleecc
  • Pakaran
  • iiequalseipi
  • EvilEntropy
  • twinkles
  • Apricot
  • Twilight
  • Tikels
  • Chirus
  • Subwatt
  • Rahab
  • SonOfAZerg
  • JyusheeNailNHammer
  • Kildare
  • mCherry
  • Savagebeaver
  • Looke
  • Che

Maps we've played:

  • Phantom Mode
  • Uberena
  • Lightcycles
  • Phantom Dodge Race
  • New Space Map
  • Hero Attack
  • The Star Strikers
  • WandM
  • Raynor Party
  • Elimination Championship
  • The Dominion Strikes Back
  • Bunker Wars: Choices


  • The "TeamSpeak team" lost to the "Other team" on Uberena. 1-2. :(
  • WandM kinda became lame.
  • Apricot raped pretty much everyone pretty much every time.
  • 2 new games on Raynor Party!
  • The soccer map did a hit. ;) Yet we haven't tested the CPU AI yet! >:O
  • The Phantom Mode was a real mind-fuck with Color Blind, and No Ally Vision modes!
  • I wish we could've played Power Level Overwhelming... but the number of players -never- dropped under 7, so I could never host it since it's a 6 players map. :(


Ending note:

I've listed only 19 people, yet I'm pretty sure more came... anyways!
The TeamSpeak for once was a great succes!
Thanks to Aalleec, Lial, Chirus, Pakaran, Tikels... and Corbo!

Corbo and Tikels had a guitar fight, it was pretty interesting. :P


Jan 9 2011, 8:50 am EvilEntropy Post #186

Here are all the replays from the games that I played:

Uberena BO3 1
Uberena BO3 1
Uberena BO3 1

Raidcraft II
The Dominion Strikes Back
SCCAP - the game that ended in 2 seconds
Uberena - i rage hardcore and go afk
Raynor Party
The Star Strikers
WandM on Pi
Another Uberena Game
melee game vs che where he rapes me because i like high templar
The Star Strikers again
A New Space Map

Elimination Championship 1
Elimination Championship 2
Elimination Championship 3
Elimination Championship 4

Hero Attack
Phantom Mode

Uberena BO3 2
Uberena BO3 2
Uberena BO3 2

A few games that are missing are Bunker Wars(I crashed right after winning) and the ones you guys played while Che raped me. Hopefully someone finds this useful. :bleh:


Jan 9 2011, 2:08 pm aalleecc248 Post #187

I just noticed that payne does not have the game timer on...... Wow...

Nice Map night this time ;) (though I left at 11...)


Jan 9 2011, 7:08 pm Echo Post #188

Jerk! I played few games with you guys and said bbl. What happened! No one responded to my callings.


Jan 9 2011, 8:06 pm UnholyUrine Post #189

BTW, I haven't been able to get teamspeak working...
Anyone care to help?


Jan 9 2011, 11:10 pm payne Post #190


Quote from aalleecc248
I just noticed that payne does not have the game timer on...... Wow...

Nice Map night this time ;) (though I left at 11...)
What timer?
Quote from Echo
Jerk! I played few games with you guys and said bbl. What happened! No one responded to my callings.
What does mean "bbl" ?


Jan 9 2011, 11:18 pm Echo Post #191




Jan 9 2011, 11:20 pm OlimarandLouie Post #192

You forgot to list me as a participant again. :-_-:

I was playing with Tikels and UU.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 10 2011, 12:24 am by OlimarandLouie.


Jan 9 2011, 11:21 pm payne Post #193


Quote from Echo

Well... you have to expect us to be in a game when you're back and thus be a bit patient until we finish the game... >_>


Jan 10 2011, 1:16 am aalleecc248 Post #194

Quote from payne
Quote from aalleecc248
I just noticed that payne does not have the game timer on...... Wow...

Nice Map night this time ;) (though I left at 11...)
What timer?
The Game Timer that is optional and available in the General tab of the options. It displays the current game time above the minimap and could be useful for keeping track of time.


Jan 10 2011, 2:26 am UnholyUrine Post #195

Can sm1 please respond to me on how to get teamspeak working?
thank you

I just wanted to point out that, for some crazy, unprecedented reason, I've actually enjoyed Bunker Wars Choices... despite losing my bunker the very instant I decided to gamble.
I'm saying this b/c I remember Vanished and him making the same map for SC1, and I also remember me getting pissed off b/c he won't accept the fact that gambling could make u die is a horrible gameplay mechanic.

But really, I think if people are half-drunk or high or smth, it is quite funny. It's almost as fun and douchy like BPM, except not so much b/c you're not being a douche against other players, it's the computer being a douche against you!

So all in all, since Vanished is banned for doing smth.... I just wanted to say that he's done a bang-up job.

Buuut then again...
pubbies take these games too seriously, and it can really make the game stale..
especially if it's not FFA... and not random spawn..

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 10 2011, 2:40 am by UnholyUrine.


Jan 10 2011, 7:17 am UnholyUrine Post #196

Sorry to bump

I forgot to say this for 2 weeks straight

Please play Prisoner Rebellion next mapnight
it's practically a CnM remake... it's a great game and is being constantly updated by the creator.


Jan 11 2011, 3:12 am iiequalsexpipi Post #197

I just went over the replay for the hero attack game that was played on the last map night. It was a very interesting game and I got some useful feedback. Some players were quite skilled at their respective heroes (most notibly Evil Entropy with the defiler hero, soga with the colossus hero and lial with the baneling hero) while others were not. I'm not sure how I feel about the snow map; it felt like most of the game was spent laning at either the bottom location or the top location until the zerg team broke through and won. Of course it was only 1 game and looking at the replay the teams were definatly imbalanced (protoss team had a leaver and zerg team had more good players), so I cannot conclude too much about the snow map.

I also looked at the so called 'revive bug' that both Payne and Pakaran claimed had occured to them.
Short Answer: There was no 'revive bug'.
Long Answer: At level zero the revive time is 0 seconds and the 'revive bug' occured when Payne and Pakaran died at level 0. What really happened was payne and pakaran died at level zero and then instantly respawned. However, shortly after their heroes respawned they must have given their heroes the move command and told them to move to the location where their heroes died. Then both players moved their screens to the beacon and did not see their heroes at the beacon (because the heroes were already moving to the location where they were told to move to). Payne and Pakaran then didn't notice their heroes for 1-2 minutes until they found them in a location close to where the hero died and concluded that the heroes must have respawned there.

A bit funny, but definatly a legitimate concern. I think the main problem here is that for some reason your hero isn't always deselected from your current selected units if the respawn time is zero. As a result, it is much more likely for a player to accidently give a hero an order after the hero revives without knowing it if the respawn time is zero. In the next version I will make it so that the hero is deselected on death even if the hero is level 0 so this problem is less likely to occur. I could also make it so that the screen moves to the beacon when your hero revives (though this could be annoying for the baneling hero and the zergling hero).

Edit: I also figured out why the snow map was revealed and the fog of war was disabled. It's actually a bug with galaxy editor. Apparently if you use the event reveal map editor and set the duration to 0 seconds, it will reveal the map permanently (rather than for zergo seconds). Anyway, I set the duration to 0.5 seconds and things are working fine now.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 11 2011, 5:40 am by iiequalsexpipi.


Jan 13 2011, 12:02 am Chirus Post #198

Quote from iiequalsexpipi
Of course it was only 1 game and looking at the replay the teams were definatly imbalanced (protoss team had a leaver and zerg team had more good players), so I cannot conclude too much about the snow map.

I was actually doing very well playing the phoenix hero until my game client crashed (so I was the leaver). I felt it was a little bit OP to have a hero that could pull enemies with +60% increased movement speed. It was very easy to pull enemies into allied mobs and towers, which will kill them pretty quickly. One of the main concerns that I heard was to reduce the difficulty of the NPC units, though, so if you do that then I think the phoenix hero will be more balanced.

I'd like to try the phoenix hero again when my game client doesn't crash, so send me a message if you need another test at any time. :)

Chirus #875


Jan 13 2011, 7:23 am iiequalsexpipi Post #199

"I was actually doing very well playing the phoenix hero until my game client crashed (so I was the leaver)."

:( I hope that it wasn't hero attack that caused you to leave.

"I felt it was a little bit OP to have a hero that could pull enemies with +60% increased movement speed."

I definatly agree that the phoenix hero was OP in previous versions (especially graviton beam). However, I have nerfed graviton beam quite a few times over the past few versions so that it now costs more energy, has a longer cooldown and a shorter duration. The last nerf was in either 1.4 or 1.5 (I forget) where I decreased the duration by 25%. Since then I haven't really had any decent playtesting with the phoenix hero so I wouldn't feel comfortable nerfing graviton beam without playing some games with the phoenix hero. It is too bad that your game client crashed because I would have definatly liked to see how balanced the phoenix hero is.

"One of the main concerns that I heard was to reduce the difficulty of the NPC units, though, so if you do that then I think the phoenix hero will be more balanced."

If you are having trouble with the computer controlled units as the phoenix hero then I highly suggest that you use patrol micro. Patrol micro is where you move your pheonix, click patrol anywhere, and then move your pheonix again to basically attack while moving (you can use hold position or attack move instead of patrol if you prefer). Basically I modified the pheonix' attack (as well as some other heroes like the vulture hero, the banshee hero and the probe hero) so that this type of micro is possible. If you micro correctly then you should basically never be hit by computer controled melee units.
Edit: sorry, I misread what you wrote. You meant that if computer controlled units were weaker then the pheonix hero would be more balanced because graviton beam would be effectively weaker. Still, I'll leave the above paragraph up as a tip to other players.

As for other the concerns about the strength of the computer controlled units, I have definatly seen quite a few. Many of the concerns have been about the strength of the immortal (though a lot of these concerns might be purely psycological since the protoss recieve 1 big scary immortal per lane every 30 seconds instead of 2 less intimidating siege tanks or 3 hydras). In general, I wanted units to be relatively stronger than in DOTA so that players cannot carelessly A-move infront of enemy units and expect not to take significant damage. Currently, I like the balance between hero strength and unit strength in the early game, however in the late game heroes are a bit too weak for my liking. I am considering adding more levels to the heroes so that they are stronger late game. I am also considering increasing the spawn interval from 30 seconds to 40 seconds (though this is for a different reason, primarily I find that there isn't much incentive NOT to lane and do other things like gank or kill critters).

"I'd like to try the phoenix hero again when my game client doesn't crash, so send me a message if you need another test at any time. "

Okay, I will keep that in mind.


Jan 13 2011, 7:31 am payne Post #200


equalsexpipi, for the sake of increasing the readability of your posts, could you start using the "Quote" BBCode?
[quote]Insert text that you want to quote here[/quote]



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[2025-1-20. : 10:36 pm]
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[2025-1-20. : 5:15 pm]
NudeRaider -- FlameViper
FlameViper shouted: What alternative SC1-related forums do we have left outside of Staredit?
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[2025-1-20. : 2:49 pm]
Ultraviolet -- Well actually it looks like Team Liquid still has a Brood War forum, but they're heavily melee focused
[2025-1-20. : 2:48 pm]
Ultraviolet -- Was gonna say Team Liquid, but it seems even they have moved on from SC:BW. Was going to respond to your thread, but wasn't sure exactly what to say. I don't agree with all your ideas about volcano run, but I like that you're thinking about improving upon the idea
[2025-1-20. : 10:01 am]
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