Staredit Network > Starcraft I Database > File: Polaris' GRP Package

Sunken Treasure
Polaris' GRP Package
Filesize: 742.83KB


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File Information
Uploaded on:Jul 26 2008, 6:59 am
Uploaded by:Corbo
Author:Not Given.

File Contents
Polaris GRP pack/Air Units/
Polaris GRP pack/Air Units/Cobra.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Air Units/Condor.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Air Units/Hellbender.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Air Units/HEWraith.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Air Units/Lancer.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Air Units/Missile frigate M1.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Air Units/Missile Frigate M2.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Air Units/Predator.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Air Units/Rhino.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Air Units/Saber.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Air Units/Sickle.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Buildings/
Polaris GRP pack/Buildings/control.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Buildings/Freactor.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Buildings/Freactorshadow.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Buildings/HEResearch.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Buildings/olddepot.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Buildings/recolor starbase w liftoff.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Buildings/refinery.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Buildings/RPG launcher.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Buildings/tbarrack.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Buildings/UWSsupport.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Buildings/Wormholegen.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Ground units/
Polaris GRP pack/Ground units/Hellmarine.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Ground units/hovertank.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Ground units/omgturret.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Orid Ibanna (may not fit normal mods)/
Polaris GRP pack/Orid Ibanna (may not fit normal mods)/chemlab.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Orid Ibanna (may not fit normal mods)/control.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Orid Ibanna (may not fit normal mods)/depot.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Orid Ibanna (may not fit normal mods)/factory.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Orid Ibanna (may not fit normal mods)/Missile.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Orid Ibanna (may not fit normal mods)/refinery.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Orid Ibanna (may not fit normal mods)/starport.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Orid Ibanna (may not fit normal mods)/tbarrack.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Orid Ibanna (may not fit normal mods)/weaponpl.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Weapons - recolors - misc/
Polaris GRP pack/Weapons - recolors - misc/Missileturret.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Weapons - recolors - misc/reclor - renegade sci vessel.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Weapons - recolors - misc/recolor- carrier.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Weapons - recolors - misc/recolor- corsair.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Weapons - recolors - misc/recolor- intercep.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Weapons - recolors - misc/recolor- nanite queen.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Weapons - recolors - misc/recolor- orechunk.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Weapons - recolors - misc/recolor- scout.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Weapons - recolors - misc/recolor- SOV laser.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Weapons - recolors - misc/recolor- super phase dis.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Weapons - recolors - misc/rSMmissle -Voyager did this.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Weapons - recolors - misc/spore2.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Weapons - recolors - misc/weapon- scout engine.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Weapons - recolors - misc/ZdvGooL.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Weapons - recolors - misc/zdvgoom.grp
Polaris GRP pack/Weapons - recolors - misc/ZdvGooS.grp
File Description
An excellent collection of Polaris' GRP that might suit every mod.
You should check them all as you will definately find something you need in here!
In the screenshots you will look at only some of the grps, they are quite a few so I can't show them all.

All Images

SCRuler wrote on Sep 5 2014, 1:26 am:
for some reason some of them are not coming up as grp's even though they are marked as grp.

Devourer wrote on Aug 4 2008, 2:19 pm:
They Rocks!

[06:12 pm]
Ultraviolet -- Agree, but GL getting any work on SEN done in 2024 lol. The (Price Per Ticket / 2) is the worst part of it imo, it's only worth buying in when the base jackpot is quite high and the price per ticket is quite low.
[05:42 pm]
Zoan -- This new one is just a mineral sink most of the time
[05:42 pm]
Zoan -- We should bring back the old raffle
[02:28 am]
Ultraviolet -- :wob:
[2024-9-13. : 4:57 pm]
Ultraviolet -- soup
[2024-9-12. : 9:31 pm]
T-warp -- sup
[2024-9-12. : 3:05 am]
RIVE -- sup
[2024-9-12. : 12:24 am]
Dem0n -- hi
[2024-9-11. : 6:47 pm]
Oo.ZeALoT.oO -- hi
[2024-9-11. : 5:22 pm]
NudeRaider -- dumbducky
dumbducky shouted: I'm running out of bangers that I can recall from the top of my head, might have to give this bit a rest.
this might be a bit of a downer, but none of these were actually bangers :/
Please log in to shout.

Members Online: TheHarper, RIVE, Ultraviolet