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Esponeo, mad with power?
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Sep 18 2007, 10:49 pm
By: Falkoner
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Sep 20 2007, 4:09 pm Kellimus Post #61

Quote from Esponeo
I actually had not remembered what Falkoner had suggested be done to a person's map until just now. He told someone to manually delete strings using SCMDraft 2 and to use some kind of volatile program (OSMAP2 I think?) to remove strings automatically. The actions he suggested would corrupt any map's string section beyond repair of even the most talented user or programmer.

Any editing program has the possibility to corrupt someone's map if they are stupid enough. That's like saying 'we should put a warning on everything you could kill someone with.'
Asking people to put up disclaimers is a little ridiculous. However, telling someone to use a specific program in such a way that it is GUARANTEED to corrupt their map beyond recovery, as Falkoner did, is clearly overstepping the line. You are right however, and I do not really know where the line should be drawn.

Does anyone have any ideas where the line should be placed?

No, it isn't. It still doesn't have a better trigger editor.
That joke is getting mighty old.


Yoshi this topic has absolutely nothing to do with protection or unprotection. Falkoner merely mentioned OSMAP as a ruse to confuse people into thinking I was breaking rules, when actually I was just deleting shitty posts of his that had nothing to do with anything of the sort. That having been said...

Unprotectors don't force all maps to be open either. OSmap has a wonderful compression ability (which ironically will "protect" the map as you say). Your opinion is that unprotectors should be not be allowed, okay, but the same should apply for protectors, because the people who like unprotection feel strongly about this too.
As long as I'm not a mod at the moment and cannot simply delete your posts I'll go ahead and respond, everyone should hear this anyway. SEN has a very clear cut policy about these things in the rules* and I don't think things are going to change any time soon. That policy is quite simple: not protecting your maps is perfectly fine by us, but taking people's protected maps and then breaking that protection is not something we are going to stand for under any circumstances. You can throw around a lot of talk about how some people support it or all the wonderful uses breaking protection has, but that is a load of bullshit to us and it is only going to get your posts deleted and your account suspended. And hiding behind "open source" is the biggest fabrication of them all, the whole point of using that term was to confuse people into thinking you may be on to something. In the real world there is a big difference between open source and copyright infringement. You have been using 'open source' to describe the map making equivalent of the latter.

Hopefully I am properly conveying the administration's wishes and not stepping out of line by using terms like "we" and "us".


How is using OSMAP "breaking copyright"? You do realise that all maps you or anyone else creates, are property of Blizzard Entertainment? It even states it in the EULA....

If you were truely breaking copyright, you would be making PROFIT from "unprotecting maps". What profit does anyone gain?


The name of OSMAP is ironic anyways... "Open Source" Map?

Falkoner, do you truely think that OSMAP is "Open Source"?

Do you know what OpenGL is?

Open Graphics Library.

Now lets think with some brains for once... Do you have to "brute force" anything to get the Open Graphics Library?


Its just a bunch of C++ code to access kick ass stuff from your Graphics Card.

Now what do you do when you use OSMAP?

"Brute force" your way into someones map.

That's not "Open Source", that's the equivelent of Piracy.

How do you think Pirates get the things to work?


Which is what you do: Crack maps.

Which is really GAY. What benefit do you get from breaking into someones home and claiming it as your own?


See the point, or is it not "lamen" enough for you?

And really, why in christs name are you all bitching? If anyone knew ANY programming, they could "unprotect" ANY map they wished to, without the use of programs like that pussy ass "OSMAP" bs.

Hexadecimal editing is your friend.

I remember when Heimdal made an unprotector... Funny stuff.

Quote from Falkoner
Unless you have some "friends" that pretend to be your friend and will "miss" you, but talk smack on you behind your back (Have had my fair share of them from here :) )

Kellimus, just because you might act like a fag to many people here and cause them to not like you, doesn't mean the rest of us do.

And for the last time, OS Map will not ruin your map, but of course, none of you have used it who are against it, so you wouldn't know, and wouldn't have the latest version.

The post where I told him to delete his strings was something that NEEDED to be posted, he was having a problem with his strings, and therefore had to edit them, I gave him some programs that could help, and I warned him to back up his map.

You don't even make any sense Falkoner. Could you please speak in some fluent English? Or at least word your sentances so someone with intellect could comprehend the point you're trying to give?

And for the last time, you shouldn't support piracy, its bad.

If you warned him to "back his map up", why in christs name would you even try to make him do it? You KNEW there was potential problems that could happen, so seriously, why?

Oh, that's right. Too bad I don't want to get myself banned already, or I'd say it :)

Quote from Esponeo
And for the last time, OS Map will not ruin your map, but of course, none of you have used it who are against it, so you wouldn't know, and wouldn't have the latest version.
OSMAP is an unprotector, any map that it is being used on is probably already corrupted. If you -do- use it on a map that was never protected in the first place, it will remove a lot of data, however to my knowledge it does not corrupt anything.

OSMAP2 on the other hand apparently has protection abilities and string modification algorithms. Protection is by design the corruption of a map, and apparently the string algorithms are not very good as they corrupt the string section. The purpose of those functions may not be to keep the map actually working and editable however.

If protection is "by design the corruption of a map", why do you support it?

You don't support OSMAP because it unprotects, and you seem to be showing another reason: It corrupts maps

So if that's the case, and you support protection which "is by design the corruption of a map", you're being hypocritical in the situation, which would make me be on Falkoner's side of you being bias (not biased Falkoner, jackass) because of your hypocracy...

I am neutral with the OSMAP thing because everyone who is whining about it, is whining because of reasons such as:

"It potentially opens my map for stealing! Which is copyright infringment!"
"It corrupts maps, but protecting maps corrupts them as well!"
"StarForge removes vital map sections on map load. Any map opened with it is immediately corrupted to an extent" (Which in my opinion is total bullshit because I know the programmer/S of StarForge PERSONALLY)

When really, you have no copyright with your maps cause Blizzard OWNS it. Fools.

I don't really support it, because it cracks open peoples maps, and faggots in the world will steal kick ass maps.

But oh well. Its only a game for christ sakes, its not going to make you go anywhere in life if you make a "bad-ass" map.

Quote from Esponeo
See I only ever corrupted one map with StarForge and people say it corrupts maps all the time, so in perspective, you saying OSMAP2 corrupts maps, the chance of it happening is properly way less then 50% of the time...
StarForge removes vital map sections on map load. Any map opened with it is immediately corrupted to an extent.

As I said, you are out of date, the latest versions of both programs have fixed all the flaws you have posted, don't judge that something is corrupting maps when you actually have no idea.
As I said, OSMAP does not corrupt maps and OSMAP2, by definition, corrupts maps. That is what protection is. Corruption.

Anyways the point is there is no reason to delete posts that deal with OSmap.
As I have said, that is not the case.

About the StarForge comment, read above.

And there you go being a hypocrite again (by your definition of course).. IF you support protection that is.

Well, judging by how you posted this:
Quote from Espondo
As long as I'm not a mod at the moment and cannot simply delete your posts I'll go ahead and respond, everyone should hear this anyway.
, it seems like that's the case Esponeo...

You flaunt the fact that you have/had mod abilities, and would use them... JUST because someone didn't have the same opinion as you..

"As long as I'm not a mod at the moment and cannot simply delete your posts I'll go ahead and respond, everyone should hear this anyway."

That screams out ABUSE more so than I've ever seen anyone at SeN with power act...

You say SeN has a strict policy with copyright infringement...

I'm pretty sure they have a strict policy against childish power-hungry mods... But what do I know eh?

Quote from Falkoner
Something tells me your primary reason for being pissed is the insanely large number of minerals you had been fined. At the time I was unaware of just how many minerals people were getting for posts so I was just making up numbers on the fly. Regardless, it is my intention, should I be returned to my post, to cleanse the MAA forums into a state of squeaky cleanness.

And I care about minerals so much that I gave all of mine to CoB just recently? Ya...

The topics we are bringing up HAVE been discussed, but no one has made any serious decision, we are discussing OS Map because of the rules which you suddenly made up to cover up the fact that you just hate OS Map. Just come out and say it and stop trying to act like you are unbiased.

Unbias is how you spell the word...


Sep 20 2007, 4:13 pm Kellimus Post #62



Sep 20 2007, 5:07 pm mikelat Post #63

Quote from Kellimus
There appear to be end tags missing to some of them. Also keep in mind that SEN is still currently under development, you'll have to be patient while IP nails down all the bugs.


Sep 20 2007, 7:14 pm Vi3t-X Post #64

Very long and quite interesting post there...


Sep 20 2007, 7:24 pm Esponeo Post #65

If protection is "by design the corruption of a map", why do you support it?
Certain persons did not want other persons editing their maps. Luckily for them, StarCraft and StarEdit open maps in entirely different ways. This allowed them to corrupt their maps so that they would be unable to be opened in StarEdit but could still be opened in StarCraft.

I support the moral right of map makers to corrupt their maps so that not just anyone can edit them. What I do not support however, is people giving bad advice on the Map Making Assistance forums. Telling someone to use a protector in order to fix a string problem is not very sound advice. There are many better ways to do so. It is not that I do not support 'corruption' aka 'protection', it is that 'corruption' should only be done to finished copies of maps, not working versions of maps. My aim in the MAA forum is to remove any bad advice, period.

"As long as I'm not a mod at the moment and cannot simply delete your posts I'll go ahead and respond, everyone should hear this anyway."
That screams out ABUSE more so than I've ever seen anyone at SeN with power act...

You're absolutely right. I have too much pride to let Yoshi's statements go without responding to them, and since I could not delete them I chose to type a response. It may not be the most mature approach.

You say SeN has a strict policy with copyright infringement...
I'm not referring to copyright infringement, I'm referring to their policy against cracking open maps.

The name of OSMAP is ironic anyways... "Open Source" Map? Falkoner, do you truly think that OSMAP is "Open Source"?
Do you know what OpenGL is? Open Graphics Library.
Now lets think with some brains for once... Do you have to "brute force" anything to get the Open Graphics Library? No.
Its just a bunch of C++ code to access kick ass stuff from your Graphics Card.
Now what do you do when you use OSMAP? Brute force" your way into someones map.
That's not "Open Source", that's the equivelent of Piracy.
How do you think Pirates get the things to work? By CRACKING them.
Which is what you do: Crack maps.

Quoted for truth.

This discussion is complicated by the fact that as anyone who knows me is aware, I do not support cracking open maps. I can see now there is nothing I can say to convince Falkoner that even though I do not support such things, they had nothing to do with my decision to delete his post.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 20 2007, 7:30 pm by Esponeo.


Sep 20 2007, 10:45 pm InsolubleFluff Post #66

Grow up, OSMAP rocks, you never had the right to protect maps anyways, if you did, then StarEdit would of had ability to protect your maps.

You are a flat out bad moderator, you've deleted like 4 of my posts without reason, costing me an apparent 40 minerals, which though may not be incredibly a lot, it's hard to get to 0 minerals, let alone with you deleting posts for no reason.


Sep 20 2007, 10:59 pm MrrLL Post #67

Quote from Shocko
Grow up

Quote from Shocko
OSMAP rocks

Great start!
Quote from Shocko
you never had the right to protect maps anyways
Blizzard stated in a thread of the release of OSMAP on the forums that their policy does NOT disallow the protection and unprotection of maps.

if you did, then StarEdit would of had ability to protect your maps.
Uhh.. same goes with unprotecting.
I'm guessing I don't have the right to place a pylon in an invalid location, either, since StarEdit doesn't have the ability :(

costing me an apparent 40 minerals
Minerals are being reset soon anyway.


Sep 20 2007, 11:11 pm cheeze Post #68

Wait. Kellimus. You are so cool. For some strange reason, I never even thought of that argument! Now... can we make OSMAP not suck by making it in Java or C++? :}


Sep 21 2007, 12:08 am Falkoner Post #69

Now, I am not going to bother going against each idiotic statement made, I am going to just repeat what I have been saying for a long time:

OS Map has already been released, stop crying about spilled milk and look at the jug that is still pouring out more milk in time to pick it up.

We lost the ability to have our maps be completely safe from most people. So what! Stop looking at what you can't do and look at what we can now do. We can learn from other peoples maps, OS Map has only hurt us because we haven't been using it to do what it can to make up for the harm it has caused, there is no need for OS Map to be hidden away, we should use it for the reason that LW made it.


Sep 21 2007, 12:12 am Esponeo Post #70

Falkoner that post should probably be in the other topic. This one has nothing to do with such things.


Sep 21 2007, 12:24 am Dapperdan Post #71

Ok so, basically, it comes down to this:

1. Falkoner is a spammer.
2. Desperado, as I will call him (for a change of flavor), likes to abuse power.

What should be expected, really? Falkoner, yes, he abuses power, is it the end of the world? I think not. He does have his reasons.

The reality of the situation though, is this: Desperado's intentions of "making the forums squeaky clean" is so idealistic that it can do nothing but harm. People don't come here to be held at the stake everytime they make a post. They come here for discussions and mapping. If someone goes over the line, then ok. But if someone makes a minor flaw in making a perfectly free of spam post, then learn to live with it. The community doesn't care if person b makes a statement that is useless. They care that posts aren't being deleted, topics aren't being closed, and fines aren't being made, that shouldn't be. A site's job is not to make the people design themselves after the site, but allow the site to design itself by the people within it. And in turn it is not the moderator's job to do anything more than what is necessary, and allow the community to flourish as freely as possible. If your lack of deleting posts unendingly causes a community outcry, let me know, and we can all start deleting more posts. I'm sure many of your decisions were well-based, but when someone is making so many decisions (essentlally abusing power) on these types of things he is due to make wrong ones. Typically, people won't care if you don't delete this/that post, they may care if you do. Making people unpleasant one by one ultimately does no good.

Disclaimer: Desperado is still often made of pwn and win, I hold nothing against him personally. I typically recall agreeing him on 95% of things before SEN died in april.


Sep 21 2007, 12:40 am Syphon Post #72

Lol @ Kelly's piracy argument.

It's more like using electrolysis to get pure hydrogen and oxygen from water.


Sep 21 2007, 12:57 am Demented Shaman Post #73

Quote from Kellimus
Unbias is how you spell the word...
He was using it as an adjective, therefore unbiased is the proper word to use.

Same goes for all your comments about bias/biased.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 21 2007, 1:23 am by devilesk.


Sep 21 2007, 1:04 am Moose Post #74

We live in a society.

Quote from Syphon
Lol @ Kelly's piracy argument.

It's more like using electrolysis to get pure hydrogen and oxygen from water.
Electrolosis? No way, it's like applying Fick's law of diffusion.

Sep 21 2007, 1:29 am Falkoner Post #75

SeN is really going downhill again in my opinion, mainly based on moderation and bad policies, this is the last post I am going to make unless the site realizes its errors and fixes them, I would love to be a part of SeN's community and help newer mappers with their maps, but if I can't help them because I am oppressed from telling them how to fix errors just because a few members don't like the method that is used to fix the problem. Basically, I'm done posting, in fact, I'm done even checking this website, bye peeps!


Sep 21 2007, 1:32 am Demented Shaman Post #76

Okay guys lets all mourn the loss of our dear friend Falkoner. SEN will not be the same without him. :}


Sep 21 2007, 1:33 am Excalibur Post #77

The sword and the faith


SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

Sep 21 2007, 1:33 am Clokr_ Post #78

Quote from Falkoner
SeN is really going downhill again in my opinion, mainly based on moderation and bad policies, this is the last post I am going to make unless the site realizes its errors and fixes them, I would love to be a part of SeN's community and help newer mappers with their maps, but if I can't help them because I am oppressed from telling them how to fix errors just because a few members don't like the method that is used to fix the problem. Basically, I'm done posting, in fact, I'm done even checking this website, bye peeps!

You're welcome to leave this website whenever you want. I don't think our policy says anything against that, does it? :P


Sep 21 2007, 1:36 am Demented Shaman Post #79

Moose says:
Moose says:
So even if we do "fix" things
Moose says:
He won't be checking the website to find out
Moose says:
Looks like there's no need to "fix"
devilesk says:


Sep 21 2007, 2:18 am Sael Post #80

He's just another sensationalist:

[21:44] Esponeo's SN (E): See
[21:44] *** Auto-response sent to E: Errrm, I may be doing something, then again I may be doing nothing.
[21:44] E: I assumed no one could possibly be that stupid and that you are full of shit
[21:44] E: But you start topics
[21:44] E: stating total bs
[22:03] Me: like what?

Wasn't he Salacious(U) at one point in time? He keeps on changing screen names, but he's the only one who messages me about once a month ( +1 week ) to tell me how stupid I am.


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