I really hate how when you quote it sets it up like you're only using it to quote a person, in the old sen it would just say quote.
See how I didn't quote anyone but it still says quote in big letters
It's kinda annoying =(
I would just like it, if we could use the "quote" button like before, and sometimes just use it for the nice background and box, it works really well for when we want to highlight some of our information.
Don't use the quote tag if you aren't quoting than? I really don't mind if it says quote, people would generally know it isn't a quote.
You can use a bunch of other ways to make some text stick out.
Erm... the bbcode for "quote" is "quote" for a reason.
If you aren't quoting someone and your text isn't code so it doesn't belong in code/codebox bbcode, I fail to see any reason why your text belongs in any special box.
Use the tags <code> and it works the way you want it.
Quote from DT_Battlekruser
v4 always said QUOTE in the header <tr> unless I am completely losing my memory..
It always did..
I think you're pretty much alone on this one. You're supposed to use
[ b ] for making text stand out.