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Temple Siege 2
Dec 17 2011, 5:54 pm
By: Ahli
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Jun 29 2012, 2:11 am DevliN Post #181


You can enlarge or change the unit icons so they show up better on the minimap.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Jun 29 2012, 11:11 pm NinjaOtis Post #182

I don't think both should have the mechanic of cannons shooting at players on the beacons at both top and bottom warpgates.
For Bottom Warpgate:
-middle entrance directly to beacon which is protected by two cannons and one pylon (the beacon not the middle entrance), and then the topside and bottomside entrance being protected by 3 cannons one pylon.
For Top Warpgate:
-No middle entrance because it is on a high up plateau, a ramp wouldn't be natural or appropriate going to the beacon area through the middle of the mountain lol...
-3 Cannons protecting topside and bottomside with 1 pylon each. No cannons at beacon, this will give faster units a chance to cap top sneakily ;)
For Mid Warpgate:
-Pain in the ass to capture

My point is that different warpgates should have different mechanics required to capture them but not limiting to one specific mechanic. For example mutant has a higher chance at capping top than bottom because his speed allows him to run by cannons quickly. This will create more depth in game and less static play.

@Hero colors:
Totally on board with changing colors for them to stand out, just no gay colors please like pink..
Bright red/Some variation of red that stands out
Light blue
Teal/Bright Green
Bright orange

Also keep in mind that certain colors may have advantages in certain terrans which can be good for game depth or strategy or terribly bad. Maybe orange blends in with desert terrain while teal blends in with jungle terrain. Each team should either have all heros which have aposomatic coloring or each have the same amount of units with camouflage colors, to create balance/equality.

-Don't like warp prism because it isn't tangibly on the ground for players to spatially see that "If I step on this, I will teleport". Maybe create actual beacon on the ground instead of a prism in the air

@Split upgrades
-Yes, sounds good
-Avoid gay names
-Simple and memorable is better than complex and scifi sounding

From what I read I think the game is on the right track.
Any more updates or if you need to test more just hit me up!
I'll be your most favorite critic ;P

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 30 2012, 3:57 am by Vortex-.


Jul 1 2012, 3:09 pm ShredderIV Post #183

One of the things that bothered me about the development of TS 2 was that while you said you would keep it pretty much to the original in concepts and stuff, you changed a lot of things to where they dont make much sense.

An example would be light mage. In TS, his L1 was a way to both trap people and keep them away, as well as giving him a way to do damage. In TS 2, you kept the damage and invincibility, but completely got rid of the trapping aspect of it.

His L2 you changed a lot too. As opposed to it being about doing more damage to heroes who are alone and having a huge damage range, you changed it to a spell which is almost instant and just does AOE damage. This lowers the skill cap on him by A LOT. Alos by removing splash, his balance is gonna change soooo much.

This could have been done by spawning little attacks that splashed when they hit, but had to travel out to their targets, much like the scarabs from sc. Instead, it became way simplified.

It also is odd when you add things to spells that could have been much more simplified. On volt, the thing about his L1 in TS was that it was hard to use for chasing, but good on stationary or following targets. The effect could have been achieved by having a slow expanding energy field that would stun targets that it hit.

My point is, theres a lot of ways you could have stuck to the original better, but changed it because you wanted to implement the new editor stuff. The problem is that a lot of this stuff changes the feel of the heroes, and a lot of people are gonna lose quick interest in the game if things change a lot.

I'd suggest trying to stick more to the originals on some of these, or at least making the spells have the same general feel. Use the new editor for adding new heroes in the future, but try and stick to the same feel for spells for now.


Jul 1 2012, 3:42 pm Ahli Post #184

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Quote from ShredderIV
An example would be light mage. In TS, his L1 was a way to both trap people and keep them away, as well as giving him a way to do damage. In TS 2, you kept the damage and invincibility, but completely got rid of the trapping aspect of it.
wrong. It traps close units on cast. So basically it can trap all melee chars and deal some damage to these. If you trap something with low armor, you deal a lot of damage while receiving none. While the L1 is active, no melee chars can simply walk towards you since they can't walk through the ring.

Quote from ShredderIV
His L2 you changed a lot too. As opposed to it being about doing more damage to heroes who are alone and having a huge damage range, you changed it to a spell which is almost instant and just does AOE damage. This lowers the skill cap on him by A LOT. Alos by removing splash, his balance is gonna change soooo much.
Wait. wait, building a unit with hotkeys was difficult? It was just autocasting on the closest target and then you had the randomly bugged pathing AI of the scarab. Also, scarabs deal splash damage, so it was always AoE. Now you have to target the enemy yourself. It always deals damage in the area, but the enemy has a good chance to escape it because it is visible to the enemy. So it is dodgeable and therefore invokeable by fast heroes (so enemy burns mana for no damage).
The range of this spell is still huge.

Quote from ShredderIV
This could have been done by spawning little attacks that splashed when they hit, but had to travel out to their targets, much like the scarabs from sc. Instead, it became way simplified.
It's impossible to emulate the randomly bugged pathing of scarabs in scbw in a proper way. It would either look stupid/confuse new players/never hit the target, if another unit is in the way.

Quote from ShredderIV
It also is odd when you add things to spells that could have been much more simplified. On volt, the thing about his L1 in TS was that it was hard to use for chasing, but good on stationary or following targets. The effect could have been achieved by having a slow expanding energy field that would stun targets that it hit.
That's not simplified. That's adding a bomb that is placed instead of an immediate effect.

Quote from ShredderIV
My point is, theres a lot of ways you could have stuck to the original better, but changed it because you wanted to implement the new editor stuff. The problem is that a lot of this stuff changes the feel of the heroes, and a lot of people are gonna lose quick interest in the game if things change a lot.
Legitimate point.

I would like everyone who wants to test it to get the sc2 arcade beta and tell us.

Jul 1 2012, 9:31 pm NinjaOtis Post #185

Quote from Ahli
Quote from ShredderIV
My point is, theres a lot of ways you could have stuck to the original better, but changed it because you wanted to implement the new editor stuff. The problem is that a lot of this stuff changes the feel of the heroes, and a lot of people are gonna lose quick interest in the game if things change a lot.
Legitimate point.

I would like everyone who wants to test it to get the sc2 arcade beta and tell us.

What I been saying since day one lol.. :D
People loved TS1, people will still love it on SC2


Jul 1 2012, 10:05 pm ClansAreForGays Post #186

Yall can add me on the beta. Info's all in my profile.

I haven't been following this like most of you, but I think feedback should be based on what this map is trying to do, and not what ts1 was. And also pretty much everything about ts1 that people want to keep for ts2, would have been changed in ts1 if the editor allowed it.

Like (don't know if this is even true, just an example) if in ts2, light mage can't team splash for extra xp. Sure it was a great part of ts1, but if ts2 doesn't want team splash, then don't argue it. Accept it and talk about what kind of buff LM needs now.

I'm genuinely excited to play a ts game, and not worry about what's broken or wrong. I wanna win tournaments.

Jul 1 2012, 11:35 pm Jack Post #187

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Shredder and Vortex. TS2 is not TS1 on SCII. It's a new map entirely, with some things kept over from TS1 but most things changed. We're not trying to cater to people who want TS1 on SCII, as TS1 is still around and the majority of players on SCII haven't played TS1.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Jul 2 2012, 12:14 am UnholyUrine Post #188


The purpose of the new spell mechanics is not to just implement the abilities that are available to use on SC2. Rather, it is to evolve the mechanics and update them to the SC2 mechanics. I strongly believe that spells like Volt's L1, in which scourges spawn in a random array from him, are too crude and are held down by the limitations of SC1, and that they can be greatly improved by bringing on the features of SC2. Rather than trying to make everything look and feel like SC1, we want to improve the TS formula and create something better, something unachievable in ye olde BroodWar.

Also, we do not plan on only catering to SC1 players. We are going to look at SC2 players as a potential audience - players who are not familiar with TS1 or even SC1 UMS mechanics. While they may be entirely different, I can assure you that we are very aware of how the spells feel. Kineasthetics is one of the major themes that I had to hammer in during development of some of the spells, and from what I can see, the spells feel great.

In the end, saying that they feel different from SC1 mechanics doesn't help us very much...
My point is, theres a lot of ways [we] could have stuck to the original better, but changed it because [we] wanted to implement the new editor stuff. The problemThe good thing is that a lot of this stuff changes the feel of the heroes, and a lot of people are gonna lose quick be interested in the game if things change a how the new, better mechanics play out.

We are actually working on implementing Splash Damage for only team spawns. I'm iffy on it because it means that a Light Mage's L2 can blast kill everything except his teammate's zerglings...
We'd love for you to play and get a feel of the map.

There are still big questions such as 1. How many players possible 2. What Spawn buildings/mechanics should we implement 3. How are we going to do the effects of the spells for heroes like Mutant/Archer/Warrior 4. Should the terrain be changed (again) 5. Passive/Special Upgrade ideas
Any ideas will help.


Jul 2 2012, 4:08 pm Ahli Post #189

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

I just made a working concept map that can make units stutterstep with data stuff only and without issuing new commands. It only requires some behaviors, effects and validators. Basically it deactivates the attacks via validator when a unit attacked x amount of times within a duration of y. Then the unit walks towards its order's target. When the weapon's validator is ok again, then the unit attacks targets again.

I will add that to the map for marines and hydras. :D
Any wish how often Marines/Hydras should attack before walking a small step forward?

Added stutter step to hydra and marine after at least 5 attacks (50% chance to move forward to make it look more natural).

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 2 2012, 6:10 pm by Ahli.

Jul 3 2012, 2:19 am ClansAreForGays Post #190

Picked assassin and really had a fun time playing! I felt way weaker than everything else in the beginning, but I think the assassin should feel that way. Had fun clicking around with the blink.

Bravo to the UI stuff, like having those tiny buttons over attack and armor. Spending my stat points was not a chore. Many times I'd look down and realize I have around 5 stored up. Nice touch with the redundant upgrade center at top right.
I just hope the average will get the hint to click the mineral stat point, and then his upgrades.

I think your on track to making one of the simplest AoS type maps on SC2 to jump into and have fun on your first game. I hope that's the niche your going for.

Too bad everything glitched 15 minutes in :(

Jul 3 2012, 5:44 am luzz Post #191

The building at top right will be for additional upgrades the hero had, for assassin it would have been ghost walk, and blood mark. This is to attempt to keep everything uncluttered, and the building shouldnt have the weapon and armor upgrades when we are finished with the map and UI, seeing as how only the special upgrades should be visible.

Thanks for the support Cafg :)

What do you mean everything glitched 15 minutes in :O it's not my fault I swear!!


Jul 3 2012, 9:50 am Ahli Post #192

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Quote from luzz
What do you mean everything glitched 15 minutes in :O it's not my fault I swear!!
It wasn't everything. I fixed those bugs I think.
It was:
-night vision south base bugged, south base atts mutant afterwards
-base AI attempts to attack invisible units
-improve tentacle spell (already did, only needs a better feeling on the map.)
-mutant hasn't vision of assassin in same team? (no idea if fixed)
things to think about:
-assassin deals more damage than stated with upgrade or something? (bleeding thing?) -> add a delay?

I created those bugs, I guess. :D

Also, I fixed luzz code for crippling strike. It used the player numbers as a base for their teams which is wrong in sc2. In sc2 player numbers are the order of joining the lobby. You are attached to that number and it can't change it with changing your team. That was for the teleport at the end of crippling strike.

I just added more stuff to Light Mage's Light barrier as it protects the close allied units from debuffs/stuns.

I'm writing some functions to make it easier with the alliance and vision changes. Then we only need to define the changes of alliance or vision and the rest stays as it was.
Also, fixing a problem with enemy imitation of the south base upon change to daylight.

-Made friendly base neutral. It still appears as allied in the life bars UI because that seems to use the direction from the unit to the viewer. So Assassin's enemy imitation state is pretty obvious, if one plays with enabled, colored life bars (I personally do).
-Made all weapons not be able to target neutral units/structures.
-AoE effects that damage neutral & enemy: Light Mage's Energy Blast, Light Mage's Essence's Energy Blast, Volt's Storm Surge, Special Op's Gizmo's Self Destruct, Assault's Dropship's Bomb Drop. (Tell me the ones I should add, too like Assault L3 or Special Ops L1, etc...)
-XP will no longer be shared/given with players that have 0 lives left (= eliminated).
-Fixed the northern warpgate death time only being 1 minute instead of 2.5 minutes.
-XP is now shared among the team, if nobody of the xp-receiving team dealt damage to the slain unit and this slain unit received damage from its own team. The xp for the damage is the portion of the splash damage.
-disabled the color on the minimap for attacked units (it was under gameUI -> minimap ... -.-)

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Jul 3 2012, 4:31 pm by Ahli.

Jul 3 2012, 5:50 pm ShredderIV Post #193

The purpose of the new spell mechanics is not to just implement the abilities that are available to use on SC2. Rather, it is to evolve the mechanics and update them to the SC2 mechanics. I strongly believe that spells like Volt's L1, in which scourges spawn in a random array from him, are too crude and are held down by the limitations of SC1, and that they can be greatly improved by bringing on the features of SC2. Rather than trying to make everything look and feel like SC1, we want to improve the TS formula and create something better, something unachievable in ye olde BroodWar.
I didn't mean to keep it exactly the same, i more meant to keep the concept of the spell the same. its more of keeping the skill ceiling and such the same. LM's L2, i dont expect to keep the buggy pathing of scarabs and such and have units still spawn from a gateway (in response to CAFG, in which i never mentioned gateway units at all -_-), but making it shoot out energy attacks that have to follow pathing and attack random units would not have been out of the question, i don't think.

It's more about how now, you can target whatever area you want, before it was much about positioning and making sure the enemy was away from creeps or running towards you to maximize damage.

I understand the direction you've taken it, and i understand moving it towards an evolution of the game. Just swapping for a simple targeted AOE spell with a delay seems to take away from some of the originality.


Jul 3 2012, 8:51 pm UnholyUrine Post #194

That is a legitimate point

However, if you think in terms of what's possible for a pure damaging spell in terms of SC2, it would seem that an AoE at target area is makes the most sense. In other words, the mechanics of the ability just makes a whole lot of sense for this hero in particular.
While it does not have the positioning mechanic like in TS1, it has another one, which is predicting where your opponents will be. I find that this mechanic is equally interesting (and actually more difficult than positioning).

The positioning mechanic is actually being used for Mutant's L3 and may be used for future abilities as well. It all depends on how it fits the heroes in the new game with new heroes and new spell mechanics.

In fact, think of this way. There're new and exciting mechanics (such as the way spells interact with each other) that we can implement to change up the gameplay and make it more interesting and updated. We will keep the old mechanics (because they are good ones) when it seems like it is the best for that particular spell. If we find a new, better mechanic, we'd change it.

The Energy Ball is actually not a bad idea. Imagine a hero spawns four energy balls that have the exact same mechanics as the Heat seeker missiles (except they're huge glowing balls :3) and that they target the unit that's closest to it, so opponents can run and use his spawn as fodder. Definitely something that can be implemented for future spells.


Jul 3 2012, 9:16 pm luzz Post #195

The Energy Ball is actually not a bad idea. Imagine a hero spawns four energy balls that have the exact same mechanics as the Heat seeker missiles (except they're huge glowing balls :3) and that they target the unit that's closest to it, so opponents can run and use his spawn as fodder. Definitely something that can be implemented for future spells.

I had this idea, but I wanted to make it more micro like, where u spawnedlike 3 orbs or flames, that you then had to SELECT and send at a targeted unit. This would require a crapload of micro and godlike precision (especially if you are tryin to hit the mutant xD).

I would like to keep as much mircoing as possible to make the skill cap as high as possible if you can use the spells in their best possible use. The spell above would be one with a large skillcap. Te player would have to continue move their hero, select the orbs or flames, and send them all at a specific target. This would make the spell require good positioning, massive micro, and I don't think it would be too hard for players to pick up.


Jul 3 2012, 9:50 pm Ahli Post #196

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

I started to make this map a spectator friendly map. With high costs in variables due to laziness, full computer games are now possible. I plan to improve that one day.

So I made changes in every system in the map. :D
Also, you can now spectate a computer only game and it's possible for the game master (which is human) to use a computer's dialog.

Sadly it's not possible to show dialogs directly to the spectators. :( Else I would go ahead and make a dialog with some info about the team's total xp/mineral income amount, etc...

So spectators can only check out the observed player's dialogs. :(
Please, Blizzard, give me the possibility to create spectator only dialogs (I can create it for them, but they can't see them because they are never within their own perspective). :S

Jul 5 2012, 12:01 am UnholyUrine Post #197

Things to change.

1. Name the Tentacle attack to Fury Swipes and put it at "W" hotkey.
2. Double check the damage on Banelings please. I don't think they are 40+8.
3. Please remove the bushes around the south base cannons and smooth out the terrain for the bottom paths. Don't want cannons to hit people who cannot see them.
4. Try to put in the Nuke as Spec Op's L4. Gizmo is the unit that deploys it.

The rest are all ideas. We're moving along nicely so let's keep the momentum up. I'm almost going to be doing my exam (in 2 days.. holy shit) so I'll be able to give more attention to this.




Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jul 5 2012, 12:16 am by UnholyUrine.


Jul 5 2012, 12:31 am Ahli Post #198

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

-I changed baneling damage to 40+8. It was 40+5 + 15bonusVsLightUnits before vs units AND 80+8 (no armor reduction) vs buildings.
-renamed mutant's L2 to fury swipes
-removed shrub around cannons in the range of the cannons
-removed shrub in the cliff water outside the normal playing area
-reverted cannon's vision height to 0 which means that cannons cannot look up cliffs or through shrub anymores L2 to fury swipes
-removed shrub around cannons in the range of the cannons
-removed shrub in the cliff water outside the normal playing area
-reverted cannon
-fixed the player number problem in the surrender vote system

Jul 5 2012, 3:22 am NinjaOtis Post #199

Quote from UnholyUrine
Things to change.

1. Name the Tentacle attack to Fury Swipes and put it at "W" hotkey.
2. Double check the damage on Banelings please. I don't think they are 40+8.
3. Please remove the bushes around the south base cannons and smooth out the terrain for the bottom paths. Don't want cannons to hit people who cannot see them.
4. Try to put in the Nuke as Spec Op's L4. Gizmo is the unit that deploys it.

The rest are all ideas. We're moving along nicely so let's keep the momentum up. I'm almost going to be doing my exam (in 2 days.. holy shit) so I'll be able to give more attention to this.




Spec Ops




My concerns...
-Why do I feel like every unit has a stun or knockup ability? Why is this happening...
-Spells are becoming theoretically too complex? Do we really need additional passive features and effects for every single spell?
-Catering the game to only a noob audience is harmful, button mashing is not very fun for competitive players.

It offends me whenever it is said that this game is catering to SC2 players and not SC1 players. I am an SC2 player and I speak for the audience of gamers who have never even played this map, I understand what they want and what they feel makes a great AoS. Please no hypocrisy in saying we are not trying to replicate TS1 and then go make an ult like Mutants L4.

There once was a game on the Atari 800. It's name was M.U.L.E.
M.U.L.E. is arguably one of the most influential games of its time because of its simple yet profound step in strategy gaming and economic simulators.
It's a simple idea that was implemented perfectly
Ideas are easy, implementing them is the hard part
Why spend so much time reinventing the wheel when we have such a great foundation already in place from TS1?

The more that is changed the less this game will look like what Temple Siege was as an AoS. It will just become another dota knockoff.
I apologize for such harsh criticism, but I've spoken with many players from SC1 and SC2 and surveyed ideas and nearly every single one always chooses the idea from TS1 than not.

Recap and Final Statements:
-Terrain is badass, few fixes here and there will be great
-UI looks sweet, very friendly and easy to use
-Spawning system is definitely improved from TS1, can't wait to see what more happens from additional spawn features, like building or upgrading
-Heros are so critical to this game, changing every spell and adding unnecessary, overly complex features to them is deteriorating to what this game is:
An easily playable, highly competitive AoS
-It took years to balance the old TS, and it will take even more years to balance this TS because of more complex spells. Small changes will be beneficial but reinventing the wheel is detrimental.

-Ideas are cheap, implementation is difficult.
-I speak for all players regardless of prior experience of this game

Have at me.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jul 5 2012, 4:20 am by Vortex-.


Jul 5 2012, 4:27 am luzz Post #200

We are trying to keep most of the spells similar to TS1. I don't know where you heard we were making every single ability different, and most of the spells made are still nearly replicants of the original. With the sc2 editor however, we can do solo much more than just spawning a scourge that explodes after 5 seconds, or lays down mines. We can make abilities seem more like abilities that are on the hero, and not some detached ability that just spawns units.

All in all, we aren't changing that much... Just some of the abilities because making them the exact same would be a very weird idea considering how powerful this editor is.

Volts l1 does the exact same thing, just knocks them back half a foot and deals damage, unlike it's TS1 counterpart. Not much change here, it still stuns, and is terrible for chasing down enemies.

Volt l2 now requires more skill to capture an enemy, and an upgrade allows for capturing multiple units. This is opposite of the original where you just built a unit. We are trying to add micro to the abilities because we aren't using the building anymore, which means less micro in general, so we are making up for that with more skillful abilities with high skillcaps...

We are following TS1, unless the editor allows us to do something else, or the spell isnt possible in sc2 due to pathing (mutant l2). But most of te mechanics in the spell are the same.

I'm not very good at typing stuff up, but I hope you understood me :/


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[05:00 pm]
Oh_Man -- its not like there's some gauranteed way of 'do this to quit smoking', etc, failure rates are still high and there doesnt seem to be a silver bullet, with different things working for different people
[05:00 pm]
Oh_Man -- no one seems to have properly cracked the puzzle of breaking habits have they
[04:59 pm]
Oh_Man -- In Search of the Miraculous by P.D. Ouspensky. - I gotta read this ultra, it sounds interesting
[04:38 pm]
[04:33 pm]
Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
[04:17 pm]
Vrael -- well after some quick merriam-webstering (suck it Oxford) I think I used it right but if anyone thinks I used it wrong thats not my hill to die on
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- what I meant was "put forth a hypothesis"
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- I also may have used the word positing wrong - need to google
[04:11 pm]
Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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