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Hushcreek Boarding School : Redux
Jan 25 2012, 1:51 am
By: Fire_Kame
Pages: < 1 2 3 4 >

Jan 27 2012, 9:54 pm NudeRaider Post #21

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

There seems to be a misunderstanding here...

Have fun all you want, but when you called your players idiots and that they don't play properly it seemed to me like a lost cause. I closed it to prevent further headaches. But if you WANT headaches im not having a problem with that... in Null.

Jan 27 2012, 10:11 pm poison_us Post #22

Back* from the grave

Meh, cancel my character then. I don't feel like actually trying to participate when the host is obviously either on her period or just deciding to be a bitch.

Jan 27 2012, 10:36 pm Observer12425 Post #23

Attacking Kame because she won't let you push her game over a cliff is going to cause hard feelings and closed topics.


Jan 27 2012, 10:47 pm DevliN Post #24


Whew. I think everyone needs to calm down. Kame has become synonymous with trolling on SEN, but it seems like she actually wants to do a legitimate game. I can't blame her for getting pissed when she explains that she wants this to be taken seriously and a majority of the responses that followed (mine included, sort of) aren't abiding by that request. It is easy to assume she wont ultimately take it seriously, but conversely she also can assume most of us wont as well. She probably doesn't want another boarding school lesbian sex romp like we tried to do in the past. :awesome:

I suggest that people who are actually going to take this seriously post in the thread indicating such, otherwise just leave it be. I'd rather this not turn into some flame war. :/

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Jan 27 2012, 11:01 pm BiOAtK Post #25

Can you just delete the posts by people who don't want it to be at least moderately serious?
And yes, I'm interested.


Jan 27 2012, 11:03 pm DevliN Post #26


Yeah I can delete them, I'm just not sure who is serious about it yet. :)

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Jan 27 2012, 11:10 pm FatalException Post #27

FH.Swim fighting


Jan 28 2012, 2:15 am Dem0n Post #28

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

I'm srsly srs about this. ;o

Jan 28 2012, 2:16 am poison_us Post #29

Back* from the grave

Quote from Observer12425
Attacking Kame because she won't let you push her game over a cliff is going to cause hard feelings and closed topics.
I'm not the one that typically derails games. Besides, she seemed to me like she's absolutely unwilling to even think about giving me a chance. Regardless, if you consider that an attack, you should see it when I'm actually trying. I was making a statement of what I considered to be an observation of her attitude towards everyone, not just myself.

Quote from DevliN
I suggest that people who are actually going to take this seriously post in the thread indicating such, otherwise just leave it be. I'd rather this not turn into some flame war. :/
I would avow to keep this from becoming a lesbian sex romp (had no part in that in the other thread), but I'm done. Kame obviously doesn't want me in this game.

As a parting note, sorry if I came off as an asshole Kame, but generally when you're going to host a game you have to at least make an effort to believe some people are willing to role play without being retarded.

Jan 29 2012, 2:56 am ClansAreForGays Post #30

omg get over yourself poison. You're not usually this bad...

Jan 29 2012, 4:57 pm Dem0n Post #31

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

I don't think you're going to get many more players, Kame, so maybe you should just start the game now. We've already got a star lineup to participate: me, lil-inferno, devlin, and raccoon. :awesome:

Jan 29 2012, 7:27 pm Daddywhoo Post #32


Grade: 12
Age: 18
What you look like, health problems:
Motivation: To be a cologne salesman
Hobbies/activities done after school: Wrestling
Status with friends, family, etc, and enemies you may have had in your 'old life': Loved universally
Where you're from...what state/city, where your parents live (ie are the overseas celebrating now that you're gone in Bermuda?): Dearly missed
What got you sent here excessive tardies, anger mismanagement, deviancy, etc: Tragic misunderstanding involving a telephone cord, a Norwegian Elkhound, pineapples, a bottle of Apple cider, and a bus full of children
Classes you excel/do poorly at: Excels at PE, Autoshop; Failing all other classes

In the time shortly before 1993, there were those within the sinister city of Soxun who did not agree with the evils perpetrated by the Soxian City Council. The City Council had just put down a coup attempt from the self-proclaimed Mayor Raschallion, and a crackdown on any form of dissent against the new city council was underway. These political and social outcasts, known as the Gray Order, sought to leave their neighbors in peace as they committed terrible crimes. The leaders of this outcast society were a married couple: Gregori Hastur, the Gray Guy, and his wife Amoline, the Shadow Bitch. Together they led an exodus of pedophiles and other social outcasts from Soxun, resettling their followers beyond the city limits to the northern reaches of Canada. Though survival was a challenge at times, the Gray Order's colony managed to thrive in a land where so many others would have failed.

Years after the exodus, Gregori and Amoline had a child: Arnie. Early on, Arnie's parents knew there was something special about their son. At the age of two, Arnie miraculously choked a bear with his bare hands - a ferocious denizen of the petrified forests outside the colony - turning it into his pet. To this day he keeps his bear ''Timbers'' by his side, often keeping him tied up and on a leash to be carried like a child's toy. The combination of Arnie's lineage and the strange location of his birthplace have given this little boy tremendous muscles. It is this same boy who now finds himself as one of the most sought-after people within the Hushcreek Boarding School - even by the school officials that would have expelled him had his parents not paid them a substantial bribe to take him.

''Arnie may be one of the most aggressive students ever to walked in this school's halls. I shudder to think of his capabilities when he becomes an adult.'' - School Counselor Jamal Jenkins

"ARNIE iZ SuM rEEL tHuG SHyT nigguh. y4 FuK W1t h1M y4 fuKKiN y0 0WN 4ZZ UP" [sic] - Arnie's ex-girlfriend Latifah Dominique

"You niggas seen mah nigga Timbers?" [sic]- Arnie

Age: 18
Height: 233 cm
Weight: 255 kg
Eye Color: Greener than turning off the solar powered lights when you leave a room
Hair Color: Blacker than a sheet of carbon nanotubes that captures nearly every last photon of every wavelength of light.
Hair Style: Curlier than hair after being curled by hair curlers. Longer than a really long pencil.
Race / Nationality: 1/2048 Afghan, 3/2048 Irish, 2/2048 Polish, 1/2048 Ukrainian, 5/2048 German, 1/2048 American Indian, 4/2048 Afro Brazilian, 1/2048 Akha, 4/2048 Garinuga, 2/2048 Mundurucu, 3/2048 Inuit, 2/2048 Sarakatsuni, 1/2048 Chilcotin, 2/2048 Yaghan, 1/2048 Mansis, 63/64 African
Clothing Preference: Black suits
STR: 95.25
DEX: 310
CON: 1716
INT: 3.14159265
WIS: 80.5
CHA: 30
COM: >9000

Miscellaneous Facts
Collapse Box


Jan 29 2012, 7:33 pm DevliN Post #33


Great, now something with veiled references to League of Legends. That's gonna go well. :facepalm:

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Jan 29 2012, 7:51 pm poison_us Post #34

Back* from the grave

...And you thought my submission was trolling :rolleyes:

Jan 29 2012, 7:56 pm Fire_Kame Post #35

wth is starcraft

Current Students:
Inigo Montoya
Dan Buelem
Zach Lance

Please be advised that all characters do not need to come to a consensus on activities. For example, if three of you want to go do something and the other two don't, the other two don't have to.

This is the last call for new characters.

Jan 29 2012, 8:09 pm lil-Inferno Post #36

Just here for the pie

What about Soot Ketchup? That's a legitimate character.

Jan 29 2012, 8:46 pm Fire_Kame Post #37

wth is starcraft

Ash Ketchum is not a legitimate character. Your parents would not send you to a penal institution to make friends.

Jan 29 2012, 8:50 pm FatalException Post #38

A wannabe progamer isn't a good enough antisocial slacker in your eyes? You seem awfully choosy.


Jan 29 2012, 8:54 pm Fire_Kame Post #39

wth is starcraft

If you gave him a real name that classmates could call him I'll add you.

Jan 29 2012, 8:55 pm Dem0n Post #40

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Just name him like Lee Kim or something.. or Kim Lee..

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Oh_Man -- its not like there's some gauranteed way of 'do this to quit smoking', etc, failure rates are still high and there doesnt seem to be a silver bullet, with different things working for different people
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Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
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Vrael -- I also may have used the word positing wrong - need to google
[04:11 pm]
Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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