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Nov 9 2007, 2:10 pm
By: Sie_Sayoka
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Dec 28 2007, 3:44 am JordanN Post #41

Most dreams I have are fucked up... so here's 1 of them.

Rainy Day
So in my sleep I was dreaming that I forgot my backpack in my locker so I road my bike to the school and well lucky I am the doors were open. So I walk in, go to my locker and my lock isn't there. Then I was to creeped out that I just grabbed my bag and ran until I got to this part of this school that looks like its under construction. So then thats where I meet Dale Gribble and Bobby Hill from KOTH. I noticed they were in their bare feet hoping around in the mud. So for no reason what so ever I join them so I took off my boots and hopped around. Then I saw some money on top of this ledge. So I used the cords running from the fences to climb up to get it. Then Dale and Bobby ran out of the room and they went into this next area and I followed them. Next thing you know the area is actual a soccer field were my high school team was facing another. Still in my barefeet I just ran from one part of the field to the other trying to lower the disturbance. I finally made it to the other side but the bus that goes from the school to the street by my house just departed. Then I got on this airplane that appeared out of nowhere. It looked comfy inside and other people were enjoying themselves. So I sat down and apparently the wing master gave me an air ticket. The plane then flew to some city in USA. I asked if it was heading backing to Canada but the flight attendant said it was heading to France. Now I'm in this big city and there were alot of yellow taxis. Then I head into this 7-11 to call for a ride back to canada. Then out nowhere I'm back. So I head back to my house to see my community is covered in snow and that's were it ends.


Dec 31 2007, 1:58 am friedleaves Post #42

That......... is pretty f'd up.

Last night I dreamed it was yesterday. It's like reliving the entire day.


Jan 1 2008, 2:11 pm LemonFang Post #43

What about Deja Vu? I seem to have lots of those. (you know, those dreams where you can see the future or something?) but there really small things like, my mom said something today and i guess what she was going to say next and she was surprised, it was really weird.

Anyways I have this one dream where I'm sitting in the back of a car and the windows are down and my feet are out of the window and I can see hills going past the window and we travel for about 3 hours and then this guy in the front seat gets out and some woman gets out and I'm left alone in the car for some reason I never get up to see where I am I just lay there and stare at the mountains. it's really weird.


Jan 2 2008, 8:47 am enigmacat Post #44

i had a dream(more like a nightmare) where i couldnt speak,also had 1 when no 1 can hear me,one time in my dream i noticed it was a dream but hitting your self does not work D: scary as fuck to be in a dream that you know your dreaming and u cant find a way out :/
What about Deja Vu? I seem to have lots of those. (you know, those dreams where you can see the future or something?)
yeah i have alot fo those,but there more like predictions or what I wish would happen tomorow or a day that is really special.


Jan 2 2008, 2:55 pm AntiSleep Post #45

Quote from 10badboy01
scary as fuck to be in a dream that you know your dreaming and u cant find a way out :/
Why would you want a way out?


Jan 2 2008, 3:44 pm Symmetry Post #46

Dungeon Master

Quote from JordanN
Most dreams I have are fucked up... so here's 1 of them.

Rainy Day
So in my sleep I was dreaming that I forgot my backpack in my locker so I road my bike to the school and well lucky I am the doors were open. So I walk in, go to my locker and my lock isn't there. Then I was to creeped out that I just grabbed my bag and ran until I got to this part of this school that looks like its under construction. So then thats where I meet Dale Gribble and Bobby Hill from KOTH. I noticed they were in their bare feet hoping around in the mud. So for no reason what so ever I join them so I took off my boots and hopped around. Then I saw some money on top of this ledge. So I used the cords running from the fences to climb up to get it. Then Dale and Bobby ran out of the room and they went into this next area and I followed them. Next thing you know the area is actual a soccer field were my high school team was facing another. Still in my barefeet I just ran from one part of the field to the other trying to lower the disturbance. I finally made it to the other side but the bus that goes from the school to the street by my house just departed. Then I got on this airplane that appeared out of nowhere. It looked comfy inside and other people were enjoying themselves. So I sat down and apparently the wing master gave me an air ticket. The plane then flew to some city in USA. I asked if it was heading backing to Canada but the flight attendant said it was heading to France. Now I'm in this big city and there were alot of yellow taxis. Then I head into this 7-11 to call for a ride back to canada. Then out nowhere I'm back. So I head back to my house to see my community is covered in snow and that's were it ends.

Your dreams have titles? O.o

:voy: :jaff: :voy: :jaff:

Jan 2 2008, 7:09 pm enigmacat Post #47

Quote from AntiSleep
Quote from 10badboy01
scary as fuck to be in a dream that you know your dreaming and u cant find a way out :/
Why would you want a way out?

cause the ones i figure out that its a dream is usually a nightmare,why would i want to stay in a nightmare?


Jan 3 2008, 12:32 am FlyingHat Post #48

In one dream I had I was on a pirate ship, in a moment I had a few conversations with several characters from PotC.
In the next moment I remember that I was in a cook-off in a dirty kitchen with Colenel Sanders making chicken sandwiches :| .


Jan 3 2008, 2:41 am EzDay281 Post #49

cause the ones i figure out that its a dream is usually a nightmare,why would i want to stay in a nightmare?
Well, you said nothing about nightmares. Only lucid dreams.


Jan 3 2008, 3:52 am friedleaves Post #50

Usually when I dream, I know that I'm dreaming, so I just think about something and that thing happens. I've had dreams where I conquered the world, sniped a person that I despise straight through the head, blew up the white house, smacked my sister across the face with a shovel that magically appeared out of nowhere, etc.

It's like playtime. You can do whatever you want. :)


Jan 3 2008, 7:54 pm Zergblender Post #51

God, I had a really strange dream once.
I had flying carpet and while riding it I was being chased by cute little blue birds with breaths like flamethrowers and they seeked to burn me.
The landscape was a forest with extremely huge mushrooms, like the ones in mario.

I've also noticed that some dreams take only a few minutes while others seem to take days or even weeks.


Jan 10 2008, 3:58 am Ryan Post #52

I can remember quite a few of my dreams, a few of which I had some kind of psychic phenomenon.

When I was a little kid, I had to read this book for school. I fell asleep while reading the book. In my dream, I got up from my reading spot and looked at the oven clock. The clock said 11:57. Then I asked my mom what was for dinner.
When I woke up from that dream, I walked into the kitchen and looked at the oven clock. It said 11:57. Then I asked my mom hesitantly "Whats for dinner?". I asked it hesitantly because I remembered I had asked it in my dream. It was kinda funny.

Another dream, I was standing on some floating, grassy platform in the sky. There was a small house to my right, and then there was a bunch of junk in front of me. I heard music, and I walked over to the junk. I looked inside the pile and found a radio. When I saw the radio, I woke up, and my alarm clock was going off. Strangely, the song playing on my alarm was the same exact one in my dream. That was pretty funny too.

I also just recently had a dream, with no psychic powers though. Me and some friends were hanging at a playground, and had this spot we always hung out in. It was a tube like you'd see on a slide at McDonalds or something. It was really windy, and it kinda rained a little bit. The wind would blow debris towards me, no matter where I moved. And things above me would fall and try to hit me as well. Me and my friends went inside of a small garage, and started talking. I said something about how if the world started to flood I'd take the "cowards way out", as in shoot myself in the head. I don't remember much after that, but I woke up.

The playground was from when I went to the park across the street from my house the other day. The windy and rainy setting was from the wind storm I had earlier that day. The flood comes from how I was reading up on how the world might end. The small garage is when me and my friends went inside some garage at my friend's apartment and hung out. The "cowards way out" comes from Call of Duty 4, and that's on the "Last Stand" perk.

I find dreams very intruiging, and I believe that they're all just a collection of past thoughts and memories. My brother has better dreams though, he has dreams about zombies and monsters. I want those kind of dreams. :P

I do realize this post is very, very long. And if you read the whole thing, my accolades, my acknowledgement, and my gratitude go out to you. So have a nice day. =)


Jan 10 2008, 4:33 am Ultraviolet Post #53

Quote from AntiSleep
Quote from 10badboy01
scary as fuck to be in a dream that you know your dreaming and u cant find a way out :/
Why would you want a way out?

Indeed. Lucid dreams are fun. An interesting way to stay in a dream if you are waking up is to like curl in on yourself and focus on spinning. I read about it on a lucid dream website, and I've tried it several times when having lucid dreams and nearly waking up. It is fairly effective.

My Projects:

Impossible Ultraviolet | Impossible UV2 | Impossible UV3
Mercenaries 2020 | Mercenaries III
Squad Defense

Legacy Projects (No guarantee of functionality in modern SC):

Pixel Adventure 2 | Space Snipers | Control the Ball


Join me in Torn City
It's a text-based MMORPG, kind of like GTA, and played from your browser. Sounds silly, but it's fun. I get a referral reward if you join after clicking my link. Let me know if you do, and if you make it to level 10, I'll send you the reward I get.

Jan 10 2008, 4:40 am Minority Post #54

Damn you all and your lucid dreams... I'd start making a 'dream journal' and all that crap to help me recognise my dreams, but I just can't be bothered... It's hard enough getting to sleep as it is, anyway.


Jan 10 2008, 4:52 am Ultraviolet Post #55

Quote from Minority
Damn you all and your lucid dreams... I'd start making a 'dream journal' and all that crap to help me recognise my dreams, but I just can't be bothered... It's hard enough getting to sleep as it is, anyway.

I considered making one of those once, but figured I'd be somewhat embarassed if anyone found it. Also I'm way too tired in the morning to write stuff. Just focus on remembering any dreams you had immediately after you wake up.

My Projects:

Impossible Ultraviolet | Impossible UV2 | Impossible UV3
Mercenaries 2020 | Mercenaries III
Squad Defense

Legacy Projects (No guarantee of functionality in modern SC):

Pixel Adventure 2 | Space Snipers | Control the Ball


Join me in Torn City
It's a text-based MMORPG, kind of like GTA, and played from your browser. Sounds silly, but it's fun. I get a referral reward if you join after clicking my link. Let me know if you do, and if you make it to level 10, I'll send you the reward I get.

Jan 10 2008, 7:35 am EzDay281 Post #56

I do realize this post is very, very long.
Not really. =P

Damn you all and your lucid dreams... I'd start making a 'dream journal' and all that crap to help me recognise my dreams, but I just can't be bothered... It's hard enough getting to sleep as it is, anyway.
My lucid dreams tend to be the worst, because when dreaming, my sense of logic completely dissipates. D=
I had a dream in which I wanted to do something illegal, but I didn't because I was afraid that somehow "it would get out[side of the dream]." And then I wake up and realize how rediculous that is and am just frustrated.

I'd thought of making a dream journal also, but my dreams are generally far too disjointed and inconsistant for that to be any simple task. As for as my status as myself, observer, and a not-me character in my dreams goes, there's often constant fluctuation and I'm hardly ever just one of those three; rules of 'reality,' where I am, what characters I'm seeing, when things are taking place, and what has or hasn't yet happened are all constantly shifting around in an incoherent mess at times.
Judging by your peoples' descriptions, most of your dreams are fairly boring and sensible. =P


Jan 10 2008, 9:43 am Rantent Post #57

I can only remember two dreams I have ever had, because they were simply too scary for me. (I dream multiple times during the night, but I never remember them past an hour or so because most are just like "I go to the mall and buy something but then find out all my money is in the form of soup labels." Or something)

I was with a bunch of my friends playing soccer in the fields by our school. When all of a sudden a gang of people on four-wheelers come and carve big ruts in the field with their tires. We decide to chase them. They go through the woods at one end of the field, yet when we follow we find that they went into a cave. (That isn't there in actuality.) We follow them down the cave, but as we go farther, the cave walls look less and less like rock and more and more like sticks piles up against one another forming a triangle. (stick your hands together and let your fingers intermingle, then pull out slightly and you'll get the effect.) After going a ways further, we can actually see outside the sticks, and what we see is something similar to a jungle, yet it kinda seeps around, shifting shape. (Hard to describe.) We hear lots of noises oI hurry f things and a few screams, when I hear one of them behind me, I notice I'm all alone. I turn around just in time to see a giant Velociraptor-like dinosaur jump into the stick structure. It busts through the walls scattering sticks all over, and leans real close to me, so were seeing eye to eye. It's pupils are forming and reforming spirals that accelerate and switch directions. (Again rather difficult to describe.) It speaks in a raspy voice, "I've been looking for you." Then I woke up.

The second dream is somewhat vague at the beginning, I was doing something rather vague in my room. (I remember it involved sitting on the floor.) When all of a sudden my there seems to be a noise of urgency outside. (Like people saying "hurry hurry" with a sort of quiet droning alarm.) I hurry to the door to see the trail of people going away from me. Stepping outside of my room however, I find I am not in my house at all. It appears to be like a metallic street, with a railing opposite my door that faces what could be a cliff. (I never went close to find out, but there was nothing but clouds in the background.) Above me rose skyscrapers that curved over in wide arcs, shading most of the area, so that everything was either really bright or really dark. (Almost like if you turned the contrast up all the way on your computer.) I followed where everyone else was running towards. In the rush I found one of my moms friends, she didn't have time to explain to me what was going on, just that we should hurry. Everyone was crossing this bridge that cycled about into many different rooms. We waited in a line that grew shorter at a rapid rate. When we were on the bridge we could see nothing outside of it, like nothing else existed. When we had crossed it, what was a hallway closed behind us, and it was revealed that we were in some sort of escape pod. It suddenly seemed much smaller, and we realized that we had gotten on the wrong one.
Ours was filled with dogs. There was nowhere you could go without having at least three touching you. So we started moving right after the door had shut. We watched through the windows on the door, as many other people in that hallway seemed to try to follow us. We watched them grow small and then the world itself was growing small, and as I remember it, half of it was on fire, and it quickly spread to the entire thing. The Earth became like a sun for a brief instant, before turning completely black. We traveled for what seemed like ages, spending our time counting the dogs in the room. When suddenly we felt creaks in the pod we were in. They weren't very loud, but they were intensely noticeable. There now seemed to be this black string-like goo that was growing out of the dogs, between their fur. We were trapped inside this shuttle with dogs that were turning into something else. Some of the goo hardened making them look like sea urchins, while others broke into segments, looking more like black spiders with millions of legs and no head. Then I have a big blank spot, where I don't remember what happens. And we are set free, crashing on a small planet that we can take one step to walk across and end up where we were. When I wake up.


Jan 11 2008, 1:25 am ClansAreForGays Post #58

I've been having terrible nightmare's ever since I read Life2Death's "True Love"

I would like to form a support group for all the people negatively affected by it.

Jan 11 2008, 10:37 am candle12345 Post #59

First and third person views
First, though sometimes a strange "second person" view. Don't ask.

The ability to breathe underwater
No. [Occasionally I'm drowning.]

The ability to fly or levitate
No. I don't dream I'm falling either.

Having a different body
Does marine power armor count? :)

No. I don't get this normally anyway.

Lots of emotions, such as love, fear, and hate
Fear commonly, Who doesn't have nightmares. And whoever said you get beat up easy is fucking right. You're really weak in dreams, often I've fallen over and cannot bring myself to stand.

Vivid colors
No. I dream in a fairly lifelike colorscheme, Not very vivid, but there is colour. [Often there is no environment, just the action. Because the environment doesn't matter. The actionis the subject of the dream, I simply don't notice the lack of environment [Unless it is an obstruction]

Exploring unfamiliar places, such as different countries and planets
Sometimes the "appearance" of the dream is like a blueprint. On a grid and focussing on an object. I recognise the object [Sometimes I actually Identify it] but most of the time I cannot actually tell what it is [It's never a random object that I identified and remember, always something related to recent events. Like a radio if I fixed/broke my radio, or a book if I've been reading.]

Overall, I dream weirdly. But don't we all?
Dreams are an amazing glimpse into the mind of the dreamer. Often you can be surprised by the difference between a dream and a personality.

My dreams sort of fit my personality. Oddballish [find a gamer who isn't] but with a mind that works on logic. No trace of my often seen defensive/aggressive behaviour though, So that may be a hormonal thing. I'd still expect it to reflect in my dreams. [I do not dream about guns if you were wondering about the marine armor. I dream about the technology of starcraft, in particular the terrans. I'm mildly obsessed, and can tell you facts about most terran weaponry. For example, if I were to liken a gauss rifle to another fictional weapon, it would be a railgun. The mechanisms are very similar, if a little less powerful in a gauss rifle. But I'm going off on a tangent there. Bring it up elsewhere.]

I'm not pro-war. I believe violence should remain purely virtual.
In fact, I'll make a thread about an idea that has stuck in my head for ages.
Gah. I'm going waaay off topic. Conversations about dreams tend to do that.
Anyway, I hope this has been enlightening/useful.

Oh wait. I've exposed the inner workings of my mind...
Shit. :><:

Oh, another horrible thing to dream about, is paralysis. You can feel everything. You can see, sense. But you're dead to the world. You can't cry for help, or move.

Nasty stuff to dream about:
Incapability to breathe [I get that a lot. Unexplained suffocation. Not drowning, just inability to breathe]
Chased by bad thing [Never ever gets you, but you can't move, your often paralysed in this too.]

Good stuff to dream about:
Games [You know, the one where it all works perfectly, great gameplay, and everything. But when you wake up you can't remember a thing, or the whole game was retarded.]
[Fun] Journeys, where you go lots of places [many fictional] and meet lots of people. Bad stuff might happen, but it's all good in the end.

Also, the guy who dreamed of hitting his sister in the head with a shovel.
2 things.
1, it's sick that you'd even think of that. [Especially if she's your little sister]
2, I wish so much my dreams were a playground. I can't control any of the fucking shit going on. Most of the time, I can't even move. [See paralysis] Even in good dreams! [It's more that I have no body in the good dream, than I'm paralysed]

God I can talk for hours about this stuff.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 11 2008, 10:45 am by candle12345.


Jan 13 2008, 8:02 am Fierce Post #60

When I was really young, I had dreams of that funny Chucky doll (weird thing was, they were the same exact dream occuring like atleast once every year). I would wake up (in my dream) from bed and see that doll on the sink in the bathroom staring at me :S

I always have those dreams that repeat over and over again.


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Oh_Man -- its not like there's some gauranteed way of 'do this to quit smoking', etc, failure rates are still high and there doesnt seem to be a silver bullet, with different things working for different people
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Oh_Man -- In Search of the Miraculous by P.D. Ouspensky. - I gotta read this ultra, it sounds interesting
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Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
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Vrael -- well after some quick merriam-webstering (suck it Oxford) I think I used it right but if anyone thinks I used it wrong thats not my hill to die on
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- what I meant was "put forth a hypothesis"
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- I also may have used the word positing wrong - need to google
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Oh_Man -- lol, fine
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