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League of Legends
May 25 2010, 6:33 am
By: poison_us
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Sep 13 2010, 1:19 am Generalpie Post #341

Staredit Puckwork

Miss Fortune needs a slight nerf.


Sep 13 2010, 4:05 am shmeeps Post #342

Fortune is a little broke, since some of her moves can multi proc on-hit items like Madrid's. And going boots first is the most annoying starting game with her.

Other than that, Garen for the same reason, boots early game can wreck any champ just cause they can't run from judgment. End game he does too much damage without any DPS items. Tanks in general do that. Katarina's bouncing blades can do way too much damage. In general I think Kennan and Kog were buffed a bit too hard in the last few patches too.


Sep 13 2010, 11:54 am Alzarath Post #343


Quote from shmeeps
Fortune is a little broke, since some of her moves can multi proc on-hit items like Madrid's. And going boots first is the most annoying starting game with her.

I agree, she's a bit of a nuisance. :\

Quote from shmeeps
Katarina's bouncing blades can do way too much damage.

Her ulti is way too rape.

Quote from shmeeps
In general I think Kennan and Kog were buffed a bit too hard in the last few patches too.

Kennen has maybe too much CC. Not sure about Kog. I'd be biased if I disagreed, as he's one of my favorites. I did well with him before his buff, so a nerf wouldn't be uncalled for.


Sep 13 2010, 12:42 pm Moogle Post #344

Predator of Bed Chambers

Quote from name:Zilean
Miss Fortune needs a slight nerf.

She not that bad I took her down as Veigar, stunned her during the ult. Then nuked the crap out of her. She pretty squishy when you have like 400 AP.

If all else fails, crowbar the fucker

Sep 13 2010, 12:50 pm poison_us Post #345

Back* from the grave

Quote from name:Artanis186
The only 2 I believe for certain need nerfs are Tryndamere...
Stun/slow. Wait. Kill.

Quote from name:Artanis186
Quote from shmeeps
Katarina's bouncing blades can do way too much damage.

Her ulti is way too rape.
Stun. Kill.

IMO, a buff is needed for Mundo. He doesn't do any real damage while being build as a tank, and his DPS build leaves his stupidly low armor and magic resist vulnerable. Either way you go, you have to get HP/HP regen for him, or he will run out while attacking. His ultimate is broke as shit though, because he sacrifices 20% of his current HP to gain 50% over time. Spirit Visage on him = 60%, combined with his already insanely high regen, you really can't do much as a tank other than slow with the cleaver and heal. DPS, you always get the team bitching because Mundo is apparently supposed to be a tank.

Oh, and yeah, I'll admit that Nasus might be overpowered. IMO he deals way too much AoE damage. I love it. ^^

Sep 13 2010, 6:01 pm shmeeps Post #346

Mundo got a pretty nice buff last patch. Buffed his cleaver health cost by making it refund half cost on hit, meaning you can't spam it (since it takes out a pretty large chunk), but if you're good at hitting you can still do alright. His ult can also do a base HP regen of 70% at level 3 now (I think it goes 30%/50%/70%). Few other small buffs.

Health regen Mundo is arguably one of my favorite characters to play, even though it's not too viable in my ELO. But it's pretty hysterical to have a base 300+ hp/5, so you can run from an enemy for a few seconds and have almost full HP again. Unfortunately, since Mundo isn't a "tank" per se (he has nothing that makes someone want to attack him), a tank build doesn't work too well with him, especially when you can get someone like rammus or shen or cho for around the same cost. DPS build sucks on him, since he doesn't really do all that much more damage than a tank build (Thanks to Masochism), but has a SERIOUS case of glass-jaw.

Katarina's ult isn't too bad. Give her a stun/snare/knock-up/knock-back/silence, etc, and she's left in the middle of 5 people with no way out. Same with NuNu, but his will do no damage :/ . Bouncing blades is her real killer, I've seen them do 1000+ base damage before, even the last hit would hit for some 500 or so. If you ran next to a creep wave after a team fight it would wreck you. If they scaled that down some, despite her being a complete face-roll character, I think she would be pretty balanced. But she's not really OP unless you are playing a champ that relies on high HP regen, like Mundo or Cho.

Nasus is actually really balanced. Pretty good farmer and pusher, but not an OP pusher/farmer like Sivr or Taric, excellent 1v1 (he can down any AS carry like Ashe, Xin, Shaco, Trist, etc), and a great team figher (with his AoE Ult, small AoE damage with an armor debuff, wither to destroy the enemy carry, and Siphon Strike which just gains power every time you use it (especially when they are affected by Spirit Fire)).

But he's far from OP. ;P


Sep 13 2010, 6:13 pm DevliN Post #347


If anything I think the amount of bonus attack damage given to Kat's bouncing blades should be nerfed. The ability itself isn't bad (and slightly useless) if you're stacking Ability Power for super high Shunpo hits and a lot of bonus damage for the ult. Then again, I've only recently seen people play with stacking attack damage on Kat rather than ability power, and it seems like their bouncing blades is all they've got to rely on.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Sep 13 2010, 7:02 pm poison_us Post #348

Back* from the grave

Quote from shmeeps
Nasus is actually really balanced. Pretty good farmer and pusher, but not an OP pusher/farmer like Sivr or Taric, excellent 1v1 (he can down any AS carry like Ashe, Xin, Shaco, Trist, etc), and a great team figher (with his AoE Ult, small AoE damage with an armor debuff, wither to destroy the enemy carry, and Siphon Strike which just gains power every time you use it (especially when they are affected by Spirit Fire)).

But he's far from OP. ;P
I dunno, I've never had any problem 1v1 as Nasus, or 2v1 if I'm feeling frisky. The patch before this even gave him a slight buff so his Q can't be dodged anymore, really made me ^^. I'm an AoE + spellvamp whore, so maybe that's why Nasus seems OP to me.

And TBH, I put down Mundo a while ago. I gave up on him, and I didn't know that he got a buff. The cleaver still is spammable, more so if it refunds half the HP on a hit. Spirit Visage would now give +84% HP at level 3...still, he needs a damage buff. There's really no use for him other than ARAM.

Sep 14 2010, 2:40 am shmeeps Post #349

Quote from poison_us
Quote from shmeeps
Nasus is actually really balanced. Pretty good farmer and pusher, but not an OP pusher/farmer like Sivr or Taric, excellent 1v1 (he can down any AS carry like Ashe, Xin, Shaco, Trist, etc), and a great team figher (with his AoE Ult, small AoE damage with an armor debuff, wither to destroy the enemy carry, and Siphon Strike which just gains power every time you use it (especially when they are affected by Spirit Fire)).

But he's far from OP. ;P
I dunno, I've never had any problem 1v1 as Nasus, or 2v1 if I'm feeling frisky. The patch before this even gave him a slight buff so his Q can't be dodged anymore, really made me ^^. I'm an AoE + spellvamp whore, so maybe that's why Nasus seems OP to me.

And TBH, I put down Mundo a while ago. I gave up on him, and I didn't know that he got a buff. The cleaver still is spammable, more so if it refunds half the HP on a hit. Spirit Visage would now give +84% HP at level 3...still, he needs a damage buff. There's really no use for him other than ARAM.
Nasus is probably one of the most versatile characters, but he feels a little spread thin. It's very hard to get the Tank/DPS hybrid down correctly, but if given enough farming time he can dominate an enemy team.

As far for Mundo, he's a great character, if he had a hard CC it would make him a lot more viable. However, he completely wrecks any game of Twisted Treeline, since he doesn't rely on a lot of items. Just his cleaver.


Sep 14 2010, 12:49 pm poison_us Post #350

Back* from the grave

Who plays Twisted Treeline?

Sep 14 2010, 5:01 pm Alzarath Post #351


Twisted Treeline has to be the worst map in the world. Gank gank gank, how's that fun? It's not even skill, whoever has the best gankers/face-rollers wins.


Sep 14 2010, 5:46 pm Bar Refaeli Post #352

I'm still finding a lot of small little bugs. One time when I revived after having died from ignite, I still had the ignite animation on me, and it didn't go away until the game ended.

Some heroes are generally not much of a help to your team (unless the player playing that hero is pro) and some heroes give the team an extremely bigger chance of winning. Take Olaf, just building him on HP, he still deals out TONS of damage and has tons of health. He is like a tank and a dps in one hero. You can't really focus him because he is so tanky, but you want to because he deals bunches of damage. Very helpful hero to the team. Then take someone like Nidalee, unless she gets really fed at the start, she doesn't help much. Heals are nice, but they don't do much unless Nidalee gets fed and goes AP build. Her spear can help once in a while, they are easy to dodge, their amount of damage varies much and CD is long. In cougar form, she can't deal out much damage, but she is really squishy.

Anyone else get what I'm saying?


Sep 14 2010, 5:59 pm shmeeps Post #353

Quote from name:Raccoon
I'm still finding a lot of small little bugs. One time when I revived after having died from ignite, I still had the ignite animation on me, and it didn't go away until the game ended.

Some heroes are generally not much of a help to your team (unless the player playing that hero is pro) and some heroes give the team an extremely bigger chance of winning. Take Olaf, just building him on HP, he still deals out TONS of damage and has tons of health. He is like a tank and a dps in one hero. You can't really focus him because he is so tanky, but you want to because he deals bunches of damage. Very helpful hero to the team. Then take someone like Nidalee, unless she gets really fed at the start, she doesn't help much. Heals are nice, but they don't do much unless Nidalee gets fed and goes AP build. Her spear can help once in a while, they are easy to dodge, their amount of damage varies much and CD is long. In cougar form, she can't deal out much damage, but she is really squishy.

Anyone else get what I'm saying?
The ignite animation is a known bug AFAIK, we've had it happen several times, but no fixes yet. It doesn't do any damage, just looks funny.

As far as the heroes, unfortunately many are like this. Take for instance Garen, who, just building tank, and dish out as much damage as an average DPS character, plus can long-range finish people with his ult (assuming it actually fires. Lol bug). Then you have characters like Teemo, who have a horrible case of glass jaw, can't put out as much damage as a normal AS AD champ, and only has one tiny form of crowd control. Don't get me wrong, I've seen Teemos do good (and I've done well with him before), but in general, unless there's a really skilled player behind the champ, they're going to drag down your team.

Unfortunately, a lot of characters are like that, such as Akali, Corki (Ironically, one of the best carries in the game with a good player), Evelynn, Kassadin, Nidalee, Sivr, Teemo, and Veigar.

And don't even get me started on Nunu. Even Epik couldn't make him play as well as they could have with another character.


Sep 14 2010, 8:22 pm Alzarath Post #354


Are you kidding? I rape with Kassadin and Veigar. I also do fairly with (AP) Corki. Teemo is pretty situational.


Sep 14 2010, 11:34 pm poison_us Post #355

Back* from the grave

I played Veigar today, ended at 28/16 because they started to focus me first every fight. Had well over 1k xp. He's good when left alone, and that's what shmeeps is getting at...characters that are generally very powerful as one role while building for another. Veigar must be built mage. You can't build him as a tank and expect to win...well, you could, but you wont.

Sep 15 2010, 5:39 am shmeeps Post #356

Veigar used to be a great anti-mage, back before he was re-worked. Unfortunately, he was one of the characters that suffers until late game, so if you didn't completely shut him down all throughout the game, he could literally carry a team. He's unfortunately not the same char anymore. Even a friend of mine (who wrote one of the highest rated Veigar guides.... OF ALL TIME :D) hates the way he was re-worked, and hardly plays him anymore.

He's still great, but he has to farm a ton to be effective late game. Kassadin is the same, he has to get tons of ganks to get good.


Sep 15 2010, 12:53 pm poison_us Post #357

Back* from the grave

I've never seen a Kassadin without a Soulstealer, and I always wondered why until I realized that last bit.

Sep 15 2010, 4:07 pm shmeeps Post #358

Quote from poison_us
I've never seen a Kassadin without a Soulstealer, and I always wondered why until I realized that last bit.
Exactly lol. The problem with buffing him is that he has such great map control with Riftwalk, and has two forms of CC, it would easily make him very OP. It would be the same as when Shaco's clone could have item copies and Deceive was on a much shorter cooldown, or when TF hadn't yet been remade and could get Gate at level 1, and AoE stun/stun towers.


Sep 15 2010, 7:08 pm poison_us Post #359

Back* from the grave

You know, I still think that they should at least make the clone look like it has items. Simple click determines which is clone and which is real. The items should be in the spots, but have no effects whatsoever on the clone, imo.

Sep 15 2010, 10:22 pm Generalpie Post #360

Staredit Puckwork

Quote from name:Raccoon
I'm still finding a lot of small little bugs. One time when I revived after having died from ignite, I still had the ignite animation on me, and it didn't go away until the game ended.

Some heroes are generally not much of a help to your team (unless the player playing that hero is pro) and some heroes give the team an extremely bigger chance of winning. Take Olaf, just building him on HP, he still deals out TONS of damage and has tons of health. He is like a tank and a dps in one hero. You can't really focus him because he is so tanky, but you want to because he deals bunches of damage. Very helpful hero to the team. Then take someone like Nidalee, unless she gets really fed at the start, she doesn't help much. Heals are nice, but they don't do much unless Nidalee gets fed and goes AP build. Her spear can help once in a while, they are easy to dodge, their amount of damage varies much and CD is long. In cougar form, she can't deal out much damage, but she is really squishy.

Anyone else get what I'm saying?
Hey Poison, remember that one game where we were on blue team and one of our team mates turned purple? :awesome:


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