Staredit Network > Forums > Staredit Network > Topic: List of Known Bugs/Needed Features
List of Known Bugs/Needed Features
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Mar 24 2008, 1:13 am
By: DevliN
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Aug 13 2010, 7:36 pm Aristocrat Post #881

Wormer randomly got a few million minerals and now has a sig; can you give us sig enablers too? ;o

This isn't a bug, but please consider adding it to the to-do list of features:

If someone makes a new post to the thread you are replying to between when you started the reply and when you pressed "post", don't immediately post the message, but bring the user to the preview window. Above the post preview, say:

" __ new replies have been made to the thread _________; please review your post contents."

and display the new posts. It would be nice to have this message, which would be especially helpful for high-traffic threads or UMSMA (to prevent posting something redundant).


Aug 13 2010, 8:05 pm payne Post #882


Quote from Aristocrat
Wormer randomly got a few million minerals and now has a sig; can you give us sig enablers too? ;o

This isn't a bug, but please consider adding it to the to-do list of features:

If someone makes a new post to the thread you are replying to between when you started the reply and when you pressed "post", don't immediately post the message, but bring the user to the preview window. Above the post preview, say:

" __ new replies have been made to the thread _________; please review your post contents."

and display the new posts. It would be nice to have this message, which would be especially helpful for high-traffic threads or UMSMA (to prevent posting something redundant).
This please. :D

And I find ridiculously stupid that if you delete an attachment from a post, it still exists and takes Global Space. Please make it so it deletes directly into our Attachment settings panel too.


Aug 13 2010, 8:29 pm Aristocrat Post #883

Quote from payne
Quote from Aristocrat
Wormer randomly got a few million minerals and now has a sig; can you give us sig enablers too? ;o

This isn't a bug, but please consider adding it to the to-do list of features:

If someone makes a new post to the thread you are replying to between when you started the reply and when you pressed "post", don't immediately post the message, but bring the user to the preview window. Above the post preview, say:

" __ new replies have been made to the thread _________; please review your post contents."

and display the new posts. It would be nice to have this message, which would be especially helpful for high-traffic threads or UMSMA (to prevent posting something redundant).
This please. :D

And I find ridiculously stupid that if you delete an attachment from a post, it still exists and takes Global Space. Please make it so it deletes directly into our Attachment settings panel too.

Sometimes the same attachment can show up in multiple posts, so add a check to delete the attachment only if it exists in 0 posts, but then again, the attachments panel is said to be "glitchy" and imperfect.

For instance, an attachment linked to one post might be displayed as being in three different posts (with the same ID). Something like this:

scx file CSpellAnim.scx clicky 176.05 kb 18 #239328, #239328, #239328 Y Resync Delete

I think we should probably get the underlying architecture working before adding these fixes.


Aug 14 2010, 1:44 am payne Post #884


Confirmed: editing your post costs 2 minerals minimum, and I think it increases even more if your new post is actually longer than the older.
Is this intended?
I want the 32 minerals I lost in editing posts back!

EDIT: Confirmed not to cost minerals as long as the "Edit 'x' times" notification hasn't appeared.


Aug 15 2010, 2:27 pm Wing Zero Post #885

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

Quote from payne
Confirmed: editing your post costs 2 minerals minimum, and I think it increases even more if your new post is actually longer than the older.
Is this intended?
I want the 32 minerals I lost in editing posts back!

EDIT: Confirmed not to cost minerals as long as the "Edit 'x' times" notification hasn't appeared.


Yeah... totally not fair compared to my 2...

Quote from payne
EDIT: Confirmed not to cost minerals as long as the "Edit 'x' times" notification hasn't appeared.

That's bull because I just lost one editing this and ill probably lose one editing it now (I WANT MY 2 MINERALS BACK!)

you should totally buy us all sig enablers

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 15 2010, 2:37 pm by Wing Zero.

Aug 15 2010, 3:30 pm Devourer Post #886



Post has been edited 10 time(s), last time on Aug 15 2010, 4:06 pm by Devourer.

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Aug 16 2010, 3:05 pm DevliN Post #887


\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Aug 16 2010, 3:23 pm Devourer Post #888



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Aug 16 2010, 10:57 pm payne Post #889


Lol, SEN should have a "Show random Saved Shout" feature. :lol:
Btw, I suggest we split this thread...

Keep this thread as "Report SEN bugs here".
And create a new one named "Give new SEN features ideas here".

Like this, it'll be much, much, easier for our beloved coders to find back what they should code if they have some free time. ^^

Double post.

Shmeeps suggested that we have such a trigger BBCode. I completely approve. Please implement ASAP: it'd be more than a must to this community and the general assistance it gives. :teehee:

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 19 2010, 7:42 am by DevliN. Reason: Consolidating posts.


Aug 17 2010, 9:14 am NudeRaider Post #890

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

It's not even close to a must. We already have a trigger bb code. Although I agree this would be really neat to have for SC2 triggers.

Aug 17 2010, 12:50 pm Aristocrat Post #891

Is the raffle seriously being won 100% by the last person who bought a ticket? If so, that's a fairly retarded system. (And payne has probably been abusing it.)

Also the state the raffle is in right now, it's generating minerals (since the pot always starts at 50 regardless of the number of tickets sold). Why not just adapt the "winner takes half remaining half go into next round" system? It requires minimal effort to implement and will ensure that minerals are neither removed or introduced into the economy.

EDIT> Quick glitch: as you can see from the saved shouts, "/me" is not reproduced correctly.


Aug 17 2010, 4:07 pm Devourer Post #892


Err...?? the raffle is random, always been.

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Aug 17 2010, 4:31 pm Aristocrat Post #893

Quote from Devourer
Err...?? the raffle is random, always been.

After I won the raffle once by buying right before the draw I thought of it but dismissed the thought, then payne wins 3 times in a row and attributes it to "strategy". I have reason to be skeptical :P.

(Not even that unlikely of a glitch: it's possible that instead of adding the user to the list of people who bought tickets, it's replacing the old list with a new size-1 list with the ticket-buyer as the only element.)


Aug 17 2010, 5:48 pm payne Post #894


Quote from Aristocrat
Is the raffle seriously being won 100% by the last person who bought a ticket? If so, that's a fairly retarded system. (And payne has probably been abusing it.)
I'm always one of the 2 first persons to buy a ticket. ;)

It's all about strategy man. Get the good ticket.


Aug 17 2010, 10:27 pm Aristocrat Post #895

Pressing "remove" on an attachment when editing a post or making a new post does not actually remove the attachment.

Sometimes the "last post" for a subforum does not update in the forum index when someone makes a new post.


Aug 17 2010, 10:54 pm Devourer Post #896


Hm? More precisely, does it not remove the attachment from the attachments-list underneath the posts? Is it still download able? Does it take up space? Explain please

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Aug 18 2010, 12:08 am Aristocrat Post #897

Quote from Devourer
Hm? More precisely, does it not remove the attachment from the attachments-list underneath the posts? Is it still download able? Does it take up space? Explain please

The "Remove" button for attachments when editing posts is broken, as it does not actually remove the attachment, nor does it actually remove the attachment from being referenced by the post, but DOES remove it from the list that shows up when you edit a post.

Specifically, this post.

I uploaded the wrong fonts by accident, so I uploaded the correct one (visitor2.ttf) and clicked "remove" in the Edit Post screen. However, as you can clearly see, the attachments still exist and are attached to the post. Now, when I edit the post, I see this:

I cannot remove those two "ghost" attachments from the post. I can delete them from storage because they show up on the list, but I cannot remove them from the post itself.

(Also, when you use the "attach" BBCode to reference an attachment, the attachment automatically gets added to the post's list of attached objects, so it displays twice like this:)


Never mind, it's fixed since the last time I checked.


Aug 18 2010, 7:24 am Jack Post #898

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Clans are broke, only dynasty is shown in the clans page O_O issa conspiracy.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Aug 18 2010, 12:05 pm Devourer Post #899


I already said that the clan revamp is needing a revamp and that they are totally buggy^^
I think I even created a topic.

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Aug 18 2010, 3:14 pm Aristocrat Post #900

If you type a HTML entity into the editor, such as &#47;, and post it, when editing/quoting the same post that entity is no longer in the HTML format but is instead converted to the character.

For instance, if I type this:


When I edit the post again, I will instead see this:


and if I don't replace the slash with the HTML entity again, it parses it into the smiley :/, negating the whole point of using a HTML entity to substitute for the slash in the first place.


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