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Problems with linking objects~
Jul 31 2010, 7:36 pm
By: Pz_N  

Jul 31 2010, 7:36 pm Pz_N Post #1

I'm trying to add a baseplate to the bottom of a marine, and i can't seem to link the baseplate model, behavior, and actor to the Marine. How would i link those objects together? Same thing goes with any other objects... how do you link them @_@
Also, the marine doesn't have a behavior tab for some reason, so it makes it even harder for me to find out what to do. Can anyone help? I know you can usually edit the token on an actor to make it work with a unit, but the baseplate won't let me do that.

fyi: this baseplate was also used in the map: Cube TD

This is the baseplate i'm trying to apply to my Marine:

(also another problem, how do you make it so a unit can build other units as if they are structures, i have the build option on the Card Layout but idk what to put inside of it to make it so the unit just appears when you try to build it, i want the placement of the structure to show while you are trying to build it)

(and another: how do you put an ability on a unit to where it can transform to another actor; eg: Snare Tower 1 with an ability to upgrade to Snare Tower 2 with the cost of 50 minerals)

thanks for your time :D

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Jul 31 2010, 8:08 pm by Pz_N.


Jul 31 2010, 8:55 pm Devourer Post #2


Triggers would fix that easily: attach actor to unit :)
Just a random idea. I dunno how to do so with the data editor yet. sorry

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Jul 31 2010, 9:00 pm Pz_N Post #3

thanks. what about my other 2 problems?

and also, what value would i use in "attach actor to head" trigger in order to attach the baseplate to the bottom of the unit. i can't find the correct value O_O


Jul 31 2010, 10:04 pm Devourer Post #4


Problem 2:
Don't units behave like buildings? I would simply add the ability (e.g.) Barracks - Train to the Hydralisks (or whatever) ability-list, add a marine button, set the command to Ability Command - Empty - Train (Barracks) - Train Marine or something like that, I'll make a test map, hold on.

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Jul 31 2010, 10:12 pm Pz_N Post #5

i'm still not able to attach an actor, behavior, and model of the baseplate,and i have already done this regarding training whatever unit i want: and as you can see there is no option to train marines. I've tried turning a marine into a structure but it doesn't show up there.

and i'm still not able to upgrade say a tower to a higher upgrade of a tower with a different actor @_@

still have all 3 problems...


Jul 31 2010, 10:14 pm Devourer Post #6


Ok, add the ability to train units of a building and do the stuff I told ya above. Add another ability "Queue (5)" or something like that (unsure whether this is translated right.
The unit is unmoveable while training a unit but it appears to be working. Allowing the movement requires the editing of the training ability.
I do not understand what ya meant with placement and that. Like auto turrets of ravens?

EDIT: What do you want with "Cancel"? Build (SCV) is the ability of the SCV to build buildings. If you want to train a SCV simply use the CC Build ability

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Jul 31 2010, 10:16 pm Pz_N Post #7

There is no way to do the stuff you told me above. my picture shows pretty clearly... unless i am misunderstanding you


Jul 31 2010, 10:16 pm Devourer Post #8


EDIT: What do you want with "Cancel"? Build (SCV) is the ability of the SCV to build buildings. If you want to train a SCV simply use the CC Build ability

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Jul 31 2010, 10:17 pm Pz_N Post #9

cancel was just selected.. im not doing anything with it, there is nothing i can select in that list to do what i want.. and in the list for the ability, there is no "train units"


Jul 31 2010, 10:19 pm Devourer Post #10


Attached a map of an example. Maybe I am misunderstanding you, though.
Quite late at night.

Hits: 3 Size: 168.02kb

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Aug 1 2010, 12:04 am arkla Post #11

for the morphing a building, you should probably just change the CC->planetary fortress/orbital command abilities
or the hatch->lair->hive one

or the spire->greater

for the marine spawn thing, if devourer's map can't help, out of curiousity i've made a test map that's working fine
EDIT: while building he can only build, so not movement or attacks :/

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 1 2010, 12:12 am by arkla.


Aug 1 2010, 12:09 am Pz_N Post #12

Thanks :D


Aug 1 2010, 12:15 am arkla Post #13

somewhat off topic, but where can you change the hotkey for build marine?
default is A and that's overridden by attack


Aug 1 2010, 12:42 am DevliN Post #14


Under the button info for the build Marine ability.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Aug 1 2010, 5:47 pm Pz_N Post #15

guys, i still need help. i can't seem to attach the "baseplate" the baseplate is just a behavior,model, and actor for the unit Biodome. the public map: Cube TD demonstrates how to attach it to units, but i have tried to imitate cube td's way for doing that but i can't seem to get it to show up in game. the data editor says it's attached just like cube td, but it won't show up.
the baseplate is resized and is supposed to be positioned behind the marine, but also positioned in the center. Can anyone help? @_@


Aug 2 2010, 3:52 pm Pz_N Post #16

still need help with attaching a baseplate and also, how do you make a unit that i have removed the ability to move, to rotate around and shoot in other directions? the unit always seems to shoot in ONLY the direction he is currently facing.


Aug 2 2010, 4:27 pm Pz_N Post #17

and it's not just 1 unit. it's many units. i just need to know how to do it to one first. @_@


Aug 3 2010, 1:55 pm Ahli Post #18

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

For weapons that can be fired into every direction:
Edit the weapon and edit CWeapon_Arc to 360. That will allow the weapon to fire on targets within 360 degrees).
I'm sorry that I don't know the English name for that field. Just use the raw data display mode to find it (ctrl + D).

The base plate is drawn by a behavior(buff) which has that model. The Towers have that behavior.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 3 2010, 9:45 pm by Ahli.

Aug 4 2010, 7:15 pm Pz_N Post #19

i currently have a unit with the behavior on, the behavior gives it the model and the actor too, but i can't seem to get the baseplate to show up in game. idk what the problem is.

and thanks with the weapon firing. :D

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 4 2010, 9:51 pm by Pz_N.


Aug 4 2010, 10:28 pm FatalException Post #20

I have a similar problem with the linking business. So I copied the actor and linked it to the custom unit in question with a trigger (I'd like to know how to do it without triggers, though), but it still has a weird bubble model around the new model's legs, and for some reason, its health is constantly decreasing. I set health regeneration to 500 and armor to 500 and got it to a place where nothing could shot at it, but the health kept dancing between maximum and 1 less than maximum. What's going on here?


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