Staredit Network > Forums > Media, Art, and Literature > Topic: Signature Contest #1
Signature Contest #1
Jul 28 2010, 11:40 pm
By: Apos
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Aug 2 2010, 4:43 pm MadZombie Post #41

hundreds of layers
Nobody does that :/ Even 50 is pushing.


Aug 2 2010, 7:56 pm poison_us Post #42

Back* from the grave

Quote from Apos
Quote from LoTu)S
Looks like another "Make Wing Zero sigs" thread to me :massimo:

I'll be nice and make one anyways. :ego:
For the first Contest, I wanted to make sure that the Judge would actually use that Signature. ^^

Aug 2 2010, 11:08 pm NudeRaider Post #43

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from MadZombie
hundreds of layers
Nobody does that :/ Even 50 is pushing.
Several hundreds of layers was an exaggeration I meant over 100.

Aug 2 2010, 11:45 pm Aristocrat Post #44

Quote from NudeRaider
Quote from MadZombie
hundreds of layers
Nobody does that :/ Even 50 is pushing.
Several hundreds of layers was an exaggeration I meant over 100.

Layers are mostly used to adjust the image; and when you don't have a good image to start with, you need to smudge out a background from the picture to make it usable for a signature (which takes quite a few layers just to get a fill). Loveless had a image that could have been cropped into a signature and just added text in a fancy font. Aesthetically appealing but not really something to be impressed by.


Aug 2 2010, 11:57 pm MadZombie Post #45

Their goes WingZero setting a date but not showing up himself v_v

I don't blame WingZero as much as I blame Apos because I feel like blaming someone because it's how I roll

*snaps fingers*




Aug 3 2010, 1:38 am Apos Post #46

I order you to forgive yourself!

Quote from MadZombie
Their goes WingZero setting a date but not showing up himself v_v

I don't blame WingZero as much as I blame Apos because I feel like blaming someone because it's how I roll

*snaps fingers*


He said it was over on Monday and now all what is left is to tell the results.

Also, this should be a friendly contest.

Aug 3 2010, 2:09 am MadZombie Post #47

I was being sarcastic to be friendly. I figured that their was no way I could post in this topic inquiring when the judge would post sum results without people thinking I have a bad attitude so I just thought exaggerating would have come off a lot friendlier. Eh well I guess my questions out there regardless.


Aug 3 2010, 2:58 am NudeRaider Post #48

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from Aristocrat
Loveless had a image that could have been cropped into a signature and just added text in a fancy font. Aesthetically appealing but not really something to be impressed by.
From your answer I assume you're more of a tech guy, as most of us here. That's why we will never be able to create such an amazing signature.

But even when you look at it from the tech side you will realize that the hair blends very nicely into the background which may either be credited to the photographer (who just used a good background) or it's been shopped to look that way. Personally I'm tending to assume the latter from the looks of the rest of the sig.
You say it was just cropped. But even the cropping was well done by not taking the full (or a big part of the) face. Just the vital parts of it to create a certain feel.
He didn't just add text using a fancy font. He added to it by erasing stripes out of it so it gets a ragged look and framed it with some fitting ornaments. He also used a smudge brush or something to blend it.
To finish it up he used some blending/smudging on the edges -- just enough to prevent the background on the left side from looking too plain.

These techniques are not something to be impressed by, I'll give you that, but still not as plain as you made it out to be. However it's not the tech aspects that make this sig so special. In the end the amount of work you put into a sig doesn't matter anyway. What's important is that the end result is as good as possible.

What's really impressing about it is a cohesive theme and the sense of art. For example he didn't use your average sepia tone to make it look fancy, it's a slightly purplish tone clearly visible at her lips. Which is a clever and subtle way to stay on his former theme with the purple heart avatar.
When I look at Loveless' sig and avatar I get the impression he had a theme in mind and found (or even shot) the right photo for it instead of the way we're usually making the sigs: Find/already have a suitable object to make a sig of, then create the sig around the object.

Oh and as a side note, I hope you didn't get the wrong impression Aristo, I like your work, and quoting your high number of layers wasn't meant as devaluing, just to show the difference in workflow or whatever you may call it from all the signatures I've seen before here on SEN and Loveless' sig.
Basically to show what makes this sig so special.

Aug 3 2010, 3:43 am Wing Zero Post #49

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

I'm back! I was kinda busy playing SC2 so I was a little late declaring the winner :P.
I liked all the sigs in here so it was tough chosing a winner but Aposes stood out most imo soooooo


Aug 3 2010, 4:55 am LoTu)S Post #50

Lol, most blunt judge evar.


Aug 3 2010, 5:13 am CecilSunkure Post #51

Quote from NudeRaider
Quote from Aristocrat
Loveless had a image that could have been cropped into a signature and just added text in a fancy font. Aesthetically appealing but not really something to be impressed by.
I actually thought that the sig you showed us had terrible composition and color choice. Emphasis on terrible composition. He didn't at all follow the rule of thirds, and the only places the eyes are attracted to are largely cluttered. The areas that aren't largely cluttered are annoyingly bare; either the eye gets lost looking into one of the bare spots, or it's confused by staring into the clutter. His style and text may be commended, but I don't think anything else is that great.

@Wing Zero
That signature you chose needs some serious emphasis on the negative space around the text :(

It could also use a repositioning/resizing of the link head.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 3 2010, 5:15 am by CecilSunkure. Reason: --> use


Aug 3 2010, 5:25 am LoTu)S Post #52

If we ever have another sig contest, i nominate Cecil as the next judge. He knows what he's talking about :cecil:


Aug 3 2010, 5:52 am MadZombie Post #53


If Cecil is a judge then I'd have to go read some tutorials before I'd feel comfortable submitting something.


Aug 3 2010, 1:48 pm NudeRaider Post #54

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from CecilSunkure
the only places the eyes are attracted to are largely cluttered. The areas that aren't largely cluttered are annoyingly bare
Hm, you're right. Would've probably been much better to make the loveless text smaller and move it to the left to the empty area so it doesn't cover her mouth and fills up the void better.
There's always room for improvement. ;)

Color choice is subjective imo.

Aug 7 2010, 10:11 pm LoTu)S Post #55

Apos said the sig was incomplete yet it still won. I'm just curious about Wing Zero's Criteria.

Also, when is the next signature contest?


Aug 7 2010, 10:20 pm Aristocrat Post #56

Quote from LoTu)S
Apos said the sig was incomplete yet it still won. I'm just curious about Wing Zero's Criteria.

Also, when is the next signature contest?

Until he gets enough minerals to purchase signatures, of course.

Sometimes a piece of work can be simple or "incomplete" yet be satisfactory for the purpose.


Aug 8 2010, 3:21 am Apos Post #57

I order you to forgive yourself!

Just a clarification since it seems that I didn't make it clear enough the first time. The point of the contest is to make a signature for the judge so that the judge can choose the signature that he likes the best according to his own personal criteria. The point is not to have some fixed points, if the judge likes a certain style, you will be more likely to win by making a signature following that style. I did the contest to work that way since it makes the contest a little different each times.

I read all the propositions that were going through out the contest and I will make sure to make the next one better.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 9 2010, 2:34 am by Apos. Reason: I don't want severity!!!

Aug 9 2010, 5:00 am Generalpie Post #58

Staredit Puckwork

me next :P


Aug 9 2010, 6:48 am Wing Zero Post #59

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

You have to buy a sig enabler first (LAME)

Aug 9 2010, 9:47 pm Generalpie Post #60

Staredit Puckwork

Quote from Wing Zero
You have to buy a sig enabler first (LAME)
i miss disable fun QQ


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