Some EUD help
Jan 24 2010, 1:51 am
By: bobo  

Jan 24 2010, 1:51 am bobo Post #1

Hi, im new to makin EUD triggers, but ive read quite a bit about them and managed to follow rockz example video no problem, but id like to know how to detect certain buttons pushed on the keyboard (Left Alt To Be Exact :bleh: Or The Middle Mouse Button If Thats Possible) ive seen that map that MorphLing made and i cudnt quite follow the trigs, why was there two seperate triggers per keyboard character??

Another question is once this is done is it possible to work for more than 1 player for multiplayer without any computer players in the game becuz i need it to work for player 1,3,5, and 8. The Aim for my map is to heal the player's units based on the leaderboard (u get % per kill and when u reach 100% you can push Alt{Condition} to activate a switch{Action} that will heal the players units). Any walkthru's on how this wud be super awesome if this has been answered somewhere else please give me a link and ill try to read up on it, Thanks alot.

Oh, im using Scmdraft and i think i gotta switch to starforge right? ive heard if u switch map editors that starforge can corrupt ur map and i fear this lol or will it be ok :ermm:


Jan 24 2010, 1:55 am CecilSunkure Post #2

Keypress detection will not work in multiplayer, because keypresses aren't synced between the players. SC is made so that whenever something major in the game (like a unit) is doing something weird or differently from the rest of the players within a certain game, that certain player will desync (drop) out of the game. This is to prevent people from tampering with the game, or other forms of cheating. Since keypresses aren't shared information from player to player during a game, a trigger with a condition detecting a keypress will result in that trigger firing for the player who presses the key, but nobody else's SC client will fire that trigger, resulting in differences between the game that can possibly lead to a desync. You can do a few things in multiplayer without desync, like displaying text with a keypress condition.

I'm assuming that the two conditions detect both the lower and upper case of each letter.

As for actually creating the map yourself, I can't help you do that. I'm not really sure why you would want to though, as just about every key on a keyboard has been mapped.


Jan 24 2010, 2:00 am bobo Post #3

oh well thats a bummer, dam blizz :lol:
so if i made a condition with a keypress condition and make it display text on screen for an action, it wont desync? but if i make a keypress condition with a switch for an action it will?
my map is basically done, but since ive learned of eud's i thought it wud make it easier and faster for a healing effect instead of what i have it as, which is move a scourge to fire the heal


Jan 24 2010, 2:01 am CecilSunkure Post #4

Quote from bobo
oh well thats a bummer, dam blizz :lol:
so if i made a condition with a keypress condition and make it display text on screen for an action, it wont desync? but if i make a keypress condition with a switch for an action it will?
No, but you have to remember that nobody except the person that presses that key will have that switch set. If you do anything with that switch in a trigger, like create a unit or something, that player will desync.


Jan 24 2010, 2:03 am bobo Post #5

oh ic, so what if i made it just heal all units for player 1 wud that also cause a deysnc? since its apllying only to the p[layer who puyshed the button?


Jan 24 2010, 2:05 am CecilSunkure Post #6

Quote from bobo
oh ic, so what if i made it just heal all units for player 1 wud that also cause a deysnc? since its apllying only to the p[layer who puyshed the button?
Well, if you were creating starcraft and you didn't want people to cheat, would you let them modify their copy of SC to constantly heal all their units :P ?

No, you can't do that :lol:

You can only do things that won't affect gameplay. Displaying text, and I think wavs will not desync.

[Edit]I have no idea where, but I believe somewhere on this site there is a list of actions that will not desync players in game.


Jan 24 2010, 2:10 am bobo Post #7

haha i would if it was only UMS cuz then it wud benefit mee muahahahaha :bleh: :bleh: :bleh:
well darn there goes me idea, thanks man i appreciate that insight, if u manage to find that list plz provide or better yet, WIKI it :P


Jan 24 2010, 2:13 am ImagoDeo Post #8


Jan 24 2010, 2:16 am bobo Post #9

LOL shizzz i cant believe i missed that, i swear i looked thru that thanks Imagodeo!


Jan 24 2010, 2:42 am rockz Post #10

ᴄʜᴇᴇsᴇ ɪᴛ!

Moving a scourge is easy enough, and should be practically instant. In my shared HP map, you select a shield battery to heal (which is a shared value, but it takes a little while to update in game).

Morphling's map has 2 conditions/ 2 triggers (idk) because he made it before the memory condition was made, and then added in the memory condition later. The classic term "EUD" stands for "Extended Unit Deaths", which has been coined to refer to any sort of extended trigger. The more accurate, and now more useful trigger is the Extended Player Death. I would have preferred Extended Player Ore, since that's earlier in the Memory (it would use the Accumulate condition). When EUDs were first discovered, it was found that you could change the unit to a unit higher than 227 (Extended Unit), which would allow for any memory after the start of the death table to be read. Somehow, someone figured out that you could use players higher than 12 (it's a 4 byte signed value, and thus Extended Player). Since numbers are signed in SC, you can actually read memory before the death table too.

If the only EUD you would use in your map is this, then I'm going to suggest you not use EUDs. If you have others, then you want to look in the sticky/other EUD threads to find the address database/memory map. Find Player 1-8 selection, and you can use those addresses (they may have changed, you'll have to look around in artmoney) to heal a unit when you select some building, or the scourge.

"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"

Jan 24 2010, 9:15 am bobo Post #11

yeah i only wanted to make an easier function more cooler i guess but since its not possible its not a big deal, but yeah i wanna learn more about EUD's and iknow there plenty of info out there, thanks rockz.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jan 30 2010, 10:14 am by bobo.


Jan 30 2010, 10:16 am bobo Post #12

sorry for reviving this post but i thought it wud be better than making another topic, i was wondering how can u find out what button is being pushed? is it possible to find it in artmoney or....? I manged to jus copy from morphlings map and using those numbers but im curious as how these numbers were come across...


Jan 30 2010, 2:28 pm NudeRaider Post #13

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Maybe you should ask this in or ask Morphling himself.

Jan 30 2010, 8:57 pm rockz Post #14

ᴄʜᴇᴇsᴇ ɪᴛ!

It explains how these were found in detail. Once one of the locations was found, she just used the virtual keymap used in SC to do it.

"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"

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