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Hero Sanctuary v1.10
Sep 26 2009, 8:33 pm
By: Norm
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Nov 21 2009, 1:10 am Norm Post #401

Wait, what do you mean by 'too many paths...'?

Do you mean like character builds or literal paths to walk on?


Nov 21 2009, 11:17 pm exelsisxax Post #402

im not sure if this has been said yet, but several times when playing with a creature of mist ally, he will shapeshift into a hydra, and when i pass near him we are both attacked a few times by hidden lurks nearby, but not under either of us. what causes this?


Nov 21 2009, 11:26 pm Norm Post #403

Quote from exelsisxax
im not sure if this has been said yet, but several times when playing with a creature of mist ally, he will shapeshift into a hydra, and when i pass near him we are both attacked a few times by hidden lurks nearby, but not under either of us. what causes this?

If they are using Dissipate at power levels 0 or 1, An added effect is damage to surrounding units both ally and enemy.
Once you upgrade to power 2 or higher, it will only attack enemies.


Nov 22 2009, 12:33 am Norm Post #404

AL5 is completed with many bug fixes, some adjustments, and a new playable character.

Get on Tonight if you'd like to DL it from me.

Actually, forget that. If you would like to test it, Here is the last alpha version right here. 11/12 Playable characters, and refer to the checklist on the last page of thread to see bugs and stuff that were fixed.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Nov 23 2009, 2:31 am by Norm.


Nov 22 2009, 4:53 am ShredderIV Post #405

Hey, norm, if a guy named Gai comes on op sen at any time and asks about the testing, he's my bro, who is a really avid ts player and helped me find a lot of glitches in it. He'll have a clan tag as well, but he's really good, and will probably be able to test more than i can.


Nov 22 2009, 7:04 am fat_flying_pigs Post #406

Glitches from version AL4 (idk if u fixed in al5, haven't tested yet):
1) Exp leaderboard only displays 1 player at a time. (was on the south team, dont remember which slot, playing as MM)
2) When MM builds a building, the building is given P7/8 as soon as it is being built. This makes it easy to make very hidden walls, easily block spawn, and makes it impossible for the player to cancle the building, or for the scv to finish building the building.
3) The random hero pick (beacon, and the auto random hero too i think) isn't very random. It usually gives MM, Necro, or Kerri. Then, it usually gives lurker or firebat. In all 20 games that I randomed, I only got defiler once, and never got the ninja or psychopath or samurai. (perhaps its just my luck, but other people also reported getting MM, necro, and kerri at higher rates than other heroes).

Balance issues:
1)MM's mana to money spell is op. In all 4 of the games where I rushed power upgrade, then whored money, I easily won by creating 2 observatories (spawns hydras). The 2 hydra spawns + ling normal spawn killed a 600 exp, 19 defense, 24 attack firebat with incinerate final spell.
2) Damage early game is still bias to large units, although its more ok since the bigger units move slower (with the exception of the lurker, which still whores exp while having great mobility from L1). The damage types tend to balance themselves out because of the extra random spawns (concus damage early game helps aid big units) (gj on that). However, this creates an imbalance on the probe building spawns. All high level spawn buildings do explosive damage. About middle to late game, small fast units gain a huge advantage (especially the zergling with daytime L2) over slower, explosive damage spawn.

Things i'd like to see added:
1) skeleton (marine) use as part of spawn.
2) normal damage type unit placed either between bats and goons, or goons and hydras. No necessarily as main spawn, but possibly random spawn.

Random "creeps" on each side. They spawn at random, like artifacts, at certain places. On the north side, south creeps spawn, and on the south side, north creeps spawn (side = line over all3 outposts). I'm thinking of this like WC3, where the players can level their heroes by fighting creeps. This is similar, except that the spawn is also used to slow down retreating heroes, and can be killed for exp for people trying to whore artifacts. They can stall the final blow, or block an enemy hero with 1 life left.


Nov 22 2009, 8:15 am MEMEME670 Post #407

Quote from fat_flying_pigs
Random "creeps" on each side. They spawn at random, like artifacts, at certain places. On the north side, south creeps spawn, and on the south side, north creeps spawn (side = line over all3 outposts). I'm thinking of this like WC3, where the players can level their heroes by fighting creeps. This is similar, except that the spawn is also used to slow down retreating heroes, and can be killed for exp for people trying to whore artifacts. They can stall the final blow, or block an enemy hero with 1 life left.

No, just no.

Wc3 creep system was much different, this is like spawning random artifact that gives exp boost.

Creeps blocking people gives the game WAY TOO MUCH LUCK. AoS isnt about luck, and never should be. DotA ( i know i use it alot, but its a good game!) has everything constant except runes, which spawn in one of two places and give short boosts to things. theyre also quite rare.

No good AoS can have about >2.5% luck, and this has to balanced and not kill anyone if life based, stun anyone for a medium/large amount of time, drain anyones mana large/med amounts, etc.

Thinking about creeps blocking lead me into how dota worked and its no base system. I personally feel this is superior to our based system, along with the nonexistance of spawn upgs, or spawn even getting better (except for mega creeps, which makes sense) Dont want a copy of DotA, but someone should ( if they ever felt like it XD) make even a small AoS style map without bases (including those horrible buildable ones from starquest.)


Nov 22 2009, 8:27 am Jack Post #408

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

How would a no-base system work? I assume there'd be a temple/fountain to heal at and respawn at, just no cannons?

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Nov 22 2009, 5:14 pm MEMEME670 Post #409

Quote from name:zany_001
How would a no-base system work? I assume there'd be a temple/fountain to heal at and respawn at, just no cannons?

Kk, the way Dota has the layout is basically, Spawns run down (im using both bottom lane and top side for my description) and meet with enemy spawns at very close to the exact turning point from going down to going right. About at where the cannons would be for each respective side, there is an anceint protector, a largely hp'd base unit, that attacks slowly but with large attack, it also has pretty good range. Then there is another same turret behind that, about halfway, and behind that, right near the base.

Just realized y ou thought no main base, that would ruin the AoS perspective, and espicially DotA since you cant win by herokill.

Its also mentionable here that DotA's heal actually damages enemy heroes, but is far from the temple, so heroes have to go back and forth when defending, it also doesnt heal automatically, healing at a set rate.

(NOTE) May not work for any of the AoS ive seen so far due to the way characters are set up. In DotA its all offence, dont get me wrong theres defensive heroes, but there is four heroes in DotA so on middle you can have like pudge and axe and own people up.


Nov 22 2009, 10:34 pm stickynote Post #410

Actually, DotA creeps/spawn do upgrade. They upgrade once every (i think) 5 minutes, getting +1 damage and +10hp. The runes do not spawn rarely, they spawn every two minutes. And this map is not a "let's make it like DotA" map.


Nov 22 2009, 11:46 pm MEMEME670 Post #411

Quote from stickynote
Actually, DotA creeps/spawn do upgrade. They upgrade once every (i think) 5 minutes, getting +1 damage and +10hp. The runes do not spawn rarely, they spawn every two minutes. And this map is not a "let's make it like DotA" map.

Good to know.

As for not making it like DotA, i never said we should.


Nov 23 2009, 3:19 am Jack Post #412

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Can't remember if i told you norm, but ninja lvl 4b is OP. With around 7 atk ups I could kill samurai, or HP Tank, with one or two spell casts.

Also, spawn should be strengthened. It says in OP that the spawn will be stronger than normal but it's just like feed in TS.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Nov 23 2009, 6:21 am Norm Post #413

Quote from ShredderIV
Hey, norm, if a guy named Gai comes on op sen at any time and asks about the testing, he's my bro, who is a really avid ts player and helped me find a lot of glitches in it. He'll have a clan tag as well, but he's really good, and will probably be able to test more than i can.

K, Thanks.

Quote from fat_flying_pigs
When MM builds a building, the building is given P7/8 as soon as it is being built. This makes it easy to make very hidden walls, easily block spawn, and makes it impossible for the player to cancel the building, or for the scv to finish building the building.

Fixed in AL6.

Quote from fat_flying_pigs
The random hero pick (beacon, and the auto random hero too i think) isn't very random. It usually gives MM, Necro, or Kerri. Then, it usually gives lurker or firebat. In all 20 games that I randomed, I only got defiler once, and never got the ninja or psychopath or samurai. (perhaps its just my luck, but other people also reported getting MM, necro, and kerri at higher rates than other heroes).

Randomization is based on time of selection (Your starting position), # of players in the game, and Heroes already picked. If you do X amount of tests in the same position and select at approximately the same time all by yourself every time, then results are going to turn out like that.

Quote from fat_flying_pigs
MM's mana to money spell is op. In all 4 of the games where I rushed power upgrade, then whored money, I easily won by creating 2 observatories (spawns hydras). The 2 hydra spawns + ling normal spawn killed a 600 exp, 19 defense, 24 attack firebat with incinerate final spell.

Fixed in AL6.

Quote from fat_flying_pigs
Random "creeps" on each side. They spawn at random, like artifacts, at certain places. On the north side, south creeps spawn, and on the south side, north creeps spawn (side = line over all3 outposts). I'm thinking of this like WC3, where the players can level their heroes by fighting creeps. This is similar, except that the spawn is also used to slow down retreating heroes, and can be killed for exp for people trying to whore artifacts. They can stall the final blow, or block an enemy hero with 1 life left.


Quote from name:zany_001
How would a no-base system work? I assume there'd be a temple/fountain to heal at and respawn at, just no cannons?

HS will always use a base set-up. Please discuss non-base setted-up AoS's elsewhere.

Quote from stickynote
Actually, DotA creeps/spawn do upgrade. They upgrade once every (i think) 5 minutes, getting +1 damage and +10hp. The runes do not spawn rarely, they spawn every two minutes. And this map is not a "let's make it like DotA" map.

Not a Dota map indeed, guys, let's keep discussion in the thread focused on HS.

Quote from name:zany_001
Can't remember if i told you norm, but ninja lvl 4b is OP. With around 7 atk ups I could kill samurai, or HP Tank, with one or two spell casts.

Adjusted in AL6.

Quote from name:zany_001
Also, spawn should be strengthened. It says in OP that the spawn will be stronger than normal...

Have you played the new Random Spawns once you start hitting Destruction/Pestilence? Spawns are pretty strong as it is.


Download AL6 from this post. It's even more intense than AL5.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 24 2009, 1:51 am by Norm.


Nov 24 2009, 12:55 am Xero Post #414

You should fix up RM's l2 a bit. If you cast it in certain places, error messages will spam the screen, and it also lowers the potential of that spell since less lings = less damage.
Also, some bugs found by pigs.
Psycho doesn't have vult in his dship, and he can't pick up winged boots.

Edit: Btw, Psychopath's l4 can be stacked. Is this intended? If so, that's gonna be rigged as hell.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 24 2009, 1:45 am by Xero.


Nov 24 2009, 1:51 am Norm Post #415

Quote from Xero
You should fix up RM's l2 a bit. If you cast it in certain places, error messages will spam the screen, and it also lowers the potential of that spell since less lings = less damage.
Also, some bugs found by pigs.
Psycho doesn't have vult in his dship, and he can't pick up winged boots.

Edit: Btw, Psychopath's l4 can be stacked. Is this intended? If so, that's gonna be rigged as hell.

Holy shit, unforeseen conflict between AI's DC's and dropship spells for psychopath. I have quickly fixed this. Any testers (or players) please download this patch:

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 24 2009, 4:54 am by Norm.


Nov 24 2009, 3:52 am MEMEME670 Post #416

Canadians hate your current forum title.


Nov 24 2009, 5:06 am Norm Post #417

Quote from MEMEME670
Canadians hate your current forum title.

If you don't like Thanksgiving, you can just get out.

UPDATE: Please download the newest Version attached to my next post. Burn all old versions.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Nov 24 2009, 5:42 am by Norm.


Nov 24 2009, 5:12 am MEMEME670 Post #418

Quote from Norm
Quote from MEMEME670
Canadians hate your current forum title.

If you don't like Thanksgiving, you can just get out.

UPDATE: Please download the newest Version attached to this post. Burn all old versions.

We have ours in november.


Nov 24 2009, 5:35 am Xero Post #419

What happened to that file you just posted? I already dled bug?


Nov 24 2009, 5:44 am Norm Post #420

Download this. This is hopefully the last update for AL6.

• Psychopath nerfed. (-150 hp, -1 base damage)
• Crimson Wolf's Fangs spell 10 mp --> 12 mp
• Fixed the cost and time it takes for MM to repair both AI units.

Seriously, burn all old versions.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 2 2009, 5:49 am by Norm.


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