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SEN Mafia #2: MOAR
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Oct 22 2007, 10:53 pm
By: Moose
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Oct 28 2007, 2:50 am omginbd Post #121

Quote from Dapperdan
Quote from cheeze
I vote for Dapperdan. No one in the towns people would post such a long response.

Does no one realize that this is the worst reasoning ever? Anyone who has ever seen me or anyone else play would realize townies make long posts too. I vote cheeze. He was on my suspect list before anyways. My vote for frazz was a joke anyways. I don't have anything else to say right now unless I am provoked.
haha DONT PROVOKE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Oct 28 2007, 2:52 am Ultraviolet Post #122

The thing I don't like about Dan is that he has a super high opinion of himself and believes that no one should kill him because he's so useful, yet really couldn't care less about other townies dying in his search for the mafia. He is seeming really arrogant, more so than last game, which makes me think he is probably mafia, or his opinion of himself has grown substantially since then. Mafia seems more likely.

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Oct 28 2007, 2:54 am Ultraviolet Post #123

Quote from Dapperdan
Quote from cheeze
I vote for Dapperdan. No one in the towns people would post such a long response.

Does no one realize that this is the worst reasoning ever? Anyone who has ever seen me or anyone else play would realize townies make long posts too. I vote cheeze. He was on my suspect list before anyways. My vote for frazz was a joke anyways. I don't have anything else to say right now unless I am provoked.

That's not very smart Dan, if I were you I'd be trying to make sure the other guy with most votes got more than me, since it's looking more and more like you'll be lynched.

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Impossible Ultraviolet | Impossible UV2 | Impossible UV3
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Oct 28 2007, 2:55 am Jello-Jigglers Post #124

uh... I know i'm not the only one to notice, but that's how dap's always been... No new discovery there nerdy :|


Oct 28 2007, 2:55 am frazz Post #125

Quote from Dapperdan
My vote for frazz was a joke anyways.
Way to pull out once the tides turn.


Oct 28 2007, 2:58 am Ultraviolet Post #126

Quote from Jello-Jigglers
uh... I know i'm not the only one to notice, but that's how dap's always been... No new discovery there nerdy :|

Does he not seem more arrogant this round though? Like last round he asked the other doctor to protect him because he was a doctor, I guess he just decided to use that as an excuse to ask him to protect. I hate arrogance.

My Projects:

Impossible Ultraviolet | Impossible UV2 | Impossible UV3
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Oct 28 2007, 3:00 am omginbd Post #127

Quote from frazz
Quote from Dapperdan
My vote for frazz was a joke anyways.
Way to pull out once the tides turn.
Haha frazz I agree with you completely but i'm still determined that you have a role that is more than just a simple "townie"
Dapper, I didn't see you in the last game but I have the same opinion about you as I do frazz. But while I think he is part of the mafia i think you are maybe boondock or somthing.
Quote from nerdyterdy
Does he not seem more arrogant this round though? Like last round he asked the other doctor to protect him because he was a doctor, I guess he just decided to use that as an excuse to ask him to protect. I hate arrogance.
Also agreed


Oct 28 2007, 3:01 am Jello-Jigglers Post #128

Quote from NerdyTerdy
Quote from Jello-Jigglers
uh... I know i'm not the only one to notice, but that's how dap's always been... No new discovery there nerdy :|

Does he not seem more arrogant this round though? Like last round he asked the other doctor to protect him because he was a doctor, I guess he just decided to use that as an excuse to ask him to protect. I hate arrogance.
I'm not sure it's humanly possible to be more arrogant than he already is. Though he has good reason, he figured out all the clues from last round so he's probably feelin pretty good.


Oct 28 2007, 3:04 am EzDay281 Post #129

It's also quite possible that he's intentionally stirring everything up in order to make the game interesting.

I refrain from voting, as always.

Although, worth considering is the fact that this whole mess stemmed from several peoples' actions and reactions. In this case, I doubt that they're mafia members trying to stir up confusion, but the idea that they are did pop into my head, for whatever it may or may not be worth.


Oct 28 2007, 3:07 am Dapperdan Post #130

Way to pull out once the tides turn.

It was always a joke, would you rather I voted for you? Maybe you should look at what I actually said and read it instead of bashing me for no reason.

The thing I don't like about Dan is that he has a super high opinion of himself and believes that no one should kill him because he's so useful

What is my crime here if I actually am useful? There's no law that I have to be modest, especially in a game. I put time into the game, and do lots of research, a lot of people cannot say that, I therefore am a good townsperson to keep alive. It's not arrogance, it's good gameplay for the townies. But you seem to have had a bad opinion of me ever since I sent a pm to you last game and you didn't realize it was perfectly within the rules (or at least, that was when I realized it), and I guess there's no changing that. People who hold grudges are annoying. : /


Oct 28 2007, 3:09 am Crimson Magnum Post #131


Might as well vote for Dapperdan. I vote him.


Oct 28 2007, 3:11 am omginbd Post #132

Quote from Dapperdan
Way to pull out once the tides turn.

It was always a joke, would you rather I voted for you? Maybe you should look at what I actually said and read it instead of bashing me for no reason.

The thing I don't like about Dan is that he has a super high opinion of himself and believes that no one should kill him because he's so useful

What is my crime here if I actually am useful? There's no law that I have to be modest, especially in a game. I put time into the game, and do lots of research, a lot of people cannot say that, I therefore am a good townsperson to keep alive. It's not arrogance, it's good gameplay for the townies. But you seem to have had a bad opinion of me ever since I sent a pm to you last game and you didn't realize it was perfectly within the rules (or at least, that was when I realized it), and I guess there's no changing that. People who hold grudges are annoying. : /
hmm, this is true...... still think he has more a role than "townie"


Oct 28 2007, 3:12 am Dapperdan Post #133

It's also quite possible that he's intentionally stirring everything up in order to make the game interesting.

It's really just the way I play, but I do realize things are most interesting and more things get solved when people post and actively push for things instead of sitting back and abstaining. Due to my style of play where I actually play the game to the complete fullest, I need a doctor to protect me since the mafia like killing active people. They usually don't take into account how much attention I end up attracting myself when it comes to voting and how often I might be wrong in early game before until I eventually, and actually figure everything out.


Oct 28 2007, 3:12 am Doodan Post #134

I'm changing my vote to Dapperdan for epic lulz.


Oct 28 2007, 3:13 am omginbd Post #135

Quote from Dapperdan
It's also quite possible that he's intentionally stirring everything up in order to make the game interesting.

It's really just the way I play, but I do realize things are most interesting and more things get solved when people post and actively push for things instead of sitting back and abstaining. Due to my style of play where I actually play the game to the complete fullest, I need a doctor to protect me since the mafia like killing active people. They usually don't take into account how much attention I end up attracting myself when it comes to voting and how often I might be wrong in early game before until I eventually, and actually figure everything out.
i'm convinced. I change my vote to dapperdan


Oct 28 2007, 3:13 am Dapperdan Post #136

still think he has more a role than "townie"

I'm one of the psychos. As for you crimson, that is the biggest bullshit I've ever seen! As for you doodan, it's too bad you don't play seriously. ^^


Oct 28 2007, 3:13 am frazz Post #137

Quote from omginbd
Quote from frazz
Quote from Dapperdan
My vote for frazz was a joke anyways.
Way to pull out once the tides turn.
Haha frazz I agree with you completely but i'm still determined that you have a role that is more than just a simple "townie"
Maybe I do....

Quote from omginbd
Dapper, I didn't see you in the last game but I have the same opinion about you as I do frazz. But while I think he is part of the mafia i think you are maybe boondock or somthing.
Because whoever wants more death is a boondock saint, and whoever just doesn't want to die is a mafia member. Great.

Edit: My shifty eyes animation was working out after all.

Edit's Edit: Oh wow, a lot of stuff happened while I was posting. Anyway....
Quote from Dapperdan
still think he has more a role than "townie"

I'm one of the psychos. As for you crimson, that is the biggest bullshit I've ever seen! As for you doodan, it's too bad you don't play seriously. ^^
I thought we was talking about me originally.


Oct 28 2007, 3:14 am l)ark_ssj9kevin Post #138

Just here for the activity... well not really

I vote CoB. Horde showed me the Grim reaper stuff.

Also, You guys are making second off replies. And there's about 10 people watching

guy lifting weight (animated smiley):


"Oh, I see it"

Oct 28 2007, 3:19 am Jello-Jigglers Post #139

Haha yeah the forum is full. I, as well as dap, am a psycho to be honest. I personally think it is worth the risk to keep dap in the game longer than the first round, even if he has some pretty hard suspicions against him. Though, I am changing my vote to cob:
1. He hasn't posted yet(maybe trying to lay low the first rounds)
2. He is one of the only suspicions that matches the "slashing" clue.


Oct 28 2007, 3:26 am Money Post #140

Voter :: One Voted For

frazz :: Dapperdan
cheese :: Dapperdan (#2)
~:Deathhawk:~ ::Dapperdan (#3)
NerdyTerdy :: Dapperdan (#4)
FatalException :: Dapperdan (#5)
Crimson Magnum :: Dapperdan (#6)
Doodan :: Dapperdan (#7)

WoAHorde :: CoB
l)ark_ssj9kevin :: CoB (#2)
Jello-Jigglers :: CoB (#3)
moneylover :: CoB (#4)
omginbd :: CoB (#5)

Ejac :: NerdyTerdy
Cob :: NerdyTerdy (#2)
Nimitz :: NerdyTerdy (#3)

Twitch :: frazz
chui. :: frazz (#2)

Dapperdan :: cheeze

Zycorax :: Yoshi da Sniper


- town square next to a statue.
Yoshi da Sniper (P)
- rural town.
- been slashed several times
devilesk (P)
l)ark_ssj9kevin (P)
Cob (P)
NerdyTerdy (P)

- finished off with a shot through the head.
Zycorax (P)
Yoshi da Sniper (P)

- body was completely drained of blood.
- antlers had been sawed off and removed.
- could not be located.
Cob (P)

Tell me if I missed you, or you have another clue idea.

And my vote changed to CoB, the grim reaper thing got me.

Post has been edited 7 time(s), last time on Oct 28 2007, 4:04 am by moneylover.


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