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Yggdrasill: Tree of Genesis
Jun 30 2009, 9:56 pm
By: payne
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Jul 4 2009, 11:10 pm payne Post #21


I really suck at finding names :(
Could anyone give me ideas for the 3 adventurers (including the NPC), the King, the hermit, the cannibal's chief, the God helping the players and a generic name for the statues (sages)?
Thanks alot! :D

By the way, do you think it would be interesting that the players start off without any spells (since they are normal citizens) and that they acquire their spells from killing some special monsters, like ''stealing'' it (which would imply these monsters actually uses these spells in combat which also implies that they'll have a little AI implemented)?
And should they get a heal spell from the sages at the very start or should they heal from potions they'd buy in town or I don't know?

What do you think of these names:

- Ansis (P1)
- Cloen (Hermit)
- Keyvyne (P2)
- Leytron (Boss)
- Eyvindr (City)
- Karl (King)
- Halstein (City)
- Kleykir (NPC)
- Karlhófði (Boss)
- Hersir (Chief of sieged town)
- Smiðr (Smith)
- Illugi (Bad sage's name)
- Búandi (Farmer's name)
- Freyr (City)
- Gandr (Magical monsters)
- Gulls (Golds - Money)
- Lymrek (Forest)
- þegjandi (Cannibalists' village)
- Njörðr (Pirates)
- Helheim (Underground corrupted world)
- Heimdall (God's name)

These names are based off serious researches, some have meanings in relation with their character ;)
Source: and Wikipedia

I was also thinking about changing the name of this RPG to: ''Corruption's Genesis: Ragnarök''.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jul 5 2009, 2:01 am by payne.


Jul 5 2009, 2:56 am Tempz Post #22

Bad Sage - Malice (Link)
Good Sage - Hope (Link)
God - Messiah (Link)

Messiah - A profit, can be good or evil and usually associated with Jesus.
(Just say its a rough translation of the "Language of Olde") ;)


Jul 5 2009, 5:51 am payne Post #23


I was asking for a general term to call the statues (anything) and not naming each statue. I already have a name for the bad sage ^^
Same for the God. In fact, I pretty much found all the names by myself, but I'm still searching names for places (the sages' emplacement, a forest name, etc...) and more bosses names.

Thanks in advance ;P


Jul 5 2009, 6:05 am darksnow Post #24

Quote from Tempz
Bad Sage - Malice (Link)
Good Sage - Hope (Link)
God - Messiah (Link)

Messiah - A profit, can be good or evil and usually associated with Jesus.
(Just say its a rough translation of the "Language of Olde") ;)
shouldn't it be prophet, not profit?


Jul 5 2009, 9:34 pm Tempz Post #25

Sorry XD bad spelling ftl...


Jul 8 2009, 10:41 pm payne Post #26


Updated moar screenies, you should appreciate them more ^^


Jul 16 2009, 2:05 am payne Post #27


Some informations about systems:

- Bosses will use vHP, just like Heroes. Base yourself on AWEF.scx: a same computer can deal more damages if a switch is set (which is done during the teleportation between two physically separated areas)
- The spell casting system will be using the Waypoint Casting System
- The damage of the spells will be dealt via Direct Damage
- So, the core battle system will be using a mix of WCs and DDs, which I have tested also in D2 test 3.scx*
- The equipment system (including drop system) will be like Spellsword's system
(- The spell selection, in relation with the casting system, is not decided yet... maybe Build selection or Drop selection... it's not sure)
- The 3rd player of the RPG is a NPC, which means it's Computer controlled so it will have to get an AI. This will be discussed once the core systems will be done.

*Not really working, but the Multiple Hit works okay and Smart Mode is fun ^^

And here are some spell types:

- Affects within a certain range from the hero

Single Hit Projectile:
- Sends one projectile from the hero to the desired selected position (this will always refer to the use of Shift+Click used from the Waypoint Casting system)
- The projectile has a certain range to hit an enemy else, it explodes
- The projectile will affect only 1 enemy
- Once it has hit that enemy, it explodes

Multiple Hits Projectile:
- Sends one projectile from the hero to the desired selected position (this will always refer to the use of Shift+Click used from the Waypoint Casting system)
- The projectile has a certain range to hit an enemy else, it explodes
- The projectile will affect all the enemies it hits until it reaches the selected position
- Once it has reached that position, it explodes

- This will require the spawn of a Defiler near the hero and not the use of the WC system
- It's simply an instant or delayed effect right on the place the hero swarmed


- The projectile auto-aim an enemy (we could either go for an AI selection or a SC scan selection) from the hero

There may also be some combos like a single hit projectile with a radius would stop at the first unit touched, but would affect all units within a certain range from that unit. ;)

There will also be more customized spells (for example, but not sure about this one), the ability to run away while letting some traps behind you (scarabs or mines or cloaked wraith?) or a spell that shoots many projectiles at once in circle (done with interceptors)

D2 test 3.scx
Hits: 5 Size: 45.33kb
Hits: 5 Size: 59.07kb

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 20 2009, 6:52 am by payne.


Jul 20 2009, 1:59 am Tempz Post #28

Here's A later prototype for yet another version if needed...
so how do you like it :D


Jul 20 2009, 6:46 am payne Post #29


Much better, but still not really looking like the good tree for my RPG ;)
I've already designed it anyways :P
Tomorrow (today), I'll come with more informations and some epic news ^^


Jul 20 2009, 7:23 am Demented Shaman Post #30

Those are the best trees I've seen.


Jul 20 2009, 4:10 pm MrrLL Post #31

Quote from Tempz

Here's A later prototype for yet another version if needed...
so how do you like it :D
Those look awesome. Nice work.


Jul 20 2009, 6:55 pm Tempz Post #32

ty :D
they took trial and error to make them as big as they were


Jul 21 2009, 3:20 am payne Post #33



- All systems have gotten planed out (except maybe spawn system)
- New partner working with me: MetalGear
- Intro's terrain completed
- First "outro" room completed

This is going well :)

No more screenies of the terrain will be updated. Though, be aware that all the screenshots from the 1st post are only part of the Part 1 of the Intro, while there are 3 parts ;)

P.S. See first post to learn more about systems


Jul 21 2009, 7:28 pm payne Post #34


Sorry about yesterday, when I was pressing "Update button", SEN got down.
After, my internet bugged, but now it's fixed ^^
First thread updated!

P.S. Finished first puzzle :)


Jul 23 2009, 6:22 pm Tempz Post #35

So is it the tree that you were planning for the diablo 2 map?


Jul 24 2009, 2:46 am payne Post #36


Ya, but I added just a single sprite and it looks around 10 times better :P
Btw, today, I searched (and found about 10) epic loops for the music.

Thanks to JaFFFwop_ (my fault, sorry :S) for his Forest Maze sounds, btw ;D

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 24 2009, 5:10 pm by payne.


Jul 31 2009, 1:27 am Demented Shaman Post #37

I demand screenshots of the water tree.


Aug 1 2009, 2:30 am payne Post #38


Hmm... it's not -that- impressive :P
Still wants them? xD

EDIT: Oh well... here they are:

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 1 2009, 4:05 am by payne.


Aug 7 2009, 5:45 am payne Post #39


I'm actually running on some uber terrain logistic problem: sprite limit.
If you're willing to help me out, please, do so here.


Aug 16 2009, 10:07 am Jack Post #40

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

That sounds really cool, I hope you manage to finish it! It sounds like you are taking a bit of stuff from Spellsword, but that's good because SS is good.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

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