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Temple Siege v1
Jul 10 2008, 8:31 am
By: ClansAreForGays
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Jul 12 2009, 11:06 pm Moose Post #2261

We live in a society.

Quote from name:FaZ-
Assassin Bug is at 21:30, by Purple.
Yeah, an Observer somehow got outside the arena and was moved back in. I'm not sure how, but I'm making sure all effect Observers are removed at Anywhere instead of the arena.

Quote from name:FaZ-
I (Red Warrior) catch a scourge at 13:25 and at some one time. You can try to figure out which cast is causing it. =p
There isn't much that I can do here because he left while the spell was in progress. So, yeah, he couldn't run the spell end trigger. I have two options:
1. Remove P8 Scourge when Volt is not in the game. (dunno if this will have any other consequences)
2. Make a Volt being in the game a requirement for getting stunned by Volt's L1.

Progress so far:
**** ****** ***** ***** ****
***  TEMPLE SIEGE 1.4M8  ***
**** ****** ***** ***** ****
- Corrected Player 4's elimination message trigger.
- Made level-up triggers more efficent, removing 255 lines of triggers.
- Death cancels out pre-built spells.

- L2 is now Summon Archer Ally.

- Fixed a bug that may have resulted in hallucinated obs sticking around after L1, L3, or L4.

- P12 Torrasque is removed if player leaves during L4.

- Shields decreased from 150 to 120. L1 still gives 10, L4 gives full.

- P12 Archon is removed if player leaves during L4.

Note: Emphasis on so far. My to-do list is long indeed.

Jul 12 2009, 11:10 pm UnholyUrine Post #2262

as for 1.5 dieing well you really don't play it as much as you need and your updates are even slower than moose's updates. Not to mention you've recently said your losing intrest for a while which to us means "I'm not doing jack unless i'm bored out of my mind one day." So you've cut your small fan base to near zero. I honestly can't believe temple siege didn't fly off page one before it was bumped back up. There is zero discusion going on in it.

As for recruiting the bulk of TS'ers like moose says they will resist change. They don't like it and don't wana see it. It is not until it is about perfect in their standards that they will compete on it. Personally i think stronger spawn is a step in the right direction and you new heros have made great strides and are now quite good. I think the new terrain would help bring people over problem is you guys didn't get it out fast enough. Now moose wants new terrain also. So idk if that will draw people over or not.

It's true that I'm slow.. but it's because I am currently not interested. But if u've known me, once I get interested, it'll be done before you know it...

The only reason why people percieve M3 as the best version is because V1.5 BETA was still in BETA, as most ppl seem to forget... And it was still full of glitches :D

But meh~ sitting here talking about this won't peak my interest :\... the one thing that may get me back in is the new terrain.

Volt L1 is still broken in fixed M7 version, scourges flying around that hit and stun even after Volt is dead+left.
DT L1 is still broken, he became Observer.

Quote from Excalibur

Some more changes and things for anyone who's wondering. The south base unit placement will have to be redone to fit the new outline. Side paths I feel will offer new tactical opportunities.

I'd like the time to point out this to whomever terrained this map:
If you can't do something, don't half ass attempt it 20 times on the same map. Multiple cliffs need to be done a certain way, it isn't easy, but if you're going to do it, do it right. @_@
Interesting.. The top outpost is interesting with that back part... I'd like u to keep it (or i'd like moose to like you to keep it).. but make it smaller, as the locations won't fit.
actually looking at it again, there's not much space left... If u can.. you can make the top base closer to the middle, and then add a back path...
Remember that locations will screw up if it is at the very side of the map.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 12 2009, 11:16 pm by UnholyUrine.


Jul 12 2009, 11:34 pm Moose Post #2263

We live in a society.

Quote from UnholyUrine
Volt L1 is still broken in fixed M7 version, scourges flying around that hit and stun even after Volt is dead+left.
DT L1 is still broken, he became Observer.
If you had watched the replay, you would notice his DT was at Temple and he didn't "become" an Observer, but spawned an extra.
Furthermore, I didn't make the triggers for Assassin's spells, Unholy, so I'd think twice before you lul.

Quote from UnholyUrine
Remember that locations will screw up if it is at the very side of the map.
Indeed. We need buffer space. Larger locations cenetered on things at the edge of the map will be forced to fit totally on the map and therefore off the hero.

Jul 13 2009, 5:03 am UnholyUrine Post #2264

Assassin has never had anything to do with observers o.O
Even the hallucination kill effect was a Kakaru.. (i think.. because I've always used kakarus for hallu explosions)

In fact.. I've never even touched the obs until I was messing with Earth Demon....


Jul 13 2009, 5:22 am Moose Post #2265

We live in a society.

Well, lucky for you I have for your viewing pleasure a sample trigger from Temple Siege 1.2:

Trigger("Player 1","Player 2","Player 3"){
Bring("Current Player", "Protoss Zealot", "Spell Cast", At least, 1);
Command("Current Player", "Zeratul (Dark Templar)", At least, 1);

Remove Unit At Location("Current Player", "Protoss Zealot", 1, "Spell Cast");
Create Unit with Properties("Current Player", "Protoss Observer", 1, "Hero DT", 1);
Kill Unit At Location("Current Player", "Protoss Observer", 1, "Hero DT");
Move Unit("Current Player", "Zeratul (Dark Templar)", 1, "Arena", "Base 1");
Display Text Message(Always Display, "\r\n\r\n\x003Casted \x004E\x005SCAPE\r\n\r\n");
Preserve Trigger();


I'm curious as to why you would defend yourself from such an inconsequentiality.

Jul 13 2009, 4:19 pm Genocidal.Legend Post #2266

In my opinion the new maps look good, but why do they look so enlarged? Some of the changes look huge even in 3v3. Though, some of the cannons look misplaced otherwise the new terrains are looking good.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 13 2009, 7:35 pm by Mini Moose 2707. Reason: Honestly, it's trolling at this point.


Jul 13 2009, 6:02 pm UnholyUrine Post #2267

Then the bug is already apparent. Change the location of the Kill Observers to "Arena" rather than "hero dt"

I guess it's because assassin's one of the first heroes I made.. so I forgot what I used for the hallu explosion.


Jul 13 2009, 7:34 pm Moose Post #2268

We live in a society.

Honestly, I perceive you as condescending when you assume that not only did I not fix the bug (in actuality it's already fixed), but also that I didn't know how to fix it (and was very easy to do so). :><:

Perhaps worse is that you're totally ignoring and/or downplaying the point: you had a "lul" at my expense about bugs that were the result of your original work.

(Also, it should be Anywhere. It was already changed to Arena in some version of 1.4M. The observer in the replay posted somehow managed to get into the set-aside location for the Assassin during L4.)

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jul 13 2009, 7:57 pm by Mini Moose 2707.

Jul 13 2009, 7:59 pm Decency Post #2269

Quote from UnholyUrine
Then the bug is already apparent. Change the location of the Kill Observers to "Arena" rather than "hero dt"
He already said he was going to change it to "Anywhere"; no problems.

Genocidal showing that he clearly can't read yet again:
1. Terrain discussion was to be in the other topic
2. I already stated and drew up a complaint about the map being too large
3. The terrainer already said that the building placement was not final
4. Ad hominem ad nauseum.

Can you go away yet?

As for the Summoner/LM/Archer spells: I think a change is warranted:

- LM is widely considered the worst hero. If it wants to be competitive, it pretty much has to ally kill for a good deal of its experience and even still does not contribute to its team until endgame. So in a non-random game, no one takes the LM.

- No one good with Summoner gets anything besides L1 except in extreme cases where they get L4 lategame. L2/L3 are essentially unused. The Summoner has no motive to exit the base except to dark swarm in end game. That can be changed.

- Rarely, an Archer goes L3. More often, they get nothing but L1; except occasionally getting L2 for a nydus or detection.

So, why not add some variety and skill-intensiveness by taking out what's essentially unused? Anyone disagree for the sake of not changing anything, or for another reason?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 13 2009, 9:31 pm by FaZ-.


Jul 13 2009, 9:36 pm Thuy Post #2270

i like the infested terrans for the summoner i find it quite useful. I wish they did more damage though!
i use them to secure captured gates by burrowing them around so the other team have a hard time capturing it at night.
and i found that it's a good way to harrass LM.


Jul 13 2009, 10:51 pm Moose Post #2271

We live in a society.

Genocidal, while your advice is useful, I am an administrator who has SEN's interests above the interests of Temple Siege. I have shown you more mercy in the face of rule violations than any member who has been here less than two weeks deserves. Your disruptive trolling, immature trash-talking, and flaming is not welcome here. While you are at SEN, you are expected to respect SEN and its community. Being a great Temple Siege player does not grant you exemption from the rules, no matter how much you think what FaZ-, Shredder, or anyone else says is "dumb" and "inexperienced".

I am suspending you for three days. You will be given a chance to change or you can choose to continue when you return. If you choose to behave the same way, I will force you to leave.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 13 2009, 10:56 pm by Mini Moose 2707.

Jul 13 2009, 11:07 pm Decency Post #2272

Quote from Thuy
i like the infested terrans for the summoner i find it quite useful. I wish they did more damage though!
i use them to secure captured gates by burrowing them around so the other team have a hard time capturing it at night.
and i found that it's a good way to harrass LM.
A single Zergling works just as well or better for either task. With the 3 civilians you used for L2 you could have gotten 5 or more upgrades for your Zerglings. Though, it does count against your cap, so I can see where that might have a bit of potential.


Jul 14 2009, 5:38 pm killer_sss Post #2273

Quote from name:FaZ-
Quote from UnholyUrine
Then the bug is already apparent. Change the location of the Kill Observers to "Arena" rather than "hero dt"
- Rarely, an Archer goes L3. More often, they get nothing but L1; except occasionally getting L2 for a nydus or detection.

So, why not add some variety and skill-intensiveness by taking out what's essentially unused? Anyone disagree for the sake of not changing anything, or for another reason?

I disagree with the archer the most as i can offer my opinion. All that needs to be changed is the incentive to get L3. 1.5 it was much improved over 1.4m4 i think of people who choose hydra minions vs mutas. Personally i find it quite good to easily move from L2 feeding of sukens to L3 feeding of hydras. They spread out and dominate the map when they get enough ups and then you can further increase the lead on exp. There are ways of killing them but for the most part you will be gaining more exp then you are giving and for god's sake stay the hell away from a zealot with L3.

as for light mage i agree hes pretty slow buit there are plenty of instances where he is quite useful in a team. The dm and volt can both make it easier for the light mage to help pick off players.

and for the summoner i've never really liked that most people only use L1, but noone wants to see a progressive spawn spell tier for him. Because of this his use has been pretty much limited to lings due to his L1's versitility as compared to the L2 and L3 even though there are ususes for both. The L4 is used when needed to counter certain things so it gets more use that L2 and L3 combined imo.


Jul 14 2009, 5:47 pm UnholyUrine Post #2274

Twas Volt's L1 that gave me the impression :stfu:


Jul 14 2009, 7:20 pm ShredderIV Post #2275

The only problem i have with archer's companions is that they die very easily to spells, and yet they're a l3... i like that you're switching them to l2.


Jul 14 2009, 7:33 pm Moose Post #2276

We live in a society.

Quote from killer_sss
Personally i find it quite good to easily move from L2 feeding of sukens to L3 feeding of hydras.
The problem lies in actually pulling off sunken feed in a competitve match. Skilled players simply will not allow it. Archer bases are given a high priority on the list of things to destroy.

Quote from UnholyUrine
Twas Volt's L1 that gave me the impression :stfu:
Again, not my fault. That bug would happen in 1.2 or plain 1.4 as well as neither have accounted for Volt leaving the game during L1.

Are you finished trying to justify your lul at my expense?

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jul 14 2009, 7:44 pm by Mini Moose 2707.

Jul 14 2009, 8:15 pm UnholyUrine Post #2277

<_< there was never anything to justify.


Jul 14 2009, 8:16 pm Moose Post #2278

We live in a society.

Of course not. That's why you did it.

Anyway, this personal stuff doesn't belong in this topic anymore. I'll just assume you'll never apologize.

Jul 14 2009, 8:18 pm UnholyUrine Post #2279

.. Meaning that it was never meant that way, so there was never anything to justify


Jul 14 2009, 8:47 pm Decency Post #2280

Quote from killer_sss
Quote from name:FaZ-
Quote from UnholyUrine
Then the bug is already apparent. Change the location of the Kill Observers to "Arena" rather than "hero dt"
- Rarely, an Archer goes L3. More often, they get nothing but L1; except occasionally getting L2 for a nydus or detection.

So, why not add some variety and skill-intensiveness by taking out what's essentially unused? Anyone disagree for the sake of not changing anything, or for another reason?

I disagree with the archer the most as i can offer my opinion. All that needs to be changed is the incentive to get L3. 1.5 it was much improved over 1.4m4 i think of people who choose hydra minions vs mutas. Personally i find it quite good to easily move from L2 feeding of sukens to L3 feeding of hydras. They spread out and dominate the map when they get enough ups and then you can further increase the lead on exp. There are ways of killing them but for the most part you will be gaining more exp then you are giving and for god's sake stay the hell away from a zealot with L3.
I've never played a seriously competitive game on 1.5 and not enough public games to make an opinion. What changed to make L3 more viable? I can't see a single marine spawn doing so.

Like Moose said, Archer camps never live past a single night. Any small heroes tear them apart without even blinking unless you have like 6 sunkens.

as for light mage i agree hes pretty slow buit there are plenty of instances where he is quite useful in a team. The dm and volt can both make it easier for the light mage to help pick off players.
This is true, he can be great at PvP when teamed with a stunner. However, a good team will just avoid him and exp, attacking him when he's by himself.

and for the summoner i've never really liked that most people only use L1, but noone wants to see a progressive spawn spell tier for him. Because of this his use has been pretty much limited to lings due to his L1's versitility as compared to the L2 and L3 even though there are ususes for both. The L4 is used when needed to counter certain things so it gets more use that L2 and L3 combined imo.
I agree, my previous suggestion of L2 as high-damage broodlings doesn't seem to fit as well as a simple ensnare L2. That gives incentive to come out of the base as well as being more PvP oriented. That alone will lead to more use of an unchanged or slightly improved L3, leading to more people wanting to get L4. That's the idea, anyway.


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