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Temple Siege v1
Jul 10 2008, 8:31 am
By: ClansAreForGays
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Jun 7 2009, 5:16 am FlashBeer Post #2041

@killer - Invisible scourages could be used to achieve the effect you are thinking of, except they would still be visible in daytime I suppose.

@shredder - That wouldn't work because
1 - You can't move the location anywhere but on the archon itself (unless you used some mobile grid, but that still wouldn't work as well) so you couldn't expand the stun range as the scourages move outward.
2 - The location for stunning you described (the amount of space the scourage travels in a time frame) would be a fairly large square because the scourage could move diagonally as well as horizontally and vertically- making the location (even if they were centered in the scourages) stun heroes just by being near the scourages and not being hit by them.
3 - Since the location is on the archon and is a square without any gaps, being anywhere near the archon would stun you, even if you werent hit my scourages (like assassin's stun).

You are clearly stunned when you come into contact with a scourage. Since you can't move locations without centering them on a unit, it would be impossible to duplicate the attack without flying units as those.

Furthermore, locations aren't even on the scourages themselves. You can't have multiple locations centered on multiple scourages just anywhere on the map. All locations would be centered on the top-leftmost unit, thus other scourages would have no effect if done with centering locations on scourages. The scourages themselves trigger the stun when they go over a hero's location.


Jun 7 2009, 5:23 am ShredderIV Post #2042

My "method" is not a method, it's an explaination of he the scourges might not even matter. And even so, if anything it's simpler than the way you guys talk about the spell working. If the spell works like I think it works, then I'm saying the spell effect could be changed so the scourges aren't here. So it would remove the scourge problems.

And @flash, that's impossible, your last statement paragraph, because the special ops l4 used the same drone, so that would stun someone if you flew it over another hero.


Jun 7 2009, 5:32 am Moose Post #2043

We live in a society.

Speaking of the special ops L4, I just discovered in a game today that it doesn't work very well. (The user was P1 red)
Guess I have something else to look into.

1.4M7 Changes
- Fix Volt Scourge L1 bug. AGAIN. I'm actually scared I won't be able to fix this. XD
- Fix Volt L2 insta-end bug.
- Fix the Special Ops L4 stun.

**** ****** ***** **********
***  TEMPLE SIEGE 1.4M7  ***
**** ****** ***** **********
- Fixed a bug that caused a death message for a player to appear upon his leaving the game.
- P12 spider mines are now removed. (Spec. Ops and Mech)
- Decreased Temple HP from 50,000 to 40,000.

- Fixed a bug where players got the Hydralisk speed upgrade for free by casting L3 a second time.

- Trigger reorganization and consolidation. No other changes, just a note if anything breaks.

- Fixed starting energy of Healing Spirits. (L1)

- Increased damage of Sniper Rifle (L3) from 75 + 8 to 85 + 9.
- Increased HP from 4000 to 4200.

- Decreased max Zerglings (L1) to 10. (*prepares for bitching*)

- Cleaned up L3, reduced triggers by 14 lines. No changes, just a note if anything breaks.*

- Increased max shields from 100 from 200. L1 still gives 10 and L4 still gives full.
- Decreased HP from 6000 to 5500.

Jun 7 2009, 5:54 am Decency Post #2044

Add a huge bonus for killing warp gates.

I don't understand why it's an issue to fix the Volt L1. At the end of the spell, remove all scourge owned by player at anywhere. Tada... sure it's a band-aid, but who really cares.


Jun 7 2009, 5:56 am Iceman16 Post #2045

Or make them invincible when no enemies are within range.


Jun 7 2009, 6:08 am Moose Post #2046

We live in a society.

Quote from name:FaZ-
Add a huge bonus for killing warp gates.

I don't understand why it's an issue to fix the Volt L1. At the end of the spell, remove all scourge owned by player at anywhere. Tada... sure it's a band-aid, but who really cares.
Good sir, the problem is that it already does. Which is why the bug is so difficult to fix - it makes no sense. :P

Jun 7 2009, 6:11 am FlashBeer Post #2047

Quote from ShredderIV
My "method" is not a method, it's an explaination of he the scourges might not even matter. And even so, if anything it's simpler than the way you guys talk about the spell working. If the spell works like I think it works, then I'm saying the spell effect could be changed so the scourges aren't here. So it would remove the scourge problems.

And @flash, that's impossible, your last statement paragraph, because the special ops l4 used the same drone, so that would stun someone if you flew it over another hero.
I never said anything about a method, I was explaining how your explanation wouldn't work. It wouldn't be dodge-able without being out of your stun location (as in, you couldn't dodge dt's stun when in stun range), unlike dodging scourages where you can dodge between them.
It's not very complicated the way it's done.
And it is possible... Phantom also uses scourage for hookshot, and bat uses one for grenade.
The scourages don't mix spells because they are owned by different players.
The archon emits scourages that are computer owned- so it doesnt matter the distance or the area, if any enemy hero is hit by a computer-owned scourage, they will be paralyzed. Player owned scourages don't trigger stun, computer's do.

Here are the three main triggers involving the Volt's stun spell
Collapse Box

Simplified, this is what the triggers mean:
1st trigger set - So when the player is Volt, builds a zealot (Ice Gremlin), the spell timer DC's (Mineral Chunk (Type 1) reaches 12, and comp brings any scourages to the arena, the scourage is removed while an arbiter explodes.

2st trigger set - When 0 comp scourages are at the arena, the spell timer resets so you could cast again, and the zealot you build is removed.

3rd trigger set - When an enemy comp's scourage is at your hero's location, and you have been marked for being hit by a spell, and are not stunned, the scourage removes, arbiter explodes, you are drained of 10 gas and you are stunned for 48 DC's.

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Jun 7 2009, 11:42 am by FlashBeer.


Jun 7 2009, 6:16 am Decency Post #2048

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Quote from name:FaZ-
Add a huge bonus for killing warp gates.

I don't understand why it's an issue to fix the Volt L1. At the end of the spell, remove all scourge owned by player at anywhere. Tada... sure it's a band-aid, but who really cares.
Good sir, the problem is that it already does. Which is why the bug is so difficult to fix - it makes no sense. :P

Okay, so add another one. =p


Jun 8 2009, 6:33 pm killer_sss Post #2049

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
1.4M7 changes

ok gona go from my expierence from 1.5 and previous versions on the zealots L4. 200 is way too much shields. Honestly I don't care if you drop the base hp. Thats balancing but 200 base is too much. with 100 shields and 15-20 shields i can stand still and get hit by 3-6 casts from mutants l2 with comperable or better ups and still be alive.
***Once again this is purely standing still***

Yes i understand this is if you get someone playing shields and actually upping that vs armor. with 0 shields this might be an ok L4 and still be vulnerable, but with any shields hes just gona dominate. If you wana adjust it i think youd be better off with 150. I guess if you get the typical warrior without much mana investment thats why you choose 200. I strongly reccomend reducing it though.

Side note when can we expect some change in the spawn? This is one of the key reasons why i have stayed away from 1.4M3-6. I like having spawn that can actually do something besides just feed.


Jun 8 2009, 6:52 pm Decency Post #2050

Okay, so what happens when the Scourges are no longer in the range of the 067 location?

Also, the first trigger cannot run after the second trigger runs, because an Ice Gremlin is removed.

It's really tough to decode those, though...


Jun 8 2009, 8:39 pm FlashBeer Post #2051

Quote from name:FaZ-
Okay, so what happens when the Scourges are no longer in the range of the 067 location?
Also, the first trigger cannot run after the second trigger runs, because an Ice Gremlin is removed.

Location 067 is the whole arena.
If no scourages are in Location 067, then there are no scourages left in the arena— the 2nd trigger set runs and thus ends your spell.

The first trigger runs again when you build the Ice Gremlin from you gateway at the top— that's how you cast the spell.


Jun 8 2009, 9:09 pm Decency Post #2052

I see. My only thought is to change the remove location from 127 to 067. Perhaps the scourge are moving out of the location that is centered on them?

Who owns the scourge when they glitch? I can't remember, I think I've seen both CPU owned and player owned...


Jun 8 2009, 9:15 pm UnholyUrine Post #2053

I asked you to tell me if u wanted me to fix it :\... you probably just used another Death count which overlapped with something...

Please tell me what it looks like in-game.. then I can probably pin point what's wrong with it <.<

-If the problem lies at the scourge not being removed.. that's to do with the Deathcounts for Mineral Chunk type 1.. which is the generic Deathcount that I used for most spells
-This mineral chunk deathcount counts up whenever you bring a unit at the location "Spell Unit Leave"..
-Whenever you build a zealot/dragoon/templar/DT that corresponds to a spell that needs a timer, it will be moved to "Spell Unit Leave" (Or "Spell Aside", where it'd have a different set of timer for special, combo-able spells)

-So the trigger SHOULD be like this:
  • Current Player
  • Current player brings at least 1 zealot to "Cast Spell Here"
  • Current Player brings exactly 0 men at "Spell Unit Leave" - (this'd not allow you to do 2 spells at once and fuck up the timer)
  • Current player commands/brings at least 1 Volt
  • Move zealot to "Spell Unit Leave"
  • Sets Deathcount for P7 to do something
  • Display Text "Lol Shockwave!!1"
  • Preserve Trigger

Then for P7.. whatever that Deathcount is... when it is one,
you set it back to 0, and it does all that crap with the Scourges....
After x deathcounts of Mineral Chunks, it will start removing the scourges (Remove + create arb + kill arb)
Finally, when you have zealot at "spell unit leave" .. and when you command a Volt ... and when you have Deathcounts of at least "x" ... and when P7 brings 0 scourges to arena..
You remove the zealot and set the Mineral chunks Deathcount back to 0.
Done =)


Jun 8 2009, 9:34 pm FlashBeer Post #2054

Quote from UnholyUrine
[*]Display Text "Lol Shockwave!!1"


Just to let people know, the triggers I poster were from (I think) MT3's triggs, which I've never seen the scourage glitch in.
I haven't looked at 1.4's yet.


Jun 9 2009, 10:27 pm Stupid: Fred Post #2055

Hi I play Temple Siege. I think that you should replace the scourges with observers, and create multiple pulses. The Obs should be able to travel 5 tiles more in my opinion. There would also be more three waves of them that pop out. The next wave pops out as the one before it is half way done.

edit: The obs suck them in like a whirl pool

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 12 2009, 7:08 pm by Stupid: Fred.


Jun 9 2009, 11:34 pm killer_sss Post #2056

Quote from Stupid: Fred
Hi I play Temple Siege. I think that you should replace the scourges with observers, and create multiple pulses. The Obs should be able to travel 5 tiles more in my opinion. There would also be more three waves of them that pop out. The next wave pops out as the one before it is half way done.

obs are slower and more than 1 wave doesn't make sense. If they see first wave they can just out run and then they wont be in range for any other waves.


Jun 10 2009, 8:09 am FlashBeer Post #2057

Guess what kids! You know what time it is?

The best student in my class? I would have to say it's that girl standing over there by herself. She's not like any other in my class— all of these different people coming from families of vast wealth and power.
How did she get into my class?
On the day I met her, it was pouring outside and she was sitting directly under the rain. I asked her why she was out in the rain and she just barely looked at me.

Well, I knew she was cold, so I put up a barrier of light to block out the rain. That's was she started to talk. She had an immediate interest in my little "magic" and eventually told me about herself. It turns out she ran away from her home to escape her abusive parents, only to find that she disliked the orphanage just as much.

From then on, I decided to visit her every other day, and she would be waiting as always. I eventually invited her to stay at the academy whenever she wanted. Everything I taught in class, down to the smallest detail, she learned. After class she would always come by to see what new research was being made on "The Temple". A little bothersome, yes, but it was still nice to have company. She doesn't socialize much with anybody, just me.

She was most interested in this, right here, "The Orb of Light", an artifact I found at The Temple. She really liked to stare at it, so I decided to give it to her since it doesn't seem to do anything more than shine brightly.

Recently in The Temple, I discovered that there is also a negative energy source in opposition to light energy. However, much is still unknown on what it does, or how to use such power.

We have been hiding out here in The Temple for the past few weeks now.
All of the villagers have turned on my mentor— he has been deemed a traitor to the village. They have all gone mad, those savages. A massive mob is trying to break in right now, and the light barriers are giving out...
They are starting to fall...

I... can't bear it...
I feel nauseated...
They killed him, they are going to kill me, and there's nothing I can do...

I picked up the Orb of Light, which was now a deep dark swirling color. A swirling dark cloud emanated from the Orb and filled the room. A blinding flash of light came from the temple, and it made it feel as if my skull was being ripped from my head. The temple was raging with intense flames and and slowly burst into complete darkness.
When I finally realized where I was, I couldn't believe what I saw.
It was him, my mentor, the Light Mage— standing next to The Temple.
It must be some sort of trick, all some sort of illusion.
Could it be?

Yes, a female, an orphan, the first Dark Mage, a student of Light Mage, and she comes from a parallel universe.


Jun 10 2009, 8:33 pm UnholyUrine Post #2058

Lol at CAFG

I like the story :P.. At first I thought it was gonna be the medic.. but yeah.
The ending part could've been polished up a bit.. but I love the idea.

Anyway, CAFG.. and other whiny people.. don't have to bang your head in the wall.. the stories are not set in stone.. I merely tapped into the creative minds of you people.. Unfortunately, many of you are stubborn rather not contribute and think that it is bullshit... (which technically.. it is :P) BUT it doesn't matter!!.. Let's just have some fun with this okaaayy?? :D :D


Jun 10 2009, 10:18 pm l)ark_ssj9kevin Post #2059

Just here for the activity... well not really

Moose, I'm curious, how does Hydra's speed up work?
How does casting a spell give the speed up?

guy lifting weight (animated smiley):


"Oh, I see it"

Jun 10 2009, 10:49 pm Moose Post #2060

We live in a society.

Quote from l)ark_ssj9kevin
Moose, I'm curious, how does Hydra's speed up work?
How does casting a spell give the speed up?
The cloaking effect on the Hydras is done by moving a Hydralisk to the Archer and giving it to the Archer player. The first Hydralisk belongs to Player 11, but since units cannot be created for Player 11, all Hydras afterwards are given from P7 to P11. Since P7 has the speed upgrade, it transfers to P11 and then to the player.

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terrible game
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