Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Showcase > Topic: Monopoly
Apr 23 2009, 4:42 pm
By: Norm  

Apr 24 2009, 7:03 pm Norm Post #21

=) Upcoming updates in 1.00

• Fixing a critical bug dealing with leavers and trade system
• Extra precaution to prevent incomplete trades in situations where many units are on one side, and the other person only offers 1 or 2.
• Additional cash trade increment for more options. (Unsure which $ amount to use)
• Addition of a highly detailed tutorial to guide the noobs.
• A message that informs players when someone is paying them rent.
• I will attempt to find a solution for roll transfers when someone leaves the game.
• A limit on the number of turns one can sit in jail, or giving other players the option to forcefully bail them out.

Considerations ...

• An additional way to depict which properties are in a group besides the color of their names.
• Addition of a mini-game to keep people with short attention spans happy.
• Some more interesting terrain

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 25 2009, 1:43 am by Norm.


Apr 24 2009, 8:40 pm UnholyUrine Post #22

For the trade system.. Whenever someone (from either side) resets their trade.. move BOTH civs back to the middle (or reset BOTH trades) .. this'd be an added caution.

as for the mini-game.. I don't mind doing it :)


Apr 24 2009, 10:41 pm Demented Shaman Post #23

Screw you guys. I suggested SC monopoly so long ago, but frit and Norm are nubs.


Apr 24 2009, 10:44 pm fritfrat Post #24

I'll admit that when making mine, it's extremely difficult to make it so you can pick up the controls in a couple seconds. You can simplify it, compact everything, and make it as literally user-friendly as possible, but there's still just a lot of different things you can or have to do at different times. This kind of makes it inevitable for it to be slightly complicated, so I would say a good measure would be if after a few minutes playing it seems natural.

My trade system uses 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, and 1280 dollar increments. That way you can have any number 10-2550 by increments of 10 :)


Apr 24 2009, 11:57 pm Black Knight Post #25

Yay finally it's complete, nice work it took you awhile, interestingly I think this will get popular quick and be the new most hosted map for awhile, or it won't get popular at all, hopefully it'll get popular quickly, but anyway great work on the map


Apr 25 2009, 1:19 am killer_sss Post #26

My feedback-

***First a couple of glitches:
-can sit in jail forever if you choose not to pay and don't roll doubles.
-utility payout seems to be randomized from 20-120 and this really hurts sometimes. Whne i get a lucky roll to aviod paying big price from properties i end up paying more than i should have sometimes 10-50$ more.

***somethings i would like to see if future versions:
-when needing to pay it would be nice if you could display how much i still owe somehow. Maybe keep track of it in minerals on my screen or every 30 or so seconds tell me how much left i need to pay.
-an indicator ping to where a player moves each time he is moved threw cards or whatever.
-a slightly longer display for how much i paid or recieved for landing on a certain propety or getting a certain card maybe with some brighter colors because as of now its kinda hard to see what you got if your not payin attention the second you land on a square. Sometimes i was talking and completely missed what happened lol.

To fritFrat and urine both of you have problems. this is about feedback and improving ones maps not bashing someone for their mapping job because it doesn't live up to your personal standards.

Especially to fritfrat there are some things about this map that i don't like because it has kind of distorted monopoly but honestly i don't care he did a damn good job on his map and imo a big improvement over that other thing he created recently. It takes a great deal to create a map and granted if i would have made one i would have followed the rules to the T because i apreciate monopoly's design and i wouldn't want to distort it at all, but in the same right thats why i haven't made one because i can only imagine its complexity. I would never finish that and for the time he made it in and that he actually got it done unlike someone else who we won't mention *coughs* fritfrat. If you want a perfect monopoly then i suggest you make it.


Apr 25 2009, 1:30 am Demented Shaman Post #27

Quote from killer_sss
To fritFrat and urine both of you have problems.
You have the problem of being defensive and overreacting. It's not even your map. I can see where people might have issues with fritfrat, but don't draw me into this little feud. Go back and read Unholy's post and then read mine. If my intentions are still lost on you then screw you too cuz ur just as nubby as frit and norm.

Especially to fritfrat there are some things about this map that i don't like because it has kind of distorted monopoly but honestly i don't care he did a damn good job on his map and imo a big improvement over that other thing he created recently. It takes a great deal to create a map and granted if i would have made one i would have followed the rules to the T because i apreciate monopoly's design and i wouldn't want to distort it at all, but in the same right thats why i haven't made one because i can only imagine its complexity. I would never finish that and for the time he made it in and that he actually got it done unlike someone else who we won't mention *coughs* fritfrat. If you want a perfect monopoly then i suggest you make it.
Basically you're just defending the release of a mediocre product and commending the creator on his "effort" rather than the finished result. It's sad that you're overlooking its obvious flaws just because of what went into its production. Ironically, you tell fritfrat to make a perfect monopoly which is precisely what he's doing. And maybe you didn't know this, but perfection takes time.

And the fact that Norm was able to accomplish what he did in so little time only makes it worse that he couldn't take the extra bit of time to actually include the things he omitted.

Let's make an analogy using Blizzard. They take as much time as they need to make their games perfect. If they suddenly released SC2 early and incomplete we wouldn't be saying, "oh look the game sucks, but that doesn't matter because Blizzard has been working on this for years." From Blizzard, creators of very high quality games, we expect the best even if they take as much time as they need to do it.

On the other hand there are those game companies that just create games as soon as possible to cash in on some recent fad or movie release. I'm sure their games have effort put into them, but it doesn't change the fact that the products suck. They just try to ride the popularity and hype surrounding what they're making the game around.

Of course either type of mapmaker will have a following. The Blizzard type will get followers that appreciate high quality games while the Electronic Arts type will satisfy the generally stupid public who enjoy simplistic defenses. Both types can be called successful and accomplished, but in their own ways.

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Apr 25 2009, 1:45 am by Urine.


Apr 25 2009, 1:52 am Norm Post #28

Thanks for the input. Additional pings, and a correction for players sitting in jail will be included in the next update.

As for Utilities, the payment is set up like this:

Possible conditions
A. owner owns 1 utility
B. owner owns 2 utility
C. lander rolled a low number to land on utility
D. lander rolled a high number to land on utility

Possible results
AC = 25 Rent
AD = 50 Rent
BC = 60 Rent
BD = 120 Rent

This is one example of where I have simplified the game to better fit my practical needs.

Map Haters Only Beyond This Point

GTFO my topic >< Your insults are unwanted, your retorts to people providing constructive criticism is unneeded. This map does not intend to exactly replicate the original boardgame word for word, rule for rule... I have already said before that this map is my interpretation of the game - sorry if you don't like it - go play something else. This map intends to be readily accessible to any noob, or person familiar with the basics of monopoly. It's fun to me, and many other people enjoy it, so let it go.


Apr 25 2009, 3:46 am killer_sss Post #29

Quote from name:Urine
You have the problem of being defensive and overreacting. It's not even your map. I can see where people might have issues with fritfrat, but don't draw me into this little feud. Go back and read Unholy's post and then read mine. If my intentions are still lost on you then screw you too cuz ur just as nubby as frit and norm.
It's the nubby comment to which i was refering. There is no need for degrading someone like that. This is what all the little kids on bnet resort to and it need not be here.

Quote from name:Urine
Basically you're just defending the release of a mediocre product and commending the creator on his "effort" rather than the finished result. It's sad that you're overlooking its obvious flaws just because of what went into its production. Ironically, you tell fritfrat to make a perfect monopoly which is precisely what he's doing. And maybe you didn't know this, but perfection takes time.

It's mediocre because he left out a few things that would have taken him prolly twice as long as his original project? That makes no sense.

Side note- i know what frat is doing i also know its taken him 2 years im sorry perfection doesn't take that long. Thats procrastination not perfection.

Quote from name:Urine
Let's make an analogy using Blizzard. They take as much time as they need to make their games perfect. If they suddenly released SC2 early and incomplete we wouldn't be saying, "oh look the game sucks, but that doesn't matter because Blizzard has been working on this for years." From Blizzard, creators of very high quality games, we expect the best even if they take as much time as they need to do it.

On the other hand there are those game companies that just create games as soon as possible to cash in on some recent fad or movie release. I'm sure their games have effort put into them, but it doesn't change the fact that the products suck. They just try to ride the popularity and hype surrounding what they're making the game around.

Of course either type of mapmaker will have a following. The Blizzard type will get followers that appreciate high quality games while the Electronic Arts type will satisfy the generally stupid public who enjoy simplistic defenses. Both types can be called successful and accomplished, but in their own ways.

There is no comparison between blizard and starcraft maps i'm sorry they are much more detailed than any game every created on starcraft will be thats why it takes them years. The reasons it takes people so long to produce quality works on starcraft is 1. they are usually alone 2. they have jobs, life, ect. 3. they procrastinate (not getting paid for it and its not something that has to be done)

The difference between norm and fritfrat is norms is actually playable. Granted not everyone is gona like it but this is for constructive critisim not game bashing. This is to allow people the chance to see how to make a game better the next time they create a map or in future versions. If you don't wana play it then don't. If you don't like it keep that to yourself. If you wana help produce change then make suggestions not insults.

and if you've got any further gripe send me a pm so we quit wasting space. i'll do the same.


Apr 25 2009, 12:03 pm Demented Shaman Post #30

Quote from killer_sss
Quote from name:Urine
You have the problem of being defensive and overreacting. It's not even your map. I can see where people might have issues with fritfrat, but don't draw me into this little feud. Go back and read Unholy's post and then read mine. If my intentions are still lost on you then screw you too cuz ur just as nubby as frit and norm.
It's the nubby comment to which i was refering. There is no need for degrading someone like that. This is what all the little kids on bnet resort to and it need not be here.
If you take offense to being called a nub then that's your problem especially when I made it clear I wasn't being serious.

I wasn't even referring to the maps in my first post. My comment was about the fact that someone suggested an SC monopoly version when I have been suggesting that to Norm and fritfrat for a while. I was calling them nubs in jest. Maybe if I added the stupid :bleh: smiley you'd get the point.

Quote from killer_sss
Quote from name:Urine
Basically you're just defending the release of a mediocre product and commending the creator on his "effort" rather than the finished result. It's sad that you're overlooking its obvious flaws just because of what went into its production. Ironically, you tell fritfrat to make a perfect monopoly which is precisely what he's doing. And maybe you didn't know this, but perfection takes time.

It's mediocre because he left out a few things that would have taken him prolly twice as long as his original project? That makes no sense.
It makes perfect sense.

Quote from killer_sss
Side note- i know what frat is doing i also know its taken him 2 years im sorry perfection doesn't take that long. Thats procrastination not perfection.
Not every eats, breathes, and lives for Starcraft and I can easily see making a perfect monopoly map taking that long. If a 2 year time scale is too long for you to comprehend then you should look at the fact that right now there's a 1 year RPG mapmaking contest going on.

Quote from killer_sss
Quote from name:Urine
Let's make an analogy using Blizzard. They take as much time as they need to make their games perfect. If they suddenly released SC2 early and incomplete we wouldn't be saying, "oh look the game sucks, but that doesn't matter because Blizzard has been working on this for years." From Blizzard, creators of very high quality games, we expect the best even if they take as much time as they need to do it.

On the other hand there are those game companies that just create games as soon as possible to cash in on some recent fad or movie release. I'm sure their games have effort put into them, but it doesn't change the fact that the products suck. They just try to ride the popularity and hype surrounding what they're making the game around.

Of course either type of mapmaker will have a following. The Blizzard type will get followers that appreciate high quality games while the Electronic Arts type will satisfy the generally stupid public who enjoy simplistic defenses. Both types can be called successful and accomplished, but in their own ways.

There is no comparison between blizard and starcraft maps i'm sorry they are much more detailed than any game every created on starcraft will be thats why it takes them years. The reasons it takes people so long to produce quality works on starcraft is 1. they are usually alone 2. they have jobs, life, ect. 3. they procrastinate (not getting paid for it and its not something that has to be done)

The difference between norm and fritfrat is norms is actually playable. Granted not everyone is gona like it but this is for constructive critisim not game bashing. This is to allow people the chance to see how to make a game better the next time they create a map or in future versions. If you don't wana play it then don't. If you don't like it keep that to yourself. If you wana help produce change then make suggestions not insults.

and if you've got any further gripe send me a pm so we quit wasting space. i'll do the same.
First of all, I haven't even been bashing his map. It's a fact that the map is not up to its true potential. Even though it's "playable" it still goes back to my Blizzard vs EA example. I'm sure Blizzard could have released SC2 by now and call it "playable" but there's a difference between being playable and being perfect. My analogy is not for comparing the method by which maps and actual games are produced because obviously they're different. I'm not even comparing the time it takes to make an sc map vs an actual game. The point is that there are people and companies that take their time to produce things that are perfect and then there are those that just produce things and release them when they are "playable" and let the hype and novelty of the product carry it rather than the actual quality of it.

Also note that I'm just highlighting a difference that exists. I'm not criticizing either side. There are those who enjoy things as long as they are playable and then there are those that prefer more quality. Just by releasing a monopoly map, even if it's barely functional, a mapmaker would get considerable recognition mainly because of the fact that it hasn't been done before. But that shouldn't be an excuse to overlook any flaws it might have.

You guys are clearly taking fritfrat's comments too harshly. What he's saying is perfectly sensible and reasonable criticism.
I ask of you; why cut yourself short? When I first saw your map I was pleased that you were doing a great job. Doing a great job doesn't count for anything, though, if you stop before the finish line.

On a personal note, I don't care about thunder (I didn't have any for you to steal), and I didn't adopt any of your systems.

I am just trying to push you for you to see excellence in what you do and to make a better map. I recognize the time you spent into the map, and I think you've made astonishing progress, and it would just be great if you could put in that little bit of extra time that a lot of people don't to make what you made excellent.

I'm sorry if I insulted you. Your monopoly isn't horrible, but unfinished, and I still look forward to seeing the final product.

If you still won't accept the Blizzard vs EA analogy then I'll make a different comparison to restaurants. I'm sure you can see there's a difference between a fast food restaurant like McDonald's vs a five star restaurant. Neither type of restaurant is really bad. They just have different goals and objectives. A McDonald's goal is to quickly satisfy as many people as possible while an actual restaurant is about the dining experience and high quality food. There are those that may even prefer eating fast food. There's a difference in the quality of food though, but they're meant to target different people's preferences. If I had to put Norm in the category of a restaurant I would label him as a fast casual restaurant. Doesn't offer the full table service but has higher quality food than the fast food restaurant.

Also, Norm already stated his intentions with the map and it only proves my point. It's just a playable monopoly map that's meant to satisfy the noobs and public.
This map intends to be readily accessible to any noob, or person familiar with the basics of monopoly. It's fun to me, and many other people enjoy it, so let it go.

Criticism is something everyone has to deal with, but that doesn't mean it's "hating on a map". Criticism is good and all the criticism here has been justified.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Apr 25 2009, 12:14 pm by Urine.


Apr 25 2009, 6:11 pm fritfrat Post #31

As far as my map goes, I haven't been working on it straight for 2 years. I'd have gone nuts a long time ago, and I did burn out last summer when I tried to crank it out. If the whole map were last summer's rate, I could have finished it in probably 4-5 months.

Norm, I never meant to hate on your map. A map doesn't have to be perfect for you to enjoy it. Quite frankly, people who play EA sports games don't necessarily have any less fun than people who play competitive strategy games. My "perfectly reasonable" criticism was said in a tone that was unfairly prompted, and I think we should honor Norm's wishes to leave all subject of criticism out of this thread and focus more on helping fix it and make it better :)

You did a good job, Norm, even if it isn't to our expectations that you don't have to care about. Have fun playing it.


Apr 25 2009, 6:35 pm Demented Shaman Post #32

Quote from fritfrat
As far as my map goes, I haven't been working on it straight for 2 years. I'd have gone nuts a long time ago, and I did burn out last summer when I tried to crank it out. If the whole map were last summer's rate, I could have finished it in probably 4-5 months.

Norm, I never meant to hate on your map. A map doesn't have to be perfect for you to enjoy it. Quite frankly, people who play EA sports games don't necessarily have any less fun than people who play competitive strategy games. My "perfectly reasonable" criticism was said in a tone that was unfairly prompted, and I think we should honor Norm's wishes to leave all subject of criticism out of this thread and focus more on helping fix it and make it better :)

You did a good job, Norm, even if it isn't to our expectations that you don't have to care about. Have fun playing it.
The way you help fix and make a map better is to criticize it. :rolleyes:


May 2 2009, 9:05 pm Polkaman Post #33

this is about feedback and improving ones maps not bashing someone for their mapping job

a big improvement over that other thing he created

I found that funny :D

I loved it, except the end turn is kinda hard to find, even after a number of turns. If possible, i'd suggest a small music wav to stop people from zZz.


May 3 2009, 1:54 am Vi3t-X Post #34

Personally, I hated it.

User unfriendly, distracting minimap, and generally user unfriendly.

Free Parking gives $500? That's bullshit.


May 9 2009, 1:01 pm DevliN Post #35


I played it and wasn't too impressed. I don't like how it takes a while to get your bearings. I think you should have used the minimap way more to your advantage. The lack of color on the map is surprising, since you have so many terrain options to help guide people places.

And Killer, you're hilarious.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

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