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Armageddon Onslaught 2.3 - Development Thread
Mar 9 2009, 6:07 pm
By: IskatuMesk
Pages: < 1 2 3 4 58 >

Mar 24 2009, 6:47 pm Devourer Post #41


Awesome work.

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

Mar 24 2009, 7:41 pm IskatuMesk Post #42

Lord of the Locker Room

Throw me any and all suggestions you come up with. Even if I don't directly use them, they may inspire me for something else.

I have a potential solution to the need for a special attack for the Greater Horror. It involves shadows.

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

Mar 24 2009, 7:55 pm IskatuMesk Post #43

Lord of the Locker Room

Here are my concepts for new units as of right now.

- Tiamat. Starbase-type unit. Tier 7. Attacks with long-ranged bombardment. Extremely durable (something like 6k hp, 5 armor) Detector.
- Starbase. Starbase-type unit. 500x500 size. Vaporizes most of the map if it hits a ground unit. Incapable of attacking air. Insanely slow. Very durable. Detector.
- Prince of Pain. Currently he functions but has no attack. Current concept is a powerful melee attack with an undecided random property. I don't want him to have a nasty shockwave that is too similar to the Lord of Terror.
- The Great Destroyer. Game ender. Virtually indestructible. Uses a randomized wave attack that spawns different types of effects as it travels. Some activate slowly, some do instant damage. Secondary attack is just a flame shockwave that travels very slowly. Teleports to move around. Should be able to move vast distances incredibly fast. Undecided on which graphic to use atm.
- Fallen Hero. She has a plasma glaive attack like the Hydra in ITAS, except for key behavioral distances. The projectile will have a tendency to fly around, dealing damage to enemies it slices through. Undecided secondary attack.
- Thane. Launches a fast-moving Lightning javalin that does linear damage as it travels. Does bonus damage at the end of its travel.
- Doom Dragon's doom comet attack will receive its major flame DoT.
- Mal`Ash needs an attack setup. Comet storm is most likely doable. Unsure about secondary epic-scale attack.
- Zeus. His primary attack will create a "marker". A few seconds later, a bolt from the heavens will strike down and utterly mutilate anything inside. Will also have a "wandering storm" attack that creates slowly expanding clouds of lightning that do huge damage.
- Artillery. Base defense. Fires map-wide ranged attack. Huge minimum radius.
- Altar of Fire. Base defense. Unknown parameters.
- Godfather. Tier 8. Elite Thunderer-type unit. Will have insane energy attack. Unknown parameters.
- Soulseeker. Spellcaster. Currently active but doesn't have any new spells. Will receive Soul Well ability. Creates a vortex that deals damage to enemies who stand in it for vast periods of time.

I need a use for Ensnare. Possibly a cold-type attack for a unit.

Possibly a use for dark swarm, too. Triggered through a random weapon and duration reduced?

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

Mar 24 2009, 8:27 pm Biophysicist Post #44

Unit ideas:
Hex Mage: Attack does no damage but inflicts a random status effect on the enemy.
Corrupting Wyrm: Kamakazee attacker. Triggers a Spawn Broodlings-type effect when it attacks.

More coming.


Mar 25 2009, 12:51 am ForTheSwarm Post #45

Quote from IskatuMesk

Random speeds on projectiles is impossible.

So randcondjmp setflspeed doesn't work?


Mar 25 2009, 11:12 am IskatuMesk Post #46

Lord of the Locker Room

setflspeed crashes on projectiles period. Trigger it before the sigorder and no change happens.

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

Mar 28 2009, 4:34 pm IskatuMesk Post #47

Lord of the Locker Room

Fallen Hero is now barebones functional. Yeah, it took a looooong time because of being sick and having to try to get my concentration going.

Nothing really fancy yet, but the flailing projectiles of mass destruction work and all that jazz.

I need to design a secondary attack for her still, and convert the 4-5 overlay effects she'll use, plus script the Glaive's spawn.

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

Mar 28 2009, 10:40 pm IskatuMesk Post #48

Lord of the Locker Room

The clock struck midnight, and with it, a terrible howl echoed across the valley. A thunderous beat sounded the rhythm of doom with the arrival of a terrible ruby spectre. It was then that the Gods remembered the passage of old, the legend of myths once forgotten, even by minds immortal.

The Heavens shall tremble...
And the Sky shall burn...
For all who dare to gaze upon the Ruby Dragon shall be brought to ruin.

Mal`Ash had come for them.

From the depths of Hell comes the Ruby Dragon known as Mal`Ash. When he arrives into battle he summons a terrible force of Nature in the form of massive kinetic balls of energy that descend into the planet and devastate anything in their path. The Comet Storm is amongst the most terrifying and deadly weapons of mass destruction you will face. There are rumors that Mal`Ash possesses an even greater, more destructive power...

But no one has lived to tell the tale.

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

Mar 28 2009, 10:44 pm Devourer Post #49


really nice work.

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

Mar 29 2009, 6:53 pm IskatuMesk Post #50

Lord of the Locker Room

My wandering storm concept for Zeus it not possible. I'll let the screenshot explain.

Basically, image overlays not only inherit animations and stuff from parents if told to, but they also always inherit the image offset distance limit. So, image overlays that spawn more overlays are still adhering to the original weapon's location in terms of the offset limit.

Not that I could get them to do damage at their specific location, either.

So I'll have to give Zeus a not so spectacular but still pretty overpower alternate version.

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

Mar 30 2009, 1:39 am ShadowFlare Post #51

lol, what were you trying to do there?


Mar 30 2009, 2:07 am IskatuMesk Post #52

Lord of the Locker Room

That's what happens when the storm reaches a critical mass of propagation but can't actually expand outwards because the image overlays are treating the (long dead) projectile as their "origin", and after a certain offset will start going back inwards.

Essentially creating a giant carpet of storms that eventually crashes the game.

The idea was each storm has a chance to produce 4 more storms when it dies, which is also random. Each new storm would have a chance to expand, ect...

But they wouldn't go past a certain point.

Setting them as sprite overlays with damage actually crashed the game just like Herc said it would. :\

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

Mar 30 2009, 7:08 pm IskatuMesk Post #53

Lord of the Locker Room


The purgatory torpedo is mysteriously crashing for no reason at all when it hits a target. I have absolutely no idea why it's crashing, especially now when I haven't CHANGED IT AT ALL WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON

/edit ok I turned off firefox and suddenly it stops crashing someone explain that to me

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 30 2009, 7:42 pm by IskatuMesk.

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

Mar 30 2009, 10:20 pm IskatuMesk Post #54

Lord of the Locker Room


Well, don't celebrate quite yet. This is shaky camcorder footage, this is. Xfire which supposedly worked now refuses to even attempt to record at all. It's like my computer is satanically possessed. God, I'll be happy when I switch to vista on my new machine.

Anyways, here it is. I demonstrate some of the WIP's I have right now. Most of them are missing entire attack setups, all of their effects, and other stuff. None of it is terribly fancy yet.

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

Mar 31 2009, 12:41 am Biophysicist Post #55




Oh, question: You hadn't modified the Hatcheries or anything. Will you be doing so?


Mar 31 2009, 12:53 am IskatuMesk Post #56

Lord of the Locker Room

Yes. I have graphics for the hatchery. Dunno what I'll use for the others.

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

Mar 31 2009, 5:15 am IskatuMesk Post #57

Lord of the Locker Room

[22:01] Ascherzon: someone said
[22:01] Ascherzon: Mal`Ash wasn't epic enough
[22:01] Ascherzon: just had to fucking tempt me
[22:01] Ascherzon:
[22:01] Ascherzon: I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

Mar 31 2009, 4:29 pm IskatuMesk Post #58

Lord of the Locker Room

Alright fellers, time for a progress update.


- Mal`Ash is now functionally complete. Needs: Voices, effects, timing. Comet Storm needs: Randomized asplode.
- Zeus is now semi-functional with Eye of the Storm finished.
- Syrius is virtually complete with sounds and all. Needs damage to be fixed.
- Began selecting tracks for the new soundtrack. All trailer music stuff is going to be removed (ie immediate music), to avoid potential complications with a widespread release and aggressive copyright holders (Unlike everyone else, IM and TSFH are actually trying to shut people down who use their music). Plus they're overused as hell now.
- Sent off 2 new grps to HKS for a better resize then what I can do.
- Sent off the Shard of Darkness to HKS to resize it for a better quality graphic.
- Reduced the Shard of Darkness' speed to its intended parameters. (Stupid hero flag not actually removing hero attributes...)
- Some code cleanup here and there. Some sounds added to stuff.
- Fallen Hero added with main attack functional but not nearly finished.
- I'm sure I fixed some random stuff I can't remember.
- Some new menus by HKS with better maplisting sizes.

On the horizon -

- Abomination, unknown melee unit.
- Gatekeeper of Chaos, melee unit with pulse attack.
- Chaos attack for Heretic Wizard.
- Cleanup of Ravager code.
- Massive pulse weapon for Fallen Hero.
- Removal of Well of Suffering from Doom Chariot. Improving Eternal Peril damage + crit chance.
- Enable all of the new stuff for Armageddon to play with and verify they actually work.

Stuff I need to do soon-ish -

- Get a source graphic for Fallen Hero, have p_q rename it, have HKS resize it to be a bit bigger than the existing one. Configuring script to use the new animations + casting animation.
- Decide what units in my concept I'll be keeping and what ones are superfluous.
- Find a new source for effects graphics. Shit, I'm running out! I don't have any more graphics for projectiles besides a handful reserved for some existing units and 2 for new ones!
- Start adding the (huge) number of casting effects to various units.
- Start giving all of the units unique sounds.
- Take Ashara's $P and revamp it for use in AO as the new protoss AI.
- Ask Baja to update his Ghostbuster's terran AI to its final version.
- Try to figure out how to adapt my knowledge of effects in 3ds max into stuff for the mod. Afterburn explosions, anyone?
- See if I can get the AI to create buildings as units (They wouldn't do it in ITAS)
- Create an environmental test effect.

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

Mar 31 2009, 8:27 pm bajadulce Post #59

Quote from IskatuMesk
- Some new menus by HKS with better maplisting sizes.
Ooo.. someone with actual photoshop skillz is finally going to do something functional. God if I had his talent and my love for menu editing. :) I'll send HKS and you a stripped menu version of my latest mod to get his creative juices going. With his artistic abilities those would be some frikin awesome menus!

- Ask Baja to update his Ghostbuster's terran AI to its final version.
With BWAI Gold, my non-grafted AI scripting days are done. That particular script tho does have a flaw with the seige-tank production that is an easy one line fix. IF you need a Terran AI unit that will spawn massive emp, then maybe you can afford to give the terran an "unused" unit that fires emp? Not sure what your objective is with the Terran AI. A fighting ally or a merciless foe?


Mar 31 2009, 9:15 pm TriggR_HappE Post #60

That's pretty amazing. Nice work. How do you make those awesome attack graphics? You should make a tutorial or something lol.


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Oh_Man -- its not like there's some gauranteed way of 'do this to quit smoking', etc, failure rates are still high and there doesnt seem to be a silver bullet, with different things working for different people
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Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
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Vrael -- well after some quick merriam-webstering (suck it Oxford) I think I used it right but if anyone thinks I used it wrong thats not my hill to die on
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- what I meant was "put forth a hypothesis"
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- I also may have used the word positing wrong - need to google
[04:11 pm]
Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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