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Epitaph RPG (It's a TRAP!)
Nov 17 2008, 5:47 am
By: SelfPossessed
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Dec 23 2008, 8:06 am SelfPossessed Post #41

1) P1 cannot transform into HT until it reaches 50% energy.
2) P1 Lurker now has a cloaked Lurker to take up space above it. This prevents enemy melee from running on top of the Lurker.
3) P1 Lurker now has medic healing it when out of battle. Each time you transform from a Lurker into another form, the Medic is given a set amount of energy (at max level it gets 20 energy). This encourages the usage of the low ranged Lurker, who gets hit more often than the other forms, as it heals pretty quickly when transforming. The Lurker will heal slowly (medic runs out of energy) if it isn't constantly transforming.
4) P1 failsafe added. If there's no room for a transform (due to P3 unburrowing infested terrans), the Mutalisk is used instead. This needs to be tested.
5) Fixed P3 animation. Sunken teleport looks better now.
6) Added error sounds for P1 and P3 when something is unplacable.

Feedback is more than welcome. I feel lonely talking to myself here.


Dec 23 2008, 9:05 am scwizard Post #42

I think your spellcasting interface is awkward. Have you considered trying something dropship based instead for instance?


Dec 23 2008, 9:48 am SelfPossessed Post #43

Hurray feedback.

Movement detection is vastly superior to other forms of spellcasting. Here's a comparison of which actions you'd need to take with other spellcasting systems.

Movement Detection:
1) Press #2 to select spell
2) Right click mouse to activate
3) Press #1 to select hero

1) Press #2 to select dropship
2) Move mouse down to bottom mid of screen
3) Left click on wireframe to activate spell
4) Press #1 to select hero
5) Move mouse back to middle of screen

Building (Gateway, Stargate, etc.):
1) Press #2 to select building
2) Press a unit hotkey to activate
3) Press #1 to select hero

The dropship system requires the most actions to utilize and compromises the usage of the mouse. Its only real benefit is that it can handle 8 spells better than the other two systems. In my map though, you'll primarily be using 2-4 spells depending on your build due to how the upgrade system works, so there's no real reason to use it.

Despite having 3 actions each, the movement detection system is also superior to the gateway system. The gateway system uses keyboard only. This drastically slows the user down when casting spells, especially if a unit hotkey is far away from the building hotkey. The movement detection system uses 2 keyboard presses and 1 mouse action, which is extremely seamless and fluid.


Dec 23 2008, 10:48 am StrikerX22 Post #44

Ah, I remember this. This is the map I think of when I hear movement detection. I'll give the demo another play; last time was when P1 still had 2 nits. I'm glad you came back to it. You're very high quality in your ideas and execution, a rare combination =P.

Please explain the actual conceptual problem with P2. I'll see somewhat for myself when I test, but I want to know where you're coming from. At least it seems interesting currently. I'd just be worried about making traps useful, but I like them very much. Could you perhaps btw make the DWeb "explode" in some effect if you cast/trigger a certain way (to be determined)? That might step on P3's toes I guess, but it might just depend on the effect. Even if you still need another offensive spell, options are always good, if they can fit.

On the side, gateway casting etc can't tell you the spell name/cost easily =P. Dropship and movement are good for that, particularly dropship, since your spells are in one spot. Basically noob friendly. I gotta say though, it's easy to mix up spells when you're in a quick fight with hotkey+movement or gateway+weird letter hotkey. Dropship basically forces you to take a second to do it right lol, not that that makes it better usually.


Dec 25 2008, 4:22 am SelfPossessed Post #45

I had the old version of P2 on the last page.

I was also trying for the Dweb targeting system for a few days now. I was using it differently from P3's Dark Swarm. I ran into some problems that are pretty much screwing me over right now.

In short, DWebs are like Valk attacks. They're low as hell on the sprite priority list. I need to start cutting back on my animations now, which is a real pain. I really liked my teleport animation too...but that's a chief offender. I'm curious if random suicided scarabs are considered continuous animations too.


Dec 25 2008, 9:07 am SelfPossessed Post #46

Introducing the Amazon, our resident Bowslinger!

Only two spells for her are currently available. Screenshots are coming...later. I really wanted to finish a couple more spells before releasing, but I ran into some...strange glitches involving the Corsair that ate up all my time. I ended up slimming the map down a lot in terms of sprite and unit usage to hopefully fix it. Player 3's teleport animation is pretty different now because of this (more dome-like, smaller).

I fixed quite a few minor things here and there, but do reply if you find any bugs with the older spells.

Also, for P1, I'd like any suggestions for non-gridding spells to give to Player 1 that is different from transforming. Whereas P1 has plenty of customization, his playstyle remains the same no matter what build he uses (timing transforms). In contrast, P3 has a large multitude of playstyles, which makes him a superior character.

I'm also struggling to find the last spell (again) for P2 despite changing her up to use Dweb. I'll ask for more suggestions after I complete her existing spells. That way, people will get a good idea of what I'm trying to do with her.

Woo, a very Merry Christmas to all.


Dec 26 2008, 11:13 pm SelfPossessed Post #47

No love for the Amazon? :(

Well, it's no Elementa, but I've updated a few things.

- Blind glitch is fixed. Random Suicide doesn't like Blind.
- P3 teleport animation now uses 4 domes. I'm thinking of going with 2 domes though, 4 looks funny and 1 is too small for Sunken teleports.
- P1 now uses a Feedback animation for uninvinc! It looks pretty cool.
- When P2's pet dies, a spirit is created that runs towards your Amazon. When it reaches the Amazon, you get a new brand spanking new Pet. You lose all your mana when it dies though, and you have to rehotkey everything. :(
- Also, there's a new spell! Gale arrow pretty much can teleport the Amazon and/or her enemies from one location to another. It's applications are numerous. Try teleporting enemies onto your Explosive Arrow spell for laughs.

As always, comments and criticism are welcome.


Dec 29 2008, 1:18 am SelfPossessed Post #48

A reminder, responses are MORE THAN WELCOME.

Update. Added P2 Trap spell. You can use Traps to block off enemy units. You can use Traps to deal damage. You can chain Traps if they're close enough. Try fun stuff like using Gale Arrow on enemy units into a field of Traps.

P2 Explosive Arrow animation has changed because the crystal powerups were displaced by the Trap powerups. I'm using mine explosions and wraith explosions instead now.


Dec 29 2008, 2:09 am BlackWolf99 Post #49

your beginning is quite a mouthful how long did it take you to make that section?
and awsome spells by the way.


Dec 29 2008, 2:19 am badcop Post #50

He had the original topic on maplantis and transferred it so my guess is around one minute to post all that originally (no edits.)

Edit: Nvm he did some serious editing.


Dec 31 2008, 1:35 am StrikerX22 Post #51

Okay, looking at P2's spells currently:

Strafe: Does it do splash damage? I'd assume it does some basic "melee splash" as I think I've seen scarabs do before, to things they're touching, but I'm not sure. Thing is, as far as arrows go, this isn't really. It feels like some kind of Arrow Shower lobbing attack, where only one spot will be hit. Also felt a bit weak, but I haven't been comparing costs of each attack or anything. It'd be really nice to have you list an interim cost for each spell, so we have a feel of how good it should be. I forget if you can cast two of it at once without interfering with the first. The duration effect is reminiscent of the irradiate effect, in how it works currently.

Exploding Arrow: Kind of an odd concept in terms of arrows, since an arrow with an explosive would likely detonate immediately on impact. Currently it feels like it is only minorly different from Strafe, limiting their uses a bit. One of them's gonna tend to get favored, I feel. How is the different damage implemented, may I ask? What is the difference in damage? I initially thought it was insta-kill.

Gale Arrow: Haven't experimented with it much, but it seems to grab the enemies somewhat. Could it be used to teleport Traps as well?

Trap: I have to wonder how useful it will be. You can only lay one where your *ranged* character is, and basically have to use gale plus an attack spell to have a good effect it seems. I'd hope the damage was well worth it, as it has to be better than simply using a gale + explosive. Chaining together explosions should be pretty easy going, as in they should be able to chain easily from a good range, though I'm not sure how much greater effect this will bring. I'd hope they'd be low cost, considering the hit-miss nature, the extra work, and the requirement of additional spells. Will traps hurt you/allies as well? Important since using gale to tele enemies may get you as well.

I have an idea for you. Perhaps you could make the Amazon have to aim as in a snipers-esque way (a unique player style to P1 and P3), which would allow you to be free to define targets for a spell, such as creating an extended player lurker at the DWeb (in a certain range from Amazon) and having maybe your own lurker briefly appear and shoot at it. I do that for an fbat attack in Dominance. You just have to detect it beforehand (for sure) and during (I think). It would be awesome if you could do gridding though... I keep thinking you should consider ground gridding for some spells that won't matter so much how accurate they are... I was just thinking it might be cool to have multiple hits near the origin, for instance.

And yeah, I was thinking the lurker might be a good Power Arrow type of deal, as it goes through enemies. Just remember, though I think you do, that the desired effect is more important than the spiffy implementation. Alternatively, it could be an Arrow Spray (3 shots, ground gridding, somewhat low damage perhaps). This could make up for allyship.


Dec 31 2008, 7:40 pm SelfPossessed Post #52

Thanks for the feedback striker.

- Does splash (it's random suicided scarabs)
- Naming is due to how it's machine gun esque...most people don't know what strafe means.
- Damage and mana cost is to be edited later, I just wanted to get the ideas across first.
- Duration < Irradiate duration, doesn't get stronger over time, can't be reaimed during the spell, so I thought it was pretty different. It's meant to be spammable and continuously aimed at potentially moving targets. Irradiate is not spammable due to its buildup time.
- Cannot cast strafe while another strafe is active, but with the delay on Dweb this doesn't happen too often unless you seriously attempt it

Exploding Arrow
- Needed a name, so I went with exploding. If you have a better name, I'm open to suggestions.
- Damage will ideally be superior to two Strafes, but not three
- Usage is pretty different from Strafe. It has higher damage as listed in the first post. Casting delay means it's good with Gale. Unlike strafe, missing the first shot is terrible so aiming is tougher. It also works well together with Strafe; cast Exploding Strafe Strafe Exploding Strafe Strafe etc. which deals a lot more than pure Strafe or pure Exploding.

- Will not teleport traps. You can make a wall or prison of traps and gale enemies into it.
- I am also modifying it so it'll work differently. There's just one last area of the new version that I'm iffy about as it might last too long. Then there's how the new version won't be as quick to pick out enemies...but it should theoretically be better at controlling mobs. Testing is needed once I complete coding it.

- Damage values are unknown when compared to exploding arrow. A goal was to gale enemies into a group of traps that are just about to be hit by an exploding arrow. The damage would be able to kill most enemies and severely injure others.
- Traps have so much potential usage as walls and prisons in addition to it damage option
- What's the hit miss nature involved? I don't get this.
- Is the extra work that much harder? You can set up traps quickly while waiting for the Dweb cooldown. The arrow spell required to activate the traps shouldn't be that bad as the arrow does damage too, so it isn't really extra work there. The chaining was meant to allow you to quickly activate traps.
- Traps are supposed to give the Amazon a different playstyle. Walling, prisons, setups, etc. It isn't as spam focused as other possible Amazon builds. That was intentional.
- It uses spider mines to deal damage so it hurts everyone
- I was thinking of letting traps get summoned under the Corsair, but I ended up liking this instead. It forces more gale usage and is a defensive option for the Amazon.
- I may make chaining instantaneous instead if needed. Right now the chaining is slow as mines can take from 8-14 or so trigger cycles before they blow. I'm not sure if the mine splash radius makes it worthwhile though.

- I can't get the Lurker spike to extend from the Zon to the Dweb (the Dweb can be cast in a 28x28 tile location around the Zon). If it's just from the Dweb it makes no sense and looks pretty dumb. If it's from the Zon to the Dweb, the range will be terrible.
- No gridding. Ground gridding is dumb. P3 spams the entire area with unburrowing infested terrans so there's 0 room. Ground grid auto fails. Then there's terrain. Then there's the epic lag associated with mobile grids.
- P1 uses a Lurker already, it'll cause more confusion

- Will be her final spell. I'm using a new casting system (not mine) that doesn't need gridding or Dwebs or the pet. A topic detailing the system will be posted on new years by somebody else. I'm debating if it'll use infantry wep upgrades to increase its range at all. The goal is to make it a short-mid ranged spam spell. It will never achieve the range possible with Strafe or Exploding.


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