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The Battle Of Breach (AoS map)
Nov 3 2008, 1:27 am
By: Biophysicist
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Nov 12 2008, 12:09 am l)ark_ssj9kevin Post #61

Just here for the activity... well not really

Kinda a pain in the ass for you and triggering? Otherwise,
Scantids aren't selected regularly, :(
Also, that sounds like the ERIS in EE [The mod]

guy lifting weight (animated smiley):


"Oh, I see it"

Nov 12 2008, 3:13 am Biophysicist Post #62

@Pigy_G: Yes, he was intended for more advanced players. New players should pick someone with less confusing spells and a normal attack.

@above: ERIS = ? And what's wrong with Scantids? I thought that a critter given to a human won't JYD... And I know that you can't upgrade a Scantid's armor, that's okay, he can upgrade his defense spells.

In other news, I changed Heratic's Lightning Ward spell to create a Carrier instead of a Tassadar unit. The reason is that then I can give the Carrier more Intercepters when he upgrades the spell to make it stronger.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 12 2008, 5:28 pm by TassadarZeratul.


Nov 13 2008, 12:43 am stickynote Post #63

I just thought of an ingenious idea. Transports! A transport could be any air unit, like a scout. It would have a shitty air attack, and a worthless ground attack. The thing is though, they are pretty fast, and although the hero can't cast their normal spells while in it, they gain three spells to replace the first. This idea is based on you using a gateway system. The first spell is protective barrier. A computer owned science vessel casts defensive matrix on the transport. The second spell is evade. It makes the ship invincible for two seconds to block a powerful spell. However, after casting it, the building that allows you to build the dragoon/firebat/or whatever factory you used, is given to another player so that you can't constantly cast it. After a short period of time, the building is given back so that you can cast it again. The third spell is unload, which obviously unloads the hero. While unloaded, the transport cannot move. To load yourself in a transport, you can load yourself into an enemy's or an ally's transport, you simply walk underneath it and wait. until you are loaded. A message will tell you that you are being loaded.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 13 2008, 12:53 am by stickynote.


Nov 13 2008, 2:11 am Biophysicist Post #64

I like the idea of transports, but not the spells thing.

And now you gave me an idea: I could implement a store where the people can buy items like a HP regenerator, "mana potions", deployable cover (spawns a Reaver [with no Scarabs] to block stuff when activated), town portal thingings, and like you suggested, transports. Not a secret store, but can only be accessed while in your own base. Like this idea anyone? And any ideas for what to put in it?

EDIT: Here are some of the things I was thinking for the store:
HP regen: When activated, recharges your HP to the maximum for your level.
Mana regen: When activated, recharges your mana to the maximum for your level.
Deployable cover: When activated, created a Reaver with no Scarabs to block stuff. It lasts for a few seconds unless it is destroyed.
Cure Stun: When activated, any stunning condition on your hero is removed.
Cure Status: When activated, one random status effect (eg. mana drain) is cured. Never cures stun effects.
Gravlift: When activated, your hero may "jump" up/down a cliff. Ground units only.
Transport: You get a Dropship to fly you around. Ground units only. Unlike the other store items, the Dropship is created when you buy the item, not when activated.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 13 2008, 2:27 am by TassadarZeratul.


Nov 13 2008, 2:25 am stickynote Post #65

Item suggestions for the store:
-Mana Potion Temporarily speeds up mana regeneration
-Teleportation Scroll Casting Delay of 2 seconds. After that time, teleported back to home base.
-Barrier Temporarily become invincible, but you can't attack or use spells. However, you can still move.
-Scroll of Illusion Creates a hallucination of your hero.
-Rejuvenate More expensive than mana potion. Restore a certain amount of mana.
-Restore Extremely expensive item: Fully heal your hero's health. (For that level)
-Strength Also quite costly: allows one damage upgrade to be made.
-Resistance Slightly less costly than strength: Allows one armor/shield armor upgrade to be made.
-Calm Mind Fully restores mana. After 8 seconds, all mana is lost.


Nov 13 2008, 2:32 am Biophysicist Post #66

Okay, looks like you added stuff while I was adding stuff. I like the Scroll of Illusion, Calm MInd, and Barrier items. The Strength and Resistance items are kind of useless tho, as you can buy upgrades normally.

Here's the current list:
HP regen: When activated, recharges your HP to the maximum for your level after a delay. Very expensive and you can only have one at a time. Might carry an XP cost to use.
Mana regen: When activated, you gain faster mana regen for a while.
Deployable cover: When activated, created a Reaver with no Scarabs to block stuff. It lasts for a fairly long time, but has pretty low HP.
Cure Status: When activated, one random status effect (eg. mana drain) is cured. Never cures stun effects.
Gravlift: When activated, your hero may "jump" up/down a cliff. Ground units only.
Transport: You get a Dropship to fly you around. Ground units only. Unlike the other store items, the Dropship is created when you buy the item, not when activated.
Town portal: After a delay, teleport to your base.
Barrier: Invulnerability in exchange for not being able to attack or cast spells while the Barrier is up.
Illusion: When activated, a Hallucination of your hero appears.
Calm Mind: Fully restores mana. After a few seconds, all mana is lost.
Sentry: Creates a burrowed unit at your position. It may not do anything, it just gives you vision to that area.
Binding: Nearby enemy heroes lose access to spells for a few seconds.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 13 2008, 4:40 pm by TassadarZeratul.


Nov 13 2008, 3:29 am stickynote Post #67

With the hp regen, I sincerely hope that it costs a lot and there is a casting delay or some other form of drawback. It will be so heavily abused without one. With the mana regen, I think increasing the mana regeneration time significantly is much better than instant mana. It's harder to trigger, but won't be abused. A spell casting hero would buy a whole ton of mana potions and rape the other team hard. Then proceed to rape their mom, then the base. I don't like the cure stun; stunning is a staple of hero killing. And its fun to frustrate the other player. The cure status is okay, though. As for strength and resistance, I didn't know upgrades were bought.

Some more suggestions:
Sentry Ward: An invisible/difficult to see (ie. spidermine/burrowed unit) that is also immobile that keeps watch over an area. After (maybe) 5 minutes, it dies.
Scroll of Binding: Enemy heroes in the casting area can't cast spells for 4 seconds.
Disease Vial: After opening the vial, all units(including allies, but not yourself) within casting range (small) are diseased. Creeps die instantly to warn the heroes, but the heroes, being more resilient, do not die. However, when the hero kills another unit (enemy), the hero dies. A text message will warn the player that their hero is diseased. Status cure can remove this.


Nov 13 2008, 4:34 pm Biophysicist Post #68

Sentry Ward and Scroll of Binding are in, but I dislike Disease Vial because it seems kind of arbitrary.

HP regen is like Heratic's ultimate: It's really powerful but has a lot of drawbacks. Eg. cost a lot, has a long delay, you can only have one at a time, uses a lot of inventory space, and I might make using it cost XP.

As for the mana regen, you're probably right, I'll change it. Don't want spellcasters raping everything... Although why someone would want to rape the Zerg heroes mothers is beyond me.

EDIT: Updated the list. Also, I had a few more ideas, but I'm not sure if I like them that much:

Spy Satellite: You briefly see the entire map, a a minimap ping appears at all the enemy heroes to make them easier to find.
Creep Restoration: Spawns Medics belonging to your team's computer.
Recon MAV: When activated, creates a "pseudo-scout" extended unit to scout for you. It lasts for about 15 seconds.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Nov 13 2008, 8:00 pm by TassadarZeratul.


Nov 13 2008, 11:13 pm stickynote Post #69

Your spy satellite gave me an idea all of a sudden. For the stalker slayer, rather than make his last ability a mana burning one, the stalker slayer has an ability called "Track". To use track, you cast it on an enemy hero. A minimap ping seen by your whole team pings that hero's location every 2 seconds. Track lasts 30 seconds, and the duration increases per level. While track is on, the Stalker Slayer has increased damage (by creating/moving a damaging unit above him every time contact with enemy is made.) When the stalker slayer kills the tracked hero while track is still on, the stalker slayer is rewarded with extra minerals. The extra minerals recieved also increases per level.


Nov 13 2008, 11:30 pm Biophysicist Post #70

Hm... Interesting. But it seems kind of weak... Maybe he can teleport to the target as well?

And did you get my last PM?


Nov 13 2008, 11:35 pm stickynote Post #71

Yeah, I did. I thought about suing nydus canals; that would be interesting. The player brings themselves up to a nydus canal, the nydus canal changes control so that the player can go through it (don't forget to give the back end as well), and while their near it, other players can't use the canals. It's a great way to escape.


Nov 13 2008, 11:38 pm Biophysicist Post #72

Cool, I like that.

So do you think Tracking should let him tele to the target? It seems kinda weak otherwise.


Nov 13 2008, 11:56 pm stickynote Post #73

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. The main idea of the ability was to get a whole bunch of extra money for killing that hero. The teleporting makes it too easy.


Nov 14 2008, 2:51 am Biophysicist Post #74

I don't think that that would be a good ultimate. I'm leaving Stalker Slayer as he is.


Nov 14 2008, 3:14 am l)ark_ssj9kevin Post #75

Just here for the activity... well not really

Quote from name:TassadarZeratul
@Pigy_G: Yes, he was intended for more advanced players. New players should pick someone with less confusing spells and a normal attack.

@above: ERIS = ? And what's wrong with Scantids? I thought that a critter given to a human won't JYD... And I know that you can't upgrade a Scantid's armor, that's okay, he can upgrade his defense spells.

In other news, I changed Heratic's Lightning Ward spell to create a Carrier instead of a Tassadar unit. The reason is that then I can give the Carrier more Intercepters when he upgrades the spell to make it stronger.
If I recall, you have to click directly on the scantid instead of grouping. I think.
And won't they wander around when your not paying attention? :P

guy lifting weight (animated smiley):


"Oh, I see it"

Nov 14 2008, 3:17 am stickynote Post #76

Well, it allows him to get a lot of damage/armor upgrades. That would make him ridiculously buff.
Rather than fix a hero with that ability, an item that does the same thing would be better.
Tracking device: Tracks an enemy hero for 3 minutes. The whole team sees the minimap ping that pings that hero's location every 2 seconds.

At the scantid thing, you can only select the scantid; nothing else. You can't group it; you have to click it directly. And yes, it does wander unless you use hold position.

BTW, tassadar, do you like the first version of the terrain?


Nov 14 2008, 2:51 pm Biophysicist Post #77

I thought if you create a Critter for a computer and Give it to a human it won't JYD? But the non-hotkeyable thing is pretty bad... Any suggestions for alternate units? I was debating making him a Defiler but I don't want to have two Defiler characters... And the only units I have left are the Guardian and Overlord, which I dislike because they are air units and because the Guardian has a normal attack and the Overlord's Detector ability will screw with Temporal Templar's cloaking. Maybe a Zerg Drone would work? But he has a normal attack... Hm. A Reaver, maybe? They look kinda like big infested slugs... But then Healing Ward won't work on him... ZOMG THIS IS CONFUSING!!!!!

Tracking Device is a good idea, it's going in.

The terrain is really good. There are a few very minor problems, but I can fix them myself in about 30 seconds. There are a few things that could be added but aren't "problems" though, see my PM.

(And can Critters go in transports? I can't check because I'm at school... Yes, I'm on SEN at school, but my teacher lets us do internet stuff if we get all our work done early. He's cool.)


Nov 14 2008, 2:56 pm Impeached Post #78

but my teacher lets us do internet stuff if we get all our work done early. He's cool.)
My brother's teacher did the same thing. Then once, the school's 'student on computer surveillance' thing caught my brother and all his classmates messing around on the computer. His teacher took 0 responsibility, and they all got in big trouble.


Nov 14 2008, 3:13 pm Biophysicist Post #79

Okay..... So, can someone answer my questions? Should I change the Swarmcaster to a different unit, and which one should I change him to? Drone, Reaver, or something else? And can Critters enter transports?


Nov 14 2008, 6:28 pm Pigy_G Post #80

Yeah I think critters can enter transports. You could always make him do zero damage to basicly nullify the normal attack.. You could also make him a OV and just blind him at the start.

EDIT: Post or PM the terrain, I want to see it.


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