Staredit Network > Forums > Null > Topic: SEN Biography
SEN Biography
Nov 9 2008, 9:23 pm
By: Echo
Pages: 1 2 39 >

Nov 9 2008, 9:23 pm Echo Post #1

Name : Daniel
Location : New York City
Age / D.O.B. : 18 / June 19th, 1990
Hobbies : Drawing, Aggressive Skating, Map Making, Weight Lifting
Interests : Architecture, Mixed Martial Arts (Muay Thai Kick Boxing)
Weight / Height : Around 165 lbs / 6'2"
Likes : Food, Learning new things, sleeping, relaxing, feeling comfortable, Dreaming. America, Capitalism, God. MillenniumArmy
Dislikes : Waiting in line, When people stand right infront of you in subways when there is a lot of room, People who can't accept that they are wrong and keeps argueing, Girls that play me, etc. Clowns. I also dislike cherry flavor but not cherries.( Why do people like cherry juice, candy, etc? ), Waking up from dreams. I really hate Racism, Hate, Greed, and Communism. I hate being wet, I hate nasty smell, and I hate stuck up people. Engineers and Fast paced change.
Goals : Gain 15 lbs of pure muscle. Play better guitar. Learn German, Spanish, French, Korean, and Chinese (Good investment :)). Get into Pratt Institute.
Favorite Foods : American BBQ, Spanish Food, Fast Foods, especially KFC and Burger King Fries, Ice Cream, Flan, Steak, A good cheese burger, and Dr. Pepper & Pizza.

Information about Yourself :
I want to be an architect.
I was voted class clown of '08 in my schools yearbook.
I can't swim because I am a city person.
I used to be afraid of clowns, lol.
I love alternative rock like Radiohead, Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers. I love old school hip hop and I have extreme hate towards today's rap music.

Name :
Location :
Age / D.O.B. :
Hobbies :
Interests :
Weight / Height :
Likes :
Dislikes :
(Feel free to add more categories)

Information about Yourself :

Post has been edited 16 time(s), last time on Nov 10 2008, 5:13 am by Echo.


Nov 9 2008, 9:24 pm lil-Inferno Post #2

Just here for the pie

But Echo, you're a known rapist!

Nov 9 2008, 9:27 pm Biophysicist Post #3

Name: Patrick Coffman
Location: Bethel, Connecticut, U.S.A
Age / D.O.B.: 14 / December 7, 1993
Hobbies: StarCraft mapping, robotics, my webshow.
Interests: Geeky stuff, Star Trek, animals.
Weight / Height: Not sure of the exact numbers, but I'm slightly underweight and very tall for my age.
Likes: Food, sleep, my pets, The Battle of Breach, a girl at school (a lot).
Dislikes: Boring stuff, waiting.

Information about Yourself: I r nerd. I not has social life. Basically sums it up.

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Nov 11 2008, 1:04 am by TassadarZeratul.


Nov 9 2008, 9:27 pm Ultraviolet Post #4

Name: Robert
Location: Asheville, North Carolina
Age / D.O.B.: 16 / November 14, 1991
Hobbies: StarCraft?
Interests: Anal intercourse
Weight / Height: 130lbs / 5'8"

Information about Yourself: I like rape.

My Projects:

Impossible Ultraviolet | Impossible UV2 | Impossible UV3
Mercenaries 2020 | Mercenaries III
Squad Defense

Legacy Projects (No guarantee of functionality in modern SC):

Pixel Adventure 2 | Space Snipers | Control the Ball


Join me in Torn City
It's a text-based MMORPG, kind of like GTA, and played from your browser. Sounds silly, but it's fun. I get a referral reward if you join after clicking my link. Let me know if you do, and if you make it to level 10, I'll send you the reward I get.

Nov 9 2008, 9:35 pm MadZombie Post #5

Name : Rolando
Location : PerthAmboy, Newjersey
Age / D.O.B. : 15 / december 26 1992
Hobbies : Music, Starcraft, Sleeping
Interests : Vaginal intercourse
Weight / Height : 158lbs / 5'10"
Likes : Patience
Dislikes : Pen0r

Information about Yourself : ^

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 9 2008, 11:49 pm by MadZombie.


Nov 9 2008, 9:52 pm Corbo Post #6


Name : Carlos Cuchilla
Location : San Salvador, El Salvador
Age / D.O.B. : 18
Hobbies : Drawing, playing guitar, playing MMORPGS lawl.
Interests : Architecture, art in general, good actual real music.
Weight / Height : Not sure about my weight but I am around 1.84m ~ 1.86m tall.
Likes : ...I like nothing. I always find mistakes in things.
Dislikes : Am... People that don't use common sense before saying something and then pretend they were joking (or even if they don't pretend it), average and predictable guys and girls.

Information about Yourself : I am a second year architecture student (soon a third year). I go to the UCA which is a salvadorean university, the best and no, it's not the university of California. I like old music, 1985 to greek times lawl. People say I am crazy and I don't fight it, I am known (IRL) for my crazy concepts, designs, actions and ideas.

fuck you all

Nov 9 2008, 9:59 pm Hug A Zergling Post #7

Name : Graeme Peters
Location : Nova Scotia, Canada
Age / D.O.B. : 15, May 1st 1993
Hobbies : N64, Soccer
Interests : Music, Stacraft, The Occasional Comic
Weight / Height : 140?/ 6'
Likes : Starcraft, Electronic + Rock Music, Wikipedia, Older Video Games, Zerglings.
Dislikes : Preps, People Who Are Stupider then me.

Information about Yourself : Graphic Designer ftw. Is pretty much a noob to life.


Nov 9 2008, 10:11 pm Zycorax Post #8

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum

Name : Marius
Location : Norway
Age / D.O.B. : 19
Hobbies : Warhammer
Interests : Computer gaming, anime, reading.
Weight / Height : 172cm / 52kg
Likes : Pepsi, sleep, killing internet spaceships.
Dislikes : People working at an office that have no idea what they're talking about, yet they have influence. Snow.

Information about Yourself :
I finished, what you would probably call high school or something, this summer and are taking a break from studying because the bloody government want me in their army for some reason. If everything works out according to my plan (and I get thrown out of the army at day one), I'll start on university autumn next year, probably studying either Japanese or Russian. I'm currently substitute at the warehouse on a local factory.

Nov 9 2008, 10:20 pm Biophysicist Post #9

For some reason, I thought Hug A Zergling was a lot older. Like 40 or something. Weird.

(And lol'ed at Likes: Zerglings, btw, Hug.)


Nov 9 2008, 10:36 pm Syphon Post #10

Name : Mike Martinello
Location : Windsor, ON
Age / D.O.B. : 16 / December 27, 1991
Hobbies : Track & Field, Wrestling, Playing guitar, Listening to/writing music, Cooking, Trampolines, Writing short stories, Rythm games, Web design, Drawing, Image manipulation, Singin'
Interests : Literature, Chemistry, Webcomics, The Harpsichord
Weight / Height : 61 kg / 177 cm
Likes : Long walks on the beach, Long walks in the forest, Long walks with your mom, Radishes, Music
Dislikes : Slowing down

Information about Yourself : I'm deputy Prime Minister of my school, I can drink a Kerry Fucking King without passing out or succumbing to alcohol poisoning, I have grapheme -> colour synaesthesia and I can perfect relative pitch. (That is, I can harmonize with any sound, and can tell the differences between 'em, but I can't simply go a note without hearing any reference.)


Nov 9 2008, 10:46 pm Biophysicist Post #11

Synaesthesia? What's it like? Something I've always wondered about. (And I do know what it is, I'm asking what having it is like.)


Nov 9 2008, 11:11 pm MasterJohnny Post #12

Name :Johnny
Location : Rosemead, California
Age / D.O.B. :18
Hobbies :Starcraft, Photoshop
Interests :Mathematics, Biology
Weight / Height :130lbs /5 feet 9 inches
Likes : Knowledge
Dislikes :

Information about Yourself : Hoping to transfer to UCSD

I am a Mathematician

Nov 9 2008, 11:30 pm FatalException Post #13

Quote from name:TassadarZeratul
Hobbies: robotics
FIRST? Team number?


Nov 9 2008, 11:46 pm Mr.Camo Post #14

Name : Vance
Location : Washington State
Age / D.O.B. : 18
Hobbies : Guitar, sound production, weight lifting, gamin'
Interests : Football, philosophy, sound production, knowledge in general.
Weight / Height : 285, 6'6" (I promise)
Likes : Food, and lots of it, chilling with the bros, loud music (specifically rock), driving fast.
Dislikes : Driving slow, quiet music, stupid/ignorant assholes.
Favorite food: Anything closely related to Mexican food is a good food in my book.

Information about Yourself : I'll be playing football in college as a walk-on, I've been going here for like.. 5 or 6 years now. I work at a music store, and if I'm up for it I help them at their warehouse.


Nov 10 2008, 12:14 am Kaias Post #15

Name : Kaias
Location : Arizona
Age / D.O.B. : 04/31/N/A
Hobbies : Winning
Interests : Decent women, SC, Halo, Marathon, Mass Effect, Ultimate Frisbee, Sparring
Weight / Height : 160 / 6'2
Likes : Bathroom stall doors that shut properly, Mexican food, Foam soap, Pizza, Triggering, Breaking the system, Mind games, Puzzles, Math, Being warm when it's cold, Winter, Chocolate, The feeling of successful reflex in suddenly catching something before it hits the ground, Good music, Chicken, Beauty, Blue, That good clean feeling, Circumstantial control, Dreams, Learning and enhancing, Decency
Dislikes : Wet door handles, open doors, terrible grammar, memes, anime, cliches, situations out of my control, rap, country, obstinate ignorance, incompetence, deadbeat druggies, sluts
Goals : Learn European languages, throw a grenade, Hijack a plane and ransom for 3 dollars, Be a wax model in a wax museum

Information about Yourself :

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Nov 10 2008, 12:29 am by Kaias.


Nov 10 2008, 12:43 am Lingie Post #16

Name: Josh
Location: Temple, Georgia
Age / D.O.B.: 18 / 12-20-1989
Hobbies: StarCraft. Random MMOs.
Interests: StarCraft. Random MMOs. Zerglings.
Weight / Height: Around 300. (SPARTA! Haven't checked lately.) / 6'3".
Likes: StarCraft. Zerglings. Rock, and video game OSTs.
Dislikes: Country. Dumb people. 95% of the world. Game exploits. (Some of us saw this coming.)
Information about yourself: Pink and fluffy. Someones teddy bear. Single and looking.

Lingie#3148 on Discord. Lingie, the Fox-Tailed on Steam.

Nov 10 2008, 2:08 am dumbducky Post #17

Who's the bum reporting joke posts in null?

And why was the forum renamed from null? It was much cooler that way.


Nov 10 2008, 2:11 am Biophysicist Post #18

Quote from FatalException
Quote from name:TassadarZeratul
Hobbies: robotics
FIRST? Team number?

No, I build robots for fun, from scratch. eg. I built a robot that follows lines drawn on the floor out of a sandwich box and some random electrical components.


Nov 10 2008, 3:35 am MillenniumArmy Post #19

Name : Justin

Location : Austin, Tx

Age / D.O.B. : 20, 3/6/88

Hobbies : Starcraft map making, tennis, swimming/working out (or trying to), studying, failing classes, biking to and fro classes, cooking delicious food for myself to eat, pwning architects on a daily basis

Interests : Math, Physics, engineering, God, girls, tennis, food, drinks, anything athletic

Weight / Height : 150 lb 6'1" you do the SI unit conversions.

Likes : Starcraft, Tennis, football, hanging with friends, animals, food network, discovery channel, ESPN sports center

Dislikes : echo, krayzee, corbo, nerdyterdy, and just about everyone else on SEN except for me.


Nov 10 2008, 3:47 am WoAHorde Post #20

Name: Brad

Location: California

Age / DOB: 18, 6/6/90

Hobbies: Winning at life, sex, girls, math, physics, engineering, clubbing

Interests: math, Physics, la chimie, running, girls, clubbing

Weight / Height: 125 lb 5' 11"(lol im short)

Likes: Shit mentioned above, krayzee

Dislikes: Utah, Yes on Prop 8


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[05:00 pm]
Oh_Man -- its not like there's some gauranteed way of 'do this to quit smoking', etc, failure rates are still high and there doesnt seem to be a silver bullet, with different things working for different people
[05:00 pm]
Oh_Man -- no one seems to have properly cracked the puzzle of breaking habits have they
[04:59 pm]
Oh_Man -- In Search of the Miraculous by P.D. Ouspensky. - I gotta read this ultra, it sounds interesting
[04:38 pm]
[04:33 pm]
Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
[04:17 pm]
Vrael -- well after some quick merriam-webstering (suck it Oxford) I think I used it right but if anyone thinks I used it wrong thats not my hill to die on
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- what I meant was "put forth a hypothesis"
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- I also may have used the word positing wrong - need to google
[04:11 pm]
Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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