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SEN Mafia IX
Oct 13 2008, 6:40 pm
By: Moose
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Oct 29 2008, 2:43 am Conspiracy Post #401

I change my vote to abstain.


Oct 29 2008, 3:07 am Vi3t-X Post #402

Welcome to the party.


Oct 29 2008, 3:38 am Oyen Post #403

Well, I have been examining the mafia member who broke through the roof to kill Hailfire, and all I could come up with were some ridiculous connections to Reindeer Breeder.....involving Santa Claus.... :rolleyes:

I did find this interesting clue:

He turned away from the heartless portrait that his window was hanging on his wall for a moment in an attempt to regain his senses
Now I thought about this, and if this is a clue then it could refer to:
1. Someone who is a painter/artist
2. Someone's avatar or signature that is a portrait

At first I lumped this clue together with my Reindeer Breeder clues, considering his avatar looks like the fruits that painters paint.....
Any thoughts on this?

EDIT: I suppose if you guys want another weak clue to vote for payne, his avatar looks like something that a child would draw/paint.
EDIT2: A_of-s_t's Avatar is clearly a very well drawn picture, possibly something an artist would create.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Oct 29 2008, 3:48 am by Oyen.


Oct 29 2008, 4:21 am Oyen Post #404

Ok...I found a few clues that may point to A_of-s_t. Considering he is a valuable player, only vote for him if you decide these clues are truly good evidence:
Clue 1:
Day 1 post
It's a hero's tale, truly, but it does not belong in this muck and muddy portrait that I must continue to paint.
Day 2 post
He turned away from the heartless portrait that his window was hanging on his wall for a moment in an attempt to regain his senses.
A portrait is defined as a likeness of a person, esp. of the face, as a painting, drawing, or photograph: a gallery of family portraits.
A_of-s_t's avatar is a well-drawn eye. Not a whole face, but a part of it. In addition, sight is one of the five human senses.

Clue 2:
A_of-s-t's title is "Master of Temptation, Ruler of Aeronotics, and Secret Lover"

There doesn't seem to be a definition for Aeronotics, so I am assuming he misspelled Aeronautics, which is the science involved with the study, design, and manufacture of flight-capable machines, or the techniques of operating aircraft.
From the day 1 post:
The one man who actually made a plane flight out of town
His plane crashed over the Atlantic Ocean and he will never be seen again.
References to planes, or aircraft.

As for "Master of Temptation" and "Secret Lover", remember this?
He screamed aloud, "WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME?", and again "WHY DID SHE DO THIS TO ME?" He began to suffocate with the heavy convulsions in his tears, as he had little time to breathe between his yelps. Then he heard the front door open slowly. He heard her keys jingle the way they always did. His heart was restored with hope and love for a long moment. He simply waited for the confirmation of her beautiful face to let him know that he hadn't gone crazy. He could hear the footsteps approaching his room. He wondered why she knew which room he was in ... he had moved the desk from where she had last seen it...

I underlined "heartless", "heart", and "seen" as possible references to love and the sense of sight.

Clue 3:
From day 1:
The scenery there is reminscent of Mary Shelley's descriptions of nature in the book Frankenstein.
Frakenstein was a scientist, who apparently defied the laws of science by creating Frakenstein's monster.
A_of-s_t's signature includes the line:
Fuck you starcraft, for defying the laws of physics
He also started a Science/mathematics Discussion topic.

Well, these are the possible clues I found that may connect to A_of-s_t.
Therefore, I change my vote to A_of-s_t.

EDIT: Sorry for the double post. Also sorry If I made you delay ending the day, moose. ;-)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 29 2008, 4:28 am by Oyen.


Oct 29 2008, 1:27 pm InsolubleFluff Post #405

since i just moved to england, i havn't been reading the clues, so for today i'll just abstain, but now im almost settled so next week day i'll be doing actual interpretations and what not... sorry town for letting you down :(


Oct 29 2008, 3:00 pm payne Post #406


Wow! Nice work Oyen! You really convinced me that I wasn't a mafia, even though this:
He turned away from the heartless portrait that his window was hanging on his wall for a moment in an attempt to regain his senses.
As you said, my avatar is kind of something a kid would draw (and, in fact, it is xD). Plus, look at my signature under the image, don't you think it is heartless? :O

Anyway, I change my vote from Epoch to A_of-s_t


Oct 29 2008, 4:06 pm Moose Post #407

We live in a society.

cheeze :: NerdyTerdy
Greo :: Oyen
Zycorax :: EzDay281 <--
Hug A Zergling :: EzDay281
lil-Inferno :: EzDay281
Brontobyte :: EzDay281
NerdyTerdy :: Epoch
Vi3t-X :: payne
Dark_Marine :: EzDay281
Darkling :: EzDay281
l)ark_ssj9kevin :: EzDay281 (7)
Generalpie :: payne
TassadarZeratul :: payne
EzDay281 :: payne
Reindeer Breeder :: payne
DT_Battlekruser :: payne
Hitok1r1 :: payne (7)
Oyen :: A_of-s_t
payne :: A_of-s_t

Abstain: Deathman101, Paravin., Kaias, Oyen, FlyingHat, DrunkenNoodle, A_of-s_t, Epoch, Shocko

19 of 28 votes placed.
28 of 28 players posted. <-- :thumbup:

Though the town is sharply divided between killing EzDay281 and payne as the sun sets. The lynching can be delayed no further. Another impressive torture device, the Garrotte is brought out. EzDay281 is forced into the chair and tied down to it as the metal collar is closed around tightly his neck. "Tell us who the mafia are!" demands the town, as two townspeople turn the bar on the back of the chair, clamping the collar down on EzDay281's neck. "I told you... I don't know!" says EzDay281, his restricted airways choking his voice. The town's response is to turn the bar again, crushing his neck even further. "Tell us who the mafia are!" demands the town, repeating their request and tightening the collar even more. EzDay281 can barely breathe. "I'm just... a.... just a... just a scientist" he struggles even to speak as the bar is turned once again. "Yeah, right, mafia scum!" declare the townspeople, as they tighten the device another time. EzDay281 succumbs to asphixiation as the Garrotte crushes his neck.

All mafia and night roles have until Friday morning to get in their actions to me.
If you fail to perform them, they are lost and wasted.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 1 2008, 7:48 pm by Mini Moose 2707. Reason: Grammar

Nov 1 2008, 7:41 pm Moose Post #408

We live in a society.

NerdyTerdy is driving his car, heading home for the night. Unfortunately, the mafia had bugged his car and it starts to malfunction. The car begins to sputter and black smoke comes out from under the hood as he cruises down 75th Street. NerdyTerdy pulls over and opens the hood. He gets out of the car to investigate the car's problem. Upon lifting the hood, thick black smoke from the vehicle begins to fill the air. He realizes that someone is next to him. In the cover of the smoke, he cannot see exactly who it was. The face seems like it might be familiar. "Is that you?" asks NerdyTerdy. The person next to him replies only by stabbing NerdyTerdy in the chest and again in the throat, leaving him for dead against his car.

After an hour, Darkling walks by the scene and sees a corpse up against a still smoking car. From the opposite direction, another man walks towards the car to join the investigation. They meet by the car and examine the body. Darkling checks the body for a pulse, but finds none. "Holy shit, he's dead!" says Darkling to the man next to him. The man's left arm mutates into a submachine gun pointed at Darkling. "NO U" he says, filling Darkling with bullets.

Greo walks down a dirt path along the edge of the woods with Hitok1r1, considering all the options. Periodically, Greo stares deep into the darkness. He wonders if there is anyway to survive anywhere. He stops in his tracks with the thought and looks at Hitok1r1. Looking up the moon, their only source of light, he muses, "The only safe place on this earth for me is the moon. And I'll never be there." Hitok1r1 is not quite sure how to respond to such a thing. They are aware of their pathetic outlook and continue to stride towards Greo's house.

It had been a long walk already and they were glad to finally be on the second half of the round trip. Perhaps sleep and a sunrise would help them feel better about life.

Seeing Greo's house in the distance, they hear a loud crash from woods. Something has made touchdown on the forest floor. The first impulse is to run, and they dart towards the house now, dismissing the idea of entering the woods. Greo hears a shrill and a shriek. Hitok1r1 has disappeared. Hitok1r1 is in pain. Greo stops. "Run, Greo, save yourself!" yells Hitok1r1 in the distance. Greo needs to think about this very clearly. But there is no lucidity to be found within his tumultous head.

Gazing into the nothingness of the deep wood, Greo hears the firing of an automatic weapon. He knows that Hitok1r1 has just been killed. Greo is still frozen, deciding. He needs a closer look. Greo steps a few feet into the woods. Greo was never to come back. The last that was ever seen of him was his heel as it left the last bit of moonlight and delved into the pitch black woods.

Brontobyte plays solitaire at his kitchen table, with only the illumination of a flashlight aiding his eyes. He enjoys the game even as he lost, showing his strange mannerisms. However, enjoying a losing game of solitaire was far from Brontobyte's most curious lifestyle change. All of his ground floor windows are open. Both his front and back doors are wide open. He welcomes his killers and accepts the inevitable death that was to come. The mafia are good at what they do and man of such feeble aggression of himself would not stand a chance. Shuffling up the cards for another game, the interruption he has been anticipating came. He hears a man tumbling down the stairs to the floor level that he was on.

A look of deep thought comes to Brontobyte's face as he stood up from his seat. He looks at the window and notices a ladder that peaked at his attic window. He can see the shattered glass remnants laying over his lawn and within the window frame. He turns back towards the singing he began to hear, "To-ra-lo-la-lo-ra". He sees a shadow limping towards him. Brontobyte thought he would be afraid when this moment finally came. But he wasn't. How could he be afraid of such a man? Nothing of him reeks of mafia. Until a bullet whizzes past his head and lodges in the wall behind him. "Ahaha, excuse my aim, good sir."

Brontobyte sprints away, but is hit by a bullet in the right calf just as he exits his backdoor, tumbling into the broken glass that had fallen from the attic window. The shadow of a man turns the kitchen lights on and begins again to speak, "I've been waiting for you to dog out like this." The bloody victim crawls as fast as he can away from the voice all the while. "I still don't understand though. How could you dare disrespect me like this?" His voice begins to bellow. He fires another shot that finds its residence in Brontobyte's left foot. He bends down and presses his hand in the blood that had splattered over the kitchen tiles. Licking it off his fingers slowly as he exits the chilly abode, he picks up a sharp piece of glass in stride with his other hand. He watches sadistically as Brontobyte attempts to stand, and gives his commentary for the night, "You see, perhaps if you were not so rude to me it wouldn't have had to been this way. I wouldn't have allowed your blood to be so beautifully scattered about the tiles and blades. It could have been neat. But no, your incessant optimism --" he pauses. "It's just not fitting around here. It needs to be effectively punished." Standing over Brontobyte's back, he digs the piece of glass into his shoulder, and drags it down and over his back slowly. As the blood spurts onto the murderer's face, he licks his lips and slurs through red teeth, "Delectable".

As the night nears its end, the killing is not yet complete. As night fades into light, the last victim is dragged by one hand to the center of the town. Hug a Zergling moans incoherently, "Why me, you, you did this, to me? Why me?"

"Shutup. You should appreciate the work that went into this. You ungrateful idiot." The mafia lifts his limp victim over his shoulder and hurls him into the pile of bodies. He makes a slow walk to a car parked nearby and starts it up. "Time to fix this place up!" Accelerating full bore, he piledrives the car through the heap of corpses.

The sun rises and shines upon the growing multitude of bodies in the middle of the town. The town gathers into the town hall. As they enter, the following message is broadcast: Do not lynch people on small whims, especially if they are good players. Lynch someone useless if you have no one better to lynch.

Please vote for the third candidate to be killed. Strict activity bans will be enforced.

Post has been edited 9 time(s), last time on Nov 2 2008, 5:13 pm by Dapperdan. Reason: typos

Nov 1 2008, 7:46 pm Dapperdan Post #409



Nov 1 2008, 8:03 pm Symmetry Post #410

Dungeon Master

Theoretical physicist, if you do not use your role now, I will hunt you down and slit your throat.

That is all.

:voy: :jaff: :voy: :jaff:

Nov 1 2008, 8:07 pm BooBooKittieFuk Post #411

That post by minimoose was entertaining to say the least :)


Nov 1 2008, 8:10 pm Dapperdan Post #412

Quote from name:Mr.Ming
That post by minimoose was entertaining to say the least :)


Nov 1 2008, 8:20 pm Fisty Post #413

Quote from name:Mr.Ming
That post by minimoose was entertaining to say the least :)
Since Dapperdan is too modest to bring light to himself, I'd like to point out that Dapperdan is the clue-writer.


Nov 1 2008, 8:57 pm payne Post #414


"The only safe place [...] moon [...]" and "[...] moonlight [...]": isn't one of the most famous caricaturisation of the moon a cheese? -> Cheeze

"Hitokiri isin pain": the fact that the word are together could point to someone with two words as one for his nickname. Same thing for "Shutup." near the end -> deathman101 and generalpie (I discarded the one which have MAJ that separate one word in two section which represents two words)
Notice the fact that "pain" is figuring here -> payne
**** isin and shutup were errors, sorry :S

"Greo needs to think about it this very clearly": a synthax error, may point to someone which sucks in english, like a french guy -> payne

Let me also notice that words relative to darkness and light are omnipresent and they are, them too, contradictory -> deathman101
Many words relative to gaz are there too and we all know that a corpse does make gaz when it dies -> deathman101

"Nothing of him reeks of mafia": like if it was ridiculous -> cheeze or FlyhingHat

"How could you dare disrespect me like this?": someone that has high value of loyalty, respect, etc... -> ?

There's also the fact that the totality of the Brontobyte's paragraph is kinda weird (related to the doors most of the time): the mafia takes the time to climb the house even if the doors are open and Brontobyte tries to escape from window, lol. May point to someone which acts weirdly -> payne?

I just saw the fact that in the text, it's always about left parts of the body (and never the right one)... -> ?

P.S. Wow, that killer of Brontobyte is very scary :S And LOL at the message left by the broadcast which point@me :P


For the one that were voting A_of-s_t, look at his signature: many "DESU", just like "To-ra-lo-la-lo-ra".
And watching at the Oyen's signature, we can see a relation to all my contradictory clues PLUS the one related to Light vs Darkness.
Zycorax have pictures related to darkness and automatic gun. :O
ZOMG! Look at Dark_Marine's signature pic: A PSYCHOPATH!!

My vote is still for deathman101, but I'd say we've got high chances it's Dark_Marine, cheeze and Oyen too.

For once I think I found good clues... Possible to get someone protecting me? :D (I feel aimed by mafias nao :O)

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Nov 1 2008, 10:23 pm by payne.


Nov 1 2008, 9:03 pm Biophysicist Post #415

I abstain because I don't have time to do any interpreting yet.


Nov 1 2008, 10:12 pm Dapperdan Post #416

Quote from payne
"The only safe place [...] moon [...]" and "[...] moonlight [...]": isn't one of the most famous caricaturisation of the moon a cheese? -> Cheeze

"Hitokiri isin pain": the fact that the word are together could point to someone with two words as one for his nickname. Same thing for "Shutup." near the end -> deathman101 and generalpie (I discarded the one which have MAJ that separate one word in two section which represents two words)
Notice the fact that "pain" is figuring here -> payne

"Greo needs to think about it this very clearly": a synthax error, may point to someone which sucks in english, like a french guy -> payne

Let me also notice that words relative to darkness and light are omnipresent and they are, them too, contradictory -> deathman101
Many words relative to gaz are there too and we all know that a corpse does make gaz when it dies -> deathman101

"Nothing of him reeks of mafia": like if it was ridiculous -> cheeze or FlyhingHat

"How could you dare disrespect me like this?": someone that has high value of loyalty, respect, etc... -> ?

There's also the fact that the totality of the Brontobyte's paragraph is kinda weird (related to the doors most of the time): the mafia takes the time to climb the house even if the doors are open and Brontobyte tries to escape from window, lol. May point to someone which acts weirdly -> payne?

I just saw the fact that in the text, it's always about left parts of the body (and never the right one)... -> ?

P.S. Wow, that killer of Brontobyte is very scary :S And LOL at the message left by the broadcast which point@me :P


For the one that were voting A_of-s_t, look at his signature: many "DESU", just like "To-ra-lo-la-lo-ra".
And watching at the Oyen's signature, we can see a relation to all my contradictory clues PLUS the one related to Light vs Darkness.
Zycorax have pictures related to darkness and automatic gun. :O
ZOMG! Look at Dark_Marine's signature pic: A PSYCHOPATH!!

My vote is still for deathman101, but I'd say we've got high chances it's Dark_Marine, cheeze and Oyen too.

For once I think I found good clues... Possible to get someone protecting me? :D (I feel aimed by mafias nao :O)

"isin" was a typo. The 'syntax error' was as well.


Nov 1 2008, 10:13 pm Dapperdan Post #417

Quote from name:Deathman101
Quote from name:Mr.Ming
That post by minimoose was entertaining to say the least :)
Since Dapperdan is too modest to bring light to himself, I'd like to point out that Dapperdan is the clue-writer.

Both of us write clues. Giving credit to one of us entirely is incorrect. But it shouldn't matter whose writing the clues, really.


Nov 1 2008, 10:32 pm FatalException Post #418

... Wait, "only safe place on this earth for me is the moon"? Since when is the moon on Earth? :P


Nov 1 2008, 10:41 pm Biophysicist Post #419

Another contradiction. Maybe points to Oyen?



Nov 1 2008, 10:43 pm WoAHorde Post #420

Oh gods, this is hilarious.


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