Hello! I'm working on a map called "World War 3 The Final War" Where you are the last four stable countries of the world and you must fight back the corrupted world.
In this you are fighting the computer, But no matter what AI script I use they do not act like a normal melee AI that attacks and such. WTF?
Run AI script Expansion [race] Campaign Insane at location? What map editor are you using?
In my experience, just using Run AI script doesn't have much of an effect. Make sure your using Run AI Script at location, with said location covering the Command Center/Nexus/Hatchery and nearby resources. I think they'll seek out opponents on their own if you choose one of the harder AIs.
We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch
OK, Insane AI will do fine. Once it works you might try if custom level or others work slightly better for your needs.
A common mistake when setting up a computer AI player is that not all of the 3: race setting, units owned, AI script have the same race.
Elvang explained the setup those AIs need. Don't forget a starting location at their Nexus. Also make sure ScmDraft hasn't bugged up the starting location. Sometimes you place it but it's not recognized. Opening the map in another editor and saving can fix that. Or you place it repeatedly I also heard it to work.
Lastly make sure they have proper resources via triggers. For a start keep them at 10k ore/gas at all times. Adjust as soon as it works.
Oh and although it might sound stupid, are your alliances properly set?
It might also be a good idea to supplement the AI you decide on with some of your own. Use triggers create units and order them to attack at strategic times; when
t time has passed, player
n has at least
x1 men on the map, and player
n has at most
x2 men at a location centered on player
n's base for example.
Well. I'm using SCMDraft from the News post, And really all I want them to do is harvest, attack, and act like a computer from a melee or FFA style game. I want them to mine their own mins, not be set at a amount the whole game.
May I add this is Earth, We don't have unlimited resources
Make a location covering their center, some workers, and the mineral fields. Then make a trigger like this:
[A]Execute ai script 'script' at 'location'
Where location is the one mentioned above, and script is Brood Wars Protoss/Zerg/Terran Town A-F, pick a letter and hope they are vicious.
I think to make them attack a certain area more use the ai script 'AI Harass Here' on a location over the enemy base, you shouldn't need to run either trigger more than once.
We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch
Quote from name:HuntaKilla335
And really all I want them to do is harvest, attack, and act like a computer from a melee or FFA style game. I want them to mine their own mins, not be set at a amount the whole game.
May I add this is Earth, We don't have unlimited resources
Look, you already said that. And we already told you what to do and possible sources of the problem.
The suggestion to cheat minerals - incase you haven't read properly - was for
testing only.
Quote from name:HuntaKilla335
May I add this is Earth, We don't have unlimited resources
Oh. I didn't know that.
If you constantly set it to 10,000 minerals and gas, it's not like they will use everything and pump out battlecruisers and the most expensive units. The 10,000 is just to insure that they don't run out of minerals. They will still start slow even with advanced buildings. Most terran AIs make infantry first, attack, build mechs, attack, then air.
I see now, Apologies for not realizing at first