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Back From Ba-Ba-Ban
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Jul 20 2011, 5:20 am
By: Gamma  

Jul 20 2011, 5:20 am Gamma Post #1

About Me: I am a competent C rank Iccup player, 2v2er only. I have made a few UMS and a few Melee maps. I am an avid fan of UMS maps made by SEN members and used to give constructive criticism.

Hello, all I have returned if welcome. I got IP-banned 30 months ago, perhaps permanently, but I don't see my name on the void earlier. What I did to get banned before-> I added Mini_Moose_2707 to my f list and bm'd him every day for months on USEast. I was probably mad at him about OSMAP or Maplantis. Shoutout to the people I recognize, Payne, oO.DemOn.oo, Kenoli, and oO.Devlin.Oo, who I have always thought have done a lot for this site. I have been using this site since 2004. The accounts you probably would recognize most would be Gamma or Alpha-NP- since I used to hangout in Op SEN for years.

Three things I have always hated SEN for:

I once was banned around 2003; My power went out in my house so when my router went back online I had a new IP address. Being young, I naturally knew not much about computers and made a new SEN account. Only, Doodan traced my IP address and re-banned me and also told me he was going to email my ISP I was abusing the site and have my internet turned off. I always hated him since then, and was overjoyed when he had a baby at age 13. Karma :D :). Is he still around?

Also, the second thing I always hated was how SEN went on witch hunts. I tried to write some guides for this site and contribute but witch-hunters always derailed my thread and made me hate this site. I literally created a brand new account and posted guides written by myself about map balance and game theory which were criticed endlessly by people who had no idea what they were talking about. Maybe I should rewrite them again since I have sme on my hardrive that have been updated over the last 30 months of me being away.

Third, I had a grudge against Excalibur because he would not allow people to post mediocre to low level melee maps. He closed maps because they didn't have perfect terrain or didn't follow his guidelines for a competitive map. However, after I reviewed all his maps he seemed only capable of making good terrain and wholly incapable of map balance.

@ Bedazed: I remember how you played late night Starcraft for years with stacked teams. I would always join your 4v4 games with random allies who were always noobs. When I told you so, you challenged me to 1v1's and team games. I always smacked you and I am proud to this day about that.

Well I guess I should say I would like to contribute to this site again, however, if not welcome I really don't like this site enough to care.


Jul 20 2011, 5:24 am TiKels Post #2

Welcome to SEN! Hopefully you will have a nice stay man!

Also it's generally not good to go on a site and start talking bad about the site/higher-ranking members. It's also not really good to say that you were once forcibly removed from said site. :crazy:

"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


Jul 20 2011, 5:25 am Gamma Post #3

Thanks Tikels, I recognized your name from a few years ago. You are handsome :D.


Jul 20 2011, 5:49 am Lanthanide Post #4

You sound like you haven't grown up at all.


Jul 20 2011, 5:55 am Gamma Post #5

Quote from Lanthanide
You sound like you haven't grown up at all.
Quote from From OP Original post
Also, the second thing I always hated was how SEN went on witch hunts. I tried to write some guides for this site and contribute but witch-hunters always derailed my thread and made me hate this site.

It has been 30 months. Saying I sound like I haven't grown up implies to me you think I shouldn't be here even though I was banned 30 months ago. I think longetivity alone should allow me to post here.


Jul 20 2011, 6:02 am LoveLess Post #6

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

Alright, so I have every intention to make you look like an idiot:

1. Doodan must have travelled back in time considering he wasn't even a part of SEN until a few years late. We have a timeline bro: Timeline.

Having a different IP from your router? Really? You WERE banned for something else, I am 100% positive you were not banned for your router giving you a new local/gateway address considering that when you enter a site, they get your router's address, not the address of the individual computer accessing that router (there is a difference and I'm not smart enough to break it down any further than that).

2. You call them Witch Hunts, we call it group negative encouragement. If you didn't read the guidelines and just posted complete crap without even looking around the site for the rest of the content or topics, of course it's going to get criticized. Back then we were all about, "Use a format/layout with pretty pictures."

3. Excalibur is 100% about rules. If the stickied topic of the section you are posting in, says don't post X unless it reaches the following requirements, don't post it. Which is most likely what you did and why they attacked you. Also, kind of funny that you bash his melee mapping when he ran the Melee section, BY HIMSELF, throughout the years.

If you didn't bash the more respected people, I would have just ignored this topic. Doodan and Excalibur have contributed more positive content to this site than most. By most, I mean like 99/100 people that have ever registered here. Don't come here and try to troll us bro.


Jul 20 2011, 6:12 am Gamma Post #7

Quote from LoveLess
Alright, so I have every intention to make you look like an idiot:

1. Doodan must have travelled back in time considering he wasn't even a part of SEN until a few years late. We have a timeline bro: Timeline.

Having a different IP from your router? Really? You WERE banned for something else, I am 100% positive you were not banned for your router giving you a new local/gateway address.

2. You call them Witch Hunts, we call it group negative encouragement. If you didn't read the guidelines and just posted complete crap without even looking around the site for the rest of the content or topics, of course it's going to get criticized. Back then we were all about, "Use a format/layout with pretty pictures."

3. Excalibur is 100% about rules. If the stickied topic of the section you are posting in, says don't post X unless it reaches the following requirements, don't post it. Which is most likely what you did and why they attacked you. Also, kind of funny that you bash his melee mapping when he ran the Melee section, BY HIMSELF, throughout the years.

If you didn't bash the more respected people, I would have just ignored this topic. Doodan and Excalibur have contributed more positive content to this site than most. By most, I mean like 99/100 people that have ever registered here. Don't come here and try to troll us bro.
Quote from Quote From OP Original Post
Also, the second thing I always hated was how SEN went on witch hunts. I tried to write some guides for this site and contribute but witch-hunters always derailed my thread and made me hate this site.
@ Loveless
1. As I have not used this site for 30 months, I have probably got the date wrong. My router gave me a new IP address so I thought I wasn't banned any longer. I made a new account since I forgot the old password.
2. You are wrong, no reply.
3. Since SEN is a hierarcy, I can see how agreeing with moderators and witch-hunting those "group negatives" is advantageous for you.
That was a long post, need a hug bro ? I laughed a lot how you reported this thread; gotta go on that witch-hunt bro.
Yes I would like to use this site, but if SEN is as immature as I was 30 months ago, then I will probably be re-banned. I made a thread asking for permission to post instead of simply posting with my new router.


Jul 20 2011, 6:18 am Vrael Post #8

Your first topic back on SEN is about how you're proud about bashing the moderators and admins?

Good luck man lol.

Welcome back to SEN -- for however long your stay is lololol.


Jul 20 2011, 6:20 am LoveLess Post #9

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

Quote from Gamma
Quote from LoveLess
Alright, so I have every intention to make you look like an idiot:

1. Doodan must have travelled back in time considering he wasn't even a part of SEN until a few years late. We have a timeline bro: Timeline.

Having a different IP from your router? Really? You WERE banned for something else, I am 100% positive you were not banned for your router giving you a new local/gateway address.

2. You call them Witch Hunts, we call it group negative encouragement. If you didn't read the guidelines and just posted complete crap without even looking around the site for the rest of the content or topics, of course it's going to get criticized. Back then we were all about, "Use a format/layout with pretty pictures."

3. Excalibur is 100% about rules. If the stickied topic of the section you are posting in, says don't post X unless it reaches the following requirements, don't post it. Which is most likely what you did and why they attacked you. Also, kind of funny that you bash his melee mapping when he ran the Melee section, BY HIMSELF, throughout the years.

If you didn't bash the more respected people, I would have just ignored this topic. Doodan and Excalibur have contributed more positive content to this site than most. By most, I mean like 99/100 people that have ever registered here. Don't come here and try to troll us bro.
Quote from Quote From OP Original Post
Also, the second thing I always hated was how SEN went on witch hunts. I tried to write some guides for this site and contribute but witch-hunters always derailed my thread and made me hate this site.
@ Loveless
1. As I have not used this site for 30 months, I have probably got the date wrong. My router gave me a new IP address so I thought I wasn't banned any longer. I made a new account since I forgot the old password.
2. You are wrong, no reply.
3. Since SEN is a hierarcy, I can see how agreeing with moderators and witch-hunting those "group negatives" is advantageous for you.
That was a long post, need a hug bro ? I laughed a lot how you reported this thread; gotta go on that witch-hunt bro.
Yes I would like to use this site, but if SEN is as immature as I was 30 months ago, then I will probably be re-banned. I made a thread asking for permission to post instead of simply posting with my new router.
It's funny how you are all "need a hug bro" when you are the one who comes back, flames the people who helped make the site what it is today and expect us to be all,

"It's okay man. We won't ban you for reasons that make no sense."

You are just wrong on so many levels that it's not even funny, it's sad. By the way, you are being reported because I am right, not wrong and apparently people agree.


Jul 20 2011, 6:24 am Gamma Post #10

@ Loveless : Perhaps you are right.

@ Vrael: I remember your name. Hey, If my memory serves me correctly Salacious/Shmidley/Esponeo once said you were on par with him as an RPG maker. That is a big accomplishment. I'll be glad to post in the same forums as you unless someone makes me "adios amigoes" you guys :D.


Jul 20 2011, 6:51 am Roy Post #11

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Welcome back to SEN.

Quote from Gamma
I literally created a brand new account and posted guides written by myself about map balance and game theory which were criticized endlessly by people who had no idea what they were talking about.
Speaking from what I've known, SEN has a good collection of knowledgeable people. Balance is always something that can be argued, and someone with a differing opinion does not necessarily mean they are ignorant on the subject. As long as you aren't posting anti-hack registry revelations, you shouldn't see any heavy moderation action for theorizing.

Quote from Gamma
Third, I had a grudge against Excalibur because he would not allow people to post mediocre to low level melee maps.
But how long can one hold a grudge? Is it really worth the effort to make yourself miserable over such a thing?

Anyway, I wouldn't get worked up on the past. Think of it this way: if you are capable of changing in the 30 months you were gone, so are those you used to know.

Jul 20 2011, 6:54 am Gamma Post #12

@ Roy : Good points. I remember your bounds you made and possibly a website you host with bounds. It would be a privilige using the same site as you if I am allowed to do so.


Jul 20 2011, 7:11 am CecilSunkure Post #13

Quote from Gamma
@ Roy : Good points. I remember your bounds you made and possibly a website you host with bounds. It would be a privilige using the same site as you if I am allowed to do so.
Wasn't that loveless?


Jul 20 2011, 7:16 am DevliN Post #14



So honestly I'm a bit confused. Are you asking to be banned again? You ended by saying you don't like the site enough to care, so that threw me off after the tangent about everything regarding SEN that you hate. It really just seems like you wanted to make some bitter post to let out unchecked aggression for something that happened years ago that no one here remembers. Some clarification on that would be fantastic.

I also wanted to just go over a few things that seemed a little interesting about your posts:

Quote from Gamma
I once was banned around 2003; My power went out in my house so when my router went back online I had a new IP address. Being young, I naturally knew not much about computers and made a new SEN account. Only, Doodan traced my IP address and re-banned me and also told me he was going to email my ISP I was abusing the site and have my internet turned off. I always hated him since then, and was overjoyed when he had a baby at age 13. Karma. Is he still around?
Do you remember when in 2003 you were banned? I ask because SEN was also started in 2003, so you must have done something really naughty to get in trouble that soon. I know this was mentioned earlier, but Doodan joined in 2005 and didn't have the power you described until 2006, so I doubt he was the one who sought out your IP and ISP to ban you again years before even joining SEN. Also thought I'd mention that he didn't have a kid at 13, but perhaps I'm just nitpicking now.

Quote from Gamma
Also, the second thing I always hated was how SEN went on witch hunts. I tried to write some guides for this site and contribute but witch-hunters always derailed my thread and made me hate this site. I literally created a brand new account and posted guides written by myself about map balance and game theory which were criticed endlessly by people who had no idea what they were talking about. Maybe I should rewrite them again since I have sme on my hardrive that have been updated over the last 30 months of me being away.
Just so I'm clear about the account count at this point, you were banned, so you created a second account. Then you created another account to post guides? I'm sorry, this is all so confusing to me.

Quote from Gamma
Third, I had a grudge against Excalibur because he would not allow people to post mediocre to low level melee maps. He closed maps because they didn't have perfect terrain or didn't follow his guidelines for a competitive map. However, after I reviewed all his maps he seemed only capable of making good terrain and wholly incapable of map balance.
I remember Excal's tyranny over the melee forums as well. I also remember the complaints about that. That's all I got for that one. Pity that was a major thing to make you hate SEN, though.

Quote from Gamma
Well I guess I should say I would like to contribute to this site again, however, if not welcome I really don't like this site enough to care.
This was the confusing line to me. Just mentioning it again for posterity.

Quote from Gamma
It has been 30 months. Saying I sound like I haven't grown up implies to me you think I shouldn't be here even though I was banned 30 months ago. I think longetivity alone should allow me to post here.
That's an interesting concept. We've had tons of members here who have been given multiple chances because they thought they had grown up, and almost all of them ended up banned again.

Quote from Gamma
Yes I would like to use this site, but if I'm as immature as I was 30 months ago, then I will probably be re-banned.
Fixed that for ya. You seemed to have made a simple typo. No biggie, I caught it.

Quote from Gamma
I made a thread asking for permission to post instead of simply posting with my new router.
You made a post to ask for permission to post? Is this back when you were banned or more recently? Again, confused. Sorry.

Oh, here's your old account:


So I've had my fun. Welcome back to the Void, xgmx.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jul 20 2011, 8:17 am by DevliN.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

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I still haven't gotten a chance to play it yet unfortunately. I just downloaded, but today I'm working on a project with a deadline so won't be able to play it today
[2024-6-02. : 4:59 am]
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[2024-6-02. : 4:59 am]
zsnakezz -- :)
[2024-6-02. : 4:58 am]
zsnakezz -- somebody gets it
[2024-6-02. : 4:58 am]
zsnakezz -- and its not all just numbers in my file screen
[2024-6-02. : 4:57 am]
zsnakezz -- thank you for your comment though, good to know some people out there tried my map out
[2024-6-02. : 4:57 am]
zsnakezz -- just kidding
[2024-6-02. : 4:57 am]
zsnakezz -- ultra you have any thought or notes on undead invasion?
[2024-5-31. : 2:36 pm]
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[2024-5-31. : 2:36 pm]
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