Is there a Tile on which you can walk but not burrow ?
But you can detect if the person is walking on a tile and then detect if they burrow and force them to unburrow if you want.
i've always wondered how you force someone to unburrow
i've always wondered how you force someone to unburrow
You order the unit o.O
Only works with npc??
I would just detect the burrow and save location, remove and create.
i've always wondered how you force someone to unburrow
You order the unit o.O
Only works with npc??
Definitely not. Order works on every player.
i've always wondered how you force someone to unburrow
You order the unit o.O
Only works with npc??
I think you are mixing order with AI Scripts. Most AI scripts work only on computers. Order, on the other hand, works with all players.
i've always wondered how you force someone to unburrow
You order the unit o.O
Only works with npc??
I think you are mixing order with AI Scripts. Most AI scripts work only on computers. Order, on the other hand, works with all players.
I thought it woulda been more complicated then that.
I thought it woulda been more complicated then that.
Nope, unsieging a tank, on the other hand, is much more complex
I thought it woulda been more complicated then that.
Nope, unsieging a tank, on the other hand, is much more complex

So even if I burrow a unit, the move command will have it unburrow? Lame.... Trying to move a burrowed unit doesn't work for human players, I would think it would do the same thing as an order.
Why does it not work for a tank the same way??
How do you force a tank to unsiege?
Actually, you guys are only partially correct in detection of burrowing. You need to constantly move a unit (preferably a civilian or other small unit) on a burrow-able unit's one pixel center location. You constantly move it back and forth from one area to the pixel location, and when the civilian is touching the pixel location then the unit is burrowed.
Actually, you guys are only partially correct in detection of burrowing. You need to constantly move a unit (preferably a civilian or other small unit) on a burrow-able unit's one pixel center location. You constantly move it back and forth from one area to the pixel location, and when the civilian is touching the pixel location then the unit is burrowed.
Nobody defined burrow detection?
Actually, couldn't you do another thing for burrow detection?
Have a location across the map, that only detects underground units, and when it does, center a 1x1 location on it then order it. Right?
Have a location across the map, that only detects underground units
Okay, please tell me how to set a location to only detect underground units
Have a location across the map, that only detects underground units
Okay, please tell me how to set a location to only detect underground units

My bad. Thought that you could choose to only detect underground in the location options thing.
I'm wrong. Don't listen to me.
Have a location across the map, that only detects underground units
Okay, please tell me how to set a location to only detect underground units

I used to think that's what it meant when it said "low ground" also.
Swing and a miss. My bad

Haha no worries I just thought I missed something.
To force a unit to unborrow cant you just tell it to move to the location it is in? Therefore if it is hotkeyed it would stay hotkeyed