Is there any possibility I can change my IP Address, because I got banned from Starcraft and Diablo 2 (both for trying to many CD Keys to fast with my bot). I've tried EVERYTHING, but I want to know if there is a program that can do it for me.
I've gone to my internet protocol options and changed the IP and that doesn't work... I've disconnected my internet all night and still didn't work. Hell, I've even called my internet service provider, asked if they could change it, and they said they do not have the permission to do that. Please some one help me!
If it helps, I'm using Telus' Internet (it's a Canadian network provider).
Every time I've attempted to change it, it goes back... I'm starting to think it's not dynamic and that it's static (if there is a way of checking I'm not sure how).
I've YouTubed this issue, I've Googled it, but I'm afraid to download any program, because I can't trust random internet searches. I'd appreciate it so much if some one could help me out! Thanks! :'(
Your ISP will probably only let you use the IP address they have assigned to you (which may or may not periodically change; sometimes also may change when an ISP does upgrades). Sorry, you will just have to wait until the ban has expired, which could be up to two weeks (and probably will be, since I think that is one of the things that will get you a two week ban). If it hasn't expired after two weeks, then you can ask Blizzard about it, but they don't want to be bugged about it until then.
No program is going to allow you to change which address your ISP assigns to you, if it's a static IP there's nothing you can do about it, if it's dynamic, shutting off your modem/router for like a day or so or MAYBE less might manage to reset the IP to a different one.
If the ban is just for creating too many games too fast then it most likely won't last
that long.
Well I've waited about a week now, and I'm so freaking bored! Lol
And I'm very desperate to go back to East... but ironically, earlier today around 12:00 I was able to sign into East (which I was banned from, including West for some odd reason), then when i minimized my screen and maximized it again, it went all funky colors on me, so I restarted Starcraft, and when I opened it back up I was back to being IP Banned. Anyone have a clue as to what happened?
Oh yeah, I seem to recall hearing of people sometimes being able to get through even if they were supposed to be banned. I'm not completely sure, though.
Pull a centreri. Hold enter about 200 times when at the server select.
For some reason about 1 outta 3 times you do this, 10% of connects will pass bans, unless you recieve a new one.
For increased effect, do this on multiple computers at the same time.
.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (
@RineyCat on Twitter
Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.
If I did this on a different computer than that other computer would be able to access Battle.Net, because it has a different IP Address (at least I think they do)... So that's kinda useless... And for some odd reason I tried it again at around 12:00 today, and I'm logged on to East as we speak. I'm afraid to log out, so I'm just gonna stay logged in until I get unbanned... Hopefully this will work!
If I did this on a different computer than that other computer would be able to access Battle.Net, because it has a different IP Address (at least I think they do)... So that's kinda useless... And for some odd reason I tried it again at around 12:00 today, and I'm logged on to East as we speak. I'm afraid to log out, so I'm just gonna stay logged in until I get unbanned... Hopefully this will work!

If you have two computers on the same router, they both have different LOCAL ips, but both generally run off the same IP assigned by your ISP.
.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (
@RineyCat on Twitter
Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.
A) If after a week without starcraft and diablo, you're bored. It would appear you're in need of real friends... not ones that also just play the two... they are the friends you hide in your closet when REAL friends come over.
B) Don't get banned.
and C), the best advice, you can get if you PM me.
Get AOL.

Sadly, this is a GREAT alternative if you're only playing SC
.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (
@RineyCat on Twitter
Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.
Get AOL.

Lmfao!!! Word up on Dial-up.
Well I've waited about a week now, and I'm so freaking bored! Lol
And I'm very desperate to go back to East... but ironically, earlier today around 12:00 I was able to sign into East (which I was banned from, including West for some odd reason), then when i minimized my screen and maximized it again, it went all funky colors on me, so I restarted Starcraft, and when I opened it back up I was back to being IP Banned. Anyone have a clue as to what happened?
You could have just minimized and then maximized it again to fix it. I've had that happen so many times before lol xDYeah it happened to me again today... Logged on, then my brother wanted to be a fag, and Alt+F4ed me and I went back to sign in, and there it goes again! Another ban!! What is going on?
Fierce. To fix that colour thing, you have to right click the desktop icon, then properties, I believe. Now on here you should get a ton of graphic options. 256 colours, compatability and quite a few games. Mess with those untill fixed.
Well I've waited about a week now, and I'm so freaking bored! Lol
And I'm very desperate to go back to East... but ironically, earlier today around 12:00 I was able to sign into East (which I was banned from, including West for some odd reason), then when i minimized my screen and maximized it again, it went all funky colors on me, so I restarted Starcraft, and when I opened it back up I was back to being IP Banned. Anyone have a clue as to what happened?
You could have just minimized and then maximized it again to fix it. I've had that happen so many times before lol xDThis. I cant remember the last time my colors wern't all funky. Min/max usually fixes it but sometimes doesnt. I don't even bother though because they fix themselves when you enter the actual game, except for like the water terrain, which isn't even that messed up. Nothing worth restarting SC over lol.
If you're using vista, close DWM twice in the task manager.
.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (
@RineyCat on Twitter
Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

SDE, BWAPI owner, hacker.
Don't use hacks.
Use a proxy to avoid bans.
You don't need more than 2 keys. Buy the game twice to get your 2 keys. Even a homeless guy can afford two copies of Starcraft.
My keys aren't banned. It's my IP address.
I don't use vista (because it sucks, and it makes your computer slow as fuck!).
A) If after a week without starcraft and diablo, you're bored. It would appear you're in need of real friends... not ones that also just play the two... they are the friends you hide in your closet when REAL friends come over.
This pisses me off SO much when people say these things (especially to me). I have a fucking life! I go to school I have tuns of friends, and I play sports... Don't fucking say that to me again... Please!
I believe this topic is solved! Thanks!