Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Showcase > Topic: Legacy's Hero Defense vL6
Legacy's Hero Defense vL6
Aug 11 2008, 3:42 pm
By: LegacyWeapon  

Aug 11 2008, 3:42 pm LegacyWeapon Post #1

Legacy's Hero Defense vL6


Enemy units attempt to fight their way to the Zerg Beacon while players battle it out in this hero defense game.

Gas is the representation of your mana. The mana cap is 250. However, Peter the Alchemist can exceed the cap by turning his gold (minerals) into mana (gas).
Gas is used by building units from your Gateway. Your Gateway is your Spellbringer. All hero spells are cast through the Spellbringer.

Zerg supply is a representation of your Caster energy. Your Caster is your Zerg Hive on the opposite base's higher platform. Casters are used to attack your enemy offensively. Creating Zerglings, summoning reinforcements, and immobilizing your enemy, the Caster Gun is essential to a good strategy.

High Templar
Conjar the Summoner
-Summon Lesser Fiend
Summons two Zerglings to fight
-Summon Greater Fiend
Summons two Ultralisks to help fight
Makes a hallucinated copy of Mesmer
-Psionic Storm (Ultimate)
Summons Archons for a brief period

Mesmer the Hypnotist
Makes a hallucinated copy of yourself
Makes hallucinated copy on a random enemy hero
Halts enemy units close to your hero
-Psionic Storm (Ultimate)
Summons Archons for a brief period

Sabrina the Empath
Allows you to use your heal spell for 20 seconds
-Wailing Echo
Adds 1 Caster Shell energy
-Mana Drain
Subtracts 50 mana from every enemy
-Behemoth (Ultimate)
Summons Hyperion to your aid

Tassadar/Zeratul (Archon)
Obelisk the Tormenter
-All Seeing Eye
Summons a mobile detector ward for 30 seconds
Forces enemy units to ignore you for 5 seconds
Maintains shields at a constant 100% for 20 seconds
-Torment (Ultimate)
Lurker spikes shoot up and destroy everything in its path

Fenix (Zealot)
Fenix the Immortal
Maintains shields at a constant 100% for 5 seconds
Kills everything around you, including yourself
-Death Ward
Summons 4 invincible Dragoons for 10 seconds
-Divinity (Ultimate)
Invincibility is enabled for 2 minutes

Hunter Killer
Peter the Alchemist
-Destroy gold
Destroys minerals for mana (gas) on a 1:8 ratio
-Make gold
Converts mana (gas) to minerals on a 5:1 ratio
-Death Ward
Summons 4 invincible Dragoons for 10 seconds
-Acid Bombs (Ultimate)
Creates 3 invincible Infested Terran with 10,000 damage

Post has been edited 8 time(s), last time on Jan 8 2009, 6:36 am by LegacyWeapon.


Aug 11 2008, 4:29 pm Filleinconnue Post #2

:D I'm going to definently play this map.


Aug 11 2008, 4:31 pm dumbducky Post #3


But anyway, did you remove the reset feature?


Aug 11 2008, 6:04 pm LegacyWeapon Post #4

Quote from Filleinconnue
:D I'm going to definently play this map.
This is what I was working on while camping in Chef.

Quote from dumbducky

But anyway, did you remove the reset feature?
Yes I did.


Aug 11 2008, 7:00 pm Echo Post #5

Wailing Echo! Wahhhhhh. Is this map any fun? I never tried it out yet.


Aug 11 2008, 10:56 pm LegacyWeapon Post #6

Added a gameplay section if you wanted to know what this game is all about.


Aug 11 2008, 11:39 pm Echo Post #7

"legacy it stinks"
"It stinks like a skunk on steroids"
Here are some lame-o problems I found.
1) hyperion is weak like shit. Make it spawn like 1000 or 3
2) caster spell 2 is weak, wtf is that man
3) medic needs faster mana, a caster with slow ass mana!? The f-!?
4) right units attack selection heroes, right team won cause it got stuck attacking the hero selections
5) map title is unattractive, make it like Legacy's Hero Defense. People thinks its that melee team survival map

Aug 12 2008, 2:21 am LegacyWeapon Post #8

Quote from Echo
1) hyperion is weak like shit. Make it spawn like 1000 or 3
This issue has been addressed! 3 Hyperions will now spawn.

Quote from Echo
2) caster spell 2 is weak, wtf is that man
This issue has been addressed!

Quote from Echo
3) medic needs faster mana, a caster with slow ass mana!? The f-!?
This issue will be okay because she primarily should rely on her caster. With Spell 2 remade, everything should be alright.

Also, with Spell 2 remade, I'm also going to remake Spell 3. I think I'm going to implement a Caster help system soon.

Quote from Echo
4) right units attack selection heroes, right team won cause it got stuck attacking the hero selections
Fixed that. They are invinc when there are no more hero selectors.

Quote from Echo
5) map title is unattractive, make it like Legacy's Hero Defense. People thinks its that melee team survival map
Good deal. Easiest issue to address.


Aug 12 2008, 10:41 pm Echo Post #9

Make Peter secret! Pleaseeee


Aug 12 2008, 11:33 pm LegacyWeapon Post #10

vL5 fixes:
Fixed a bug that allowed Summoner to have more than two Rhinos
Fixed a bug that killed Summoner if he had not purchased Spell 3

vL4 fixes:
Zerg Mineral exploit is now detected
Map hack is now detected (jk :P)
Peter's Spell Description is now accurate.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Aug 13 2008, 1:13 am by LegacyWeapon.


Aug 16 2008, 1:12 pm Brontobyte Post #11

Really fun map. Good job. :D


Aug 16 2008, 1:20 pm Vi3t-X Post #12

I've said this once, and I'll say it again:

Legacy's Spam Defense

Aug 17 2008, 2:23 am LegacyWeapon Post #13

Quote from Brontobyte
Really fun map. Good job. :D
Any balance suggestions?


Aug 17 2008, 2:27 am Brontobyte Post #14

Quote from LegacyWeapon
Quote from Brontobyte
Really fun map. Good job. :D
Any balance suggestions?

Lets go and play! :O


Aug 18 2008, 12:36 pm Vi3t-X Post #15

The colouring for the last post didn't come out right...

Well, it was supposed to be Legacy's Spam Defense, but I have no idea why the code isn't working for me...

Jan 10 2009, 5:01 pm LegacyWeapon Post #16

I updated this to vL6 with some balances for heroes. Every hero has a different purpose. Casting level 4 spells is slightly easier.


Jan 11 2009, 10:45 pm Echo Post #17

I borrowed 2 of your spells for my map :P. I'll give a small hidden credit.


Jan 12 2009, 12:12 am Centreri Post #18

Relatively ancient and inactive

This looks like Enfo's in WCIII. Iiiinteresting.


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my bad, didn't check the validity, but there's definitely other options. Something I found quickly (not tested)
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[03:34 pm]
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