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By: poiuy_qwert
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Nov 8 2008, 10:03 pm poiuy_qwert Post #121

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Quote from Hercanic
In the Iscript Editor, if I double-click on any field, then try to right-click on it, sometimes the scrollbar wigs out and jumps somewhere different. It seems to return to wherever my cursor had been previously, or something of that nature.

Thanks, this has been fixed for the next version.

There is currently no way for the programs to access MPQ's. It has very high priority on things I want in PyMS, but I need to learn how to do it first. One thing you can do though is use the file associations (On the toolbar the RegEdit icon, or cube made of small cubes). Then when using WinMPQ or viewing a folder of your files, if you double click a file it will open it with the PyMS program to edit it. Cross-application jump buttons are also planned.

Thanks for the bug report and ideas, keep em coming (only ideas i hope :P)!

Edit: After I replied I decided to look into getting MPQ editing to work again and have successfully been able to use SFmpq to create an new MPQ+add a file to it, and open an existing MPQ+access a file in it! Expect to see MPQ's being integrated into PyMS in the next or next next version!

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 9 2008, 4:40 pm by poiuy_qwert.

Nov 12 2008, 3:19 am poiuy_qwert Post #122

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Well, now one of the next versions main new features is added support for MPQ's! This means PyDAT will now show previews of grp's, and more things to come! Here is a preview:

Nov 15 2008, 7:02 pm teeps Post #123

looks sexy!


Nov 18 2008, 4:16 am Hercanic Post #124

STF mod creator, admin, staff

Idea for PyGRP:

Quick and Dirty Ground Shadows!

Program would run through the GRP, offsetting and skewing each frame by either a preset or custom set value, applying the shadow palette, then occluding the original images from the newly created shadows (as they are in SC). The entire operation would run as a batch, completing with only the skew value and a button press from the user. You could also potentially preview how the shadow would look, maybe even a terrain backdrop with a few other units/buildings in view to compare your shadow against.

Nov 19 2008, 5:06 am poiuy_qwert Post #125

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Sorry but that will not be implemented. PyGRP is only a GRP to BMP (and vice-versa) converter, with a few extra features. Your image editor should be used to offset and skew the GRP's, and can easily be used to compare against other shadows too.

And for some more cool stuff. I have now added an Insert/Previewer window to PyICE for easy GRP previewing and easy frame/image/sprite/flingy command and id editing and inserting:

Nov 21 2008, 7:46 am Hercanic Post #126

STF mod creator, admin, staff

Yes, we could manually edit each frame, but the idea here was an automatic batch to handle all frames. The feature was more in mind with all the mods using graphics constructed from existing SC images (or pulled from another game), and the countless mods that use them and have no ground shadows whatsoever.

Nov 27 2008, 8:37 pm modmaster50 Post #127

Recently, I picked up my old AI chat project again. However, I cant get it to compile anymore. It tells me that the target of my external jump doesnt exist. The problem is, it does exist!

In one text file, I have multirun(CHAT:Chat Loops). The other text file has ID "CHAT" and has a block called "Chat Loops". But its not working...

EDIT: Clarification: Yes, I have them imported in the same aiscript.bin, I imported the "CHAT" script first.

Also, I cant seem to figure out how to use the command line version anymore...I know it worked on that version...(How do you specify txt files to compile?)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 27 2008, 8:43 pm by modmaster50.


Nov 27 2008, 11:05 pm poiuy_qwert Post #128

PyMS and ProTRG developer

You have to import them at the same time by either combining the scripts or using the list import to import both files. The reason is once you import the CHAT script it is compiled so there is no way to know what "CHAT:Chat loops" is when you import the other script.

Using the command line only allows you to import one txt file at a time, but to do it you would navigate to your PyMS directory with the 'cd' command, then do this if you have the source version of PyMS:
python PyAI.pyw -c "C:\my ai\script.txt"

Or this for windows EXE version:
PyAI.exe -c "C:\my ai\script.txt"

If you are trying to add your scripts onto the origional scripts and not make a new file with just your scripts, use the -a switch like so:
python PyAI.pyw -a Default\aiscript.bin -c "C:\my ai\script.txt"
PyAI.exe -a Default\aiscript.bin -c "C:\my ai\script.txt"

If you need a reference just use the -h switch to see the parameters and options:
python PyAI.pyw -h
PyAI.exe -h

Nov 28 2008, 10:50 pm modmaster50 Post #129

Thanks man, list import works fine. I will be releasing the first version of the chat script soon.

Also, I found a few spelling issues in the GUI. Although rather insignificant, you could fix them with the next release. At the bottom of the AI script editor, "Original" is spelled "Origional". The "debuggerizer" button is labelled as "debugerizer" (either way, its not a word :P).

I think its coming along great. No need to open up a ton of different modding programs now :).


Nov 28 2008, 11:12 pm poiuy_qwert Post #130

PyMS and ProTRG developer

np, glad to see you back and doing some modding.

Thanks, those spelling errors are fixed for next version.

Thanks again, im glad you like it :)

Nov 29 2008, 12:48 am modmaster50 Post #131

Well, what can I say? Im glad to be back.

-PyMPQ? (yes, I have one from an early version of PyAI :P, but, a public release)
-PyDraft (MPQDraft kinda thing in python, loads MPQs. Hmmm...may cause issues on different OSs though...)
-some sort of overall "loader" program that helps arrange mod files?

Btw, I also have that thing. Unfortunately, I think I lost PyAI v0.1 - 0.3 while cleaning my external hard-drive, so I dont have the version that displays "WTF" and some numbers to the end user (cant find the post where I reported that on

Looking back at some of the posts I made there, they were rather obnoxious :><: Oh well, thats all distant history now.


Nov 29 2008, 3:07 pm fatimid08 Post #132

It's good to see that your suite is coming along quite well, my own projects are desperately lagging behind (I'm having massive trouble debugging adding files to Mpqs, motivation went downhill big time because of that)


Nov 29 2008, 10:36 pm poiuy_qwert Post #133

PyMS and ProTRG developer

fatimid08: Thanks, its easier making frameworks for these other file types :P I just ended up cheating and using SFmpq for my MPQ related functions (the problem with this being no Mac support, but I have it set up to easily change that later). You might already know, but ShadowFlare released the source of SFmpq, maybe that can help you out. I hope you can keep your motivation, a cross-platform MPQ framework would be amazing!

modmaster: PyMPQ will probably be added down the road when I have cross-platform support for MPQ's.
I will most likely never make a PyDraft, though the next version does support "creation" of SEMPQ's like DatEdit (currently implemented in PyDAT and PyAI, might add it to some other ones).
If you meant "loader" as in like a mod database that SCD4 will be doing, then probably not. But if you meant a program that you could use to layout your mod and other things to organize the creation of mods, then I have been mulling over the idea in my head for quite a while now, and it will probably happen down the line.
Haha, funny you still have that stuff :P I've stopped doing that since the GUI's were made, was fun while it lasted though :P
I'm gunna talk to baja about the bwai thing, i'm sure he'll let you come back

Nov 29 2008, 10:39 pm Devourer Post #134


Quote from teeps
looks sexy!

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

Nov 29 2008, 10:47 pm A_of-s_t Post #135

aka idmontie

Ack, I just realized that the "Order" action in PyTRG doesn't work. It gives a syntax error no matter what you type in for the order; whether it be "Move," "Attack," or "Patrol" or "Patroll." That really dissapointed me :P .

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Nov 29 2008, 11:19 pm fatimid08 Post #136

I just ended up cheating and using SFmpq
I figured as much. I am currently using the StormLib source as basis. I'll check out the SFmpq source, see if I find it easier to work from there.

its easier making frameworks for these other file types
Reading .dat files is really easy, yes, and tbls too. grps and pcx files are a bit harder, but they're not the hardest around either. I really don't know about iscript or aiscript, I never could find proper specs for those.

I hope you can keep your motivation
It's starting to come back now (took it a few months). And I got in Software Engineering at McGill University this fall, so that's helping me for motivation too.


Nov 29 2008, 11:25 pm modmaster50 Post #137

By the loader thing, I meant a mod layout helper basically. I remember there was one for Diablo II mods.

Possibly it could load up all of the mod files to help with cross-file references and debugging of the mod as a whole (instead of part by part). For example, it can check if the iscript selected for a particular GRP will play frames that dont exist. I remember there is a Diablo II modding tool that checks your whole mod for known errors. Maybe one for starcraft would be useful too.


Nov 29 2008, 11:33 pm A_of-s_t Post #138

aka idmontie

Stop pushing back my genuine problem :P.

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Starcraft GitHub Organization - Feel free to request member status!

Nov 30 2008, 2:45 am poiuy_qwert Post #139

PyMS and ProTRG developer

fatimid08: Nice. And great job getting accepted :)
modmaster: Yeah, thats what I said i'll probably do later on.
A_of_s_t: Heh, stupid mistake on my part. Thanks, fixed for next version.
If anyone has the source version and would like to fix it theirself, open Libs\, search for the line starting with "def action_order", you should find this:
def action_order(trg, decompile, action, strings, properties, data=None):
    """Order          - One of the keywords: Move, Patroll, Attack"""
    if decompile:
        return unit_orders[action[8]]
    if data in unit_orders:
        action[8] = unit_orders.index(data)
    raise PyMSError('Parameter',"'%s' is an invalid Order (value must be one of the keywords: Move, Patroll, Attack)" % data)

Add "return" before the "raise" line, like so:
def action_order(trg, decompile, action, strings, properties, data=None):
    """Order          - One of the keywords: Move, Patroll, Attack"""
    if decompile:
        return unit_orders[action[8]]
    if data in unit_orders:
        action[8] = unit_orders.index(data)
    raise PyMSError('Parameter',"'%s' is an invalid Order (value must be one of the keywords: Move, Patroll, Attack)" % data)

Dec 2 2008, 1:31 am A_of-s_t Post #140

aka idmontie

Yay! Thank you for the fix.

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Starcraft GitHub Organization - Feel free to request member status!

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