Jun 15 2008, 11:11 pm
By: poiuy_qwert
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Feb 4 2009, 4:08 am poiuy_qwert Post #161

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Thanks, fixed uflunstable.
Currently PyICE isn't set up so i can close and load the MPQ when I want, so I might not get that in for the next release, but we'll see. Thanks!

Feb 18 2009, 6:10 am Keirebu Post #162

Great programs, And Nice work, I just have a few issues with them :O.

Can you please switch the top Menu's top Stuff like "File" "Edit" "View" and stuff like that, Having little buttons without label's that you have to hover over for a minute to see what it does is what draw's me away from this.

And any chance to make em look better :O? Or at least some color, For example, Datedit's black boxes, and nice looking tabs, Really makes the program look alot better.(This Example also goes with Firegraft).

Also some things I've noticed about PyDat , There should be a feature to sort the units/stuff by its unit trees and such like DatEdit Does.

And I get an error whenever I try to Set PyDat as default .dat Editor.
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "Libs\utils.pyc", line 65, in register_registry
 File "Libs\utils.pyc", line 55, in delkey
TypeError: an integer is required


Feb 19 2009, 9:50 am alexpnd Post #163

Hey I like these tools as well. I'm new to modding so I grabbed the classic apps, and this sort of fills in the blanks. I have a problem with Single BMP Saving however in the GRP editor. It gives me an error and doesnt write anything to the file (while keeping it access open still I believe).

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "Tkinter.pyc", line 1403, in __call__
 File "PyGRP.pyw", line 696, in exports
 File "PyGRP.pyw", line 67, in grptobmp
 File "Libs\BMP.pyc", line 96, in save_file
 File "struct.pyc", line 63, in pack
error: pack requires exactly 1664 arguments


Feb 19 2009, 10:26 am Keirebu Post #164

I have also had problems with PyGrp, Whenever I try to import a edited bmp, IT Forces me to save it as a 8bit bmp, but Whenever I save it as 8bit, and try to import it in any grp editor, It comes up corrupted graphics, but if I save it as 24bit It works, but the color isn't exactly the same when in-game, And the only program that even takes 24bit bmp's is RetroGRP.

I have also noticed that almost all the program's give some kind of error when trying to set as default editor.

Also, with PyGRP, when ever Im importing a Vertical style bmp, after I put the number of frames, I litterally have to hit "OK" 50 times for it to even load it.

Edit: Just had another error with PyGRP, when trying to import a edited GRP, that I exported Vertical style.

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "Tkinter.pyc", line 1403, in __call__
 File "PyGRP.pyw", line 742, in imports
 File "PyGRP.pyw", line 500, in frameoutline
KeyError: u'Units.pal'

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Feb 19 2009, 10:35 am by Keirebu.


Feb 21 2009, 1:12 am poiuy_qwert Post #165

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Quote from Keirebu
Great programs, And Nice work, I just have a few issues with them :O.

Can you please switch the top Menu's top Stuff like "File" "Edit" "View" and stuff like that, Having little buttons without label's that you have to hover over for a minute to see what it does is what draw's me away from this.

And any chance to make em look better :O? Or at least some color, For example, Datedit's black boxes, and nice looking tabs, Really makes the program look alot better.(This Example also goes with Firegraft).

Also some things I've noticed about PyDat , There should be a feature to sort the units/stuff by its unit trees and such like DatEdit Does.

And I get an error whenever I try to Set PyDat as default .dat Editor.
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "Libs\utils.pyc", line 65, in register_registry
 File "Libs\utils.pyc", line 55, in delkey
TypeError: an integer is required
Thanks for the compliments.

There are no plans to switch from toolbars to menus, though its possible in a later version that I may add them. Don't wait on it though.

Make em look better? If you explained in more detail maybe. The black background you gave as an example is personal taste, and I will not be adding it. The tabs may be changed in a later version, but currently its too much work for such a tiny effect.

Yes there is currently no sorting like that, I am going to be doing that in a later version.

That error should already be fixed for the next version.

Quote from alexpnd
Hey I like these tools as well. I'm new to modding so I grabbed the classic apps, and this sort of fills in the blanks. I have a problem with Single BMP Saving however in the GRP editor. It gives me an error and doesnt write anything to the file (while keeping it access open still I believe).

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "Tkinter.pyc", line 1403, in __call__
 File "PyGRP.pyw", line 696, in exports
 File "PyGRP.pyw", line 67, in grptobmp
 File "Libs\BMP.pyc", line 96, in save_file
 File "struct.pyc", line 63, in pack
error: pack requires exactly 1664 arguments

Thanks for the compliment too. That problem should also already be fixed for the next version, but if you would like me to make sure you could send me the GRP that gives the error.

Quote from Keirebu
I have also had problems with PyGrp, Whenever I try to import a edited bmp, IT Forces me to save it as a 8bit bmp, but Whenever I save it as 8bit, and try to import it in any grp editor, It comes up corrupted graphics, but if I save it as 24bit It works, but the color isn't exactly the same when in-game, And the only program that even takes 24bit bmp's is RetroGRP.

I have also noticed that almost all the program's give some kind of error when trying to set as default editor.

Also, with PyGRP, when ever Im importing a Vertical style bmp, after I put the number of frames, I litterally have to hit "OK" 50 times for it to even load it.

Edit: Just had another error with PyGRP, when trying to import a edited GRP, that I exported Vertical style.

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "Tkinter.pyc", line 1403, in __call__
 File "PyGRP.pyw", line 742, in imports
 File "PyGRP.pyw", line 500, in frameoutline
KeyError: u'Units.pal'

What are you talking about? PyGRP only supports 8-bit bitmaps with RLE compression or no compression, it never lets/tells you to use 24-bit. If you can explain better I can look into it, though noone has reported any issues like this.

Yes, the set default program is the same for all programs... Like i said before this should be fixed for next version.

This does not happen for me, and definitely should not be happening. Noone else has reported it either. What Windows are you using?

I have not heard/seen this bug, i'm looking into it now. I can't seem to reproduce it though. Does it happen eveytime you try to import a certain BMP, and if so, send it to me so i can fix the problem.

Thanks to you both.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 21 2009, 1:19 am by poiuy_qwert.

Feb 21 2009, 1:35 am Keirebu Post #166

Well for this error,
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "Tkinter.pyc", line 1403, in __call__
 File "PyGRP.pyw", line 742, in imports
 File "PyGRP.pyw", line 500, in frameoutline
KeyError: u'Units.pal'

You can easily recreate it, Find a GRP, Any should work, Export some frames vertical style(Maybe Any), then, Delete ALL the frames in the GRP, And then
Import them back, And you should get that error. I use pretty much the entire set you have made, And I Love having them all together, Maybe you should make a "Master" program, and combine all the different tool's into a great big Master tool, It would be amazing o_o, But its fine how it is, Love your work ^-^. I use all your tools quite often, So when I find more bugs, I'll share em with you ^_^.

Also, Can you explain to me what these "Script" button's are for? Like Import scripts and such o.o, I see them on most of the tools.

Oh and about the 24bit Bmp, that what I was talking about, it doesn't support them and forces me to save the grp as 8bit, but when I do the image always got corrupted, But I fixed that problem, and now gimp to edit them, since with Photoshop it doesn't accept SC's Pal files.

And about the Graphics/UI stuff, Its all Optional, But can't you add File menu And still keep the Tool bar, And possibly a Option to hide toolbar/menu's? ;O The Graphical stuff isn't that important, Just some stuff for later down the road, for little improvements.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Feb 21 2009, 1:45 am by Keirebu.


Feb 21 2009, 1:56 am poiuy_qwert Post #167

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Ok, the bug is fixed. Its actually the result of deleting all the frames in the GRP (the reason it happens is it still thinks you are selecting the first frame even though there are no frames, then it tries to draw the outline but cant get the size of the nonexistent frame).

I've thought about making a "Master" program, but there wont be one made. Eventually I plan to make the programs interconnected though, so for example you can be editing a unit in PyDAT, hit a button and PyICE will pop up with its IScript open.

So the problem was that Photoshop was using the wrong palette?

Like I said, later down the road I may add a menu in addition to the toolbar, but it will be in a later version if at all, and you should wait on it (and the option to hide them is a good idea, i'll do that). I probably will end up adding it.

Thanks! Find any left over errors quick so I can fix them before I release the new version soon!

Feb 21 2009, 2:15 am Keirebu Post #168

Couldn't find any more bugs on the spot, But for some features, you could try a "Text Preview" for the tbl editor, like a preview of how the string would look in-game, And for Datedit/etc, The ability to change what files the program's load, so you can like choose where to load the Grps/Tbl/ etc, so you can see your mods in the editor, kind of like Datedits, But make when you load custom strings ignore the <*> Stuff. o.o


Feb 21 2009, 5:48 pm ForTheSwarm Post #169

I tried to import a frame into PyGRP and got this:

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "Tkinter.pyc", line 1403, in __call__
 File "PyGRP.pyw", line 515, in preview
 File "Libs\GRP.pyc", line 46, in frame_to_photo
 File "PIL\Image.pyc", line 1185, in putdata
TypeError: too many data entries


Feb 21 2009, 5:56 pm ForTheSwarm Post #170

Quote from ForTheSwarm
I tried to import a frame into PyGRP and got this:

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "Tkinter.pyc", line 1403, in __call__
 File "PyGRP.pyw", line 515, in preview
 File "Libs\GRP.pyc", line 46, in frame_to_photo
 File "PIL\Image.pyc", line 1185, in putdata
TypeError: too many data entries

Question: How do you enter command line options? Is it only for the source version?


Feb 21 2009, 6:13 pm poiuy_qwert Post #171

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Quote from Keirebu
Couldn't find any more bugs on the spot, But for some features, you could try a "Text Preview" for the tbl editor, like a preview of how the string would look in-game, And for Datedit/etc, The ability to change what files the program's load, so you can like choose where to load the Grps/Tbl/ etc, so you can see your mods in the editor, kind of like Datedits, But make when you load custom strings ignore the <*> Stuff. o.o

A text previewer is a good idea, now that I can work with FNT's, I'll add that for sure. Every program lets you change the files it loads. The options buttons are located on the right of the toolbar. PyDAT lets you choose StarDat.mpq, BrooDat.mpq, Patch_rt.mpq, and an optional Mod MPQ (highest priority) to locate the GRP's for previewing, as well as lets you select stat_txt.tbl, cmdicons.grp, and the default dat files. You can also enable using custom strings, though it doesn't strip <*> stuff (the data can be important).

Quote from ForTheSwarm
Quote from ForTheSwarm
I tried to import a frame into PyGRP and got this:

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "Tkinter.pyc", line 1403, in __call__
 File "PyGRP.pyw", line 515, in preview
 File "Libs\GRP.pyc", line 46, in frame_to_photo
 File "PIL\Image.pyc", line 1185, in putdata
TypeError: too many data entries

Question: How do you enter command line options? Is it only for the source version?
Hmm, I'm not at home to check but I may have fixed that already. Please send me the frame/grp's/bmp's related to the error so I can check it out, thanks!

You can enter command line options for both source and EXE versions but it seems like the EXE version steals the text being output back onto the command line :/ Just open up cmd.exe, navigate to your PyMS folder with something like "cd C:\StarCraft\Modding\PyMS", then use the documentation to form a command line call like "Py***.pyw [-options] [parameters]". Since it can't seem to output text though, if something is/goes wrong you probably wont know, but you can paste up your command line arguments and i can check if they are right. One thing you could also check is after trying the command line, does it create a Py***.txt file in the PyMS folder? If so it may have the text that should have gone to the command line, in it. Thanks!

Edit: ForTheSwarm, it looks like that error is because the BMP is technically an invalid BMP. I dunno what editor you used to create it but it is horribly compressed, and it says its 64x64 but the actual size is 66x64. I'll make it chop off the excess stuff for the next version like Paint seems to do.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 22 2009, 4:06 am by poiuy_qwert.

Feb 22 2009, 6:08 am Syphon Post #172

Does PyTRG contain a commenting syntax? If so, how?


Feb 22 2009, 6:28 am poiuy_qwert Post #173

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Start a comment with #. It can be on its own line or at the end of a line.

Feb 22 2009, 2:32 pm ForTheSwarm Post #174

Is it possible to "insert" a frame or move them around in PyGRP?


Feb 22 2009, 5:47 pm A_of-s_t Post #175

aka idmontie

Quote from ForTheSwarm
Is it possible to "insert" a frame or move them around in PyGRP?
Yes. Import frame and it imports in the frame that's highlighted. There are some errors with it though -- it always doubles the frame number and makes the grp invalid.

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Feb 22 2009, 5:51 pm ForTheSwarm Post #176

Quote from A_of-s_t
Yes. Import frame and it imports in the frame that's highlighted. There are some errors with it though -- it always doubles the frame number and makes the grp invalid.

PyGRP never does that for me. :( And I would prefer to actually be able to use the grp afterwards.


Feb 22 2009, 8:01 pm poiuy_qwert Post #177

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Actually no, there is no way to do what you want currently (without exporting all frames, replacing the frame, and importing them all back into a blank GRP), somehow I left it out. I just added it yesterday for next version though, which should come out rather soon.

A_of_s_t: it imports the frame onto the end.

Feb 24 2009, 1:30 am poiuy_qwert Post #178

PyMS and ProTRG developer

v1.1.1 has been released, get it on the main PyMS page! This version fixes many bugs, adds new features, and adds the new program PyPCX. Enjoy!

Feb 24 2009, 1:28 pm Keirebu Post #179

Okay, Downloaded Newest Version, Here is what I got so far,

It tells me I'm out dated, even when I just downloaded the Newest Version.

PyLO, When you go to The File Association, And use it, It Sends the "The File Association has been set" message about 5-8 times o.o.

PyPal, Does the same thing with The File Association, But only sends the message 2 times.

More soon to come, ^-^.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 24 2009, 1:33 pm by Keirebu.


Feb 24 2009, 9:26 pm poiuy_qwert Post #180

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Quote from Keirebu
Okay, Downloaded Newest Version, Here is what I got so far,

It tells me I'm out dated, even when I just downloaded the Newest Version.

PyLO, When you go to The File Association, And use it, It Sends the "The File Association has been set" message about 5-8 times o.o.

PyPal, Does the same thing with The File Association, But only sends the message 2 times.

More soon to come, ^-^.

It doesn't do any of that for me. You also said when importing a single bmp (vertical) in PyGRP made you press ok 50 times, but never answered my question: what os are you on?

So does anyone else have these problems?

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