Jun 15 2008, 11:11 pm
By: poiuy_qwert
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Apr 8 2009, 3:39 am poiuy_qwert Post #201

PyMS and ProTRG developer

You are trying to learn plugins, I've released LocUnlocks source, and its simple to do, so why don't you do it? If you don't do it before the next time i have some free time, i'll do it, but im telling you this is a good first thing to try for yourself TZ.

Apr 9 2009, 1:28 am Biophysicist Post #202

Okay, I will. :P (I thought it would be really complicated, which is why I asked you to do it.)


Apr 15 2009, 4:21 am poiuy_qwert Post #203

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Here is just a sneak peak at the next program that will make its way into PyMS:

Its still missing stuff but it will have all the features of WinMPQ except for file drag and drop support (I really wish i could have it since it makes things that much easier, but there is just no way to do it). And yes the list does look kinda funny, the reason is there is no native list like what WinMPQ uses in the GUI toolkit I use, so i had to make it myself with limited control.

Comments? Ideas?

Edit: Well I don't feel like double posting so sorry to any that miss this:

This is the PyICE find window for searching the various lists. Its not only a sweet feature, it is also my test for the tree view (since i had to make it myself out of a text box and some images), which will also make its way into PyDAT for the units list.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 15 2009, 9:10 pm by poiuy_qwert.

Apr 15 2009, 9:34 pm Devourer Post #204


Nice, but how about a PyFIREGRAFT?^^
Something which edits buttons :)

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

Apr 15 2009, 9:39 pm poiuy_qwert Post #205

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Sorry, wont happen.

Apr 16 2009, 12:35 am Sand Wraith Post #206


I would rename PyFIREGRAFT to PyGraft. It just sounds so much better.
I fear the PyMS might be getting a little bloated. Perhaps, you might consider including PyMPQ in its own ZIP? I'd hate to wait the extra time of downloading to download something I wouldn't use (in reference to the overall functionality, speed, and quality of WinMPQ; no offense intended).

The new PyICE function looks very useful.
On a separate note concerning PyICE, I heavily suggest a "Go to ISCRIPT ID" function. By this, I mean a button that opens a small window that allows me to type in an ISCRIPT ID to instantly jump to and open. I think it would be useful in consideration of custom ISCRIPT entries whose ID's a modder has memorized. In addition, it would be much easier to create new ID's. I think. I dunno.

Apr 16 2009, 2:42 am poiuy_qwert Post #207

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Bloated? Its called an "all in one modding package", how can it be all in one if some programs are in another package? Also, the biggest program in PyMS is <160kb unpacked, if that makes such a big difference I would suggest getting better internet. And if you don't use it, just leave it? I know I'm probably not going to be using WinMPQ anymore, even though it is a very very solid program. I just don't feel like downloading it, the VB runtime files, the listfile, and then still have to get other modding programs.

I don't see how this makes it any easier? I mean if you can tell if one number is bigger or smaller then another you should be able to easily scroll to the iscript id you want. But I'll see about adding a feature where if you type a number in one of the lists it will show you the entry in the list with that ID. (note: the find window can also do what you want if you use the "Include ID's in Search" option.

Apr 16 2009, 3:35 am ShadowFlare Post #208

What do you use for the mpq stuff in that program?


Apr 16 2009, 3:55 am poiuy_qwert Post #209

PyMS and ProTRG developer

I use your SFmpq. This does mean that it currently only works for windows users but if I can find some people to compile SFmpq for Linux and Mac I can easily make it work for all.

May 3 2009, 10:48 pm ForTheSwarm Post #210

Quote from ForTheSwarm
PyAI keeps renaming one of my blocks. I name it "Defense" and save, but when I reopen it, the block is renamed to the first block ("Start"). This happens every time.

Have you fixed this for the next version yet?

Also, TZ says he can't make LocUnlock work with Set Shields. Can you fix it plz? I'll give you -1 minerals! That's my life savings. :flowers:

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on May 3 2009, 11:14 pm by ForTheSwarm. Reason: For the Swarm!


May 3 2009, 11:11 pm Biophysicist Post #211

Found a glitch with PyDAT's sound editor. The play sound function if off by 1. Like if you play a sound, it actually plays the next sound in the list. This is a very minor problem but w/e.

Also, PyICE insists on renaming all my stuff. eg. I created a codeblock called "WarspireVentCannon" which got renamed to "BattlecruiserLocal00". It seems to do this every time I have a custom codeblock.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on May 3 2009, 11:12 pm by TassadarZeratul. Reason: For Aiur!


May 4 2009, 12:15 am Sand Wraith Post #212


You people are nubs at using PyMS. :P

Save AND export your scripts! Then, re-import them! They aren't renamed, it's just that the headers are stripped of custom names (which are meaningless to the engine itself [hypothetically]), and I presume they are reset to default values. Or something.
I know nothing. v_v

Anyway, save and export your scripts, like one does with IceCC.

The sound thing for PyDAT is already fixed. I REPORTED IT FIRST, HAHAHAHA (on the BWAI forum). The same error happens with the previewer in PyICE, although I reported that too.

May 5 2009, 5:30 am Heinermann Post #213

SDE, BWAPI owner, hacker.

I use your SFmpq. This does mean that it currently only works for windows users but if I can find some people to compile SFmpq for Linux and Mac I can easily make it work for all.
Make your own MPQ lib. :P

Some suggestions/options for reading unknown files:
- Name containing both hashes, like "$4f10a520_1f2e097d" so that you can export and re-import without modifying the name hashes.
- Name guessing via customizable word bank.
- Brute force naming.
- Automatically add extension for known file types. Allow this to be disabled in an option.

Other features I would like to see:
- Crash prevention.
- Drag/Drop of files within Windows Explorer.
- Listfile cache to avoid delays when re-opening a file. Allow this to be disabled in an option.
- "Open With" context menu directly associated with the Windows Explorer "Open With" context menu.

May 5 2009, 6:48 am Hercanic Post #214

STF mod creator, admin, staff

Dear PoiuyQwert:
Sweet gibblets of awesome! That search box looks sexy!

For the FNTGen, why not include it (or just build it into PyFNT)? You are going for "all-in-one", right? =o) Forget whether you expect a lot of people to use it, by simply being easily available you ensure more people will at least take a gander and wonder, "What could I do with this?" Personally, I like the simplicity of one package with everything I could do at the forefront. I might not use everything, but it's there to peak my curiosity to learn about its capabilities. As for the weight it would add, most people have high-speed connections, from DLS to cable, so a few added megabytes isn't much. This is a YouTube internet, afterall. For the unfortunate minority still on dial-up, I'd expect by now they know they're in for a long wait with most anything online nowadays. (Shoot, back in caveman days when I was on AOL dial-up, I'd still download 200+MB game demos and the like.)

Can PyFNT import TTFs by itself, or do they need to the converted to BMP? Is BMP conversion just for editing?

Dear Hydrolisk:
Quote from name:New-.Hydrolisk
I would rename PyFIREGRAFT to PyGraft. It just sounds so much better.
I fear the PyMS might be getting a little bloated. Perhaps, you might consider including PyMPQ in its own ZIP? I'd hate to wait the extra time of downloading to download something I wouldn't use (in reference to the overall functionality, speed, and quality of WinMPQ; no offense intended).
As PQ said, he set out to make an all-in-one modding package. While certainly ambitious, there are unique benefits PQ may take advantage of in the future, such as cross-program jumps. PyMPQ is a very crucial step in that direction.

Quote from name:New-.Hydrolisk
The new PyICE function looks very useful.
On a separate note concerning PyICE, I heavily suggest a "Go to ISCRIPT ID" function. By this, I mean a button that opens a small window that allows me to type in an ISCRIPT ID to instantly jump to and open. I think it would be useful in consideration of custom ISCRIPT entries whose ID's a modder has memorized. In addition, it would be much easier to create new ID's. I think. I dunno.
I suggested a similar idea to PQ a while ago. Not a popup window, that's clutter; instead, above each column would be a search field where you could type in an ID and jump to it, akin to the one available in DatEdit.


Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on May 5 2009, 7:11 am by Hercanic.

May 17 2009, 3:20 am poiuy_qwert Post #215

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Hey Hercanic :)

FNTGen is not included in PyMS for a few reasons:
1) PyFNT is meant to convert from FNT's to BMP's so people can use their editor of choice to make/edit the font (Paint/Photoshop/FNTGen/etc.)
2) FNTGen is half as big as all of PyMS
3) The requirement for source users is something i don't really want to add (especially for Mac users)
I might put it in later, but depends.

May 21 2009, 9:00 pm kayo Post #216

I'm having trouble importing anything with PyGRP (3.7). When I try importing single frames at a time, it gives me "Input Error: Could not find files matching format 'x <frame>.bmp' ", although they're in 'x 000.bmp', 'x 001.bmp'... format. When I set it to import multiple frames I get "Load Error: Could not load the BMP". I'm running Vista; I tried running PyGRP in compatibility mode, but it didn't change anything.


May 21 2009, 9:08 pm poiuy_qwert Post #217

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Very odd, could you attach/pm me a link to the bmp(s) you are trying to import?

Jun 1 2009, 4:02 am poiuy_qwert Post #218

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Well there havn't been any new bugs/ideas for a while, so I will be releasing the next version REAL soon, most likely when I finish the first version of PyMPQ. On that note, here are updated screenshots of PyMPQ:

Jun 4 2009, 5:35 am poiuy_qwert Post #219

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Ok I've released PyMS v1.2.1, and the important features of the release are:
- Added PyMPQ
- Added a find window in PyICE
- Fixed many bugs
- Made PyTRG's loading faster as well as added RawCond and RawAct for easy raw condition and action creation

Jun 4 2009, 12:46 pm ShadowFlare Post #220

From a quick test, PyMPQ seems to be fast with opening Starcraft's archives, but appears to slow down after I open up some larger ones from Warcraft 3 (and significantly slows down opening ones from Starcraft afterward). Comparing with WinMPQ, it seems PyMPQ might be faster for archives smaller than whatever size makes it slow down. BTW, I don't know if many people had realized or known about this or if it had generally been unknown -- with WinMPQ, the "loading list" step is waiting for SFMPQ to return the list (which is actually fairly fast, from my experience) and "building list" is where WinMPQ actually fills its own list with the data. At least the majority of the time is just WinMPQ.

I did find a bug in PyMPQ. If you aren't already, you need to make sure that the archive was opened properly before you call anything on it. If there is something that looks like an mpq but fails to open in some way, sometimes I'm getting an error in PyMPQ on the SFileListFiles call.


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