Zunes are $200, Classics are $250 for an extra 50GB. My current library is 4.7GB. I really don't need all that space. And, Zunes have a built in FM radio, which is usually >$20 for an iPod. For me, a Zune would suffice, but I guess I could see how someone with a huge DVD collection would need 160GB.
Then the same thing could be said about Zunes, because at 200$, you're only using 1/6th of the space.
If you want a high capacity MP3 player, the Classic has a better Value than the Zune. It costs more, but it offers much more.
You may be interested in listening to the radio, but the radio doesn't really offer much. Top 20 songs.. and talk shows..? (The FM stations suck in Boston anyway

) Suit yourself though, the whole reason I would buy an mp3 player is so I could choose the music I want to listen to. I have an FM radio feature on my MP3 player (iRiver E10) and I don't use it at all.
You'd be surprised how large some people's music library can get, too. I know some people with around 30gb of music.
They aren't iPods buddy, those are Zunes, a whole different company than Apple. theres also other brands such as iRiver, all of which outperform iPods
becuz iPods are overrated.
Quote from FatalException
Quote from Doktor Shotgun
iPods are severely overrated.
I'm tired of hearing Apple hype. It's just a fucking mp3 player.
When I see five iPod stories on digg front page, I bury them.
Seriously. It's just like any other mp3 player but with an annoying exclusive file type. I might buy my older brother's off him though, since it's better than my Walkman CD player, and he's offering it for $100. I think that's the only good thing coming out of this new iPod, a cheap 4GB iPod Nano for me.

I still hate Apple though.

It's only the best selling MP3 player, though. I mean, if any MP3 player did deserve the hype, it's Apple's.
There are key characteristics that seperate iPods from other MP3 players. Case in point.. the iPod Touch.. Hello?!
Quote from isolatedpurity
Zune? You would buy something from M$ in an area M$ just entered?
Last time I bought something from M$ in an area they just entered (consoles -- xbox), it's dvd-rom only worked for a few months. And then stopped reading discs 99.9% of the time (common problem). And people's houses started on fire (rare?).
iriver all the way. I had this little mp3 player bouncing between the road and my car at 70 mph for 5 minutes, dangling violently on it's cord. It still works. It only lost it's battery casing and gained a few scratches.
It's also the size of my thumb. Yet easy to use and read.
The Zune is actually a quality MP3 player.. :\ It's definately got some crap to work out though... like that stupid useless WiFi crap.
What iRiver mp3 player do you have? I <3 my E10.