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Mar 26 2008, 11:40 pm
By: Praetor  

Mar 26 2008, 11:40 pm Praetor Post #1

layin' in the cut

I'm sorry for my previous actions and I would like to apologize to anybody who was offended or annoyed by what I said. I made the bad decision in haste, and I said some things I didn't mean. I know I have made a mistake, and I would like to make up for that in some way. It won't happen again, from any IP or account. However, I would like to request an unban. I am truly sorry for what happened.


this too shall pass

Mar 26 2008, 11:42 pm Syphon Post #2

You were IP banned for a reason. And by "Rash" you mean you've acted like a complete idiot for a year on impulse, and are only sorry once there are consequences?


Mar 26 2008, 11:44 pm candle12345 Post #3

"a mistake"
Meaning, singular?

You've been here like, 3 days, and all we've gotten from you is shit. Get lost.


Mar 26 2008, 11:45 pm JamaL Post #4

It isn't impulse when he continually does it. It's called being an ass.

Still, don't flame him.


Mar 26 2008, 11:46 pm Praetor Post #5

layin' in the cut

Quote from Syphon
you've acted like a complete idiot for a year on impulse,


Quote from Syphon
and are only sorry once there are consequences?

no, in hindsight i truly am apologetic.

Quote from JamaL
It isn't impulse when he continually does it. It's called being an ass.
continually? it was over the period of like 20 mins

this too shall pass

Mar 26 2008, 11:47 pm candle12345 Post #6

Quote from JamaL
It isn't impulse when he continually does it. It's called being an ass.

Still, don't flame him.

I'm not flaming, I haven't seen what he's done on maplantis, but I've seen enough here.
I don't want to see more of him. That's not a flame, that's an opinion.


Mar 27 2008, 1:10 am Moose Post #7

We live in a society.

Can't do the time? Don't do the crime.

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