Staredit Network > Forums > Modding Assistance > Topic: CRASH when SCV walks with ore chunk (with VIDEO)
CRASH when SCV walks with ore chunk (with VIDEO)
Jun 24 2020, 11:37 am
By: Netbek  

Jun 24 2020, 11:37 am Netbek Post #1

Hello all!

My problem:
SCV with Custom GRP --> harvest ore --> moves --> crash

Here's a demonstration video:

I suspect it has sth to do with shadows. As soon as the custom SCV reaches frameset 0x33 in its animation WHILE carrying ore, it crashes. :hurr:
In images.dat, I already made 'SCV Shadow' and 'Mineral Chunk Shadow' use the same GRP as 'SCV' and 'Mineral Chunk Type 1'. Yet it still crashes.

I attached the mod in case someone wants to try & find the error. Made for Broodwar 1.16.1.

Hits: 0 Size: 736.89kb

Jun 24 2020, 12:35 pm Neiv Post #2

If you haven't already, you'll need to add powerup carry offsets for any new frames to the unit\terran\scv.loo file.


Jun 24 2020, 1:45 pm Netbek Post #3

Quote from Neiv
If you haven't already, you'll need to add powerup carry offsets for any new frames to the unit\terran\scv.loo file.

Thank you SO MUCH! It worked!

I am relatively new to SC1 modding; I was not even aware of what .loo files do.
You are my hero of the day, you can't imagine how much frustration you saved me from!

1) Working with Python Modding Suite (
2) Using PyMPQ from the Modding Suite, extract unit\terran\scv.loo from 'StarDat.mpq'
3) Using PyLO from the Modding Suite, open 'scv.loo'
4) Here you will see packs of 2 lines, 1st line reads "Frame", 2nd line is 2 numbers in brackets
5) Add as many such packs as your SCV Model has images in its GRP-File (unit\terran\scv.GRP)

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