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New DS Classic 2022 New Mechanics, Ideas and Normal SCBW Units
Sep 26 2019, 2:07 pm
By: GGmano
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Dec 18 2020, 9:34 am GGmano Post #101


Quote from HSL...
There is a replay that could've been a great game, but mostly marred by an apparent bug that processed as if I had built a Nydus Canal.
You can take a close look after the 1:02:00 mark where I have never built the Nydus Canal, but I got a couple of consecutive notifications that I need 12,000 ores and 15,000 ores to spend for the next spec.

On an unrelated note, does the spec increase by 1,000 minerals or does it increase more after the 10,000 mark?

you have the replay you can upload it on and put in the link to the replay here.

the specs price increase from 6 to 7 to 8 to 9 to 10 to 12 to a maximum of 15k gas. On every spec you do theres given a message on how much the next spec will cost if you use the progressing spec. And also if you dont have enough gas to do the spec it will give you a message on how much you need to do the spec. I think this is the message you have gotten, that you needed 12k gas to do the spec and after that spec youve gotten the message that you need 15 gas to do the spec.

Maybe you didnt have enough gas to make the nydus? if it wasnt v5.0 maybe?

v5.0 shouldnt have any bugs on specs something i would need to fix if theres a bug there.

Just had a test run on it no bugs as far as i see it zerg specs working fine in v5.0

heres the replay of the specs working good

if the price increase had fired without you making the nydus channel it could be an bug ill need to check the replay to see the cause of it tho

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Dec 18 2020, 10:22 am by GGmano.

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy

The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added

Dec 18 2020, 3:39 pm HSL... Post #102

Oops, forgot to attach the replay.
I wouldn't be posting like this if I didn't attach in the first place.
Certainly take a close look at 1:02:00.

It is the v4.9 version, but let me know if you fixed it for v5.0.

Unexpected Spec Spending.rep
Hits: 1 Size: 192.85kb


Dec 18 2020, 4:14 pm GGmano Post #103


Quote from HSL...
Oops, forgot to attach the replay.
I wouldn't be posting like this if I didn't attach in the first place.
Certainly take a close look at 1:02:00.

It is the v4.9 version, but let me know if you fixed it for v5.0.

I did fix some spec bugs from v4.9 to 5.0 ill take a look to be fully sure if its something i fixed. But My versions between between 4.5 and 4.9 All contains various huge kinda bugs including bugs on spec system the fully system of detecting the specs building progress causes several bugs i had to adjust and fix on the way. The system is abit advanced and takes up alot of triggers. My version 5.0 All those bugs is fixed for the specs system. Including a few other bugs i did find in v4.9 and less. So im pretty sure i fixed this bug in v5.0 but ill take a look on the replay to be fully sure

The unit Price and balance is fully same in v5.0 its only been bug fixed so general id say dont play versions from 4.5 to 4.9 since they All have some major bugs v4.2 is god v4.4 also good and v5.0. Ive found one major bug on toss buildings at 0 timer in team games but its really a rare bug wont happen much

Edit: ive now seen the replay and the bug you encountered is fixed in v5.0. theres one bug in v5.0 i need to fix at this point tho.. its rare bug so ill wait too see if more bugs will be encountered.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Dec 18 2020, 7:04 pm by GGmano.

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy

The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added

Dec 29 2020, 5:06 pm GGmano Post #104


found another bug on special refund in uneven games if in gas delay players wont get the refund

ill need to fix this bug and the other rare bug ive found on toss buildings at 0

ill be tryinig to improve the refund at 0 aswell as hsl wants me to

update will arrive soon

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy

The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added

Feb 22 2021, 9:00 pm GGmano Post #105


I want to setup a tournament for this map. it will be 1v1 battles im thinking the price could be fame but also thinking it could cost 5dollar to enter it and 1 price would get 50% of the price pool 2nd place would get 30% and third place would get 20% of the price pool with an 5 dollar entri ticket it could add up for a nice tournament. Players would have to pick their favorite race and play with that one.

I would post a final tournament setup via with the information and stream it via twitch a channel. i think it should be a shootout tournament in best of 3 battles.

Im gonna make a drawing players map that draws the match up list for the tournament by creating random number unit ill host that map to draw the the players when i have at least 2 participants online with me when the players for the tour are gathered.

So now we have 16 players last players need to join and contribute at matcherino then we set a start date(prolly 2 weeks from 27 february) and the matchlist will be made
1. GGmano (the race that fewest players has looks like its gonna be zerg)
2. 420star (terran)
3. karmabites (zerg)not yet ready
4. 1Bullet2Kills(terran)
5. Sc-master(protoss)
6. HsL-goldenbears(Protoss maybe)
7. Casperkrux(terran)not yet ready
8. Tbagx(protoss)
9. Jinglesmurf
13.Boccadirosa not yet ready
16.BeefSupreme(not choosen yet)
17. One free ticket

heres the link for the tournament

Ill make a map to draw random numbers to pick out the opponents the number players have here will be the numbers drawn in the map i make ill need 2 observers to participate the drawing of matchlist

The matchlistdrawn is gonna be saturday march 27th last check in for the tour is friday the 26th march. The tournament will start monday the 5th april. When matchlist is published tour players and their opponents will agree on the battle set time and give match time info back too me. when the tour starts bracket(matches) and info is given on this site

Post has been edited 30 time(s), last time on Mar 19 2021, 3:20 pm by GGmano.

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy

The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added

Feb 22 2021, 10:24 pm malmo Post #106

Hope more will join wanna see never_drunk writing sk*t


Mar 27 2021, 7:15 pm GGmano Post #107


Check in for the tour is now closed we are 13 players prize pool at 65 dollars 50% for the winner 30%for 2nd 20% for 3rd

Matchlist have now been drawn

Heres the replay of the matchlist beeing made i had two observers Goldenbears and Beefsupreme87

Matchlist replay link

Watch the replay and find out who you opponent is and arrange you date and battle time and give info back too me ill help spread all info as good as possible, ill make a group in battle net app for the tournament for easy to communicate with other tourney players

First round in the qualifying round is starting monday the 5th april and battles of first round is arranged within a week from the 5th april

After finishing the qualifying round players can also follow the bracket on the tournament site

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 27 2021, 7:21 pm by GGmano.

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy

The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added

May 21 2021, 7:38 am GGmano Post #108


Hey im really close with an update for the latest version, a few bugs is fixed some more rare than others but I think ive managed to fix All the found bugs.. I also have found there was an issue with lurker Ai system thats now improved really Nice aswell. Last ive added a few things which can make the game play Even more intresting.. Im really looking forward to release this update.. Some really good stuff i did here again.. I know the version was good already thats why i keep All building Prices the same so the balance wont be changed

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy

The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added

May 21 2021, 9:23 pm GGmano Post #109


Done with this update now did some major improvements again but in way less time than last update (this reamped gas system took so much time,, well today its worth it.. after playing v5.0 for some time)

-There was an rare bug on building several protoss buildings at timer 0.. it did so that the team got an double spawn. Its now tested and fixed(really rare bug hard to reproduce)
-There was an rare terran building add on at spawn 0sec bug(really rare hard to reproduce) it cause the spawn to stop and you could only reset the spawn by killing the right add on. This now tested and fixed. it can still happen but i put trigger to auto reset the cyclus.
-Bears gave me info about refunding buildings at 0 could still bug and not pay back the refund, this now tested and fixed minor fault in the trigger system caused it. thanks bears for given me info on that bug.
-instant spawn at 0 on a terran teamplayers spawn could cause tanks no longer to spawn, this now tested and fixed thanks Alwaysdrunk for showing me this bug.
-after playing v5.0 and earlier versions i came to see there must have been some faults to my ai system on the lurker ai. This lurker ai system i tested alot 1 year ago and made it somewhat ok good (best lurker ai of any other DS). But this i now perfected even more Lurkers will now burrow on enemy units or buildings within sight reallly as the way i wanted it one year ago but apparently got too lightheaded of testing it so many times.. was an easy fix. Lurkers AI is now perfect (I hope it wont affect balance too much).
-1bullet2kills showed me an bug on refund of specs in uneven games, it happent when you lost silo or upgraded spec(any type of gas delay) speed while doin spec, this now fixed (easy fix but alot of triggers cause of this reamped spec system xd).
-One player said he didnt get the silo bonus and me seeing it on hes replay, i looked into the triggers and found the fault, is now fixed (really rare bug tho)
-The minerals wasnt syncronized in 5.0, i did a few test and syncronized it in triggers is now fixed (easy fix)
-Ive added two middle buildings that gives the team killing it an archon and 250(350 at fast income) mineral bonus. But the enemy Team gets an instant spawn to prevent a loss situation if loosing this middle building. (also bears told me awhile ago he wanted more comeback situations in this) this will prevent fast gas to be good so that fast gas is even worse than it already was (fast gas wasnt good but now its really really bad i think). In general im sure this middle building will offer some greatness in this strategy game but its yet to be tested.
-One player asked me to removed the leaderboard score of the mineral and gas income lvl, i agreed that it could increase the skillness to the game but i needed to give players more options of using vision on enemy base. So i removed this leaderboard score but i changed the vision clerks(panthers) from 3 per team giving the full team vision into 9 per player only giving the using player vision.
-One player made a wish if i could add a nydus worm kill counter.. and that i could so thats added on leaderboard when a worm is on the battlefield, i also added a refund building score when theres no nydus worm on battlefield, so that players can see how much skills the enemy use in the matter of swithcing builds.
-refund on science vessels are now with 1%loss cost 495 and refund gives 491 minerals to prevent players from lifting and landing vessel to get free scans. its a small loss. so like the panther cost 10 mineral using this for a free scan with the price of 4 minerals wont ruin the strategy of using it one or two times.
-Last but not least i changed the base mineral rate at 0 and 1 gas from 8 (16 at fast speed) to 7(14 at fast speed) on 0 gas. and from 9 (18 on fast speed) to 8(16 on fast speed) at 1 gas. the other income rates are same as v5.0. Income rates are now 7,8,10,12,15,20,27,37 all double at fast speed. This makes fast gas abit better but because of the middle buildings it will be really bad to fast gas now.

Thats all the stuff i did to this update.. im sure i made some good stuff here thanks in advance.

Heres Desert strike classic2021 v1.0

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Jul 3 2021, 2:17 pm by GGmano.

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy

The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added

Jun 1 2021, 8:45 am HSL... Post #110

Hello, see the attached replay towards the very end where the Terran builds the special Nuclear Silo building after the Protoss builds the Shield Battery.
In the game, the enemy units turn into red HP which is certainly as intended, but I've noticed the Edmund Dukes near the enemy base are also part of the enemy units which I'm guessing it has to do with the timing of the special that the Nuclear Silo was built a bit too soon after the Shield Battery.
Let me know if this is overall an acceptable sequence -- I do realize the Mind Control and Infestation takes a few seconds to fully take effect in the field unlike the Armageddon, but it would be nice if the Edmund Duke can be part of the other team.



Jun 3 2021, 4:27 pm GGmano Post #111


gonna check it out now just got home from holiday

Just wathed the replay. first id say the middle building made the gameplay better this game than without middle buildings which is good i think.

second i saw the issue on the terran spec firing after the mindcontrol yet the edmund dukes on the terran spec was mindcontroled i get what you mean it by scenario of the edmnund dukes shouldnt be mindcontroled and im sure if set some switches up i can prolly avoid that to happen so that terran can always get edmund dukes on the counter spec.. the spec didnt bug but i understand that you would like the edmund dukes to be created after the mc effect stops (had you done the counter abit later it had happent that way)

short answer is this is how its best balanced and it shouldnt be changed

long answer for the matter of balance in the spec scenario i think its best to keep it this way im not 100% sure but thats what i think. Mostly because zerg and toss specs can be weak as counter to a terran spec on middle timings aswell, like if protoss does a counter that fires at 30 secs after a terran spec has fired and killed most of spawn than the mc can be really weak aswell. in this replay scenario if you had waited like 1-3 seconds more you would have gotten the edmund dukes but you had received a little dmg. having the edmund dukes still wounldnt have given you that much dmg if you had waited untill next spawn the terran spec could have done some heavy dmg, said in another way the faster the terran spec fires for beeing an counter the weaker it should be i think thats good. any way your counter with terran still set the enemy units low and you received 0 dmg on temple cause youre counter was really fast so if youre next spawn is good enough to give you push or dmg on youre enemy temple it can be good to counter this fast.

The way i made and balanced specs as best as possible was to reach the goal that specs in general should be 0-30% better to use as counter than as first hitter. that said i made it not always best to counter as fast as possible.. like mc vs infestation i made alot of units die on the first spec so that the counter wont be that good unless you take alot of dmg and wait until next spawn, ofcourse doin the counter fast on mc vs infestation or opposite is good but the counter on both mc and infestation wont be as good as if doin a first hitter spec after a spawn, if you get my point.

I know from some games doin terran spec counter fast on either mc or infestation makes the infestation or mc doin 0 or close too 0 dmg on youre temple yet if you dont have alot stronger spawn it can be bad to do this counter that fast, and in most cases you need to take alot of dmg to deal alot of dmg to your enemy temple.. ive tested that out in few games like if you wait a full spawn to do the counter with terran than the terran spec can really do alot of dmg while nearly100% give you a certain push on youre enemy so that you can deal alot of dmg to youre enemy temple.

I think the balanced system on the specs is hard to make better without making 1 spec too much overuling the other specs. as they are now all specs has weak points and strong points its up to the player to use it best possible. i know from other DS maps (not the terran spec in dsn263) counter is always alot better than first hitter and the faster you counter the better. but i really tryid making counter only beeing 0-30% better so that theres more strategy in timing you specs also in doin good counters. Fast counters will always save youre temple from taking dmg but wont always do alot of dmg to youre enemy temple. slow counters take more dmg on youre temple but also deals more dmg on youre enemy

Another thing is casper found a bug on the new system i made on the bug fix on terran buildings at 0.. it happent when a player left from a 2v2 scenario prolly can happen from a 3v3 goin 2v3 aswell.. the system i made to reset the spawn cyclus makes the lesser terran player spawn continuously cause of an add on.. this is still a rare bug im 100% is an easy fix for me to do tho im not doin it just yet. this new update needs be tested more to see if theres other balance improvements or bug fixes that needs to be done.

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Jun 3 2021, 5:56 pm by GGmano.

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy

The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added

Jun 7 2021, 10:49 pm GGmano Post #112


The bug from version 5.0 terran add ons at 0 wasnt fixed correctly the fixed system in v1.0 didnt work perfectly.. this i hope now is adressed

thats the only bug fix i did on this version 1.1

Heres Desert strike classic2021 v1.1

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jul 11 2021, 4:18 pm by GGmano.

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy

The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added

Jun 24 2021, 7:11 am GGmano Post #113


Im happy to announce that theres now rolling a second tournament on matcherino with prizes to win on this map. Makes me know all the work and test ive done on the balance and adding strategy stuff into map pays off now. playing an ums money tournament is still some way from beeing accepted by the crowd on tho

Have a look at this nice new layout on matcherino.. I think This looks cool

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 27 2021, 7:38 pm by GGmano.

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy

The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added

Jul 3 2021, 2:19 pm GGmano Post #114


Had to update Version cause of Floating workers bugs.. this now fixed only change from version 1.1

Heres Desert Strike Classic2021 v1.2

Desert strike Classic 2021v1.2.scx
Hits: 2 Size: 342.95kb

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy

The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added

Jul 11 2021, 4:16 pm GGmano Post #115


Ive edited the intro about this DS to fit the updated version. So for new players they can read and learn about the map by reading the info on page 1 introduction

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy

The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added

Oct 16 2021, 8:33 am GGmano Post #116


After testing this update for several months now, i find the balance really good meaning the argument that ds maps cant be balanced is now a myth. This DS all races surely have powers to win and each game is very variated cause of the great unit balance composition. The gameplay speed of playing ds is increased alot, the games arent that slow as many referes too when talking about ds.

The bugs previously listed is all fixed now. which is really nice. i have couple of stuff i could do or change but it dosent have effect on most games cause its only effects in specialized game modes. which is rarely played much

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy

The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added

Dec 17 2021, 9:05 pm GGmano Post #117


I made an minor update ds classic2021 1.3

-fixed an rare terran special bug that caused pylons and canons to become vinsible before needed which resulted in a nearly impossible situation of killing the defence generator. this now fixed.

-Changed hero wraiths spawn on science factorys without addon from (3 sciencefactorys spawning 4 hero wraiths now spawns 5 hero wraiths) (6 science factory without add on spawned 9 now spawns 10 hero wraiths instead). I changed this cause hero wraiths was rarely used and maybe offer better purpose now. small change tho

-fixed some minor unplaceable unit creations on terran spec aswell.

-changed hypertrigger placement (which maybe will result in lesser desyncs or disconnections).

Heres Desert Strike Classic2021 v1.3

Desert strike Classic 2021v1.3.scx
Hits: 1 Size: 345.82kb

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Dec 17 2021, 9:17 pm by GGmano.

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy

The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added

Dec 30 2021, 10:00 pm GGmano Post #118


the bug fixes work as they should. but the replacement of hypers havent changed anything

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy

The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added

Jan 9 2022, 10:47 pm GGmano Post #119


Feedback from few players inspired me to tell the full idea and story about the race abilities.

I actually got the idea for the ability units for my ds from another ds map called dsn263. Dsn263 had 2 special units for zerg called nydus worm and infestor, 2 special units for protoss one called mothership beeing an arbter and a shuttle which idk the name off, shuttle was kinda bugged and never used and terran had thor unit hero goliat and hero tank i think and medic valks as dropship, medicvalk doin some very small amount of healing on units really not beeing much useful.

I liked having some special units which makes the map very personalized (units and effects that only this map has), tho the dsn263 special units wasnt really good i thought not, at least they could be better and more natural too the races and could have levels of the special units too like lvl 1, 2 and 3 which dsn263 didnt have would be a nice improvement on the special units (bigger variority and better for balance and individual needs for each type of game. so i thought about the units and i changed the zerg special unit into a defiler instead of a hero reaver. in dsn263 the other special unit i also choosed to use the hero overlord. I made my worm alot different than the worm in dsn263 tho, the worm in dsn263 was a hero reaver shooting infested terrans as its attack (actually also shot scarabs sometimes rarely tho maybe rare bug). My worm i called the bloody nydus worm instead and its a hero defiler which the ai cpu dont use at all (it dosent swarm or plague etc)(a free spare units just for this purpose how nice) and than for the effect on the worm, i made infested terrans beeing spawned next to it and beeing killed to make a bloody effect which follows the worm (hero defiler). The blood tail it leaves after it looks really nice(at least thats what players told me) the worms actions is in a trigger where it kills all enemy ground units instantly when they right up (near) to the hero defiler (worm) a 2x2 (or 2x1 or 1x1 dont fully recall) location is centered on the worm and when enemy ground in the location they are killed instantly. it looks really nice and the worm actually also targets nearby enemy units cause im in another trigger ordering the worm to move to nearby ground enemies. all in all this is a really nice special unit.. (its a kinda full new made SCBW unit with its unlimited attack power ignoring all amount of health and armor, just killing enemy units instantly, ofcourse with a really short range). I was asked from players who wanted me too, to add a kill counter for that specific worm.. so that i added, so when the team spawns the worm players can actually watch how the kills just go up and up untill the worm is killed, than the kill counter is reset untill it spawns again.. normal worm gets inbetween 30-80 kills per life cycle.. but one players showed me replay of an worm kill record with 430 kills on the worm (completely insane). thats was the story about my bloody nydus worm i made for my ds.

the story about the infestor is the infestor on dsn263 the hero overlord. in dsn263 it mindcontrols enemy units which i thought was abit odd cause i think mindcontrol is a protoss feature. so instead of making the infestor(hero overlord) mindcontroling enemies i in my ds have 3 types of infested units spawn from zerg buildings.. so zerg actually has 3 types of infested units that players can spawn by making buildings in bases. So there my idea just popped out. The infestor should target enemy ground units and transform them into infested terrans, infested kerrigans and infested durans in a timed cycle. So thats what my infestor does in my ds it transforms enemy ground into zerg infested units.. how nice feels like the story behind the infestor is more SCBW perfected that way. I made abit of green gas effect on the infestor when its tranformation happens looks nice too. The infestor is also in triggers ordered to target nearby enemies in unit priority cycle (it priotizes the most costly units first: hero reavers, hero ultra, hero archon hero tank etc etc down to the low cost ground units like lings.) many triggers in this function but it works dont settle with something less i told my self.

the protoss i couldnt really come up with an idea like the mothership in dsn263 where the arbiter kills enemy units instant in a cycle (which i also find abit weird to give a protoss air unit) instead i had 3 hero scouts and 2 of them where spawning on buildings. and in dsn263 and in other maps ive seen this protoss shield beeing healed making a somewhat nice effect without it beeing too strong at least it beeing able to be countered, yet strong vs some stuff. so that idea i mostly had from the leftover awaliable units. so the one of the special protoss units in my ds is a hero mojo the strongest scout hero with a rehealing effect on the shield of the mojo.

The same thing i can say about the top tier protoss ability where i choose to use the hero reaver from protoss. one i tryid having dropship and shuttle bugging normal reavers so it would be good for my map to have hero reavers beeing abit better for the price than normal reavers so that normal reavers would be lesser used to avoid the dropship bug on reavers. also reavers is protoss strongest ground dmg compared the mojo scout which has the strongest air dmg. and the mojo and warbringers fitted my ds storyline really good actaully nothing special about those units other than they both heal their shields. and the mojos has tiny bit effect when it heals the shields.

The terran special units i came up with some really nice ideas to those two actually. from dsn263 having thor (which is an sc2 idk, and im using scbw units) and the medicvalk which i kinda found useless in dsn263. than i thougt the human race when having an army they have soldiers tanks and vehicles etc and planes with missiles and bombs they also have ships but i couldnt do a hangar ship. So hey ill send out infantry units from the dropship and call em paratroppers (how nice fits the terran race perfect). so i made an dropship having some white smoke following it as an effect ;) nice unit nice effect and then it unloads infantry units from it in timed cycle unloading marines, firebats medics and ghost at lvl1 up to hero infantry at lvl3.

For the last special units i had more less only one awaliable unit left to use and that was the hero vessel called magellan the cpu ai dosent use spells on that one so no emp no irradiate from it(how nice a free unit to use for something special) so what should it do.. since i played several rpgs on the go earlier on i kinda liked the evasion spell which often is awaliable in some rpgs (at least the architect which i liked alot xd) the evasion in my ds dose effect a bigger amount of units tho i have a 6x20 (or around that) location beeing centered on the magellan turning all ally units invisible and after 3 or 4 dc (a quarter of a second) the ally units are turned back vinsible. if the enemies are targetting the invisible units the dont attack em but as soon as they are vinsible again they are beeing able to be targetted i tested this and it looked and worked nice. the evasion are fired in a timed cycle on 20 sec firing evasion each 3.33 sec and restarts after 20 sec- at lvl 2 the magellan should do something more and here i got the idea for the effect again from dsn263 where the terran special Nuke use the junk yard dog script which makes units fly in weird directions i kinda liked the effect of that.. i tested it many times having the right size of location making the effect on enemies without it beeing too good while it neither beeing too little.. i ended up with a nice effect that the magellan does each 20 sec in timed cycle and restarts each 20 sec again. (players love this effect and it looks nice). for the last level of the special unit should be something special too.. at first i used a location where i set the units too a low amount of health power and called it poison effect.. after some testing for that effect it kinda was way too good or didnt do nothing cause i had to use small location for that to avoid that effect beeing too strong. after some time i had some conversation about swarm and or dweb vs terran beeing too good he thought.. and where he told me the thor unit in dsn263 actually dispels swarm.. and here the idea for my lvl3 magellan effect came. i made the magellan center on swarm and or dweb and dispelling them(removeing swarm and or dweb) in 10 sec timed cycle restarting after 20sec. i also need the lvl3 to do some effect on terran units incase plaeyrs would tvt. so it also removes all wraiths energy within the location centered on the magellan. making the wraiths decloak instant.

So thats the story about the special units of My DS classic2021. Hope you like them if you havent seen em you gotta check the effects out they look really nice actually.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jan 10 2022, 10:19 am by GGmano.

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy

The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added

Apr 7 2022, 9:49 am GGmano Post #120


Im not sure why my map not gettin much attention from people here on this site. Maybe its cause they dont play such map, said in another way a map which is so intensively tested and improved. Reachin a final product theres way beyond its competative maps. When you analize the map in skill, speed, strategi amount choices, effects, storyline, simplifizy, overall balance. This map reach a perfection lvl. it does come from an huge amount of testing and improvements.

All other ds maps can be good and takes time to master but they Come short in amount of strategi choices and speed where then the outcome of two good players playing each other Will always give out same result.

Some says theres so many ds versions and I agree. But they All Come very short when compared to my ds.

I know map makes and players can argument, that majority of All sc players Are not so good and for that reason they need map with low amount of strategy thats easy to learn and where players dont need much speed while play.

But my goal was to make this map good enough to be played by high level players and I succeded in this.

I surely like All the Credit good sc players give me. But I Wonder how its not getting more Credit from this site when using that much time on making something so good or perfect some would say.

The map numbers speak abit for them selves too. This map using 3 times the amount of locations, 3 times amount of triggers, strings also at the used to be Max but strings is only text. Its very clear at least from a map makers view to see All the huge improvements there is to everything in this map. So its not like theres 100 locations not beeing used Well and triggers not beeing used. Testing and fixing improving is like 5% compared too balancing

Its really not hard to reach a somewhat ok balance All other ds has that, its the last 10% in balance improving thats the hardest or takes longest time.

I have another map of tug of wars on the way, which prolly gonna end up taking 2 weeks to do for me and it Will have crazy alot of strategy a Truely map made for good players but doubt that the balance Will be perfect at first even tho i now have pretty good balancing skills

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Apr 7 2022, 10:06 am by GGmano.

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy

The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added

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[05:20 pm]
[05:20 pm]
Vrael -- oh yeah? well why don't you explain what happens inside the singularity of a black hole if you love all physics equally so much
[04:07 pm]
NudeRaider -- Vrael
Vrael shouted: no no no physics is too simple
I don't discriminate I love all physics equally :wub:
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Vrael -- much more fun when you can't just assume the universe exists
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Vrael -- wooo META physics
[02:42 pm]
Vrael -- no no no physics is too simple
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NudeRaider -- WOOOO PHYSICS!
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dumbducky -- Aint no party like a lemon party
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