It is not really user-friendly,
But it should work if anyone wants to do research on 1.19 modding. Should also work with SCR once it comes out if there isn't a patch on release day. If it doesn't work on your system I would appreciate a bug report =)
Basic usage
You'll need to run the program from the command line to use it, and mod files need to be in a directory structure that follows the CASC/MPQ structure. For example to patch arr\units.dat, place it in C:\something\directory\arr\units.dat and run
samase.exe C:\something\directory
and your units.dat should get loaded. Files that are stored in CASC can be placed similarly among the MPQ files and everything should work.Other flags for launching
Logs all files that BW accesses to samase.log.
Can be useful if you want to see which files are being changed or aren't sure why a file doesn't seem to be loaded. May also be useful if you are crashing during loading, to show last accessed files.
You can force BW to use higher quality assets (located in HD/) by creating file named "starcraft.ini" in same directory as starcraft.exe (So 'x86' for now) and writing the following lines to it
scale = 4
scale = 4
Alternatively if you want to see the lower-quality remastered assets (HD2), use "scale = 2". Though I can only get tileset graphics in "4k HD", unit .anims still are read from HD2/. Not sure if it's limited by weak hardware or if the unit graphics cannot be overridden from the .ini.
Disables HD graphics.
This speeds up the initial startup quite noticeably (At least on my old pc). Also reduces memory usage to ~300MB. Pressing F5 will crash in most of the places, so don't do that

--map <PATH>
Launches directly into a map that was specified.
Settings will be Single player, Use map settings, Brood war.
Reports 8GB GPU memory, allowing some lower-end hardware to enable real-time lighting setting. Note that this will end up also causing the asset scale be 4, so you might want to use starcraft.ini to set asset scale to 2 (As shown above)
Packing files to a self-executing mod
To create an executable out of your mod files, run
samase.exe "C:\mod dir" --pack self_executing.exe --pack_icon custom_icon.png --pack_name "Pro SCR mod" --pack_version "1.23.4"
Grafting support
Samase also supports patching buttons, requirements and unit status screen types. You'll have to create an 1.16.1 mod with Firegraft, and open the executable with an MPQ editor. Extract the `.fgp` file from MPQ's `Firegraft` directory and place it in Firegraft subdirectory for Samase to find. (The exact filename can be anything; as long as Samase sees something that matches "Firegraft/*.fgp", it will be loaded)
Firegraft exe edits are not supported.
Download is below.
Just please acknowledge that Blizzard might not like running programs like this, and you're taking a risk by doing it >:)
I've personally had no issues so far
(Edit Jan 21st 2018: Updated with a beta version which works with more systems)
(Edit Apr 14th 2018: Fixed for 1.21.5)
(Edit Apr 15th 2018: Fixed a launch error)
(Edit Oct 3rd 2018: Fixed for 1.22.1)
(Edit Dec 13th 2018: Fixed for 1.22.2)
(Edit Dec 19th 2018: Fixed for 1.22.2 rev 4)
(Edit Jan 18th 2019: Fixed a bug which would cause plugin save data not get loaded properly)
(Edit Mar 16th 2019: Fixed a bug with aise idle_orders and latest patch)
(Edit May 3rd 2019: Fixed for 1.22.4)
(Edit May 5th 2019: Support for a new aise feature)
(Edit May 8th 2019: Support for plugins messing with rendering)
(Edit May 19th 2019: Support for iscript hooking)
(Edit May 26th 2019: More plugin updates)
(Edit May 28th 2019: Fixed a file reading bug)
(Edit Jul 11th 2019: 1.23.0)
(Edit Jul 20th 2019: Fixed player color changes to not crash on D3D9 renderer)
(Edit Aug 11th 2019: Campaign list editing update)
(Edit Nov 20th 2019: 1.23.2)
(Edit Nov 21st 2019: Now automatically merges older string table xml/json files in rez/ with current patch's one)
(Edit Nov 27th 2019: Fixed bugs with xml string table support)
(Edit Dec 19th 2019: Fixed more bugs with string tables)
(Edit Jan 16th 2020: Added --no_hd and --map cmdline parameters)
(Edit Feb 15th 2020: Updated for 1.23.3)
(Edit Apr 16th 2020: Updated to fix plugins for and added --fake-gpu-mem)
(Edit May 15th 2020: Fixed a bug where rez\dialog.ui.json files were not being packed into exes)
(Edit May 29th 2020: Fix for some UI editing functionality being broken)
(Edit Sep 11th 2020: Fixed to work with the latest hotfix)
(Edit Jun 8th 2021: Fix for the latest mess of a patch)
(Edit Dec 31st 2021: Fixes to work with the latest patch)
(Edit Jan 13th 2022: Added locale path support)
(Edit Jan 15th 2023: Updates for plugin support api)
(Edit Aug 8th 2023: Updates for plugin support api)
Post has been edited 89 time(s), last time on Aug 8 2023, 3:56 pm by Neiv.