PyMS and ProTRG developer
The AI opcodes are fully available to everyone, I have links in many places and especially in my discord server where troubleshooting and help are provided in real time. I'll add them here.
There still an issue of people having to know about it. If users try to make AI's and see these commands they won't necessarily understand that they are not built in and require a plugin to use. It has to be handled gracefully, similar to the way that TrigPlug is supported by PyTRG.
I've added a link to the main PyMS, but if it's possible to merge neiv's work it'll reduce clutter and confusion. Thanks for the updates.
I would love to. I had no idea that his work was as complete as it is, and with a public plugin. I don't have the time to follow all the things like this, I rely on people submitting bug reports and feature requests to drive development.
P.S. please open a dedicated PyMS maintenance/update thread similar to SCMDraft's.
There was an official thread but it got pushed off the first page, and then I essentially commandeered the "Problems with Current Modding Tools" thread since there are not really many other tools under active development. A new thread sounds like a good idea. Edit: Created a new thread: I suggest another feature to implement in PYDAT though? Back in the day (15+ years ago) I was editing - say - Portdata.dat, adding links to nonexistent-by-default SMK dir strings (that I created in Portdata.tbl, of course) to make use of some portraits that by default point to something else (say, all these beta portrait entries like Merc Gunship or Peter, which by default point to marine portrait). I used them for custom units when I was making a partial conversion back in 2003ish and it worked. My point is, PYDAT by default reverts these "extra" values to Flag12 (last entry in Portdata.tbl) so is it possible to enable using "non-standard" values for SMK dir? (I presume there's stuff like this that can be added to other similar lists - say, images.dat - but this is the one that came to mind first). Maybe it could be an option. Or can I just edit Portdata.tbl in the PYMS folder (under Libs\MPQ\Arr) and it'll work?
Most if not all PyMS programs (including PyDAT) attempt to ensure that what you are doing is correct, so you don't run into crashes where you have no idea what is going on. For most programs to do that, they load many additional files internally to check for consistency (for example PyDAT making sure the portraits you reference are actually in the portdata.tbl). As a convenience, the programs come setup to load their default files, so you can get to work right away. But as you work on your mod and things change, you need the programs to load your modded files. All programs have settings where you can choose the MPQ's to load, as well as override which additional files are loaded (either from MPQ's or from a folder). You should never update the files in `Libs\MPQ\Arr`, you should just have the programs load your own files. I can provide more details/steps/screenshots when I get home if you need it.
Of course I'm not sure that creating "new" entries (at least as far as file paths are concerned) will work in Remastered. Also, does the engine still use .tbl files internally for the ARR\ stuff? Just want to be sure.
I'm not really sure how SCR works for this, sorry.
P.S. Another thing regarding PYICE (and presumably the other utilities where you have to write pseudocode): can you add the feature to toggle INSERT/OVERWRITE in text boxes (obviously by pressing INS)?
I'm not sure if the UI framework I am using supports that. I can take a look though.
P.P.S. I think the few unknowns in Units.dat > Advanced had been decoded a long time ago? They were labelled properly in Arsenal III but for some reason not DatEdit. I'm referring to the 0x01 ... 0x80 flags. They're supposed to be the movement properties: 0x01 is non-creep (unchecked for larvae/eggs), 0x04 is flying, 0x40 is ground, 0x80 is hovering (as in vulture / archon / peon...) Or has that been disproved?
I don't really remember exactly, but I thought most of the stuff in DatEdit/PyDAT had been confirmed. Other people probably know better at this point, so if there are any changes I hope its reported.
All in all, thanks for the great modding kit. I have most of the old stuff on my hard drive (gathering dust there for about 15 years or more) but many programs no longer work due to missing runtime libraries - although I had a few set stashed away too - and just some general weirdness. For example I miss the old MPQ Viewer with built-in WAV player. Nice to have all of this now in a single, uniform suite.
I'm glad you like it. It only gets better as more people use it and report bugs and feature requests, so don't be shy!
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 10 2019, 9:09 pm by poiuy_qwert.