Staredit Network > Forums > SC2 General Discussion > Topic: What the hell is going on with the editor now -_-
What the hell is going on with the editor now -_-
Mar 1 2016, 6:28 am
By: StratosTygo  

Mar 1 2016, 6:28 am StratosTygo Post #1

Why can't I test any maps or see my published files in the game client?

test files just goes to the default screen and states (Unable to launch game)

what the fuck?

Mar 1 2016, 10:40 am Pr0nogo Post #2

Uh, they (Blizzard) have been out to get you for literally three years straight now. I don't know how you haven't picked up on this yet.

Mar 1 2016, 11:01 am Ahli Post #3

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Everything is working fine for me, so the problem is somehow specific to you/your computer.

Quote from StratosTygo
Why can't I [...] see my published files in the game client?

Do you mean that you cannot see your published files in the editor (File -> Managed Published -> log in)?

Quote from StratosTygo
Why can't I test any maps?

Does the game load your tested map when you log into sc2 with the game client?

Does it load your map when you have no e-mail entered in the log-in screen of the game? (It used to not work properly while I had a mail entered, but was not logged in for a while on my computer.)

Does your tested map use a mod dependency from or does this not work with a new created empty plain map?

Some things I would do to try to fix the issue:

Do you have "Test" folder in your install directory within the folder "Maps" or within the folder where you have placed your map in? If yes, try to delete it and test again. There are a couple of files created when you try to test it.

My last attempt would be to delete all files in the cache under "C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment\\Cache". You won't be able to delete all files, but delete all that you can. Then restart editor/sc2 and try again.

If that does not help, post your editor problem as detailed as you can in this forum of Blizzard.

Mar 1 2016, 3:39 pm StratosTygo Post #4

Quote from Pr0nogo
Uh, they (Blizzard) have been out to get you for literally three years straight now. I don't know how you haven't picked up on this yet.

Huh? I've picked up on this FACT a long time ago/

Mar 1 2016, 3:42 pm StratosTygo Post #5

'"Do you mean that you cannot see your published files in the editor (File -> Managed Published -> log in)?"

No, the GAME client, not the editor.

"Does the game load your tested map when you log into sc2 with the game client?"

When I click Test, it takes me to the default screen (with Artanis ugly mug) and says "Unable to Launch game"

"If that does not help, post your editor problem as detailed as you can in this forum of Blizzard."

Can't post in their forums, got perma-banned for using bad words that will scar children forever or something.

Mar 2 2016, 1:30 am Dem0n Post #6

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Looks like you're out of luck then. Ahli's the only one who knows the SC2 editor here, and if you can't help, there's nothing you can do here. Probably shouldn't have thrown a hissy fit on the bnet forums and gotten yourself banned, lmao.

Mar 2 2016, 5:20 am Pr0nogo Post #7

Best bet is to look through the forums (on a proxy if you must) to see if anyone else has had this issue and resolved it.

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