1. Windowed mode. This one wraps the great wmode plugin for bw/chaoslauncher so it can be loaded by mpqdraft. I only created this simple wrapper, wmode itself was created by xenotron in the distant past.
Holding ctrl when loading game can be used to force fullscreen, if needed.
2. Metaplugin. It does not do anything by itself, instead it loads other plugins and allows using on-disk folders as mpqs. Now you don't have to compile your developement changes to (SE)MPQ anymore! To use it, create an text file named plugins.lst in your starcraft folder. This file should contain paths to either plugins which are to be loaded, or to folders, which should be used for data files before reading .mpqs.
Note: It actually cannot load mpqdraft plugins, instead the plugin has to provide an function
extern "C" int Metaplugin_Init()
This should be obvious, but please do not use this when releasing mods as it is really inconvinient for end users.
I'll also attach the source code for these plugins, they require either gcc 4.9 and python 3.3 or visual studio 2015 (Well, there's a project file just for vs15) to build.
If there are any issues with these plugins, I can do my best to help
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 3 2016, 12:33 pm by Neiv.