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A new antihack has come out.
Dec 12 2013, 4:27 pm
By: Zhuinden  

Dec 12 2013, 4:27 pm Zhuinden Post #1

Mca64launcher has finally come out, and it integrates an English version of wDetector 3.24!
If you wanted to be protected against your typical malicious hacks (insecticide, lobby crash), and also want some new features (crash all oblivion users ingame, detect who is hosthacking), while also keeping your precious IP-based blacklist hack, then this is for you.

For a better guide on wDetector, here's the link to a guide.


Dec 12 2013, 11:38 pm Tharuk Zhal Omaenha Post #2

It is wonderful. Thanks for the link.


Dec 15 2013, 6:33 pm Zhuinden Post #3

Bumpity bump.

Also adding this link where I customized Mca64 in such a way that it doesn't overlay all over the damn screen in-game and looks pretty.


Dec 15 2013, 10:49 pm Wormer Post #4

I'm constantly getting an access violation error at some address in module mca64launcher.exe and also windlow handle system error 1400: invalid window handle. But it looks like it's working fine besides that. What may be the cause?


Dec 16 2013, 12:01 am jjf28 Post #5

Cartography Artisan

system error 1400: invalid window handle ... What may be the cause?

programming error, most likely a null handle or handle to a window that has already been closed. Many ways for this to happen, notably doing something you shouldn't in WM_INIT-.. or WM_CREATE

TheNitesWhoSay - Clan Aura - github

Reached the top of StarCraft theory crafting 2:12 AM CST, August 2nd, 2014.

Dec 16 2013, 10:40 am Zhuinden Post #6

Even if running as admin? That is odd, I've never had that happen to me before. Are you using Windows 8? That could explain it.


Dec 16 2013, 12:59 pm Wormer Post #7

Windows 7 64bit. I have non-admin account but running launcher under admin. Happens first when I'm running SC and then continues to pop up these windows even if I quit SC. Also resolution hack crashes when the game starts, though 2560x1440 may be an overdo :D


Dec 17 2013, 2:15 pm Zhuinden Post #8

I don't like the resolution hack because it clashes with wDetector, it is extremely unfortunate. Although I guess it would work with other things...

Well, I don't have the invalid handle thing, no idea what might cause it :P


Dec 21 2013, 12:05 pm NekoKyd Post #9

I find it somewhat annoying. It's good to be protected and all, but there are people abusing the crash function.
For me, I'm a long time Oblivi user, and I don't misuse it. (I.E. play melee or MH on games that could affect other players' gameplay)

For me, I host my own games, and all. So it's their choice to join my games. Yet for whatever reason people have to join, and crash me. Why?
It's just like when drophacks became public, and everybody got them to drop everyone else for no reason.


Dec 22 2013, 1:52 am Azrael Post #10

Crashing people who give themselves the ability to maphack isn't abusing it, since that's its intended function. Whether or not you are actually maphacking is irrelevant.

I'd like to see a SC tool that just has the useful non-cheating features of Oblivion, such as lobby refresh, seeing download progress, a timer, and things of that nature.

Dec 22 2013, 2:17 am Leeroy_Jenkins Post #11

Quote from Azrael
Crashing people who give themselves the ability to maphack isn't abusing it, since that's its intended function. Whether or not you are actually maphacking is irrelevant.

I'd like to see a SC tool that just has the useful non-cheating features of Oblivion, such as lobby refresh, seeing download progress, a timer, and things of that nature.
That tool does exist, and it's Wlauncher. Wdetector is the iccup approved plugin that comes with it, but there are many other useful, non cheaty plugins that come with it.


Dec 22 2013, 3:07 am iCCup.xboi209 Post #12

Quote from Leeroy_Jenkins
Quote from Azrael
Crashing people who give themselves the ability to maphack isn't abusing it, since that's its intended function. Whether or not you are actually maphacking is irrelevant.

I'd like to see a SC tool that just has the useful non-cheating features of Oblivion, such as lobby refresh, seeing download progress, a timer, and things of that nature.
That tool does exist, and it's Wlauncher. Wdetector is the iccup approved plugin that comes with it, but there are many other useful, non cheaty plugins that come with it.
iCCup approved? :lol:


Jan 19 2014, 10:00 pm Allah Post #13

Hahaha this old hack of mine finally leaked? I figured it would've happened sooner.

Who's this Frux guy who got my leaked hack?


Jan 20 2014, 3:37 am iCCup.xboi209 Post #14

what hack?


Jan 20 2014, 4:05 am jjf28 Post #15

Cartography Artisan

look at his profile pic and take a wild guess :kame:

TheNitesWhoSay - Clan Aura - github

Reached the top of StarCraft theory crafting 2:12 AM CST, August 2nd, 2014.

Jan 20 2014, 5:11 am Zhuinden Post #16

Quote from Allah
Hahaha this old hack of mine finally leaked? I figured it would've happened sooner.

Who's this Frux guy who got my leaked hack?

Actually it wasn't Frux, it was Zeratul@USEast, some buddy of Jiggie.


Jan 20 2014, 11:03 pm Allah Post #17

Quote from Zhuinden
Quote from Allah
Hahaha this old hack of mine finally leaked? I figured it would've happened sooner.

Who's this Frux guy who got my leaked hack?

Actually it wasn't Frux, it was Zeratul@USEast, some buddy of Jiggie.

Ahh Jiggie leaked it to this Zeratul person? What an arsehole.


Feb 1 2014, 10:01 pm Zoan Post #18

Math + Physics + StarCraft = Zoan

So I downloaded this and it started randomly opening firefox with 10 different tabs open with each one on random korean websites.. What did I do wrong?

\:rip\:ooooo\:wob\:ooooo \:angel\: ooooo\:wob\:ooooo\:rip\:

Feb 2 2014, 11:55 am NudeRaider Post #19

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Hmm maybe this antihack is actually spyware or other malware?

Feb 2 2014, 1:32 pm Moose Post #20

We live in a society.

It opens one korean site when you exit StarCraft, which is known as it's the advertising that supports the program. It forces it to open in IE for me. Not sure why it would open Firefox or ten tabs.

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