USEast, USWest, Asia, Europe. All have games that say FruX > You, if you click them, your game crashes. Nobody can create games either because of these games. I've heard that it's called "Packet Hacking", where the guy is making all games invalid to join, unless you join within 5 seconds the person hosted. So, any way to get around this? (Besides making private games)
Really want to play this fun Korean Defense map I found, but with no players, I can't. :'(
Go play on iccup's server or something. Or just wait for the douchebags hacking all the games to stop.
This has been happening for a while now. Wait a few, it'll go away.
I'm surprised the crash game creator is so common, or is that a friend of Jiggie again?
Who knows.
Oblivion had crash protection against this and another tool could remove all 6-red latency games from your list which usually removed these games as well, but Gamethreat doesn't even have hacks anymore, and this site doesn't support them.