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Regeneration plugin
Jul 13 2012, 5:36 pm
By: iquare  

Jul 13 2012, 5:36 pm iquare Post #1

How to write plugin, which gain 5hp/second regeneration ability for zergling? (I try make it, using GPTP, but it cause error during compilation


Jul 13 2012, 5:39 pm Biophysicist Post #2

Copy-paste your game.h file here and I'll debug it.

EDIT: At least, I think it's game.h. The one you edit when using GPTP.


Jul 14 2012, 6:26 am iquare Post #3

* This is where the magic happens. However, there are other things
* that you can change. In "Definitions/definitions.h", you can
* remove the DEBUG defintion for a final release of your plugin.
* You can likewise change the version that the plguin is for.
* Supported versions are given in "Definitions/definitions.h".
* Oh, and you can also change the plugin's ID in that file as well,
* just in case it conflicts with other plugin IDs.

//the asm functions don't seem to work for some reason. probably the offsets I have are wrong, if anyone knows them, contact me asap!
#include "asm.cpp"

#ifdef DEBUG
#include <fstream>
std::ofstream myfile;

// Any code in nextFrame() will be run every frame. On Fastest game speed, this is equal to 24 times per second.
bool nextFrame()
return true;

// Any code in gameOn() will be run once, when the map starts.
bool gameOn()
return true;

// Any code in gameEnd() will be run once, at the end of the game.
bool gameEnd()
return true;

void nextFrame()
int hitpoints = 35;
for (int i=0;i<1700;i++) {
UNIT* zergling;
zergling = &unitTable[i];
if (zergling->unitId == 37) {
if (zergling->healthPoints < 256*hitpoints) {
for (int j=0;j<1700;j++) {
if (zergling->healthPoints < 256) {
zergling->healthPoints = zergling->healthPoints + 32;


Jul 14 2012, 2:45 pm Biophysicist Post #4

Try this:

#include "asm.cpp"

#ifdef DEBUG
#include <fstream>
std::ofstream myfile;

// Any code in nextFrame() will be run every frame. On Fastest game speed, this is equal to 24 times per second.
bool nextFrame()
    int hitpoints = 35;
    for (int i=0;i<1700;i++) {
        UNIT* zergling = &unitTable[i];
        if (zergling->unitId == 37 && zergling->healthPoints < 256*hitpoints)
                zergling->healthPoints += 32;
    return true;

// Any code in gameOn() will be run once, when the map starts.
bool gameOn()
    return true;

// Any code in gameEnd() will be run once, at the end of the game.
bool gameEnd()
    return true;


Jul 15 2012, 10:36 am iquare Post #5

Thanks, plugin works.


Jul 15 2012, 7:02 pm Pr0nogo Post #6

Huh. Not much different from Python coding. I could probably learn this easily.

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