Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Terrain > Topic: Terrain Compilation
Terrain Compilation
May 15 2012, 7:17 am
By: Tempz  

May 15 2012, 7:17 am Tempz Post #1

Basically I was bored and decided to make a compilation of some of the Civilization/Diplomacy terrain i have made. With the exception to the one i made for mini moose as the only version of it have is full of units, triggers and what not. Since i really don't want to delete them. Together i spent probably 35 - 40 hours total on the 3 maps posted. I plan to spend over 100 man hours creating a compilation of diplomacy/civilization terrain and if you have recommendation please tell me what it is and post a image of the map (larger is better) for better chances of it getting it made please have it with a square grid (larger grids with smaller square girds inside) I've also labeled each projects description and the length it took to make.

Collapse To See Maps
Collapse Box

\\Maps Finished
-2 Maps not based off anything
-World Map

\\Currently Working On
Avatar The Last Air Bender

\\Planned projects
-North America
-Middle East

Post has been edited 12 time(s), last time on May 16 2012, 3:12 am by Tempz.


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[11:23 pm]
NudeRaider -- dumbducky
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NudeRaider -- dumbducky
dumbducky shouted: I miss forums. Twitter is way more engaging but unless you have a following, nobody talks to you. Reddit is just filled with the stupidest people
well, most active members here are the bots, so not sure if this is an improvement :P
[06:05 pm]
dumbducky -- I found a sneaky way to view some of my coworkers SAT scores and it is shocking
[06:03 pm]
dumbducky -- FaRTy1billion
FaRTy1billion shouted: o, i keep meaning to add things to it but instead don't
Farty does your website work anymore
[06:02 pm]
dumbducky -- I miss forums. Twitter is way more engaging but unless you have a following, nobody talks to you. Reddit is just filled with the stupidest people
[02:32 pm]
Zoan -- :wob:
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Ultraviolet -- :wob:
[2024-7-25. : 2:39 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- o, i keep meaning to add things to it but instead don't
[2024-7-24. : 11:55 pm]
Roy -- Make that three changes to the wiki in the last month, all three being just edits to user pages.
[2024-7-23. : 2:47 pm]
dumbducky -- Two changes to the wiki in the last month, both are just edits to user pages
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