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Temple Siege 2
Dec 17 2011, 5:54 pm
By: Ahli
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Dec 17 2011, 5:54 pm Ahli Post #1

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.


Temple Siege 2 is a remake from the successful Temple Siege map from SCBW. It's a map that can be classified as a DOTA-map, but it has its own rules defining the gameplay and the way teams can achieve victory.

The special Twists

There are 2 teams and both have to protect their temple. If the temple is destroyed, they loose.
However, Heroes have a limited amount of lives and if they have no more lives left, they vanish from the battlefield significantly raising the other team's odds to win.

Warpgates & Assimilators
In Addition to that, Heroes can capture neutral Warpgates that spawn minions and therefore offer territorial control. The additional spawns feed the enemy heroes, but you gain map control which allows you to build Assimilators on the map. There are several vespin geysirs that can generate income for your team, if you built an Assimilator on it. You can teleport from your main base to the warpgates, too.

It will be easy to enter combat due to the Temple -> Warpgate teleport, but escaping combat should be hard and interfering fleeing heroes can be a valid strategy to eliminate them.

Points at level up
The gameplay should be designed to be easy to learn. Therefore you start with 1 spell at start. After level ups you will receive points that you can spend in several places:
  • Raise your money. You will be able to buy upgrades and tech for your hero, your summons and you will be able to build Assimilators.
  • Raise your Hitpoints. You will be able to maintain longer in combat and the chances that you die are smaller.
  • Raise your Mana. Your Mana cap will be raised and your mana regenerates faster which allows you to use more spells.
  • Unlock your other Spells. You only start with 1 of your 4 spells. Each upgrade grants you another spell. You need 3 points to use this.

The map's terrain doesn't try to be perfectly mirrored and still should be balanced. There will be 3 outposts to capture.

Days and Nights
There is a Day/Night system which grants you full vision of the enemy during days. But during the night you can only see what you and your team's other heroes are doing. The enemy could sneak into your main base without your knowledge and destroy the temple.
Also some Heroes and abilities are invisible during night.

After each night the Temple's minions grow stronger.

AI controlled heroes
You can add computer players to the game which will fight for victory and try to be not that stupid.

Introduction to Temple Siege 2:


There exist several heroes with different spells and some special differences between them.

Note that this data is likely to be totally outdated.




Dark Mage

Light Mage




Special Ops




NOTE that everything is a work in progress and might be refactored in future. This post might contain outdated data, too.

Development Status

Currently working on:
- Balance
- UI
- Heroes
- world domination (on of course)

Screenshots from Development

Collapse Box


Collapse Box

Post has been edited 30 time(s), last time on Feb 18 2013, 10:58 pm by Ahli.

Dec 17 2011, 5:56 pm Ahli Post #2

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

The Team roster/Credits

Concept: Unholyurine, luzz
Terrain: Imagodeo, Ahli, Unholyurine
Data: Ahli, luzz
Triggers: Ahli, luzz
Art: Jack, Devlin
Balance: Loveless, Jack
Announcer Sounds: IskatuMesk
Special Thanks: Everyone who plays the map, everyone who gives us his feedback, everyone who obliterates the whole enemy team to show us how overpowered a few strategies might be, everyone who reports bugs and provides replays, everyone who defeats the developers. :)

Visit, too.

Where can I play?

US server: Temple Siege 2
EU server: Temple Siege 2

Visit the map's channel on to find other players: Temple Siege 2

Further servers on request. But you can connect to other servers already.

You can play alone versus the AI, too. This might help you learning the spells and heroes.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Feb 18 2013, 11:00 pm by Ahli.

Dec 17 2011, 8:30 pm Dem0n Post #3

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Dark Swarm's going to be an actual spell in this one? That's interesting. Seems kind of like a waste of a spell, though. :\ A lot of people use it, yes, but it just doesn't seem like a strong enough spell to make as an unlockable second spell.

Dec 17 2011, 8:37 pm Ahli Post #4

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Quote from name:Dem0nS1ayer
Dark Swarm's going to be an actual spell in this one? That's interesting. Seems kind of like a waste of a spell, though. :\ A lot of people use it, yes, but it just doesn't seem like a strong enough spell to make as an unlockable second spell.

I can buff it, make it bigger, only effect allied units, give other additional effects, etc. Atm it's just the scbw dark swarm. ^^

- added Animations and effect actors to Volt's spells... awesome ;D
Volt L1 is a shockwave (half globe, expanding). Volt plays cast animation.
Volt L3 makes him starting to glow during the 3 seconds castdelay, then an expanding ring appears and everyone is stunned. During the cast delay Volt is playing a focusing animation (like he is gathering power) (if he isn't attacking).
Volt L4 makes him visually bigger and adds the archon warp animation+model around him ;D

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 18 2011, 1:29 pm by Ahli.

Dec 18 2011, 11:46 pm ShredderIV Post #5

I think it should be noted that the shockwave should expand at a good rate, but shouldnt move with volt or be instant. In ts1, it was scourges, which meant it was harder to chase people with it, but easier to use when running away, which i think helped the balance of it.

Also, this thread in general is awesome.


Dec 19 2011, 12:12 am Ahli Post #6

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Quote from ShredderIV
I think it should be noted that the shockwave should expand at a good rate, but shouldnt move with volt or be instant. In ts1, it was scourges, which meant it was harder to chase people with it, but easier to use when running away, which i think helped the balance of it.

Also, this thread in general is awesome.
I think that it's pretty strong in its current state. Atm it is instant and hits everything that isn't at max range of your attacks and deals 20 damage. With your description it would become some sort of small bomb that explodes after a short time after being placed. 0.9 seconds of the stun is used for the knockback and flying effect. So I could cut it up to that time, if needed.

L3 is a good stun to invade or chase because it doesn't slow you down (except for 0.5 seconds during the explosion to avoid an ugly animation).
Btw, after how many waves of minions did you usually level up in temple siege?
I've set up the experience system that I described as the variant in the other thread.

Dec 19 2011, 1:16 am Raitaki Post #7

Time for....SUGGESTIONS!!!
Assassin Spell 4: Disabler Blade - For 30 seconds, Assassin gains 15% more damage, burns mana and slows with each hit. While this buff is active, Assassin's attacks have a 50% chance to silence the target for 2.5 seconds (cooldown for silence: 5 secs)

Summoner Spell 4: Grimoire of Chaos (or any other name if this sounds too fantasy-ish) - Toggle-able spell (with cooldown). Continuously drain mana from the Summoner to spawn small groups of zerg near a random friendly minion, hero or attacked structure. Each group consists of one roach (with melee only) and 2 hydralisks, each of which weaker than a zergling, and a mini-Ultralisk, which is either as strong as or slightly stronger than a zergling.

Special Ops Spell 2: Air Support: Suppressing Fire (AoE version) - Fire support aircraft bombards a target area for 4 seconds. Enemy units and heroes in the affected area has slightly reduced movement speed, and every half second they have a 50% chance of being hit by a shell, dealing a small amount of damage and stunning them for 0.3 sec (or apply a stackable debuff that causes them to take 2% more damage from all sources for 15 secs; max 6 stacks). Can be toggled between AoE mode and single target mode by right clicking (or by using a hotkey).
Air Support: Suppressing Fire (single target version) - Fire support aircraft fires at a target for 6 seconds, causing minor DoT damage, slowing the target by 15%, causing them to take 7% more damage, revealing them and preventing them from cloaking for the duration of the spell. Can be toggled between AoE mode and single target mode by right clicking (or by using a hotkey).

Special Ops Spell 3: Take Cover - Has a 0.5 sec casting time. The Special Ops dives into cover, taking 30% less damage, dealing 15% more damage and moving 80% slower for 4 seconds. At night, this spell also cloaks him for 6 seconds, or until he uses his basic attack on a unit. Can be interrupted by stun, but not by knockback.

Assault Spell 1: Mortar Shell - A long-range spell with a small AoE radius. Deals moderate damage and slightly knocks back targets hit.

Mutant Spell 3: Bolstered Metabolism - Uses some mana to gain high health regen for 10 seconds.


Dec 19 2011, 1:38 am UnholyUrine Post #8

Btw, after how many waves of minions did you usually level up in temple siege?

In SCBW, it was
Zealots (using perfect killscore converter)
Marines (using perfect killscore converter)

With buildable spawn buildings (buildings that spawn creep)....

They spawn in waves of 5 + 1 spawn leader which is basically a level above the current minion (so broodlings will spawn with 1 zergling).
There are three waves, all spawn at the same time. They all go in different directions (top, mid, bot), but the direction they attack to can be controlled by players.

Because SC2 is so much more versatile, it's probably better to just use your own ideas for this.

Also, if you DO make it possible to build Spawn buildings, make sure that the creep/spawn they... spawn.. are more Strategic... like units that do really well on certain things. (Ex. Siegers that kill defensive buildings fast, or Anti-Air.. etc)

Mutant Spell 3: Bolstered Metabolism - Uses some mana to gain high health regen for 10 seconds.
That will defeat the current Niche of the Mutant, which is to be more of a scout that can come in and harass/do a lot of damage, but is weak and easy to kill off.
However, if the niche does change, then that spell idea isn't bad. Probably make it have to burrow to heal in order to balance it.


Dec 19 2011, 1:53 am Ahli Post #9

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Ah, I was thinking about xp when I asked the question.
So better question: How many waves do you need to fight to level up your hero on average?

Dec 19 2011, 2:03 am UnholyUrine Post #10

It was kind of odd...

I made it so that getting 100 killscore = 4 experience + 1 for each of your teammates.
Killing a hero gives you 20 (or was it 25?) experience point + 4 (or was it 5?) for each of your teammates.

I playtest a lot and tweaked the level ups.
The first few levels comes in every 10 experience (so you level up at 10, 20, 30..) for a bit, so people get into the game faster and feel more empowered.

After that, looking at my triggers, it seems like it was 1.1x, except I would round it up or down.

Again, it depends on what system you make... this definitely needs to be playtested :s


Dec 22 2011, 7:31 pm Raitaki Post #11

More suggestions, I think ^^

Light Mage Spell 1: Chain Lightning - Zaps a target with a lightning bolt, which will then bounce to nearby enemies.

Dark Mage Special: Every time the Dark Mage kills an enemy with a spell, a some of the mana expended is refunded.

Light/Dark Mage Spell 4: Storm Calling - A lightning bolt hits a random enemy player that is not back in their base, dealing moderate splash damage. Has a moderate cooldown period.

Mutant Spell 2: Tunnel - The Mutant burrows into the ground (if he is not already burrowed) and tunnels to the target location within range. If an enemy player is standing at the target location, the Mutant emerges and impales them, draining some hitpoints and slowing them down. If this skill is used at daytime, the Mutant will always dive into the ground, tunnel and emerge immediately.


Dec 23 2011, 12:02 am ShredderIV Post #12

At the moment, they're keeping everything as it was in the original sc map, so i dont know if suggestions are really that useful right now.

As far as your ideas go, the lm l1 that he has right now is basically necessary or else he dies in 3 seconds. Without the invulnerability he's too squishy to be of any use...

The dark mage special thing brings up something interesting that could be done, which is give every hero a special ability thing. As far as the storm calling thing, i would rather see it on LM, since his spell 4 has been the hardest thing to decide and fit with his theme. That being said, i personally dont like the idea too much, because of how random it is. TS has never really had any truly random spells, id rather just see it be a long range lightning bolt spell or something.

The mutant spell really doesnt make sense with him. He's fast, so he doesnt really need mobility in the burrow, or the slow, since he never has an issue chasing people. He's more about burst stuff.


Feb 7 2012, 10:17 pm JrOSTAD Post #13

Sweet. i've been wanting this since starcraft2 came out. Would I be able to give any suggestions?


Feb 8 2012, 12:15 am Ahli Post #14

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Quote from JrOSTAD
Sweet. i've been wanting this since starcraft2 came out. Would I be able to give any suggestions?
Yes, you can do that either here or maybe better in the Temple Siege 2 Theory thread.

Feb 12 2012, 12:12 am luzz Post #15

Is there any way I can help? I'm a nooby at the editor, but I've figured out how to do a few things. =)


Feb 17 2012, 8:19 am killer_sss Post #16

been a while since I've been around here but, TS2 implies something new where for the most part this is just a remake of the original.
even adding one new system/component along with redoing heros/spells would make this far more interesting imo.

just a thought. sorry to be rude.


Feb 17 2012, 8:58 am DevliN Post #17


It is a remake of the heroes and spells from the original, but utilizing the ability system in SC2 rather than using a building to cast. I also think new heroes are in the works to add to it, but they just want to get the original stuff in first. Think of it like DOTA2 if you've looked into that at all.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Feb 20 2012, 6:38 am Ahli Post #18

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Luzz joined the project.
He already made a cool experience bar and was able to understand my code. :awesome:
Expect more progress in future. :)

Mar 15 2012, 10:41 pm UnholyUrine Post #19

Here are some stuff, in order of priority, that should be changed!

Non Hero stuff - Priority

Hero Stuff

Also, terrain's texture is bland, but obviously it's not priority and can easily be changed :P
And of course, Assiming needs to be added in.
Lastly, the text thing for choosing heroes doesn't work for opponents

Generally, a lot of the spells currently lack weight. I stressed this on my priority list about Spell design and metagames. Things like Adding small Knockbacks, Small charge times and bigger sounds/explosions help. It's gotta feel more powerful than normal SC2 spells because players are already used to those.

Things that was very impressive was the UI for selecting the hero. Altho the double portrait was unecessary, the display of stats and spells is good.

Finally, it's time to open the can of worms.

How should spell upgrades be incorporated?

Right now, it is the same upgrade as Weapons upgrade. I.e. upgrading attack = upgrading spell damage of all spells.
This works to a certain extent, but adding more depth to that may be better.

What ideas do you guys have?
There's been several ideas floating around. But I think sticking to Minerals = Upgrade damage and spell damage is best, especially since it makes assiming more important as the game progresses. Tho it doesn't mean upgrading weapons should upgrade all spells. This lowers the dichotomy of dealing damage and using spells.

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Mar 15 2012, 11:05 pm by UnholyUrine.


Mar 15 2012, 11:09 pm Ahli Post #20

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

I've added the Probe to the game at the Nexus. You need to be close to the Nexus to gain control of it. A button will appear in its command card which will trigger it to build one for you with 4 seconds build time, Nexus animation and sound + alert for the purchaser of the probe.

Also, what do you think is a good time for the assimilator income? So how long does one Assimilator needs to stay alive to make the team get x minerals per player (or x amount of minerals into the team's pot)?

Where were you testing the Archer's companion spawn @ cliff and which cliff? Was it a cliff to the water?
It worked for me during tests. Summoner's Ultralisks spawn in a comparable fashion (just always in front of the summoner).

Adding spell damage upgrades is easy as it's the same as weapons.

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