The special Twists
There are 2 teams and both have to protect their temple. If the temple is destroyed, they loose.
However, Heroes have a limited amount of lives and if they have no more lives left, they vanish from the battlefield significantly raising the other team's odds to win.
Warpgates & AssimilatorsIn Addition to that, Heroes can capture neutral Warpgates that spawn minions and therefore offer territorial control. The additional spawns feed the enemy heroes, but you gain map control which allows you to build Assimilators on the map. There are several vespin geysirs that can generate income for your team, if you built an Assimilator on it. You can teleport from your main base to the warpgates, too.
It will be easy to enter combat due to the Temple -> Warpgate teleport, but escaping combat should be hard and interfering fleeing heroes can be a valid strategy to eliminate them.
Points at level upThe gameplay should be designed to be easy to learn. Therefore you start with 1 spell at start. After level ups you will receive points that you can spend in several places:
- Raise your money. You will be able to buy upgrades and tech for your hero, your summons and you will be able to build Assimilators.
- Raise your Hitpoints. You will be able to maintain longer in combat and the chances that you die are smaller.
- Raise your Mana. Your Mana cap will be raised and your mana regenerates faster which allows you to use more spells.
- Unlock your other Spells. You only start with 1 of your 4 spells. Each upgrade grants you another spell. You need 3 points to use this.
TerrainThe map's terrain doesn't try to be perfectly mirrored and still should be balanced. There will be 3 outposts to capture.
Days and NightsThere is a Day/Night system which grants you full vision of the enemy during days. But during the night you can only see what you and your team's other heroes are doing. The enemy could sneak into your main base without your knowledge and destroy the temple.
Also some Heroes and abilities are invisible during night.
After each night the Temple's minions grow stronger.
AI controlled heroesYou can add computer players to the game which will fight for victory and try to be not that stupid.
There exist several heroes with different spells and some special differences between them.
Note that this data is likely to be totally outdated.

Can burrow to cloak during night. Has a Special Ability "Forceful Arrows" that gives his next 5 attacks knockback
Spell 1:
Precise Shot - Mana 12
The Archer shoots a precise arrow towards target point, penetrating the first enemy unit it hits. Penetrated units take extra damage from subsequent Precise Shots, where the extra damage stacks.
Spell 2:
Barrage - Mana 50
The Archer lobs two waves of arrows into target AoE. Each arrow individually deals damage, so larger units take more damage.
Spell 3:
Call Hunter Companion - Mana 80
The Arhcer Summons a Companion with 500 HP and deals 22+2 damage. Note: Max of 5 Hunter Companions at any one time.
Spell 4:
Raining Arrows - Mana 120
The Archer covers an area with raining arrows, dealing massive damage over time in a large area
Note that Spell 1, 2, and 4 are split weapon upgrades.

Cloaked during night, but becomes visible for a short time after receiving and dealing damage. Assassin can blink with its special ability Shadow Step every 15 seconds.
Spell 1:
Shadow Walk - Mana 25
The Assassin enters into the shadow walk, becoming invisible to all enemies for 7 seconds, and causing his next attack to deal an additional 55 damage and silence the enemy for 1 second.
While being in Shadow Walk, the Assassin moves 23.6% faster.
Note: His next attack will break Shadow Walk.
Spell 2:
Crippling Strike - Mana 50
The Assassin stuns all surrounding enemies for 5 seconds, then teleports behind the enemy with the least amount of HP percentage. Each hit deals 60 damage.
Spell 3:
Enemy Imitation - Mana 80
The Assassin disguises himself as the enemy for 30 seconds, making the enemy base not attack him.
Warning: Enemy heroes can still attack you!
Spell 4:
Decapitate - Mana 120
The Assassin goes for the kill, increasing his damage by 1800 for his next attack within 4 seconds.
Note: This ability cannot be used if you casted a spell less than 2.5 seconds ago.
Warning: This ability deselects your hero and orders him to stop, in order to make landing the hit harder.

Can jump with his jet packs. He has two charges of jet jumps, which recharges every 35 seconds.
Spell 1:
Null Grenade - Mana 25
Throws a grenade at the target area sucking enemy units into it. Enemy units hit by the grenade take 25 damage, are slowed by 50 %, and deal 50 % less damage for 5 seconds.
Spell 2:
Afterburner - Mana 50
The Assault fires up his fuel reserves, increasing his movement speed by 70 % for 7 seconds. This speed increase gets the Assault's blood pumping, also increasing his trigger happiness ( 50% attack speed).
Spell 3:
Cluster Bombs - Mana 80
The Assault throws 3 charges which place a circle of smaller charges around them. The 3 center charges explode dealing 150 damage after 3.5 seconds.
The smaller charges explode on enemy touch, dealing 22 damage.
Spell 4:
Aerial Assault - Mana 120
The Assault calls in his dropship. He can load himself into the dropship, but while he is in it he will gain no energy. If the Assault has not been in the dropship for more than 5 seconds, it will land, making it unable to move. Get back into the dropship to control it again.
The Dropship's bombs will stun for 3 seconds and deal 65 damage to all enemy units beneath it.
Dark Mage

Dark Mage
Curse of Weakness: The Dark Mage curses the target hero player, making all of this player's attacks and spells deal no damage for 5 seconds.
Spell 1:
Feedback - Mana 25
The Dark Mage blasts the target with dark energy, destroying up to 15 of their mana, and dealing 45 + the amount of destroyed mana damage.
Spell 2:
Curse of Death's Hold - Mana 50
The Dark Mage charges for 2 seconds, then unleashes a wave of dark energy, rooting all nearby enemies for 4 seconds.
Spell 3:
Pain Split - Mana 60
The Dark Mage links herself to the target unit, decreasing her damage received by 40%, and dealing that damage to the target.
Spell 4:
Curse of the Swarm - Mana 120
The Dark Mage charges for 2 seconds, then curses all nearby enemies for 25 seconds. Cursed units spawn a Darkling every 0.7 seconds.
Darklings have 70 health, 5 movement speed, and deal 6 damage with every attack.
Light Mage

Light Mage
Special Ability: Illuminate - Shows vision of an area, revealing any cloaked/burrowed units
Spell 1:
Light Barrier - Mana 25
Spawns 16 Light Balls that attack nearby enemies up to 3 times for 7 damage and provides a shield for all allied units close to the Light Mage for 4.5 seconds by raising their armor by 5.
The Light Mage is invulnerable while Light Barrier is active.
The Light Balls are able to block or trap ground units.
Spell 2:
Energy Blast - Mana 50
The Light Mage throws a ball of energy towards the target area which explodes on enemy contact or in the target area dealing AoE damage, But the ball looses energy during flight distance.
The inflicted damage varies from 128 to 250 and the splash damage area from 1.5 to 6 depending on the distance the ball traveled.
Spell 3:
Essence of Light - Mana 80
Creates a weaker version of the Light Mage that has access of weaker versions of the first 2 spells. In addition, he can teleport himself to his Essence of Light whenever he pleases.
Spell 4:
Light of Purity - Mana 120
Channels the Light Mage for 6 seconds while stunning all enemies around him and dealing 60 damage each 0.5 seconds.

Cure Condition: Medic can cast this on target allied unit, which will clear it of all negative behaviours (i.e. stuns, curses, etc.)
Spell 1:
Heal - Mana 25
Heals the targeted ally for 150 health over 15 seconds.
You can target yourself.
Spell 2:
Disable - Mana 50
Silences enemy heroes in the target area for a short amount of time. While silenced they cannot cast any spells.
The duration of the silence is dependent of the amount of heroes hit:
1 hero - 7 seconds
2 heroes - 5 seconds
3 heroes - 3.5 seconds
4 heroes - 2.7 seconds
5 heroes - 2 seconds
Spell 3:
Contagion - Mana 80
The Medic plants a deadly disease at the target area for 8 seconds, damaging all units that enter for 17.6 damage per second. After leaving the diseased area, units continue to deal 8.8 damage per second to themselves, and all units around them for 8 seconds.
This spell ignores armor.
Spell 4:
Renew - Mana 120
After charging for 3 seconds, the Medic renews all nearby allies, increasing their maximum health by 500 and increasing their health regeneration by 50 for 10 seconds.

Special Ability: Disruptor Field - Mech places a disruptor field which slows enemy units by 20%, and slows enemy missiles.
Spell 1:
Thor's Hammer - Mana 25
Fires 2 rockets to the target location dealing 42 x 2 damage in the area.
Spell 2:
Transform: Bike Mode - Mana 40
Mech transforms into Bike mode (Vulture), a fast, but fragile mech unit.
Spell 2:
Mine Barrage - Mana 50
While in Bike form, Mech begins throwing exploding mines at the closest enemy units.
Spell 3:
Transform: Assault Mode - Mana 40
Mech transforms into Assault mode (Tank), a high HP, slow mech unit.
Note: Mech Assault mode can go into siege mode. While in siege mode, it is unable to transform into other forms.
Spell 3:
Thor's Wrath - Mana 80
While in Assault form, Mech fires a missile that explodes outwards in a cone shape, dealing damage and pushing units back
Spell 4:

Can burrow to hide during night. His special ability Autophagy enhances his muscles allowing him to move 1.5 units faster, but causes him to lose 3.7 health per second.
Spell 1:
Night Vision - Mana 25
Reveals all units to the Mutant for 30 seconds.
Spell 2:
Fury Swipes - Mana 50
Mutant grows tentacles for 4 seconds that attack random enemies. Each tentacle deals 10 damage. Attacks up to 40 times.
During this spell, Mutant's movement speed is lowed down to 2.1.
Spell 3:
Spikes - Mana 30
The Mutant penetrates the area in front of him with spikes dealing 150 damage. It has 3 Charges, which recharges every 10 seconds
Split Upgrade: Upgrade Spike Damage in order to upgrade the damage of this ability.
Spell 4:
Chaos Mutation - Mana 120
The Mutant transforms itself into the Chaos Mutation, gaining health, armor, and damage. The Mutant cannot hold this form for very long, and quickly loses health while in it. When the Chaos Mutation's health reaches 0, it transforms back into its lesser self.
Special Ops

Special Ops
Has Stim-Packs, which takes away 5% of your max health
Spell 1:
Throw Remote Explosive - Mana 15
Throws a remote explosive to the target position, detonating the explosive will deal 42 damage to all enemies near it and stun them for 3 seconds.
Note: Max of 4 Explosive charges can be out at a time.
Spell 2:
Gizmo - Mana 50
The Special Ops calls in a robotic mischief maker named Gizmo to do his bidding, Gizmo can cast 4 different abilities:
1. Self-Destruct: No Energy, Gizmo sacrifices himself to deal 120 damage and stunning all nearby enemies for 4 seconds.
2. Discharge: 50 Energy, Gizmo shocks the target enemy, draining 40 mana and stunning them for 4 seconds.
3. Cloak: Channeled, Gizmo cloaks and is invisible during night.
4. Overload: 50 Energy, can only target mines, temporarily shuts down the target enemy mine for 30 seconds by overloading its mining facilities.
Spell 3:
Prototype Round - Mana 80
After carefully aiming, Special Ops fires a Prototype Round that deals 180 damage on its first target within 20 range.
Spell 4:
Prepare Tactical Nuke - Mana 120
Prepares a Tactical Nuke whose target is marked by Gizmo.
Nukes take 20 seconds to land, but they deal damage equal to 66.6 % of the maximum Hit Points of the units and buildings in range, or 500 damage - whichever is greater.
Use Gizmo to designate the target.
The Special Ops throws 3 charges that throw down a circle of smaller charges around them. The 3 center charges explode dealing initial damage. Any enemy unit that walks through the remaining bombs will take additional damage.
The smaller charges explode after 300 seconds.

Can't attack by himself, can burrow to hide during night. His special ability Tribute to Hunger eats the targeted Goblin or Abomination under your control. Goblins grants 100 Life and 25 Energy. Abominations grants 500 Life and 100 Energy.
Spell 1:
Summon Goblin - Mana 25
Creates a Goblin Egg at target position that hatches after 2 seconds into a Goblin that deals 10 damage and has 80 health.
The Goblin will deal -50 % damage, attack 50 % slower and move 1 speed unit slower, if the distance to the Summoner extends 30.
Spell 2:
Fungal Growth - Mana 50
The Summoner infests the target area with growth, slowing all units and dealing 8 damage every 0.5 seconds for 6 seconds.
Split Upgrade: To increase the damage of this spell, upgrade corrosive damage.
Spell 3:
Dark Swarm - Mana 80
Casts a Dark Swarm at the target area for 30 seconds.
Units within the Dark Swarm can only be harmed by splash, spell or melee damage and ignore ranged damage.
Spell 4:
Summon Abomination - Mana 120
The Summoner brings forth an Abomination from the depths to do his bidding that has 666 health and deals 40 damage.
The Abomination will deal -50 % damage, attack 50 % slower and move 1 speed unit slower, if the distance to the Summoner extends 30.

Attacks deal splash damage. Has a Special Ability that recharges Volt's shields, but immobilizes him for 3 seconds.
Spell 1:
Shockwave - Mana 30
Volt unleashes a shockwave, knocking back all nearby enemies, dealing 40 damage and stunning them for 1.8 seconds (0.9 seconds of the stun is air time).
Spell 2:
Magnetic Channel - Mana 40
The Volt throws an electrically charged projectile at the target point, If an enemy unit is hit, it will be dragged to Volt.
If no hero was caught, it will return 15 energy.
Spell 3:
Storm Surge - Mana 80
After charging up for 3 seconds, Volt creates electrical storms all around him for 9 seconds, causing 33 damage every 0.5 seconds, and stunning any unit that walks into the area for 1.5 seconds.
Split Upgrade: Increase the damage of this spell by upgrading storm damage.
Spell 4:
Power Overwhelming - Mana 120
The Volt gathers energy and transforms into a superior state for 25 seconds.
During that state he has 5000 Shields and deals 100% more damage with all attacks and spells.
If his hitpoints reach 0 during this state or after the time is up, he transforms back to normal state with his old stats.

Can have 100 Shield points. With his special ability Unyielding Rage, the Warrior attacks 33% faster while receiving 33% more damage for 5 seconds.
Spell 1:
Defensive Stance - Mana 25
The Warrior enters a defensive stance for 15 seconds and takes 10 less damage from all attacks.
Upgrading shield armor increases the damage reduction.
Spell 2:
Heroic Charge - Mana 50
The Warrior charges towards the target point, then smashes the ground, dealing 35 to all nearby enemies, and trapping them in an arena of stone for 6 seconds. The Warrior also goes into a frenzy after the charge, increasing his attack speed by 50% until the arena disappears.
Spell 3:
Dancing Blades - Mana 80
The Warrior dashes around to all enemy units in the area, instantly killing all non-heroric units, while also stunning enemy heroes for 5 seconds and dealing 55 damage to them.
Spell 4:
Immortal Shield - Mana 120
The Warrior enters an immortal state for 45 seconds taking 100 less damage from all attacks.
Upgrading shield armor increases the damage reduction.
NOTE that everything is a work in progress and might be refactored in future. This post might contain outdated data, too.