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Map Nights' Official Thread
Sep 20 2010, 5:50 am
By: payne
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Jan 27 2011, 4:27 am Jack Post #221

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Finally, and this is the THIRD time i've asked
How the fuck does the teamspeak work?
Download teamspeak from (Client, not server)

Install, and run it. Hit Connect. For the bit where it says server, type (I assume that's what you're using)
Go to the mapnight channel on that server (double click the mapnight channel thing). Talk, or if you have no mic just type.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Jan 27 2011, 4:31 am UnholyUrine Post #222

Thanks... I actually figured it out myself, so I'm a lil embarrassed that I asked..
I always thought teamspeak was a website thing, it didn't dawn on me that it's a downloadable program

You should've asked me.. I definately could've did a report..
Unfortunately, I've forgotten most of it now of course... so too bad.
Again, tho, people tend to depend on you.. aka "payne"..


Jan 27 2011, 5:00 am payne Post #223


Quote from UnholyUrine
Thanks... I actually figured it out myself, so I'm a lil embarrassed that I asked..
I always thought teamspeak was a website thing, it didn't dawn on me that it's a downloadable program

You should've asked me.. I definately could've did a report..
Unfortunately, I've forgotten most of it now of course... so too bad.
Again, tho, people tend to depend on you.. aka "payne"..
I might not be able to make it for the incoming Map Night as well (ice climbing with my daddy, though it's not 100% sure). I'll talk to Chirus first since I at least know that I can trust him in regards to using my account (not that I don't trust you :P).
If ever he fails to be available, you'll be my back-up. ^^


Jan 27 2011, 5:43 am Neki Post #224

Quote from payne
Quote from UnholyUrine
Thanks... I actually figured it out myself, so I'm a lil embarrassed that I asked..
I always thought teamspeak was a website thing, it didn't dawn on me that it's a downloadable program

You should've asked me.. I definately could've did a report..
Unfortunately, I've forgotten most of it now of course... so too bad.
Again, tho, people tend to depend on you.. aka "payne"..
I might not be able to make it for the incoming Map Night as well (ice climbing with my daddy, though it's not 100% sure). I'll talk to Chirus first since I at least know that I can trust him in regards to using my account (not that I don't trust you :P).
If ever he fails to be available, you'll be my back-up. ^^

Some representative of the map night committee you are, never showing up to map nights! How dare you, I expect you to have no life and devote all of your time to making sure this runs 100% efficiently.


Jan 27 2011, 7:10 am UnholyUrine Post #225

Well honestly tho, no one knows when they'll be free
Shit happens...

but you gotta hold responsibility.. tsk tsk


Jan 29 2011, 10:34 pm PIESOFTHENORTH Post #226

Woooooo map night!


Jan 30 2011, 1:07 am payne Post #227


I gave my account's password to UU before leaving, but it looks like he just came back.
Unless Chirus has taken over the job, I'm not sure as of what is happening.

Sorry for not letting y'all know it before. :(

Anyways, I have a family dinner soon, so I can't do much.


Jan 30 2011, 7:00 am UnholyUrine Post #228

When I got home, I decided to check on
Then I read this message:
Quote from Payne
I'm totally busy jerking off instead of hosting mapnight
I don't have much time

Here's my account:
password: UnholyUrine<34Life

Don't forget about the report, slave.

I trust you.I have no choice.

so it Looks like I'll have to save the utterly unreliable idiot's ass again!
Started at 5PM PST, ended at a late night 10PM PST!! (ppl over at EST probly didn't sleep)
Not as many people as previous mapnights, but still lots of fun.

People that participated:

  • Lial
  • aalleecc
  • iiequalseipi
  • EvilEntropy
  • Apricot
  • Chirus
  • Aardvarke
  • Zero
  • Fishy
  • The Fizz
  • Resolve
  • VWSChe
  • Dazed

Maps we've played:

  • Uberena
  • Lightcycles
  • The Star Strikers
  • Hero Attack
  • Random Micro Arena!
  • Elimination Championship
  • Prisoner Rebellion
  • Bunker Wars: Choices
  • Left 4 Death

Randomness Useless Points:

  • Once again, Apricot shows off in LightCycles. Damn bastard.
  • Star Strikers is still a clusterfuck.... But there definately have been improvements.
  • Twinkles and Tikels were both ignoring me... They hate you, payne.
  • Uberena sux. </3. I suck at Uberena. I made you look bad in front of your fans, Payne :D
  • I loved how people followed me as payne. I also said that you were gay and wanted to have a threesome with EE and UU (screeny below).
  • Random Micro Arena! is STILL filled with hundreds of bugs. Also balance issues :D
  • Chirus pwns in Smashcraft. Never play against him... especially if he uses Rush.
  • Left 4 Death was the highlight for me. I got to be swarm, and then had to leave for dinner b4 becoming a Survivor :D.
  • Waited to spawn as the Behemoth.. pwned the opposing team, and left (screeny below)
  • Playing Hero Attack for the 2nd time as the Reaver Hero. Almost as lulsy as the Baneling hero, which the Reaver hero can tank the Baneling's sacrifice ability.
  • Full House Prisoner Rebellion game. Cops lost badly. Lial postponed the inevitable by camping the healing station as a cop (screeny). *sigh*

Screenies! (Thank UnholyUrine for all his hard work and effort.... slave)

Left 4 Death


Star Striker

Game's only good if players tend to spread out. Still feel that there's not enough focus on the passing mechanics. But honestly, it is better. I almost ragequitted the first time :P


WAFfles, anyone



Prisoner Rebillion

Prisoner Pwnage... Cops didn't stand a chance

Payne's Real Affections

aww, I didn't know you cared, payne. <3

Ending note:

  • Still don't know what you guys see in Payne. So UTTERLY IMPOTENT.. and As the screenies show, he's MADLY HOMOSEXUAL. Avoid at all costs.
  • Next time, I don't think I'll be able to do this again. School's beginning to be very busy. Don't use me as a crutch ><"
    You owe me one, payne. :sly:
    P.S. - Fix the OP.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jan 30 2011, 7:25 am by UnholyUrine.


Jan 30 2011, 8:01 am payne Post #229


Updated the OP.
Thank you very much UU. <3


Jan 31 2011, 4:10 am PIESOFTHENORTH Post #230

Also, I would like to add. I was there, so was TheZizz, and we also played Build Your Own Maze.

But I guess that was pretty early on, I assume before you got there.


Feb 3 2011, 8:25 am payne Post #231


It looks like I'll go ice climb this Saturday as well. However, since my father and I plan on leaving sooner, we also plan on coming back sooner so I might be there in time.
If ever I am not, UU or Chirus, feel free to use my account. :)

I guess I will not change my password back. I personally don't really care if you guys use my account as long as you tell others that it's not me. :P
Also, I'm pretty sure one of you kept using my account because my Private Channels aren't automatically opened as I enter, which means they were closed in another session. ;)


Feb 3 2011, 9:29 pm NudeRaider Post #232

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Oh yeah sorry, they were taking too much screen space.

Feb 6 2011, 5:36 am payne Post #233


I checked in at midnight, and obviously UU had used my account, yet people told me Map Night didn't happen. :massimo:
Anyways, I played one Star Strikers with 3 guys and 6 computers... laggy as hell! XD
Now, g2g to bed. :(


Feb 6 2011, 9:34 pm UnholyUrine Post #234

Yeah it didn't happen b/c nobody was on...
even with YOUR epic friend list...
but technically, since I'd never msg them... they wouldn't have known.


Feb 7 2011, 12:48 am payne Post #235


Quote from UnholyUrine
Yeah it didn't happen b/c nobody was on...
even with YOUR epic friend list...
but technically, since I'd never msg them... they wouldn't have known.
At midnight, there was like 21 people! D:


Feb 12 2011, 10:38 pm payne Post #236


Map Night starting in approx. 20 mins.


Feb 13 2011, 3:15 am payne Post #237


Started at 5h40 PM. Ended at 10h10 PM.

People that participated:

  • payne
  • OneTwo
  • Aardvarke
  • iiequalseipi
  • EvilEntropy
  • SonOfAZerg
  • Aalleecc
  • Decency
  • Unknown
  • Teelo
  • Jyushee [SC1 too]
  • EvilEntropy [SC1 too]

Maps we've played:

  • SC1 Greatest Hits
  • Battle at Char
  • Dominion Strikes Back
  • The Star Strikers
  • Raynor Party (US)
  • The Puzzling 2 [SC1]
  • Mini-Game Party [SC1]


  • lol, this actually ended over SC1.
  • I simply owned everyone at Mini-Game Party.
  • EvilEntropy seriously sucks at everything on sc1. :awesome:

Screenies! (See the post above by UnholyUrine to see more!)

Ending note:

A lot of nostalgy while playing sc1.
Sc1 definately is better than sc2. :><:


Feb 13 2011, 3:35 am aalleecc248 Post #238

Quote from payne
  • Aalleecc
No payne...just NO! I didn't participate at all...


Feb 13 2011, 5:56 am payne Post #239


Quote from name:<b>MySQL Error '2006':</b> MySQL server has gone away<br /><b>Query failed:</b> <span style='color:lightgreen'>SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE s_ip='' AND s_id='cfc9ef9bc8edcd8d85cc8bf7224ba4c5' LIMIT 1</span><br /><b>Waited:</b> 0.0240802764893 ms
You were there during card game no?

EDIT: I apologize for screenshots' size. Somehow, ImageShack decided to put a resize option which is by default set to something small... I dun has patience to reupload all image. Live with it. :awesome:

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 13 2011, 6:04 am by payne.


Feb 13 2011, 6:20 am UnholyUrine Post #240



And no SC1 screenie = fail

Replaying SC1 just makes SC2 look worse in many areas
tho I do wish one can order >12 units
and that the WARNING UNPLACABLE sound wasn't annoying


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[02:34 pm]
Ultraviolet -- :wob:
[2025-2-10. : 7:43 am]
NudeRaider -- true
[2025-2-10. : 12:21 am]
Ultraviolet -- or too much going on in too little space rather
[2025-2-10. : 12:20 am]
Ultraviolet -- they're also just too small to really be obvious what they are without looking really closely
[2025-2-09. : 8:40 pm]
NudeRaider -- I'm not an artist, but I made a better version
[2025-2-09. : 4:28 pm]
Ultraviolet -- yeah I don't disagree
[2025-2-09. : 1:19 pm]
NudeRaider -- Ultraviolet
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Moose even brought Roybot back!
[2025-2-09. : 9:18 am]
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[2025-2-09. : 3:46 am]
Ultraviolet -- I knew big changes were coming this year :doubt:
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